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Nitriles are abundant in the plant kingdom. The ability to detoxify them is beneficial for microbes living in the plant environment. Nitrilases (NLases; EC 3.5.5.-), which hydrolyze nitriles to carboxylic acids, have been well characterized in bacteria, and classified into various substrate-specificity subtypes (aromatic NLases, aliphatic NLases, arylacetoNLases). NLases also occur in filamentous fungi, mainly in Ascomycota (subdivision Pezizomycotina), as documented by genome mining. However, the investigation of NLases in fungi has been delayed compared to bacteria. Only a few NLases (aromatic NLases) were purified from native fungal strains (mainly Fusarium), which were grown under suitable induction conditions. Over a few past years, the spectrum of known fungal NLases was broadened by expressing fungal NLase genes in Escherichia coli. Thus functional NLases were reported for the first time in fungi of genera Auricularia, Macrophomina, Nectria, Neurospora, Pichia, Talaromyces, Trichoderma and Trichophyton. Two major substrate-specificity subtypes were identified in them, i.e. aromatic NLases and arylacetoNLases, apart from a few NLases with broad substrate specificities. The biotechnological impact of fungal arylacetoNLases was explored with a focus on the enantioselective hydrolysis of (R,S)-mandelonitrile, the selective hydrolysis of one cyano group in dinitriles and the hydrolysis of nitrile precursors of the taxol sidechain. Despite recent advances, the wealth of fungal NLases whose sequences have been deposited in databases has not yet been fully exploited. Overproduction in E. coli has the potential to bring these NLases to life. This will enable to estimate the natural roles of NLases in fungi and will also provide new catalysts for biotechnological uses.  相似文献   
Gram-negative rod shaped bacterium Myxococcus xanthus DK1622 produces a smooth-type LPS. The structure of the polysaccharide O-chain and the core-lipid A region of the LPS has been determined by chemical and spectroscopic methods. The O-chain was built up of disaccharide repeating units having the following structure: -->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalpNAc6oMe*-(1--> with partially methylated GalNAc residue. The core region consisted of a phosphorylated hexasaccharide, containing one Kdo residue, unsubstituted at O-4, and no heptose residues. The lipid A component consisted of beta-GlcN-(1-->6)-alpha-GlcN1P disaccharide, N-acylated with 13-methyl-C14-3OH (iso-C15-3OH), C16-3OH, and 15-methyl-C16-3OH (iso-C17-3OH) acids. The lipid portion contained O-linked iso-C16 acid.  相似文献   
To probe the size of the ion channel formed by Pseudomonas syringae lipodepsipeptide syringomycin E, we use the partial blockage of ion current by penetrating poly(ethylene glycol)s. Earlier experiments with symmetric application of these polymers yielded a radius estimate of approximately 1 nm. Now, motivated by the asymmetric non-ohmic current-voltage curves reported for this channel, we explore its structural asymmetry. We gauge this asymmetry by studying the channel conductance after one-sided addition of differently sized poly(ethylene glycol)s. We find that small polymers added to the cis-side of the membrane (the side of lipodepsipeptide addition) reduce channel conductance much less than do the same polymers added to the trans-side. We interpret our results to suggest that the water-filled pore of the channel is conical with cis- and trans-radii differing by a factor of 2-3 and that the smaller cis-radius is in the 0.25-0.35 nm range. In symmetric, two-sided addition, polymers entering the pore from the larger opening dominate blockage.  相似文献   
Indirect immunofluorescent microscopy was used to study the distribution of elongation factor 2 (eEF-2) in fixed human skin diploid and mouse embryo fibroblasts. It was found earlier that some of the eEF-2 ribosomes and initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) are co-localized with a part of the actin microfilament bundles in these cells (Gavrilova et al., 1987; Shestakova et al., 1991). Here it has been shown that inhibition of protein synthesis either by inactivation of eEF-2 itself with diphtheria toxin or by inactivation of ribosomes with ricin does not abolish the distribution of eEF-2 along the actin microfilament bundles. At the same time, the disassembly of actin microfilaments by cytochalasin D results also in the disappearance of eEF-2-carrying threads. This means that the eEF-2-carrying threads do not exist per se, and that the organization of eEF-2 in visible "filaments" depends upon the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
