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Previously, treatment of Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THp) from different donors with endo-beta-galactosidase has been shown to liberate a tetra- and a Sd(a)-active pentasaccharide, concluding the presence of N-linked carbohydrate chains containing additional N - acetyllactosamine units. These type of oligosaccharides were not found in a detailed structure elucidation of the carbohydrate moiety of THp of one male donor, suggesting a donor-specific feature for these type of structures. Therefore, THp was isolated from four healthy male donors and each subjected to endo-beta-galactosidase treatment in order to release these tetra- and Sd(a)-active pentasaccharide. Differences were observed in the total amount of released tetra- and Sda-active pentasaccharide of the used donors (42, 470, 478, 718 microg/100 mg THp), indicating that the presence of repeating N-acetyllactosamine units incorporated into the N-glycan moiety of THp is donor specific. Furthermore, a higher expression of the Sd(a) determinant on antennae which display N-acetyllactosamine elongation was observed, suggesting a better accessibility for the beta-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase. In order to characterize the N-glycans containing repeating N- acetyllactosamine units, carbohydrate chains were enzymatically released from THp and isolated. The tetraantennary fraction, which accounts for more than 33% of the total carbohydrate moiety of THp, was used to isolate oligosaccharides containing additional N - acetyllactosamine units. Five N-linked tetraantennary oligosaccharides containing a repeating N-acetyllactosamine unit were identified, varying from structures bearing four Sd(a) determinants to structures containing no Sd(a) determinant (see below). One compound was used in order to specify the branch location of the additional N- acetyllactosamine unit, and it appeared that only the Gal-6' and Gal-8' residues were occupied by a repeating N -acetyllactosamine unit.   相似文献   
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of two different denervation procedures on the distribution of nerve fibers and neurotransmitter levels in the rat jejunum. Extrinsic nerves were eliminated by crushing the mesenteric pedicle to a segment of jejunum. The myenteric plexus and extrinsic nerves were eliminated by serosal application of the cationic surfactant benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride (BAC). The effects of these two denervation procedures were evaluated at 15 and 45 days. The level of norepinephrine in whole segments of jejunum was initially reduced by more than 76% after both denervation procedures, but by 45 days the level of norepinephrine was the same as in control tissue. Tyrosine hydroxylase (nor-adrenergic nerve marker) immunostaining was absent at 15 days, but returned by 45 days. However, the pattern of noradrenergic innervating axons was altered in the segment deprived of myenteric neurons. Immunohistochemical studies showed protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5)-immunoreactive fibers in whole-mount preparations of the circular smooth muscle in the absence of the myenteric plexus and extrinsic nerves. At 45 days, the number of nerve fibers in the circular smooth muscle increased. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive fibers, a subset of the PGP 9.5 nerve fibers, were present in the circular smooth muscle at both time points examined. Choline acetyltransferase (CAT) activity and VIP and leucine enkephalin levels were measured in separated smooth muscle and submucosa-musosal layers of the denervated jejunum. VIP and leucine-enkephalin levels were no different from control in tissue that was extrinsically denervated alone. However, the levels of these peptides were elevated two-fold in the smooth muscle 15 and 45 days after myenteric and extrinsic denervation. In the submucosa-mucosa, VIP and leucine enkephalin levels also were elevated two-fold at 15 days, but comparable to control at 45 days. CAT activity was equal to control in the smooth muscle but elevated two-fold in the submucosa-mucosa at both times. These results provide evidence for innervation of the circular smooth muscle by the submucosal plexus. Moreover, these nerve fibers originating from the submucosal plexus proliferate in the absence of the myenteric plexus. Furthermore, the myenteric neurons appear to be essential for normal innervation of the smooth muscle by the sympathetic nerve fibers. It is speculated that the sprouting of the submucosal plexus induced by myenteric plexus ablation is mediated by increased production of trophic factors in the hyperplastic smooth muscle.  相似文献   
This paper describes work which begins to define the molecular organization in the region of the membrane that comprises the functional domain of the Na:K pump. The membrane-bound phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and Na, K-ATPase appear to be directly linked via a compartmentalized form of ATP. Evidence for the membrane pool of ATP is based on the labeling characteristics of the phosphoproteins by [γ-(32)P]ATP of ghosts incubated under various conditions. Preincubation of ghosts in the presence of ATP at 37 degrees C, but not at 0 degrees C, completely obscures the formation of the Na-phosphoprotein in ghosts washed and subsequently incubated in the presence of [gamma-(32)P]ATP. In contrast to the Na component, the Mg component of phosphorylation is only slightly altered by preincubation with ATP. ATPase activity measured as (32)P(i) liberated during the subsequent incubation at 0 degrees C, reflects completely the differential effects of preincubation with ATP on (32)P incorporation into phosphoprotein. ATP placed within the pool by preincubation can be removed by operating the Na, K-ATPase or the PGK reaction in the reverse direction by use of exogenous substrates. Alternatively, the membrane pool of ATP can be formed also from exogenous substrates by running the PGK reaction in the forward direction. These results, while providing direct support for a membrane compartment of ATP, also indicate the location of this compartment in relation to the PGK and the Na, K-ATPase. In addition, these results also imply that the Mg and Na components are different enzymatic entities since substrate ATP can be derived from separate sources.  相似文献   
