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All species of Galeopsis contain aucubin-like glycosides in roots, leaves and seeds. Acetylharpagide is typical of leaves of the species of the subgenus Ladanum and galiridoside characterizes leaves of taxa of the subgenus Tetrahit. However, the leaves of Galeopsis pubescens, G. segetum and G. pyrenaica contain appreciable amounts of both constituents. In roots and seeds, the difference between the two subgenera is less striking. However, roots of species of subgenus Tetrahit are characterized by a third constituent, called bifida-substance. Some chemical characters of Galeopsis are discussed and evaluated systematically. Galeopsis resembles Lamiastrum in leaf aucubinoids.  相似文献   
The mutualistic interaction between Ficus and their pollinating agaonid wasps constitutes an extreme example of plant-insect co-diversification. Most Ficus species are locally associated with a single specific agaonid wasp species. Specificity is ensured by each fig species emitting a distinctive attractive scent. However, cases of widespread coexistence of two agaonid wasp species on the same Ficus species are documented. Here we document the coexistence of two agaonid wasp species in Ficus septica: one yellow-colored and one black-colored. Our results suggest that their coexistence is facilitated by divergent ecological traits. The black species is longer-lived (a few more hours) and is hence active until later in the afternoon. Some traits of the yellow species must compensate for this advantage for their coexistence to be stable. In addition, we show that the composition of the scent emitted by receptive figs changes between sunrise and noon. The two species may therefore be exposed to somewhat different ranges of receptive fig scent composition and may consequently diverge in the way they perceive and/or respond to scents. Whether such situations may lead to host plant speciation is an open question.  相似文献   
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a chronically relapsing aggressive type of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma considered incurable by currently used treatment approaches. Fludarabine is a purine analog clinically still widely used in the therapy of relapsed MCL. Molecular mechanisms of fludarabine resistance have not, however, been studied in the setting of MCL so far. We therefore derived fludarabine-resistant MCL cells (Mino/FR) and performed their detailed functional and proteomic characterization compared to the original fludarabine sensitive cells (Mino). We demonstrated that Mino/FR were highly cross-resistant to other antinucleosides (cytarabine, cladribine, gemcitabine) and to an inhibitor of Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) ibrutinib. Sensitivity to other types of anti-lymphoma agents was altered only mildly (methotrexate, doxorubicin, bortezomib) or remained unaffacted (cisplatin, bendamustine). The detailed proteomic analysis of Mino/FR compared to Mino cells unveiled over 300 differentially expressed proteins. Mino/FR were characterized by the marked downregulation of deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) and BTK (thus explaining the observed crossresistance to antinucleosides and ibrutinib), but also by the upregulation of several enzymes of de novo nucleotide synthesis, as well as the up-regulation of the numerous proteins of DNA repair and replication. The significant upregulation of the key antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 in Mino/FR cells was associated with the markedly increased sensitivity of the fludarabine-resistant MCL cells to Bcl-2-specific inhibitor ABT199 compared to fludarabine-sensitive cells. Our data thus demonstrate that a detailed molecular analysis of drug-resistant tumor cells can indeed open a way to personalized therapy of resistant malignancies.  相似文献   
Cystoisospora belli (previously known as Isospora belli) is a tropical coccidian parasite sometimes leading to severe diarrhea in immunocompromised patients. Here we describe a fatal case of cystoisosporiasis in a non HIV-immunocompromised 71-year-old female with no recent travel history. Infection was either latent or potentially caused by the consumption of contaminated imported food from Asia. Diagnosis was made by microscopical detection of numerous C. belli oocysts in stools without specific staining. Treatment with TMP-SMZ slightly improved diarrhea within 3 days, but dehydration subsequently led to acute decompensated heart failure and a fatal evolution. This report illustrates the possibility of severe cystoisosporiasis in non HIV-immunocompromised patients in a non-endemic country and highlights the risk of transmission through imported contaminated food consumption.  相似文献   
Dispersal, abiotic and biotic constraints are all involved in explaining the success of invasive plants but how these factors influence the different life stages of an invader remains poorly known. Focusing on highly invaded riparian habitats we asked: (1) how do propagule pressure, resource availability and resident vegetation influence the success of the invasive Asian vine Humulus japonicus at different stages of its life cycle (i.e. seedling, vegetative and flowering) (2) what is the influence of increasing resource availability on the performance and trait plasticity of H. japonicus compared to a functionally similar co-occurring native species? To answer the first question we performed a repeated field survey along the Gardon River (S France) with detailed measurements of distance to the riverbed, soil characteristics, light availability, and resident vegetation cover. To answer the second question we used a greenhouse experiment to compare the biomass and three functional traits of H. japonicus and Galium aparine along a gradient of increasing water and nitrogen availability. Initial germination success was only determined by abiotic constraints, while the role of biotic resistance increased for later stages with establishment success favoured by the interaction of low resident vegetation cover and high soil fertility, and final integrated success favoured by high light availability. H. japonicus performed better and showed higher plasticity in plant height than G. aparine under increased resource availability while their biomass did not differ in the lower part of the resource gradient. Our study demonstrates that by combining field and experimental studies and analysing responses at different life stages we can gain a more complete understanding of how ecological filters shape successful invasions in the course of the life cycle.  相似文献   
Citizen science (CS) has evolved over the past decades as a working method involving interested citizens in scientific research, for example by reporting observations, taking measurements or analysing data. In the past, research on animal behaviour has been benefitting from contributions of citizen scientists mainly in the field of ornithology but the full potential of CS in ecological and behavioural sciences is surely still untapped. Here, we present case studies that successfully applied CS to research projects in wildlife biology and discuss potentials and challenges experienced. Our case studies cover a broad range of opportunities: large‐scale CS projects with interactive online tools on bird song dialects, engagement of stakeholders as citizen scientists to reduce human–wildlife conflicts, involvement of students of primary and secondary schools in CS projects as well as collaboration with the media leading to successful recruitment of citizen scientists. Each case study provides a short overview of the scientific questions and how they were approached to showcase the potentials and challenges of CS in wildlife biology. Based on the experience of the case studies, we highlight how CS may support research in wildlife biology and emphasise the value of fostering communication in CS to improve recruitment of participants and to facilitate learning and mutual trust among different groups of interest (e.g., researchers, stakeholders, students). We further show how specific training for the participants may be needed to obtain reliable data. We consider CS as a suitable tool to enhance research in wildlife biology through the application of open science procedures (i.e., open access to articles and the data on publicly available repositories) to support transparency and sharing experiences.  相似文献   
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