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Male rats were treated for 10 days with the organophosphorus insecticide, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, O,O-diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl]phosphorodithioate (disulfoton, 2 mg/kg/day by gavage). At the end of the treatment, binding of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate ([3H]QNB) to cholinergic muscarinic receptors and cholinesterase (ChE) activity were assayed in the pancreas. Functional activity of pancreatic muscarinic receptor was investigated by determining carbachol-stimulated secretion of α-amylase in vitro. ChE activity and [3H]QNB binding were significantly decreased in the pancreas from disulfoton-treated rats. The alteration of [3H]QNB binding was due to a decrease in muscarinic receptor density with no change in the affinity. Basal secretion of amylase from pancreas in vitro was not altered, but carbachol-stimulated secretion was decreased. The effect appeared to be specific since pancreozymin was able to induce the same amylase release from pancreases of control and treated rats. The results suggest that repeated exposures to sublethal doses of an organophosphorus insecticide lead to a biochemical and functional alteration of cholinergic muscarinic receptors in the pancreas.  相似文献   
Astrocytes have been shown to release factors that have promoting or inhibiting effects on neuronal development. However, mechanisms controlling the release of such factors from astrocytes are not well established. Astrocytes express muscarinic receptors whose activation stimulates a robust intracellular signaling, although the role of these receptors in glial cells is not well understood. Acetylcholine and acetylcholine receptors are present in the brain before synaptogenesis occurs and are believed to be involved in neuronal maturation. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether stimulation of muscarinic receptors in astrocytes would modulate neurite outgrowth in hippocampal neurons. Rat hippocampal neurons, co-cultured with rat cortical astrocytes previously exposed to the cholinergic agonist carbachol, displayed longer neurites. The effect of carbachol in astrocytes was due to the activation of M3 muscarinic receptors. Exposure of astrocytes to carbachol increased the expression of the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin and laminin-1 in these cells. This effect was mediated in part by an increase in laminin-1 and fibronectin mRNA levels and in part by the up-regulation of the production and release of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, an inhibitor of the proteolytic degradation of the extracellular matrix. The inhibition of fibronectin activity strongly reduced the effect of carbachol on the elongation of all the neurites, whereas inhibition of laminin-1 activity reduced the elongation of minor neurites only. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 also induced neurite elongation through a direct effect on neurons. Taken together, these results demonstrate that cholinergic muscarinic stimulation of astrocytes induces the release of permissive factors that accelerate neuronal development.  相似文献   
Zn(II) complexes with norfloxacin (NOR) in the absence or in the presence of 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) were obtained and characterized. In both complexes, the ligand NOR was coordinated through a keto and a carboxyl oxygen. Tetrahedral and octahedral geometries were proposed for [ZnCl2(NOR)]·H2O (1) and [ZnCl2(NOR)(phen)]·2H2O (2), respectively. Since the biological activity of the chemicals depends on the pH value, pH titrations of the Zn(II) complexes were performed. UV spectroscopic studies of the interaction of the complexes with calf-thymus DNA (CT DNA) have suggested that they can bind to CT DNA with moderate affinity in an intercalative mode. The interactions between the Zn(II) complexes and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were investigated by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy at pH 7.4. The experimental data showed static quenching of BSA fluorescence, indicating that both complexes bind to BSA. A modified Stern–Volmer plot for the quenching by complex 2 demonstrated preferential binding near one of the two tryptophan residues of BSA. The binding constants obtained (K b ) showed that BSA had a two orders of magnitude higher affinity for complex 2 than for 1. The results also showed that the affinity of both complexes for BSA was much higher than for DNA. This preferential interaction with protein sites could be important to their biological mechanisms of action. The analysis in vitro of the Zn(II) complexes and corresponding ligand were assayed against Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease and the data showed that complex 2 was the most active against bloodstream trypomastigotes.  相似文献   
Species richness is the most commonly used but controversial biodiversity metric in studies on aspects of community stability such as structural composition or productivity. The apparent ambiguity of theoretical and experimental findings may in part be due to experimental shortcomings and/or heterogeneity of scales and methods in earlier studies. This has led to an urgent call for improved and more realistic experiments. In a series of experiments replicated at a global scale we translocated several hundred marine hard bottom communities to new environments simulating a rapid but moderate environmental change. Subsequently, we measured their rate of compositional change (re-structuring) which in the great majority of cases represented a compositional convergence towards local communities. Re-structuring is driven by mortality of community components (original species) and establishment of new species in the changed environmental context. The rate of this re-structuring was then related to various system properties. We show that availability of free substratum relates negatively while taxon richness relates positively to structural persistence (i.e., no or slow re-structuring). Thus, when faced with environmental change, taxon-rich communities retain their original composition longer than taxon-poor communities. The effect of taxon richness, however, interacts with another aspect of diversity, functional richness. Indeed, taxon richness relates positively to persistence in functionally depauperate communities, but not in functionally diverse communities. The interaction between taxonomic and functional diversity with regard to the behaviour of communities exposed to environmental stress may help understand some of the seemingly contrasting findings of past research.  相似文献   
