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The chemical composition of mitochondria obtained from exponentially growing Neurospora can be varied by addition of choline or amino acids to the culture medium. The variation affects the phospholipid to protein ratio, and the density of mitochondria as determined by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients. These variations have been observed in biochemical mutant strains as well as wild type cultures. In a choline-requiring strain, two levels of choline supplementation to the medium have been defined: a low choline concentration just adequate to support maximal logarithmic growth, and a high choline concentration which permits maximal incorporation of radioactive choline into cellular lipids. Mitochondria isolated from cultures growing at the low choline concentration have one-half the phospholipid to protein ratio of those from high choline cultures, and their density is significantly higher. Artificial mixtures of the two types of mitochondria can be resolved into two populations by isopycnic centrifugation. The concentration of cytochromes (measured by mitochondrial difference spectra) and of malate and succinate dehydrogenases (measured by enzyme activity) were the same in both types of mitochondria, on a protein basis. The results suggest that during growth of the mitochondrial mass, the incorporation of phospholipid and protein components can vary independently. Direct kinetic measurements did indeed show that choline, added to a culture growing at low choline concentration, was incorporated into mitochondrial lipids at a rate faster than the incorporation of protein. The mitochondrial phospholipid to protein ratio can also be influenced by the level of leucine supplementation to a leucine-requiring mutant, so that with leucine concentrations above those required for maximal exponential growth, mitochondria of increasing density and decreasing phospholipid to protein ratio are produced. Additions of choline or amino acids to the minimal medium of wild type cultures influence mitochondrial composition in a manner directly comparable to that observed in biochemical mutant strains. The results suggest that mitochondrial composition, in general, is determined by rates of incorporation of the two major components, phospholipid and protein; that these rates can vary independently in response to precursor concentration in the culture medium; and that they normally operate at a precursor (substrate) concentration below saturation level.  相似文献   
We have attempted to answer the question: How nearly ideal, as an osmometer, is the unfertilized Arbacia egg? The following conclusion have been reached: 1. Volumes can be measured accurately over a wide range of pressures since the cell is in general spherical and does not suffer deformation from its own weight or other factors. 2. The product of volume and pressure is approximately constant, if allowance be made for osmotically inactive cell contents. It is computed that from 7 to 14 per cent of cell volume is occupied by osmotically inactive material. 3. Evidence is presented that no appreciable escape of cell contents occurs while the cell is in hypotonic sea water; that, therefore, the semipermeability of the membrane is approximately perfect, so long as injury to the cell is avoided. 4. In comparison with osmotic pressure the influence of other forces, such as elasticity or surface tension, on cell volume must in these experiments be slight.  相似文献   
The small intestines of 6 species of rodents and 1 species of insectivore were examined seasonally for Plagiorchis muris infection in 3 different localities in northern Gyeonggi-do (Province), near the demilitarized zone (DMZ). A total of 1,496 animals, including 1,366 Apodemus agrarius, 54 Crocidura lasiura (insectivore), 32 Mus musculus, 28 Micronytus fortis, 9 Eothenomys regulus, 6 Micronys minutus, and 3 Cricetulus triton, were live-trapped at Yeoncheon-gun (n = 351), Paju-shi (804) and Pocheon-gun (343) at 3-mo intervals from December 2004 to September 2005. A total of 1,647 P. muris were collected from 72 (5.3%) A. agrarius. The infection rate was the highest in Pocheon-gun (8.2%), followed by Yeoncheon-gun (5.0%) and Paju-shi (4.2%). A higher infection rate was observed in A. agrarius captured during September (19.4%) than those captured during December (3.0%), June (2.6%), or April (0%). However, the worm burden was the highest in June (av. 32.1/animal), followed by September (24.7), December (4.0), and April (0). None of the other animal species were found infected with P. muris. The results reveal that A. agrarius is a natural definitive host for P. muris, and infection rates and worm burdens vary seasonally and geographically.  相似文献   
