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Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) is a vector for serious diseases in tropical regions. This pest is mainly controlled by commercial larvicides but the application of such products has led to environmental problems. Essential oils (EO) have been consistently reported as molecules with insecticidal activity and can be used to produce more environmentally friendly larvicides in the control of A. aegypti. In this study, the larvicidal effect of essential oils (EO) from the leaves of three Artemisia species was evaluated against Aaegypti. The oils were obtained from steam distillation and their chemical composition was determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The EO of Artemisia camphorata was the most active in the screening bioassay and presented LC50 and LC95 of 64.95 and 74.18 μg ml−1, respectively. In addition, we found that germacrene D-4-ol was the constituent responsible for the toxicity of this EO. Artemisia camphorata EO and its major constituent, germacrene D-4-ol, are promising for the development of natural larvicides against A. aegypti.  相似文献   
Riparian forests play an important role in stream ecosystems, as they support biodiversity, reduce water erosion, and provide litter that fuels aquatic biota. However, they are affected by great array of anthropogenic threats (e.g., fire, logging, and organic pollution), which alter species composition and their physical structure. Although forest recovery after disturbance such as logging can take decades, the legacy of forest clear-cut logging on key processes in tropical riparian ecosystems is mostly unknown. Here, we investigated how litter inputs (leaves, twigs, and reproductive parts) and storage, key processes for carbon and nutrient recycling and for forest and stream biota, are influenced by riparian vegetation undergoing succession (after 28 years from logging) through the comparison of reference and logged forest sites in the Cerrado biome. Litterfall was overall similar between forest types, but litterfall of twigs was twofold higher at logged than reference sites. Similarly, litter inputs from the bank to the stream (i.e., lateral inputs) and streambed storage were 50–60% higher at logged than reference sites. The higher litterfall observed in logged forests could be related to higher proportion of tree species that are characteristic of primary and secondary successional stages, including fast-growing and liana species, which often are more productive and common in anthropogenic areas. Our results showed that the legacy impact of clear-cut logging, even if residual woody vegetation is maintained in riparian buffers, can shift the type, quantity, and seasonality of litter subsidies to tropical streams. This knowledge should be considered within the context of management and conservation of communities and ecosystem processes in the forest-stream interfaces.  相似文献   
This article describes the phytochemical study of Cannabis sativa roots from northeastern Brazil. The dried plant material was pulverized and subjected to exhaustive maceration with ethanol at room temperature, obtaining the crude ethanolic extract (Cs-EEBR). The volatile compounds were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS), which allowed to identify 22 compounds by comparing the linear retention index (LRI), the similarity index (SI) and the fragmentation pattern of the constituents with the literature. By this technique the major compounds identified were: friedelan-3-one and β-sitosterol. In addition, two fractions were obtained from Cs-EEBR by classical column chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatography. These fractions were analyzed by NMR and IR and together with the mass spectrometry data allowed to identify the compounds: epifriedelanol, friedelan-3-one, β-sitosterol and stigmasterol. The study contributed to the phytochemical knowledge of Cannabis sativa, specifically the roots, as there are few reports on the chemical constituents of this part of the plant.  相似文献   
Casearia species are found in the America, Africa, Asia, and Australia and present pharmacological activities, besides their traditional uses. Here, we reviewed the chemical composition, content, pharmacological activities, and toxicity of the essential oils (EOs) from Casearia species. The EO physical parameters and leaf botanical characteristics were also described. The bioactivities of the EOs from the leaves and their components include cytotoxicity, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antifungal, and antiviral activities. The main components associated with these activities are the α-zingiberene, (E)-caryophyllene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol, α-humulene, β-acoradiene, and δ-cadinene. Data on the toxicity of these EOs are scarce in the literature. Casearia sylvestris Sw. is the most studied species, presenting more significant pharmacological potential. The chemical variability of EOs components was also investigated for this species. Caseria EOs have relevant pharmacological potential and must be further investigated and exploited.  相似文献   
