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Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) is a serine exopeptidase expressed at high levels in rat kidney, liver and lung. We established eight monoclonal antibodies against partially purified DPP IV from rat liver plasma membranes. By means of a competitive dot blot assay with purified DPP IV, these antibodies were shown to recognize four different epitopes of the glycoprotein, designated A - D. The epitopes are located on the extracellular domain of DPP IV, as shown by papain digestion of liver plasma membranes. Treatment of DPP IV with neuraminidase and glycopeptide N-glycosidase F, as well as incubation of hepatocytes with the alpha-mannosidase I inhibitor deoxymannojirimycin, revealed that epitope A may be formed by a mannose-rich sugar chain and epitope D might represent a complex carbohydrate structure in the mature glycoprotein, while the epitopes B and C are formed by the protein moiety. Concanavalin A reduced the binding of monoclonal antibody to epitope A by 78%. Binding to epitope D was blocked by 73% with wheat germ lectin, and by more than 99% with sialic acid; epitopes B and C were unaffected by any of the lectins or sugars tested. The immunological cross-reactivity with DPP IV from Morris hepatoma 7777 was demonstrated with monoclonal antibodies against epitopes A-C. Epitope D was not recognized on hepatoma DPP IV. However, in addition to DPP IV, four hepatoma plasma membrane glycoproteins were precipitated by the monoclonal antibody against the epitope D, indicating that this epitope is not uniquely restricted to DPP IV.  相似文献   
S Zeuzem  P Zimmermann  I Schulz 《FEBS letters》1991,288(1-2):143-146
Brefeldin A (BFA) causes rapid redistribution of Golgi proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), leaving no definable Golgi-apparatus, and blocks transport of proteins from the ER to distal secretory compartments of the cell. Using pulse-chase experiments the present study shows that BFA (1 microgram/ml) inhibits basal and CCK-stimulated protein secretion in isolated pancreatic acinar cells by 65 +/- 6% and 84 +/- 5%, respectively. In isolated permeabilized cells higher concentrations of BFA (30 micrograms/ml) were necessary to obtain inhibition of protein secretion. In parallel experiments protein secretion was stimulated by GTP (1 mM). BFA had no inhibitory effect on protein secretion in the presence of GTP, indicating that BFA might act on a GTP-binding protein. Investigating the effect of BFA on small molecular weight GTP-binding proteins we observed that [alpha-32P]GTP binding to a 21 kDa protein in a subcellular fraction enriched in ER was increased in the presence of BFA. We conclude that this 21 kDa and possibly also other GTP-binding proteins may be the molecular target of Brefeldin A in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   
A cDNA encoding a 5'-nucleotidase was identified by screening a lambda gt10 cDNA library from the electric lobe of Discopyge ommata using a cDNA probe containing the complete open reading frame coding for the rat liver enzyme. Nucleotide sequence analysis defines an open reading frame of 577 amino acids, corresponding to a calculated molecular mass of 63,833 Da. The N-terminus of the mature protein, as determined by direct protein sequencing, is preceded by 29 amino acid residues comprising a signal peptide. The C-terminus contains a stretch of hydrophobic amino acids, considered to be cleaved on post-translational modification and exchanged for glycosylphosphatidylinositol as a membrane anchor. The predicted protein contains four potential N-linked glycosylation sites. Electric ray 5'-nucleotidase shares 61% amino acid identity with the enzymes from rat liver and human placenta, and about 23% with bacterial proteins possessing 5'-nucleotidase activity and also additional enzyme activities like UDP-glucose hydrolase. Polyclonal antibodies raised against 5'-nucleotidase from mammalian sources or the electric ray electric organ reveal mutual cross-reactivity. Interestingly, there are 5-7 domains highly conserved in procaryotes and vertebrates in enzymes exhibiting 5'-nucleotidase, 3'-nucleotidase or phosphodiesterase activity. 5'-nucleotidase isolated from Torpedo electric organ hydrolyzes UDP-glucose at 8% of the rate of AMP hydrolysis. The possible phylogenetic origin of vertebrate 5'-nucleotidase from multifunctional nucleotide hydrolases is discussed.  相似文献   