Summary— Using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels stained with Coomassie blue we have studied the protein composition of the nuclear matrix obtained from mouse erythroleukemic nuclei kept at O°C throughout the isolation procedure to prepare the high ionic strength resistant fraction (control matrix) or stabilized in vitro or in vivo by different procedures prior to subfractionation (ie 37°C incubation of isolated nuclei; sodium tetrathionate exposure of purified nuclei; heat shock of intact cells). When the matrix obtained from 37°C incubated nuclei was compared with the control matrix, striking differences in the polypeptide pattern were seen if the protein was obtained in both cases from an equivalent number of nuclei. On the other hand, if the same amount of protein for both the samples was applied to the gels the differences were less evident. Sodium tetrathionate stabilization of isolated nuclei and heat shock of intact cells produced a matrix protein pattern that was very similar and differed from that of the in vitro heat-exposed matrix. Using specific polyclonal antisera, we demonstrate that nucleolar proteins B23/numatrin and C23/nucleolin were very abundant in the matrix obtained from chemically-treated nuclei or in vivo heat-stabilized nuclei but were recovered in very small amounts (B23) or completely absent (C23) in the matrix prepared from nuclei heated to 37°C in vitro. Differences were seen also in the recovery of nuclear lamins, and especially lamin B, that was poorly represented in the sodium tetrathionate-stabilized matrix. The results demonstrate that in mouse erythroleukemia cells the increased recovery of nuclear matrix protein that is seen after in vitro heating of isolated nuclei is predominantly due to an additional recovery of the same types of polypeptides that are detected also in the absence of such a treatment. The data also indicate that in vivo heat shock of intact cells produces a nuclear matrix protein pattern that is more similar to the pattern seen after stabilization of purified nuclei with sodium tetrathionate and differs significantly from that obtained by exposing nuclei to 37°C in vitro, unlike to that what previous reports have indicated.  相似文献   
Increased membrane unsaturation has been associated with shorter longevity due to higher sensitivity to lipid peroxidation (LP) leading to enhanced mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS overproduction. However, the role of LP during aging has been put in doubt along with the participation of electron leak at the electron transport chain (ETC) in ROS generation in aged organisms. Thus, to test these hypothesis and gain further information about how minimizing LP preserves ETC function during aging, we studied the effects of α-linolenic acid (C18:3) on in situ mitochondrial ETC function, ROS production and viability of chronologically aged cells of S. cerevisiae, whose membranes are intrinsically resistant to LP due to the lack of PUFA. Increased sensitivity to LP was observed in cells cultured with C18:3 at 6 days of aging. This was associated with higher viability loss, dissipated membrane potential, impaired respiration and increased ROS generation, being these effects more evident at 28 days. However, at this point, lower sensitivity to LP was observed without changes in the membrane content of C18:3, suggesting the activation of a mechanism counteracting LP. The cells without C18:3 display better viability and mitochondrial functionality with lower ROS generation even at 28 days of aging and this was attributed to full preservation of complex III activity. These results indicate that the presence of PUFA in membranes enhances ETC dysfunction and electron leak and suggest that complex III is crucial to preserve membrane potential and to maintain a low rate of ROS production during aging.  相似文献   
In response to pressure exerted by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-mediated CD8(+) T cell control, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) escape mutations often arise in immunodominant epitopes recognized by MHC class I alleles. While the current standard of care for HIV-infected patients is treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), suppression of viral replication in these patients is not absolute and latently infected cells persist as lifelong reservoirs. To determine whether HIV escape from MHC class I-restricted CD8(+) T cell control develops during HAART treatment and then enters latent reservoirs in the periphery and central nervous system (CNS), with the potential to emerge as replication-competent virus, we tracked the longitudinal development of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag escape mutation K165R in HAART-treated SIV-infected pigtailed macaques. Key findings of these studies included: (i) SIV Gag K165R escape mutations emerged in both plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during the decaying phase of viremia after HAART initiation before suppression of viral replication, (ii) SIV K165R Gag escape mutations were archived in latent proviral DNA reservoirs, including the brain in animals receiving HAART that suppressed viral replication, and (iii) replication-competent SIV Gag K165R escape mutations were present in the resting CD4(+) T cell reservoir in HAART-treated SIV-infected macaques. Despite early administration of aggressive antiretroviral treatment, HIV immune escape from CD8(+) T cell control can still develop during the decaying phases of viremia and then persist in latent reservoirs, including the brain, with the potential to emerge if HAART therapy is interrupted.  相似文献   
Biodegradation of phenols by microalgae   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Two green microalgae, Ankistrodesmus braunii and Scenedesmus quadricauda, degraded phenols (each tested at 400 mg ml–1) selected from olive-oil mill wastewaters, within 5 days, with a removal greater than 70%. Green algae may, therefore, represent an alternative to other biological treatment used for the biodegradation of phenol-containing wastewaters.  相似文献   
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