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - Beneficial effects of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains have been widely reported. Knowing that the effects of probiotic bacteria are strain-dependent,...  相似文献   
Glyptal, a polyester obtained from phthalic anhydride and glycerol, was used as a support for protein immobilisation. Hydrazide groups were introduced in the polymer and then converted to azide groups, through which protein was covalently immobilised. Amyloglucosidase was used as a model and an insoluble water derivative was synthesised retaining 24 % of the specific activity of the native enzyme. Some properties of this immobilised enzyme were studied: Km (4.54 g.l–1 using starch as substrate), optimal temperature (55°C) and half life (8 days). Furthermore, ferromagnetic-azide-glyptal derivative showed to be useful for the amyloglucosidase immobilisation.  相似文献   
Two distinct biological phenotypes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been described: the non-syncytium-inducing (NSI) phenotype, best characterized by the inability to infect MT-2 cells, and the syncytium-inducing (SI) phenotype, with the ability to infect MT-2 cells. The earliest virus population observed following HIV transmission is generally of the NSI phenotype, even after exposure to inocula of mixed NSI/SI phenotype. In this study, the issue of intrapatient selection of virus phenotype following transmission was addressed by studying two cases of accidental transmission. A comparison of the sequences of the V1-V2 and the V3 coding regions of the envelope gene and the p17 region of the gag gene showed that the donor-recipient pairs were tightly clustered in all gene segments, but away from local and published transmission controls. The intrasample variation of the p17 sequence was greater in the recipients and smaller in the donors than that of the V3 region sequence, indicating selection of V3 at transmission. In these transmission cases, the effects of an intravenous inoculation of a small quantity of blood containing predominantly SI V3 sequences (6 of 8 clonal sequences) were compared with those of an intramuscular inoculation of a large quantity of blood containing predominantly NSI viruses (14 of 16 clonal sequences). Both SI and NSI V3 regions were demonstrated to be phenotypic expressions of genetically related viral strains. The inoculation of the predominantly SI virus population resulted in the persistence of an SI virus population in the recipient and a rapid CD4+ T-cell decline. The inoculation of the predominantly NSI population resulted in a selective amplification of SI viruses before seroconversion, followed by a suppression of SI viruses at seroconversion and a rapid decline of CD4+ T-cell numbers. These data suggest that the suppression of SI viruses can be accomplished following the development of HIV-specific immunity and that the ability to suppress SI viruses does not prevent the development of immunodeficiency.  相似文献   
Bovine acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP) is a 1.29 kDa polypeptide of the spermadhesin family built by a single CUB domain architecture. The CUB domain is an extracellular module present in 16 functionally diverse proteins. To determine the three-dimensional structure of aSFP, the protein was crystallized at 21 degrees C by vapor diffusion in hanging drops, using ammonium sulfate, pH 4.7, and polyethyleneglycol 4,000 as precipitants, containing 10% dioxane to avoid the formation of clustered crystals. Elongated prismatic crystals with maximal size of 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 mm3 diffract to beyond 1.9 A resolution and belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell parameters a = 52.4 A, b = 41.5 A, c = 48.2 A. There is one aSFP molecule per asymmetric unit, which corresponds to a crystal volume per unit molecular mass of 2.04 A3/Da, and analytical ultracentrifugation analysis show that aSFP is a monomeric protein.  相似文献   
Charan, Nirmal B., and Paula Carvalho. Angiogenesis inbronchial circulatory system after unilateral pulmonary artery obstruction. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1):284-291, 1997.We studied the effects of left pulmonary artery(LPA) ligation on the bronchial circulatory system (BCS) by using asheep model. LPA was ligated in the newborn lambs soon after birth(n = 8), and when the sheep were ~3yr of age anatomic studies revealed marked angiogenesis in BCS.Bronchial blood flow and cardiac output were studied by placing flowprobes around the bronchial and pulmonary arteries in four adult sheep.After LPA ligation, bronchial blood flow increased from 35 ± 6 to134 ± 42 ml/min in ~3 wk (P < 0.05). We also studied gas-exchange functions of BCS ~3 yr after the ligation of LPA in newborn lambs (n = 4) and used a control group (n = 12)in which LPA was ligated acutely. In the left lung,O2 uptake after acute ligation was16 ± 3 ml/min and was similar to the chronic model, whereasCO2 output in the control group was 27 ± 3 ml/min compared with 79 ± 12 ml/min in the chronic preparation (P < 0.05).We conclude that LPA ligation causes marked angiogenesis in BCS that iscapable of performing some gas-exchange functions.

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