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Intracisternal type A particles were isolated from MOPC-104E myeloma grown subcutaneously and from N 4 neuroblastoma cells in culture. Polyadenylated RNA was prepared from the particles and tested in a cell-free translation system derived from rabbit reticulocytes. RNA from the two sources directed the synthesis of multiple polypeptides with similar distributions of electrophoretic mobilities in sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing polyacrylamide gels, including one conponent of the same size as the major A-particle structural protein (73,000 daltons). Analysis of the RNAs by electrophoresis in methyl mercury-containing agarose gels revealed a 35S component common to A-particles from both cell types. This was a major component of the N4 preparations, whereas a 28S species predominated in the case of MOPC-104E. These two RNAs (35S from N4 cells and 28S from MOPC-104E), when isolated on isokinetic sucrose gradients, each directed the synthesis of a 73,000-molecular-weight polypeptide that comigrated on gels with authentic A-particle structural protein. Idnetity of the cell-free product was confirmed by two-dimensional analysis of the [35S]methionine-labeled tryptic peptides. The N4 RNA preparations also contained a major32S component which did not code effectively for the A-particle structural protein.  相似文献   
The nucleic acid sequence relationship between mouse intracisternal type A-particles and type C and B viruses was examined by reciprocal complementary DNA-RNA hybridization; complementary DNAs prepared from the RNAs of intracisternal A-particles were hybridized with high-molecular-weight RNAs from a variety of murine tumor viruses, and complementary DNAs representing a variety of RNA tumor virus genomes were hybridized with the high-molecular-weight RNAs from A-particles. The criterion for homology between two types of virus was that the heterologous hybridization reaction occurs over the same RNA concentration range as the homologous reacton. The results of these hybridizations indicate that there are no major sequence homologies between the RNA of intracisternal A-particles and the RNA of representative members of type B and C viruses of Mus musculus.  相似文献   
Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a widely used method for profiling microbial community structure in different habitats by targeting small-subunit (SSU) rRNA and also functional marker genes. It is not known, however, whether relative gene frequencies of individual community members are adequately represented in post-PCR amplicon frequencies as shown by T-RFLP. In this study, precisely defined artificial template mixtures containing genomic DNA of four different methanogens in various ratios were prepared for subsequent T-RFLP analysis. PCR amplicons were generated from defined mixtures targeting not only the SSU rRNA but also the methyl-coenzyme M reductase (mcrA/mrtA) genes of methanogens. Relative amplicon frequencies of microorganisms were quantified by comparing fluorescence intensities of characteristic terminal restriction fragments. SSU ribosomal DNA (rDNA) template ratios in defined template mixtures of the four-membered community were recovered absolutely by PCR-T-RFLP analysis, which demonstrates that the T-RFLP analysis evaluated can give a quantitative view of the template pool. SSU rDNA-targeted T-RFLP analysis of a natural community was found to be highly reproducible, independent of PCR annealing temperature, and unaffected by increasing PCR cycle numbers. Ratios of mcrA-targeted T-RFLP analysis were biased, most likely by PCR selection due to the degeneracy of the primers used. Consequently, for microbial community analyses, each primer system used should be evaluated carefully for possible PCR bias. In fact, such bias can be detected by using T-RFLP analysis as a tool for the precise quantification of the PCR product pool.  相似文献   
Archaeal Community Structure and Pathway of Methane Formation on Rice Roots   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The community structure of methanogenic Archaea on anoxically incubated rice roots was investigated by amplification, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and methyl-coenzyme M reductase (mcrA) genes. Both genes demonstrated the presence of Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanobacteriaceae, Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae, and Rice cluster I, an uncultured methanogenic lineage. The pathway of CH4 formation was determined from the 13C-isotopic signatures of the produced CH4, CO2 and acetate. Conditions and duration of incubation clearly affected the methanogenic community structure and the pathway of CH4 formation. Methane was initially produced from reduction of CO2 exclusively, resulting in accumulation of millimolar concentrations of acetate. Simultaneously, the relative abundance of the acetoclastic methanogens (Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae), as determined by T-RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA genes, was low during the initial phase of CH4 production. Later on, however, acetate was converted to CH4 so that about 40% of the produced CH4 originated from acetate. Most striking was the observed relative increase of a population of Methanosarcina spp. (but not of Methanosaeta spp.) briefly before acetate concentrations started to decrease. Both acetoclastic methanogenesis and Methanosarcina populations were suppressed by high phosphate concentrations, as observed under application of different buffer systems. Our results demonstrate the parallel change of microbial community structure and function in a complex environment, i.e., the increase of acetoclastic Methanosarcina spp. when high acetate concentrations become available.  相似文献   