Obelin from the hydroid Obelia longissima and aequorin are members of a subfamily of Ca(2+)-regulated photoproteins that is a part of the larger EF-hand calcium binding protein family. On the addition of Ca(2+), obelin generates a blue bioluminescence emission (lambda(max) = 485 nm) as the result of the oxidative decarboxylation of the bound substrate, coelenterazine. The W92F obelin mutant is noteworthy because of the unusually high speed with which it responds to sudden changes of [Ca(2+)] and because it emits violet light rather than blue due to a prominent band with lambda(max) = 405 nm. Increase of pH in the range from 5.5 to 8.5 and using D(2)O both diminish the contribution of the 405 nm band, indicating that excited state proton transfer is involved. Fluorescence model studies have suggested the origin of the 485 nm emission as the excited state of an anion of coelenteramide, the bioluminescence reaction product, and 405 nm from the excited neutral state. Assuming that the dimensions of the substrate binding cavity do not change during the excited state formation, a His22 residue within hydrogen bonding distance to the 6-(p-hydroxy)-phenyl group of the excited coelenteramide is a likely candidate for accepting the phenol proton to produce an ion-pair excited state, in support of recent suggestions for the bioluminescence emitting state. The proton transfer could be impeded by removal of the Trp92 H-bond, resulting in strong enhancement of a 405 nm band giving the violet color of bioluminescence. Comparative analysis of 3D structures of the wild-type (WT) and W92F obelins reveals that there are structural displacements of certain key Ca(2+)-ligating residues in the loops of the two C-terminal EF hands as well as clear differences in hydrogen bond networks in W92F. For instance, the hydrogen bond between the side-chain oxygen atom of Asp169 and the main-chain nitrogen of Arg112 binds together the incoming alpha-helix of loop III and the exiting alpha-helix of loop IV in WT, providing probably concerted changes in these EF hands on calcium binding. But this linkage is not found in W92F obelin. These differences apparently do not change the overall affinity to calcium of W92F obelin but may account for the kinetic differences between the WT and mutant obelins. From analysis of the hydrogen bond network in the coelenterazine binding cavity, it is proposed that the trigger for bioluminescence reaction in these Ca(2+)-regulated photoproteins may be a shift of the hydrogen bond donor-acceptor separations around the coelenterazine-2-hydroperoxy substrate, initiated by small spatial adjustment of the exiting alpha-helix of loop IV.  相似文献   
Spatial organization of wild-type (strain U1) tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and of the temperature-sensitive TMV ts21-66 mutant was compared by tritium planigraphy. The ts21-66 mutant contains two substitutions in the coat protein (Ile21-->Thr and Asp66-->Gly) and, in contrast with U1, induces a hypersensitive response (formation of necroses) on the leaves of plants bearing a host resistance gene N' (for example Nicotiana sylvestris); TMV U1 induces systemic infection (mosaic) on the leaves of such plants. Tritium distribution along the coat protein (CP) polypeptide chain was determined after labelling of both isolated CP preparations and intact virions. In the case of the isolated low-order (3-4S) CP aggregates no reliable differences in tritium distribution between U1 and ts21-66 were found. But in labelling of the intact virions a significant difference between the wild-type and mutant CPs was observed: the N-terminal region of ts21-66 CP incorporated half the amount of tritium than the corresponding region of U1 CP. This means that in U1 virions the CP N-terminal segment is more exposed on the virion surface than in ts21-66 virions. The possibility of direct participation of the N-terminal tail of U1 CP subunits in the process of the N' hypersensitive response suppression is discussed.