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The role of adipose tissue is energy storage, but there is increasing evidence that adipocytes and adipokines are involved in metabolic and inflammatory processes. This paper reviews the pathophysiology of different adipose tissue depots. Interrelationships between sex hormones, adipose tissue and risk factors are also discussed. Present study focuses on the effects of adipokines on immune system and on the mechanisms relating adiposity to cancer risk.  相似文献   
Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)) are ubiquitous enzymes involved in membrane fatty acid metabolism and intracellular signalling. Recent studies have shown that PLA(2) subtypes are implicated in the modulation of pathways related to memory acquisition and retrieval. We investigated the effects of cognitive training on platelet PLA(2) activity in healthy elderly individuals. Twenty-three cognitively unimpaired older adults were randomly assigned to receive memory training or standard outpatient care only. Both groups were cognitively assessed by the same protocol, and the experimental group (EG) underwent a four-session memory training intervention. Pre- and post-test measures included prose and list recall, WAIS-III digit symbol, strategy use measures and platelet PLA(2) group activity. After cognitive training, patients in the EG group had significant increase in cytosolic, calcium-dependent PLA(2) (cPLA(2)), extracellular (or secreted), calcium-dependent PLA(2) (sPLA(2)), total platelet PLA(2) activity, and significant decrease in platelet calcium-independent PLA(2) (iPLA(2)) activity. Our results suggest that memory training may have a modulating effect in PLA(2)-mediated biological systems associated with cognitive functions and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
Studies using normal or neoplastically transformed established mouse lung epithelial cell lines revealed a reduction in gap junctional, intercellular communication (GJIC) with transformation. To determine the stage in tumor development at which GJIC is interrupted, we used the well-established model of lung tumors induced in strain A/J mice by urethane. In this system, tumor development follows a well-characterized pattern; hyperplasias, adenomas, and carcinomas are manifested at approximately 8, 16, and 40 weeks after urethane treatment, respectively. GJIC levels were examined using a novel technique where cells are grown on a glass slide, half of which is coated with electrically conductive, optically transparent, indium-tin oxide. An electric pulse that opens transient pores on the plasma membrane is applied in the presence of the fluorescent dye, Lucifer yellow, causing dye penetration into cells growing on the conductive part of the slide. Migration of the dye through gap junctions to nonelectroporated cells growing on the nonconductive area is then microscopically observed under fluorescence illumination. Unexpectedly, primary cells cultured from urethane-induced tumors, even late stage carcinomas, possessed extensive GJIC immediately upon isolation. Upon passage for several months however, these cells lost GJIC. These results suggest that the molecular changes that lead to the formation of the tumor in vivo are not sufficient to interrupt gap junctions. Propagation of tumor cells in culture induces additional alterations that can lead to gap junction closure.  相似文献   
Histological and ultrastructural investigations of the stomach of the catfish Hypostomus plecostomus show that its structure is different from that typical of the stomachs of other teleostean fishes: the wall is thin and transparent, while the mucosal layer is smooth and devoid of folds. The epithelium lining the whole internal surface of the stomach consists of several types of cells, the most prominent being flattened respiratory epithelial cells. There are also two types of gastric gland cells, three types of endocrine cells (EC), and basal cells. The epithelial layer is underlain by capillaries of a diameter ranging from 6.1-13.1 microm. Capillaries are more numerous in the anterior part of the stomach, where the mean number of capillary sections per 100 microm of epithelium length is 4, compared with 3 in the posterior part. The cytoplasm of the epithelial cells, apart from its typical organelles, contains electron-dense and lamellar bodies at different stages of maturation, which form the sites of accumulation of surfactant. Small, electron-dense vesicles containing acidic mucopolysaccharides are found in the apical parts of some respiratory epithelial cells. Numerous gastric glands (2 glands per 100 microm of epithelium length), composed of two types of pyramidal cells, extend from the surface epithelium into the subjacent lamina propria. The gland outlets, as well as the apical cytoplasm of the cells are Alcian blue-positive, indicating the presence of acidic mucopolysaccharides. Zymogen granules have not been found, but the apical parts of cells contain vesicles of variable electron density. The cytoplasm of the gastric gland cells also contains numerous electron-dense and lamellar bodies. Gastric gland cells with electron-dense cytoplasm and tubulovesicular system are probably involved in the production of hydrochloric acid. Fixation with tannic acid as well as with ruthenium red revealed a thin layer of phospholipids and glycosaminoglycans covering the entire inner surface of the stomach. In regions of the epithelium where the capillaries are covered by the thin cytoplasmic sheets of the respiratory epithelial cells, a thin air-blood barrier (0.25-2.02 microm) is formed, thus enabling gaseous exchange. Relatively numerous pores closed by diaphragms are seen in the endothelium lining the apical and lateral parts of the capillaries. Between gastric gland cells, solitary, noninnervated endocrine cells (EC) of three types were found. EC are characterized by lighter cytoplasm than the surrounding cells and they contain dense core vesicles (DCV) with a halo between the electron-dense core and the limiting membrane. EC of type I are the most abundant. They are of an open type, reaching the stomach lumen. The round DCV of this type, with a diameter from 92-194 nm, have a centrally located core surrounded by a narrow halo. EC of type II are rarely observed and are of a closed type. They possess two kinds of DCV with a very narrow halo. The majority of them are round, with a diameter ranging from 88-177 nm, while elongated ones, 159-389 nm long, are rare. EC of type III are numerous and also closed. The whole cytoplasm is filled with large DCV: round, with a diameter from 123-283 nm, and oval, 230-371 nm long, both with a core of irregular shape and a wide, irregular halo. EC are involved in the regulation of digestion and probably local gas exchange. In conclusion, the thin-walled stomach of Hypostomus plecostomus, with its rich network of capillaries, has a morphology suggesting it is an efficient organ for air breathing.  相似文献   
Kin-recognition systems have been hypothesized to exist in humans, and adaptively to regulate altruism and incest avoidance among close genetic kin. This latter function allows the architecture of the kin recognition system to be mapped by quantitatively matching individual variation in opposition to incest to individual variation in developmental parameters, such as family structure and co-residence patterns. Methodological difficulties that appear when subjects are asked to disclose incestuous inclinations can be circumvented by measuring their opposition to incest in third parties, i.e. morality. This method allows a direct test of Westermarck's original hypothesis that childhood co-residence with an opposite-sex individual predicts the strength of moral sentiments regarding third-party sibling incest. Results support Westermarck's hypothesis and the model of kin recognition that it implies. Co-residence duration objectively predicts genetic relatedness, making it a reliable cue to kinship. Co-residence duration predicts the strength of opposition to incest, even after controlling for relatedness and even when co-residing individuals are genetically unrelated. This undercuts kin-recognition models requiring matching to self (through, for example, major histocompatibility complex or phenotypic markers). Subjects' beliefs about relatedness had no effect after controlling for co-residence, indicating that systems regulating kin-relevant behaviours are non-conscious, and calibrated by co-residence, not belief.  相似文献   
Freely interacting male rabbits were studied to establish the effect of exogenous testosterone on interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and to evaluate if this effect is related to season, social rank, plasma corticosterone and glucocorticoid receptors (GcR) in PBMCs. Dominance behavior increases after testosterone propionate (TP) administration only in rank 1 animals, while submission behavior increases after TP only in rank 4 animals, indicating a reinforcing effect of TP on the behavior. Corticosterone and IFN-gamma production are higher and GcR binding capacity is lower in spring than in autumn, suggesting that seasonal fluctuations in the immune system may be related to the pattern of secretion of immunomodulatory hormones. In autumn, corticosterone decreases after TP treatment and increases after social interaction, while GcR binding capacity decreases after TP treatment and social interaction. IFN-gamma production decreases in spring and increases in autumn after TP treatment plus social interaction, indicating that the modulating action of testosterone is related to the current immune status. The relationship between dominance, testosterone and the immune system in spring is suggested by the finding that GcR binding capacity after TP treatment is directly related to social rank, as confirmed by the positive correlation with dominance behavior frequency. The dominance index is positively correlated with GcR binding capacity and negatively with IFN-gamma production before TP treatment, indicating that high receptor activity in immunocompetent cells and low immunoreactivity could be prerequisites for dominance behavior. The immunosuppressive effect of corticosterone and the mechanism of down-regulation on GcR are confirmed by the negative correlations with IFN-gamma production and GcR binding capacity.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background