Sequences related to mouse intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes have been isolated from rat and Syrian hamster gene libraries as recombinants in lambda phage. The sequences are moderately reiterated in both these genomes but their sequence organization in the hamster genome is different from that in the rat genome. Restriction analysis and electron microscopy indicate that the Syrian hamster IAP sequences represent a family of relatively homogeneous well-conserved units; in this, they resemble the mouse IAP genes. The rat sequences, in contrast, are heterogeneous. Both the hamster and rat IAP sequences contain regions homologous to mouse IAP genes interspersed with regions of apparent non-homology. The interspersed regions range in size from 0.5-1.0 kilobases (Kb). The regions of homology among the mouse, rat and Syrian hamster IAP sequences have been mapped to a 5-6 Kb internal region on the mouse IAP genes. Mouse IAP long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences were not detected in the rat and Syrian hamster genomes. We used the thermal stability of hybrids between cloned and genomic IAP sequences to measure family homogeneity. Mouse and Syrian hamster IAP sequences are homogeneous by this criterion, but the rat IAP sequences are heterogeneous with a Tm 6 degrees C below the self-hybrid. The contrasting organization of IAP-related elements in the genomes of these rodents indicates that amplification or homogenization of this sequence family has occurred independently and at different periods of time during their evolution.  相似文献   
The propensity to associate or aggregate is one of the characteristic properties of many nonnative proteins. The aggregation of proteins is responsible for a number of human diseases and is a significant problem in biotechnology. Despite this, little is currently known about the effect of self-association on the structural properties and conformational stability of partially folded protein molecules. G-actin is shown to form equilibrium unfolding intermediate in the vicinity of 1.5 M guanidinium chloride (GdmCl). Refolding from the GdmCl unfolded state is terminated at the stage of formation of the same intermediate state. An analogous form, known as inactivated actin, can be obtained by heat treatment, or at moderate urea concentration, or by the release of Ca(2+). In all cases actin forms specific associates comprising partially folded protein molecules. The structural properties and conformational stability of inactivated actin were studied over a wide range of protein concentrations, and it was established that the process of self-association is rather specific. We have also shown that inactivated actin, being denatured, is characterized by a relatively rigid microenvironment of aromatic residues and exhibits a considerable limitation in the internal mobility of tryptophans. This means that specific self-association can play an important structure-forming role for the partially folded protein molecules.  相似文献   
In abandoned coal mines, methanogenic archaea are responsible for the production of substantial amounts of methane. The present study aimed to directly unravel the active methanogens mediating methane release as well as active bacteria potentially involved in the trophic network. Therefore, the stable-isotope-labeled precursors of methane, [(13)C]acetate and H(2)-(13)CO(2), were fed to liquid cultures from hard coal and mine timber from a coal mine in Germany. Guided by methane production rates, samples for DNA stable-isotope probing (SIP) with subsequent quantitative PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoretic (DGGE) analyses were taken over 6 months. Surprisingly, the formation of [(13)C]methane was linked to acetoclastic methanogenesis in both the [(13)C]acetate- and the H(2)-(13)CO(2)-amended cultures of coal and timber. H(2)-(13)CO(2) was used mainly by acetogens related to Pelobacter acetylenicus and Clostridium species. Active methanogens, closely affiliated with Methanosarcina barkeri, utilized the readily available acetate rather than the thermodynamically more favorable hydrogen. Thus, the methanogenic microbial community appears to be highly adapted to the low-H(2) conditions found in coal mines.  相似文献   
On the basis of association with endoplasmic reticulum membranes, poyribosomes isolated from mouse myeloma MOPC-104E were separated into two classes, membrane bound and free. The membrane-bound and free polyribosomes were then compared for their capacity to incorporate [35S]methionine into A-particle proteins in vitro. As revealed by a radioimmunological assay method, labeling of A-particle protein occurred with the membrane-bound polyribosomes but not with the free polyribosomes. Peptide mapping of the immunoprecipitated, in vitro [35S]methionine-labeled product confirmed that A-particle protein had been synthesized in vitro.  相似文献   
Elephants express two luteinizing hormone (LH) peaks timed 3 wk apart during the follicular phase. This is in marked contrast with the classic mammalian estrous cycle model with its single, ovulation-inducing LH peak. It is not clear why ovulation and a rise in progesterone only occur after the second LH peak in elephants. However, by combining ovarian ultrasound and hormone measurements in five Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), we have found a novel strategy for dominant follicle selection and luteal tissue accumulation. Two distinct waves of follicles develop during the follicular phase, each of which is terminated by an LH peak. At the first (anovulatory) LH surge, the largest follicles measure between 10 and 19.0 mm. At 7 ± 2.4 days before the second (ovulatory) LH surge, luteinization of these large follicles occurs. Simultaneously with luteinized follicle (LUF) formation, immunoreactive (ir) inhibin concentrations rise and stay elevated for 41.8 ± 5.8 days after ovulation and the subsequent rise in progesterone. We have found a significant relationship between LUF diameter and serum ir-inhibin level (r(2) = 0.82, P < 0.001). The results indicate that circulating ir-inhibin concentrations are derived from the luteinized granulosa cells of LUFs. Therefore, it appears that the development of LUFs is a precondition for inhibin secretion, which in turn impacts the selection of the ovulatory follicle. Only now, a single dominant follicle may deviate from the second follicular wave and ovulate after the second LH peak. Thus, elephants have evolved a different strategy for corpus luteum formation and selection of the ovulatory follicle as compared with other mammals.  相似文献   
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