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A DNA/protein sequence comparison is a popular computational tool for molecular biologists. Finding a good alignment implies an evolutionary and/or functional relationship between proteins or genomic loci. Sequential similarity between two proteins indicates their structural resemblance, providing a practical approach for structural modeling, when structure of one of these proteins is known. The first step in the homology modeling is a construction of an accurate sequence alignment. The commonly used alignment algorithms do not provide an adequate treatment of the structurally mismatched residues in locally dissimilar regions. We propose a simple modification of the existing alignment algorithm which treats these regions properly and demonstrate how this modification improves sequence alignments in real proteins.  相似文献   
A method to fractionate corn (Zea mays L. B73) mitochondria into soluble proteins, high molecular weight soluble proteins, and membrane proteins was developed. These fractions were analyzed by both sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and assays of mitochondrial enzyme activities. The Krebs cycle enzymes were enriched in the soluble fraction. Malate dehydrogenase has been purified from the soluble fraction by a two-step fast protein liquid chromatography method. Six different malate dehydrogenase peaks were obtained from the Mono Q column. These peaks were individually purified using a Phenyl Superose column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified peaks showed that three of the isoenzymes consisted of different homodimers (I, III, VI) and three were different heterodimers (II, IV, V). Apparent molecular masses of the three different monomer subunits were 37, 38, and 39 kilodaltons. Nondenaturing gel analysis of the malate dehydrogenase peaks showed that each Mono Q peak contained a band of malate dehydrogenase activity with different mobility. These observations are consistent with three nuclear genes encoding corn mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. Polyclonal antibodies raised against purified malate dehydrogenase were used to identify the gene products using Western blots of two-dimensional gels.  相似文献   
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) gene expression is tightly controlled and generally limited to antigenic stimulation of T cells. To study the cell-specific expression of the IL-2 gene, we transfected the intact human IL-2 gene, including 2.0 kb of 5' and 0.3 kb of 3' flanking sequences, into mouse NIH-3T3 fibroblasts and BFS lymphoma T cells and into human epithelial HeLa cells. Stable transformants (NIH-3T3,HeLa and BFS cells) carried an intact transfected IL-2 gene and constitutively expressed cytoplasmic human IL-2 mRNA which was not detected in vector-transfected cells. Constitutive expression of IL-2 mRNA in human IL-2 gene-transfected NIH-3T3 and HeLa cells was associated to the secretion of bioactive IL-2 protein, while no IL-2 production was observed in untransfected or vector-transfected cells. Cytoplasmic IL-2 mRNA observed in transfectants was larger (1.4 kb) than endogenous IL-2 mRNA of human T cells, although smaller than RNA containing unspliced intact introns. No alternative promoters or polyadenylation signals were used by these cells, but some intronic sequences were present in the 1.4 kb mRNA. Phorbol ester and calcium ionophore did not modulate the expression of the transfected IL-2 gene in NIH-3T3 and HeLa cells, while these agents increased its expression in transfected BFS lymphoma T cells. We conclude that when transfected into lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells the intact human IL-2 gene is constitutively expressed, while its phorbol ester/calcium-mediated inducible expression is restricted to T cells. This suggests that the constitutive and inducible expression of the IL-2 gene can be dissociated and are presumably subjected to separate regulatory pathways.  相似文献   
Tempo and mode of concerted evolution in the L1 repeat family of mice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A 300-bp DNA sequence has been determined for 30 (10 from each of three species of mice) random isolates of a subset of the long interspersed repeat family L1. From these data we conclude that members of the L1 family are evolving in concert at the DNA sequence level in Mus domesticus, Mus caroli, and Mus platythrix. The mechanism responsible for this phenomenon may be either duplicative transposition, gene conversion, or a combination of the two. The amount of intraspecies divergence averages 4.4%, although between species base substitutions accumulate at the rate of approximately 0.85%/Myr to a maximum divergence of 9.1% between M. platythrix and both M. domesticus and M. caroli. Parsimony analysis reveals that the M. platythrix L1 family has evolved into a distinct clade in the 10-12 Myr since M. platythrix last shared a common ancestor with M. domesticus and M. caroli. The parsimony tree also provides a means to derive the average half-life of L1 sequences in the genome. The rates of gain and loss of individual copies of L1 were estimated to be approximately equal, such that approximately one-half of them turn over every 3.3 Myr.   相似文献   
The genus Dasylirion is a group of plants typically present in the Chihuahuan Desert, perennial, with a dioecious sexual behavior and commonly called sotoles. This genus has been little studied from the biological point of view, and the bases of its reproductive response remain unknown. In this work we studied the chromosome number and meiotic response of Dasylirion cedrosanum in the county of Saltillo, Coahuila, located at the North East of Mexico. For the preparation of mitotic chromosomes, we used a technique based on enzymatic treatment with pectolyase and cellulase, as well as staining with acetocarmin dye. For the study of meiosis, male flower buds were collected, fixed and stained for analysis with the same dye. As a result, the gametic (n = x = 19) and somatic chromosome (2n = 38) numbers of D. cedrosanum are reported for the first time, being consistent with previous findings in other Dasylirion species, which points to a constant ploidy level across the genus. Variation was observed in the morphology and size of the somatic chromosomes, with types ranging from submetacentric to subtelocentric, and sizes oscillating in a range of 4.43 µm, with an average total length of 112.38 µm for the diploid chromosome complement. This shows that the chromosome complement of D. cedrosanom would belong to a 3B classification of Stebins, with a medium variation between chromosome lengths and low chromosome asymmetry. This variation indicates the feasibility of constructing a chromosome ideotype for this species. The meiotic chromosome pairing showed a chromosome behavior consistent with a disomic inheritance characteristic of a diploid species, with prevalence of ring and chain bivalents, typically without pairing abnormalities. Bivalent configurations in all cases were symmetrical.The normal and symmetrical meiotic pairing indicates a balanced production of gametes, and suggests the absence of heteromorphic sex determination.  相似文献   