Hyaluronate binding properties of versican.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have previously cloned a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (versican) from human fibroblasts. The primary sequence shows that the N terminus contains sequence homology with known hyaluronate-binding molecule, suggesting that versican can bind hyaluronate. To test this hypothesis we have reconstructed a full-length versican cDNA and a versican cDNA fragment encoding the N terminus and have transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells and mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, respectively, with these constructs. The transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells make a proteoglycan shown to be versican by enzymatic and immunologic analysis. No corresponding proteoglycan was seen in the control cells. Using hyaluronate affinity chromatography, we show that recombinant versican specifically binds hyaluronate and does not bind to heparin or chondroitin sulfate. The transfected fibroblasts make a 78-kDa truncated form of versican that also binds hyaluronate and does not bind the related polysaccharides, showing that the hyaluronate binding activity resides at the N terminus of versican. The binding of versican to hyaluronate is substrate-concentration dependent and time dependent and can be competed with unlabeled versican. The dissociation constant for versican binding to hyaluronate was determined to be 4 x 10(-9) M.  相似文献   
Interaction between nonflocculent and flocculent cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Adhesion experiments were done using three types of nonflocculent cells and a flocculent one. Two types of nonflocculent cells were obtained from the flocculent strain by changing environmental growth conditions. The integration of nonflocculent cells in the flocs was observed by two different methods: measurement of the sedimentation capacity of mixtures and microscopic observation of stained nonflocculent cells blended with flocculent cells. It was possible to verify that cell-cell interaction corresponds to a true stable binding and not to a simple entrapment inside the floc matrix.  相似文献   
A pore-forming protein was detected and purified for the first time from a marine sponge (Tethya lyncurium). The purified protein has a polypeptide molecular mass of 21 kDa and a pI of 6.4. Tethya pore-forming protein (also called Tethya hemolysin) rapidly lysed erythrocytes from a variety of organisms. After binding to target membranes, the hemolysin resisted elution with EDTA, salt or solutions of low ionic strength and hence resembled an integral membrane protein. Erythrocytes could be protected from hemolysis induced by Tethya hemolysin by addition of 30 mM dextran 4 (4-6 kDa; equivalent hydrodynamic diffusion radius, 1.75-2.3 nm) to the extracellular medium, but not by addition of uncharged molecules of smaller size [sucrose, raffinose and poly(ethylene glycol) 1550; equivalent hydrodynamic diffusion radii, 0.46, 0.57 and 1.2 nm, respectively]. This result indicates that hemolysin is able to form stable transmembrane pores with an effective diameter of about 2-3 nm. Treatment of osmotically protected erythrocytes with Tethya hemolysin caused a rapid efflux of intracellular K+ and ATP, and a rapid influx of extracellularly added Ca2+ and sucrose. In negative-staining electron microscopy, target erythrocyte membranes exposed to purified Tethya hemolysin displayed ultrastructural lesions but without visible pores.  相似文献   
The structure of the influenza-virus-matrix-protein (IMP) 58-66 nonapeptide, bound to the major-histocompatibility-complex-encoded human leukocyte antigen (HLA) A2 protein was studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Starting from the extra electron density map of peptides co-crystallized with HLA-A2, the nonapeptide IMP58-66 was docked residue by residue in the protein binding cleft. The complex was simulated for 100 ps in a shell of 1372 water molecules. The averaged simulated HLA-A2 conformation was found to be similar to the crystal structure (0.182 nm RMS deviation, for the backbone atoms of the alpha 1-alpha 2 domain). Nine out of the 14 hydrogen bonds observed in the antigen-binding site were reproduced in the simulation. The IMP58-66 peptide exhibits an extended conformation with kinks at positions 3 and 5. The side chains of residues 2, 3 and 9 develop van der Waals' interactions with hydrophobic pockets of HLA-A2, corresponding to polymorphic residues of the major-histocompatibility-complex-encoded proteins. Both the N-terminus and C-terminus of the nonapeptide were anchored in the antigen-binding groove by hydrogen bonds with conserved amino acids. The N-terminus was more flexible and contacts four HLA-A2 conserved tyrosines (Tyr7, Tyr59, Tyr159 and Tyr171) and Glu63 by direct or water-relayed hydrogen bonds. Water intercalation occurred only around the N-terminus of the peptide, the C-terminal carboxylate forming strong hydrogen bonds with polar residues (Tyr84 and Thr143) and a salt bridge with Lys146 all over the molecular dynamics simulation. This model is fully compatible with the recently published crystal structure of the HLA-B27 protein, complexed by a mixture of self nonapeptides.  相似文献   
