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Assessment of telomere length and factors that contribute to its stability.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Short strands of tandem hexameric repeats known as telomeres cap the ends of linear chromosomes. These repeats protect chromosomes from degradation and prevent chromosomal end-joining, a phenomenon that could occur due to the end-replication problem. Telomeres are maintained by the activity of the enzyme telomerase. The total number of telomeric repeats at the terminal end of a chromosome determines the telomere length, which in addition to its importance in chromosomal stabilization is a useful indicator of telomerase activity in normal and malignant tissues. Telomere length stability is one of the important factors that contribute to the proliferative capacity of many cancer cell types; therefore, the detection and estimation of telomere length is extremely important. Until relatively recently, telomere lengths were analyzed primarily using the standard Southern blot technique. However, the complexities of this technique have led to the search for more simple and rapid detection methods. Improvements such as the use of fluorescent probes and the ability to sort cells have greatly enhanced the ease and sensitivity of telomere length measurements. Recent advances, and the limitations of these techniques are evaluated. Drugs that assist in telomere shortening may contribute to tumor regression. Therefore, factors that contribute to telomere stability may influence the efficiency of the drugs that have potential in cancer therapy. These factors in relation to telomere length are also examined in this analysis.  相似文献   
In tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor, last‐laid eggs typically hatch one to two days after the other eggs in the clutch hatch, putting last‐hatched offspring at a disadvantage when competing for food delivered by parents. We studied the biology of last‐laid, last‐hatched tree swallow offspring over two years in a Wyoming, USA, population. Our first objective was to compare the growth of last‐hatched offspring to that of their earlier‐hatched nestmates. One previous study had suggested that last‐hatched, competitively disadvantaged offspring grow feathers faster than senior nestmates, even at the expense of other aspects of growth. This may allow last‐hatched offspring to fledge with senior nestmates and avoid abandonment by parents. A second objective was to determine the sex of nestlings from last‐laid eggs. If last‐laid eggs typically produce undersized, weak adults that are poor competitors for resources, and if the fitness costs of being undersized/weak are more severe for males than for females, then selection may favour having offspring from last‐laid eggs to be female. In this study, last‐laid eggs hatched in 63 of 66 (94%) nests and hatched last in 93% of cases. At hatching, offspring from last‐laid eggs weighed, on average, 63% as much as their three heaviest nestmates (range: 26–107%). Offspring from last‐laid eggs fledged from 71% of the nests that produced at least one fledgling and apparently starved to death in remaining nests. Last‐hatched offspring who were presumably at a substantial competitive disadvantage (those whose mass at hatching was no more than about 75% of the mean mass of their three heaviest nestmates), gained mass more slowly than their senior nestmates but they eventually attained the same peak mass before fledging. Last‐hatched offspring grew primary feathers more slowly than their senior nestmates although the difference in growth rate was slight (0.2 mm/d) and only marginally significant. As a group, offspring from last‐laid eggs did not differ from offspring from all other eggs in either maximum mass attained before fledging or tarsus length at fledging. This is atypical for species with asynchronous hatching and is possibly the result of another unusual trait: the tendency of parent tree swallows to distribute food equally among young within broods. The sex ratio of offspring from last‐laid eggs did not deviate from 1:1 (22 males, 21 females). Given that last‐hatched eggs do not routinely produce undersized/weak individuals in our study population, there should be little selection on parent females to bias the sex ratio of last‐laid offspring towards females.  相似文献   
We have synthesized and crystallized in the presence of Zn(2+) ions the peptidyl-oligonucleotide adduct CH(3)CO-(Arg)(4)-NH-(CH(2))(6)-NH-p-d(CGCAATTGCG). This is the first structure obtained from a deoxyoligonucleotide crystallized in the presence of zinc ions. Zn ions are clearly visible in the 2.9 A resolution map. On the other hand, the peptide tail is not visible in the crystal structure as determined by X-ray diffraction. The terminal bases C1 and G10 are found in extra-helical positions. Their phosphates are ligands of a Zn(2+) ion, located in a special position of the unit cell. This ion plays an important role in the packing arrangement, since it binds four different DNA molecules. Two other Zn(2+) ions are also important for DNA packing. They interact specifically with the N7 atoms of the terminal G2 and G10 bases, but not with the internal G8. This result supports the hypothesis that transition metals do not interact with the bases of duplex DNA in the B form.  相似文献   
Expression of the human apoptosis modulator protein Bax in Escherichia coli is highly toxic, resulting in cell lysis at very low concentrations (Asoh, S., et al., J. Biol. Chem. 273, 11384–11391, 1998). Attempts to express a truncated form of murine Bax in the periplasm by using an expression vector that attached the OmpA signal sequence to the protein failed to alleviate this toxicity. In contrast, attachment of a peptide based on a portion of the E. coli cochaperone GroES reduced Bax's toxicity significantly and allowed good expression. The peptide, which was attached to the N-terminus, included the amino acid sequence of the mobile loop of GroES that has been demonstrated to interact with the chaperonin, GroEL. Under normal growth conditions, expression of this construct was still toxic, but generated a small amount of detectable recombinant Bax. However, when cells were grown in the presence of 2% ethanol, which stimulated overproduction of the molecular chaperones GroEL and DnaK, toxicity was reduced and good overexpression occurred. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis showed that approximately 15-fold more GroES-loop-Bax was produced under these conditions than under standard conditions and that GroEL and DnaK were elevated approximately 3-fold.  相似文献   
High throughput screening identified a 7-azaindole-3-acetic acid scaffold as a novel CRTh2 receptor antagonist chemotype, which could be optimised to furnish a highly selective compound with good functional potency for inhibition of human eosinophil shape change in whole blood and oral bioavailability in the rat.  相似文献   
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