The DNA binding selectivity of three ligands of a series of antitumor agents of bisquaternary ammonium heterocycles has been investigated by means of CD spectroscopy and melting measurements. From the spectroscopic results and binding data it is concluded that the agents SN-6132, SN-6131 and SN-6113 have relatively high affinity to AT base pair sequences whereas the binding to GC pairs is very low. The binding selectivity to AT base pair sequences decreases in the order netropsin > SN-6132 > SN-6113 > SN-6131. Poly(dA).poly(dT) has the highest binding preference for SN-6132 relative to that of SN-6131. The different binding behavior of the ligands is related to their distinct changes in the chemical structure and to the DNA minor groove properties which determines the adaptability of the ligands in the groove.  相似文献   
Recent mutagenesis and cross-linking studies suggest that residues in the carboxyl-terminal portion of PTH(1-34) interact with the amino-terminal extracellular domain of the receptor and thereby contribute strongly to binding energy; and that residues in the amino-terminal portion of the ligand interact with the receptor region containing the transmembrane helices and extracellular loops and thereby induce second messenger signaling. We investigated the latter component of this hypothesis using the short amino-terminal fragment PTH(1-14) and a truncated rat PTH-1 receptor (r delta Nt) that lacks most of the amino-terminal extracellular domain. The binding of PTH(1-14) to LLC-PK1 or COS-7 cells transfected with the intact PTH-1 receptor was too weak to detect; however, PTH(1-14) dose-dependently stimulated cAMP formation in these cells over the dose range of 1-100 microM. PTH(1-14) also stimulated cAMP formation in COS-7 cells transiently transfected with r delta Nt, and its potency with this receptor was nearly equal to that seen with the intact receptor. In contrast, PTH(1-34) was approximately 100-fold weaker in potency with r delta Nt than it was with the intact receptor. Alanine scanning of PTH(1-14) revealed that for both the intact and truncated receptors, the 1-9 segment of PTH forms a critical receptor activation domain. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the amino-terminal portion of PTH(1-34) interacts with the juxtamembrane regions of the PTH-1 receptor and that these interactions are sufficient for initiating signal transduction.  相似文献   
Background  Cases of abdominal pregnancy, in the form of intra-abdominal mummified fetuses, have been described in nonhuman primates. Gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia are common pregnancy complications in women.
Methods  Two timed-bred rhesus monkeys had high-risk pregnancies, an abdominal pregnancy with delivery of a live term infant, and a case of gestational diabetes that later developed pre-eclampsia.
Results  The monkey that had abdominal pregnancy later died from septic peritonitis. The monkey had a colonic adenocarcinoma that may have allowed leakage of intestinal contents into the abdomen. Her infant was fostered to another female and survived. The monkey with gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia was treated with a regimen similar to that used in women, and a live infant was delivered at day 157 of gestation by Caesarian section.
Conclusion  These cases underscore the value of timed-breeding and the similarities between pregnancy complications in women and in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   
Two periplasmic binding proteins of E. coli, the leucine specific-binding protein (LS) and leucine-isoleucine-valine binding protein (LIV), have high similarity in their structure and function, but show different substrate specificity. A key difference between these proteins is residue 18 in the binding pocket, a tryptophan residue in the LS and a tyrosine residue in the LIV. To examine the role of this residue in binding specificity, we used fluorescence and (19)F NMR to monitor ligand binding to three mutants: LSW18Y, LSW18F and LIVY18W. We observed leucine binding to all proteins. LS binds L-phenylalanine but the mutation from Trp to Tyr or Phe disallows this ligand and expands the binding repertoire to L-isoleucine and L-valine. The LIVY18W mutant still retains the ability to bind L-isoleucine and also binds L-phenylalanine.  相似文献   
The (19)F NMR spectra of the 5F-Trp labeled glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein with residues 282-595 of the human estrogen receptor show that there is a distinct conformational change in the protein when estradiol is added to the unliganded protein. Our studies show the empty receptor to have more conformational flexibility than the liganded form. This study shows the applicability of (19)F NMR to study conformational change in large protein systems.  相似文献   
Using CD measurements we show that the interaction of netropsin to poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) involves two binding modes at low ionic strength. The first and second binding modes are distinguished by a defined shift of the CD maximum and the presence of characteristic isodichroic points in the long wavelength range from 313 nm to 325 nm. The first binding mode is independent of ionic strength and is primarily determined by specific interaction to dA.dT base pairs. Employing a netropsin derivative and different salt conditions it is demonstrated that ionic contacts are essential for the second binding mode. Other alternating duplexes and natural DNA also exhibit more or less a second step in the interaction with netropsin observable at high ratio of ligand per nucleotide. The second binding mode is absent for poly(dA).poly(dT). The presence of a two-step binding mechanism is also demonstrated in the complex formation of poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) with the distamycin analog consisting of pentamethylpyrrolecarboxamide. While the binding mode I of netropsin is identical with its localization in the minor groove, for binding mode II we consider two alternative interpretations.  相似文献   
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