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis mutants ssi2 and fab2 are defective in stearoyl ACP desaturase, which causes altered salicylic acid (SA)- and jasmonic acid (JA)-mediated defense signaling. Both ssi2 and fab2 plants show spontaneous cell death, express PR genes constitutively, accumulate high levels of SA, and exhibit enhanced resistance to bacterial and oomycete pathogens. In contrast to constitutive activation of the SA pathway, ssi2 and fab2 plants are repressed in JA-mediated induction of the PDF1.2 gene, which suggests that the SSI2-mediated signaling pathway modulates cross talk between the SA and JA pathways. In this study, we have characterized two recessive nonallelic mutants in the ssi2 background, designated as rdc (restorer of defective cross talk) 2 and rdc8. Both ssi2 rdc mutants are suppressed in constitutive SA signaling, show basal level expression of PR-1 gene, and induce high levels of PDF1.2 in response to exogenous application of JA. Interestingly, while the rdc8 mutation completely abolishes spontaneous cell death in ssi2 rdc8 plants, the ssi2 rdc2 plants continue to show some albeit reduced cell death. Fatty acid (FA) analysis showed a reduction in 16:3 levels in ssi2 rdc8 plants, which suggests that this mutation may limit the flux of FAs into the prokaryotic pathway of glycerolipid biosynthesis. Both rdc2 and rdc8 continue to accumulate high levels of 18:0, which suggests that 18:0 levels were responsible for neither constitutive SA signaling nor repression of JA-induced expression of the PDF1.2 gene in ssi2 plants. We also analyzed SA and JA responses of the fab2-derived shs1 mutant, which accumulates levels of 18:0 over 50% lower than those in the fab2 plants. Even though fab2 shs1 plants were morphologically bigger than fab2 plants, they expressed PR genes constitutively, showed HR-like cell death, and accumulated elevated levels of SA. However, unlike the ssi2 rdc plants, fab2 shs1 plants were unable to induce high levels of PDF1.2 expression in response to exogenous application of JA. Together, these results show that defective cross talk in ssi2 can be restored by second site mutations and is independent of morphological size of the plants, cell death, and elevated levels of 18:0.  相似文献   
Tyr72 is located at the active site of tryptophanase (Trpase) from Proteus vulgaris. For the wild-type Trpase Tyr72 might be considered as the general acid catalyst at the stage of elimination of the leaving groups. The replacement of Tyr72 by Phe leads to a decrease in activity for L-tryptophan by 50,000-fold and to a considerable rearrangement of the active site of Trpase. This rearrangement leads to an increase of room around the alpha-C atom of any bound amino acid, such that covalent binding of alpha-methyl-substituted amino acids becomes possible (which cannot be realized in wild-type Trpase). The changes in reactivities of S-alkyl-L-cysteines provide evidence for an increase of congestion in the proximity of their side groups in the mutant enzyme as compared to wild-type enzyme. The observed alteration of catalytic properties in a large degree originates from a conformational change in the active site. The Y72F Trpase retains significant activity for L-serine, which allowed us to conclude that in the mutant enzyme, some functional group is present which fulfills the role of the general acid catalyst in reactions associated with elimination of small leaving groups.  相似文献   
The hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) compartment is subject to extensive quantitative genetic variation. We have previously shown that TGF-beta2 at low concentrations enhances flt3 ligand-induced growth of HSPCs, while it is potently antiproliferative at higher concentrations. This in vitro enhancing effect was subject to quantitative genetic variation, for which a quantitative trait locus (QTL) was tentatively mapped to chromosome 4 (chr.4). Tgfb2(+/-) mice have a smaller and more slowly cycling HSPC compartment, which has a decreased serial repopulation capacity, and are less susceptible to the lethal effect of high doses of 5-fluorouracil. To unequivocally demonstrate that these phenotypes can be attributed to the enhancing effect of TGF-beta2 on HSPC proliferation observed in vitro and are therefore subject to mouse strain-dependent variation as well, we generated congenic mice where the telomeric region of chr.4 was introgressed from DBA/2 into C57BL/6 mice. In these mice, the enhancing effect of TGF-beta2 on flt3 signaling, but not the generic antiproliferative effect of high concentrations of TGF-beta2, was abrogated, confirming the location of this QTL, which we named tb2r1, on chr.4. These mice shared a smaller and more slowly cycling HSPC compartment and increased 5-fluorouracil resistance but not a decreased serial repopulation capacity with Tgfb2(+/-) mice. The concordance of phenotypes between Tgfb2(+/-) and congenic mice indicates that HSPC frequency and cycling are regulated by tb2r1, while an additional QTL in the telomeric region of chr.4 may regulate the serial repopulation capacity of hematopoietic stem cells.  相似文献   
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