We have generated nine monoclonal antibodies against subunits of the maize (Zea mays L.) mitochondrial F1-ATPase. These monoclonal antibodies were generated by immunizing mice against maize mitochondrial fractions and randomly collecting useful hybridomas. To prove that these monoclonal antibodies were directed against ATPase subunits, we tested their cross-reactivity with purified F1-ATPase from pea cotyledon mitochondria. One of the antibodies ([alpha]-ATPaseD) cross-reacted with the pea F1-ATPase [alpha]-subunit and two ([beta]-ATPaseD and [beta]-ATPaseE) cross-reacted with the pea F1-ATPase [beta]-subunit. This established that, of the nine antibodies, four react with the maize [alpha]-ATPase subunit and the other five react with the maize [beta]-ATPase subunit. Most of the monoclonal antibodies cross-react with the F1-ATPase from a wide range of plant species. Each of the four monoclonal antibodies raised against the [alpha]-subunit recognizes a different epitope. Of the five [beta]-subunit antibodies, at least three different epitopes are recognized. Direct incubation of the monoclonal antibodies with the F1-ATPase failed to inhibit the ATPase activity. The monoclonal antibodies [alpha]-ATPaseD and [beta]-ATPaseD were bound to epoxide-glass QuantAffinity beads and incubated with a purified preparation of pea F1-ATPase. The ATPase activity was not inhibited when the antibodies bound the ATPase. The antibodies were used to help map the pea F1-ATPase subunits on a two-dimensional map of whole pea cotyledon mitochondrial protein. In addition, the antibodies have revealed antigenic similarities between various isoforms observed for the [alpha]- and [beta]-subunits of the purified F1-ATPase. The specificity of these monoclonal antibodies, along with their cross-species recognition and their ability to bind the F1-ATPase without inhibiting enzymic function, makes these antibodies useful and invaluable tools for the further purification and characterization of plant mitochondrial F1-ATPases.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of thymoquinone (TQ) on the expression of liver microRNAs (miRNAs), liver histopathology and oxidative stress in Ehrlich acid solid tumor model induced mice. We used 24 male BALB/c mice divided randomly into three groups. Control (C) group mice were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 0.5 ml saline for four weeks. Tumor (T) group mice were injected i.p. with 0.5 ml saline for four weeks, then Ehrlich acid tumor cells were injected subcutaneously into the neck to induce solid tumor formation. TQ (T + Tq) group mice injected i.p. with 10 mg/kg TQ for four weeks, then Ehrlich acid tumor cells were injected subcutaneously into the neck of the mice in this group to induce solid tumor formation. At the end of the study, liver from all groups were removed for histopathological and miRNAs analysis, and oxidative stress measurement. We found that the expression of miR-206b-3p was up-regulated and the oxidative stress and necrosis increased in the liver tissue of mice with Ehrlich acid solid tumor. TQ application decreased the oxidative stress, prevented necrosis, increased regeneration and down-regulated the expression of miR-206b-3p in the liver tissue.  相似文献   
Plant mitochondria have the unique ability to directly oxidize exogenous NAD(P)H. We recently separated two NAD(P)H dehydrogenase activities from maize (Zea mays L.) mitochondria using anion-exchange (Mono Q) chromatography. The first peak of activity oxidized only NADH, whereas the second oxidized both NADH and NADPH. In this paper we describe the purification of the first peak of activity to a 32-kD protein. Polyclonal antibodies to the 32-kD protein were used to show that it was present in mitochondria from several plant species. Two-dimensional gel analysis of the 32-kD NADH dehydrogenase indicated that it consisted of two major and one minor isoelectric forms. Immunoblot analysis of submitochondrial fractions indicated that the 32-kD protein was enriched in the soluble protein fraction after mitochondrial disruption and fractionation; however, some association with the membrane fraction was observed. The membrane-impermeable protein cross-linking agent 3,3[prime] -dithiobis-(sulfosuccinimidylpropionate) was used to further investigate the submitochondrial location of the 32-kD NADH dehydrogenase. The 32-kD protein was localized to the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane or to the intermembrane space. The pH optimum for the enzyme was 7.0. The activity was found to be severely inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, mersalyl, and dicumarol, and stimulated somewhat by flavin mononucleotide.  相似文献   
Modifications occurring on autoantigens during cell death have been proposed to have a role in the initiation of autoimmune diseases. Patients suffering from mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) produce autoantibodies directed to U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP), and antibodies against a 70 kDa protein component, the U1-70K (70K) protein, are the most prominent. During apoptosis, 70K is cleaved by caspase-3 to a 40 kDa product, which remains associated with the complex. Autoantibodies preferentially recognizing the apoptotic form of 70K have been described previously, and an apoptosis-specific epitope on 70K has been identified. This study shows that 29 of 53 (54%) MCTD sera preferentially recognize the apoptotic form of 70K over intact 70K. Moreover, we show that antibodies directed to an apoptosis-specific epitope on 70K are more specifically associated with MCTD than other anti-70K antibodies, suggesting that apoptotic 70K is a better antigen for the detection of these antibodies in MCTD patients. Longitudinal analysis of 12 MCTD patients showed in several patients that early sera are relatively enriched with antibodies recognizing an apoptosis-specific epitope, and that the levels of these apoptosis-specific antibodies decrease in time. These findings indicate that the early detection of apoptotic 70K is of considerable interest for anti-U1 snRNP-positive patients.  相似文献   
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