Microbe-associated parthenogenesis (thelytoky) has been discovered in nineTrichogramma species, parasitoids of mainly lepidopteran eggs. Parthenogenetic and bisexual conspecifics co-occur in many field populations. As an initial step to understand the dynamics of these two reproductive strategies we studied the effect of microbe-associated parthenogenesis on fecundity. The fecundity of two parthenogenetic isofemale lines ofT. pretiosum and one ofT. deion was compared with bisexual lines derived from them by antibiotic treatment. In all three cases parthenogenetic females were less fecund over their lifetime than bisexual females. Also, parthenogenetic females produced fewer daughters in two cases and in one case a similar number of daughters as their respective bisexual counterparts. The lack of mating and insemination was excluded as an explanation for the reduced fecundity of parthenogenetic females, because mated and virgin parthenogenetic females produce the same number of offspring. Antibiotic treatment can also be excluded because females of field-collected bisexual line treated with antibiotics produced the same number of offspring as untreated females. The reduced fecundity of parthenogenetic females was caused by a lower number of eggs being laid rather than by a greater developmental mortality. Parthenogenetic females produced less daughters than bisexual females when host availability was not limiting, but when host availability was severely limited, parthenogenetic females produced more daughters than the bisexual females.  相似文献   
Investigations of the osmotic properties of oyster eggs by a diffraction method for measuring volumes have led to the following conclusions: 1. The product of cell volume and osmotic pressure is approximately constant, if allowance is made for osmotically inactive cell contents (law of Boyle-van''t Hoff). The space occupied by osmotically inactive averages 44 per cent of cell volume. 2. Volume changes over a wide range of pressures are reversible, indicating that the semipermeability of the cell during such changes remains intact. 3. The kinetics of endosmosis and of exosmosis are described by the equation, See PDF for Equation, where dV is rate of volume change; S, surface area of cell, (P-Pe), the difference in osmotic pressure between cell interior and medium, and K, the permeability of the cell to water. 4. Permeability to water during endosmosis is 0.6µ3 of water per minute, per square micron of cell surface, per atmosphere of pressure. The value of permeability for exosmosis is closely the same; in this respect the egg cell of the oyster appears to be a more perfect osmometer than the other marine cells which have been studied. Permeability to water computed by the equation given above is in good agreement with computations by the entirely different method devised by Jacobs. 5. Permeability to diethylene glycol averages 27.2, and to glycerol 20.7. These values express the number of mols x 10–15 which enter per minute through each square micron of cell surface at a concentration difference of 1 mol per liter and a temperature of 22.5°C. 6. Values for permeability to water and to the solutes tested are considerably higher for the oyster egg than for other forms of marine eggs previously examined. 7. The oyster egg because of its high degree of permeability is a natural osmometer particularly suitable for the study of the less readily penetrating solutes.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone, pHGR81, encoding 358 amino-acid residues of the C-terminal region of human elongation factor 2 (EF-2), was isolated from a human ovarian granulosa cell cDNA library. The deduced amino-acid sequence of pHGR81, when compared with the known identical amino-acid sequences of hamster as well as rat EF-2 revealed a substitution of a glutamine by an alanine residue in the partially determined human sequence. The 15 amino-acid-residue sequence comprising the histidine-715, supposed to be of importance for the biological function of EF-2, is preserved in human EF-2. The coding region of the cDNA insert of pHGR81 displays a homology of 87% to hamster and of 88% to rat EF-2 cDNA. In Northern-transfer analysis, pHGR81 specifically hybridizes with an mRNA species of 3.1 kb.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effect of the polypeptide antibiotics netropsin and distamycin A on DNA dependent nucleic acid synthesis has been shown to be related to the base composition of the template DNA. A number of natural DNA's of quite different dA·dT content as well as poly (dI-dC)·poly (dI-dC), poly (dA-dT)·poly (dA-dT), poly (dA) · poly (dT) and poly (dG)·poly(dC) has been studied as templates in DNA and in part in RNA polymerase reaction. The highest binding efficiency of netropsin existing for (dA·dT)-containing DNA polymers and the less pronounced interaction with the (dI·dC)-containing polymer shown by the melting and CD spectral behaviour of the complexes are entirely reflected in the template inactivation. The same is evident for distamycin A. However, in contrast to netropsin the antibiotic distamycin A exhibits some binding tendency to poly (dG)·poly (dC). Binding effects of a netropsin derivative to DNA and (dA·dT)-containing polymers suggest the importance of hydrogen bonds of the peptide groups in the complex formation.  相似文献   
A paracrystal indistinguishable from the one which occurs in the mitochondrial mutant abnormal-1 can be induced in wild-type Neurospora crassa after growth in either ethidium or euflavine. This paracrystal has been isolated and partially characterized. It appears to be composed of a single polypeptide (mol wt 68,000) which can be reversibly crystallized and dissociated by changes in the pH and ionic strength. When aggregated, the polypeptide forms oligomers which are arranged end-to-end into fibers. During the characterization of the polypeptide, it was found that the polypeptide's electrophoretic and immunological properties could be used as assays. Using these methods it was found that the polypeptide normally accumulates in a soluble form in the cytoplasm of wild-type Neurospora at the end of the log-phase of growth.  相似文献   
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