High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance images (using very short spin-echo times of 3.8 milliseconds) of cross-sections of excised roots of the halophyte Aster tripolium showed radial cell strands separated by air-filled spaces. Radial insertion of the pressure probe (along the cell strands) into roots of intact plants revealed a marked increase of the turgor pressure from the outermost to the sixth cortical layer (from about 0.1-0.6 megapascals). Corresponding measurements of intracellular osmotic pressure in individual cortical cells (by means of a nanoliter osmometer) showed an osmotic pressure gradient of equal magnitude to the turgor pressure. Neither gradient changed significantly when the plants were grown in, or exposed for 1 hour to, media of high salinity. Differences were recorded in the ability of salts and nonelectrolytes to penetrate the apoplast in the root. The reflection coefficients of the cortical cells were approximately 1 for all the solutes tested. Excision of the root from the stem resulted in a collapse of the turgor and osmotic pressure gradients. After about 15 to 30 minutes, the turgor pressure throughout the cortex attained an intermediate (quasistationary) level of about 0.3 megapascals. This value agreed well with the osmotic value deduced from plasmolysis experiments on excised root segments. These and other data provided conclusions about the driving forces for water and solute transport in the roots and about the function of the air-filled radial spaces in water transport. They also showed that excised roots may be artifactual systems.  相似文献   
The synthesis and properties of an amide isostere of the antibiotic distamycin, thioformyldistamycin 3 is described. Compound 3 exists predominantly in the E conformation of the thioamide group in freshly prepared DMSO solution but is converted into the Z form, predicted by molecular mechanics to be more stable, on standing for 24 h. The coalescence temperature in DMSO is 110 degrees C by 1H-NMR. The thioformyl moiety of 3 is resistant to both peptidase action and acid treatment. Complementary strand MPE footprinting on a EcoRI/Hind III restriction fragment of pBR322 DNA demonstrated that either E or Z forms of 3 give a single set of footprints very similar to that of the parent antibiotic with strongest protection at TAAG and TATTAT with moderately strong protection at ATTT and AAAA. The strength of binding of 3 and distamycin from delta Tm measurements to either poly.d(AT) or calf thymus DNA is comparable. Molecular modeling predicted a preferred conformation for 3 wherein the C = S bond has a torsional angle of 110 degrees with the pyrrole ring. The energy difference between this conformation and the E form is less than 1 kcal/mole. In contrast the E-form has an energy 17.3 kcal/mole greater than the Z and a value of 26.3 kcal/mole was calculated for the energy barrier between the two isomers.  相似文献   
Summary Paraganglion-like structures (PLS) containing chromaffin-positive cells have been reported to be present in the adult human heart. The present work was initiated in order to evaluate the densitity of these structures in the interatrial septum and to study the presence of immunoreactivity of their cells to NSE and PGP 9,5 antibodies, two neuroendocrine markers. Six hundred 6-m paraffin serial sections were obtained from the upper third of the interatrial septum from six adult human hearts. From 2 to 12 paraganglia were found in each case, and their principal cells stained positively with NSE and PGP 9,5 antibodies. Depending on how these PLS related to other cardiac structures, four different types were identified: Type I — True paraganglia (located adjacent to ganglia or nerve fibers); Type II — Free paraganglia (immersed in the interatrial adipose tissue, without evident connection to other structures); Type III — Intraganglionic paraganglia (located within the nervous ganglia); Type IV — Intramyocardic paraganglia (small nests of immunoreactive cells closely related to myocardiocyte bundles). These cardiac paraganglia, which probably belong to the visceral-autonomic group, may have a role in the regulation of the cardiac function and in the adaptive mechanisms of the heart. Its is also possible that they originate functioning and non-functioning tumours.Work supported by grants from FINEP and CNPq (Brazil)  相似文献   
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