Brazil is the world's biggest producer of coffee beans with approx. a 30% market share. Depending on climate conditions, approx. 30 million bags of coffee beans are exported annually from Brazil, while domestic consumption is around 10 million bags, which makes Brazil the world's third largest coffee-consuming country. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to present the LCA of green coffee produced in Brazil for the reference crops 2001/02 and 2002/03 in order to generate detailed production inventory data as well as to identify the potential environmental impacts of its tillage in order to realize how to reduce those impacts and increase the environmental sustainability of this product. Only the inputs and outputs relative to the coffee tillage were considered. The production of fertilizers, correctives and pesticides were not included in the boundary, but only their amounts. The functional unit selected for this study was 1,000 kg of green coffee destined for exportation.


The LCI was performed according to the ISO 14040 standard series. All information considered in this study (use of water, fossil based energy, fertilizers and chemicals) were taken up in in-depth data collection and evaluation by questionnaires applied on a farm level and/or received by mail. Four Brazilian coffee producer regions were evaluated: Cerrado Mineiro, South of Minas Gerais State, the Marília and Alta Mogiana regions in São Paulo State. These regions have the following geographic coordinates: 44 to 50° W longitude and 18 to 24° S latitude. The data refer to a production of 420,000 coffee bean bags and a productive area of approx. 14,300 ha. The varieties of coffee beans considered in this study were Mundo Novo, Catuaí (yellow and red), Icatu (yellow and red), Catucaí (yellow and red) and Obatã. Farm specific data along with agricultural production data have been combined to elaborate a coffee cultivation inventory, which will be applied in an emissions estimation.

Results and Conclusion

The production of 1,000 kg of green coffee in Brazil requires approx. 11,400 kg of water, 94 kg of diesel, 270 kg of fertilizers as NPK, 900 kg of total fertilizers, 620 kg of correctives, 10 kg of pesticides and 0.05 hectare of annual land use. Outputs related to these functional units are approx. 3,000 kg of waste water from coffee washing, 8,500 kg of waste water from the wet method and 750 kg of organic residue that is reincorporated to the tillage as fertilizer. The publication of an LCI of agricultural products is a fundamental step for understanding the potential environmental impacts of each tillage and then establishes the basis for product sustainability. In this way, this work is the first Brazilian initiative for applying LCA to coffee cultivation.

Recommendation and Perspective

Different agricultural practices demonstrate different environmental profiles. The amount of agricultural pesticide is directly related to agricultural practices as tillage rotation, density of plants, etc. This study supplied important results for a better correlation of the agricultural practices and potential environmental impacts of coffee. Future updates of this study will show the evolution of the natural resource management such as land use, new agricultural practices, lower fertilizers and chemicals use.  相似文献   
A series of phosphonic, phosphinic, and phosphonous acid analogues of phenylglycine and phenylalanine was synthesized and tested as herbicides against Lepidium sativum and Cucumis sativus. Aminobenzylphosphonic acids exhibited notable herbicidal activity and thus represent a group of the most active herbicides found among aminophosphonic acids.  相似文献   
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