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It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. Yet, few studies have examined the relationship between the addition of refuges and the characteristic of functional response fits. We investigated whether addition of a refuge changed the type of functional response exhibited by Dermestes ater on Musca domestica, comparing the inherent ability of D. ater to kill houseflies in the absence and in the presence of refuge. An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling and searching times exhibited by D. ater. Logistic regression analyses revealed a type III functional response for predator–prey interaction without refuge, and results were described by the random predator equation. The mean number of prey killed did not differ between experimental habitats, indicating that the addition of refuge did not inhibit predation. However, predators that interacted with prey without refuge spent less time searching for prey at higher densities, increasing predatory interaction. We concluded that this interaction may be weak, because data from experiments with refuge fitted poorly to models. However, the high variability and the nonsignificance of the data from the experiment with refuge show the importance of refuge for promoting spatial heterogeneity, which may prevent prey extinction.  相似文献   
Altitudinal migration is the seasonal altitudinal movement of birds from breeding areas to non‐breeding or wintering areas at different elevations. Although this type of migration is widely reported, questions remain concerning the number of species that perform altitudinal migration, possible variation among different taxa and geographic locations in the extent of altitudinal migration, and the foraging guilds of altitudinal migrants. We conducted an extensive bibliographic survey and compiled a list of altitudinal migrant birds worldwide. We characterized species in terms of their foraging guilds because the spatial distribution of food resources along altitudinal gradients is often evoked as a driver of bird altitudinal migration. We identified 1238 species of altitudinal migrants, ~10% of the ~10,000 extant species of birds. We found a strong geographic bias in publications focusing on avian altitudinal migration toward the United States and Costa Rica, and a paucity of studies in megadiverse regions such as the Afrotropical and Indomalayan realms, and areas in the Neotropics other than Costa Rica. We also found that most species of altitudinal migrants were invertivores rather than frugivores or nectarivores. This general pattern held true for all zoogeographic realms except the Neotropics, where nectarivores and frugivores predominated among altitudinal migrants. The prevalence of invertivore birds among altitudinal migrants is not unexpected because this is the most common foraging guild among birds worldwide. Overall, we found no prevalence of any specific foraging guild among altitudinal migrants across zoogeographic regions. The results of studies to date suggest that altitudinal migration by birds may be driven by a number of factors, including access to increased food resources for breeding or molting, weather conditions, and mating and nesting opportunities. However, to better understand the mechanisms underlying altitudinal migration, broadening the geographic scope of studies is paramount, with additional study of altitudinal migration especially needed in the megadiverse tropical regions of sub‐Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America.  相似文献   


An important issue associated with the control of visceral leishmaniasis is the need to identify and understand the relevance of asymptomatic infection caused by Leishmania infantum. The aim of this study was to follow the course of asymptomatic L. infantum infection in children in an area of Brazil where it is endemic. The children were assessed twice during a 12-month period.


In this population study, 1875 children, ranging from 6 months to 7 years of age, were assessed. Blood samples were collected on filter papers via finger prick and tested by ELISA (L. infantum soluble antigen and rk39). Seropositives samples (n = 317) and a number of seronegatives samples (n = 242) were subjected to qPCR. After 12 months, blood samples were collected from a subgroup of 199 children and tested for Leishmania spp. to follow the course of infection.

Principal Findings

At baseline qPCR testing identified 82 positive samples. The prevalence rate, as estimated for 1875 children based on the qPCR results, was 13.9%. The qPCR testing of whole blood samples collected from a cohort of children after 12 months (n = 199) yielded the following results: of the 44 (22.1%) children with positive qPCR results at baseline, only 10 (5.0%) remained positive, and 34 (17.1%) became negative; and of the 155 (77.9%) children with negative qPCR results, 131 (65.8%) remained negative, and 24 (12.1%) became positive at the follow-up measurement. The samples with positive findings at baseline (n = 82) had a mean of 56.5 parasites/mL of blood; and at follow-up the mean positive result was 7.8 parasites/mL.


The peripheral blood of asymptomatic children had a low and fluctuating quantity of Leishmania DNA and a significant decrease in parasitemia at 1-year follow-up. Quantitative PCR enables adequate monitoring of Leishmania infection.  相似文献   
Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis (CMm) is a multicellular organism in which each constituent cell is a magnetotactic bacterium. It has been observed that disaggregation of this organism provokes the death of the individual cells. The observed flagellar movement of the CMm indicates that the constituent cells move in a coordinated way, indicating a strong correlation between them and showing that this aggregate could be considered as an individual. As every constituent cell is a magnetotactic bacterium, every cell contributes with a magnetic moment vector to the resultant magnetic moment of the CMm organism that can be calculated through the vectorial sum of all the constituent magnetic moments. Scanning electron microscopy images of CMm organisms have shown that the constituent cells are distributed on a helix convoluted on a spherical surface. To analyze the magnetic properties of the distribution of magnetic moments on this curve, we calculated the magnetic energy numerically as well as the vectorial sum of the magnetic moment distribution as a function of the number of cells, the sphere radius and the number of spiral loops. This distribution proposes a magnetic organization not seen in any other living organism and shows that minimum energy configurations of magnetic moments are in spherical meridian chains, perpendicular to the helix turns. We observed that CMm has a high theoretical degree of magnetic optimization, showing that its geometrical structure is important to the magnetic response. Our results indicate that the helical structure must have magnetic significance.  相似文献   
Spindle checkpoint proteins monitor the interaction of the spindle apparatus with the kinetochores, halting anaphase even if the microtubule attachment of only a single chromosome is altered. In this study, we show that Bub3p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an evolutionarily conserved spindle checkpoint protein, exhibits distinct interactions with an altered or defective kinetochore(s). We show for the first time that green fluorescent protein-tagged S. cerevisiae Bub3p (Bub3-GFP) exhibits not only a diffuse nuclear localization pattern but also forms distinct nuclear foci in unperturbed growing and G(2)/M-arrested cells. As Bub3-GFP foci overlap only a subset of kinetochores, we tested a model in which alterations or defects in kinetochore or spindle integrity lead to the distinct enrichment of Bub3p at these structures. In support of our model, kinetochore-associated Bub3-GFP is enriched upon activation of the spindle checkpoint due to nocodazole-induced spindle disassembly, overexpression of the checkpoint kinase Mps1p, or the presence of a defective centromere (CEN). Most importantly, using a novel approach with the chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) technique and genetically engineered defective CEN [CF/CEN6(Delta31)], we determined that Bub3-GFP can associate with a single defective kinetochore. Our studies represent the first comprehensive molecular analysis of spindle checkpoint protein function in the context of a wild-type or defective kinetochore(s) by use of live-cell imaging and the ChIP technique in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
We have developed quantitative radioimmunological solid phase assays for the host protein p53 from mouse cells and from human cells. The first assay, for mouse p53, depends on having two monoclonal antibodies reacting with different determinants on the p53 molecule. With this assay we have shown that SV40-transformed cells have approximately 100-fold more p53 than untransformed mouse cells and that other transformed cells have intermediate levels. Embryonal carcinoma cell lines have approximately 50-fold less p53 than SV40-transformed cells. This is in contrast to the high levels of incorporation of [35S]methionine into p53 in these cells and indicates that metabolic labelling is not a valid approach for measuring p53 levels. The second assay, for human p53, required a different approach and made use of the anti-p53 antibodies detected in the sera of some breast cancer patients. Human tumour cell lines contained amounts of p53 varying from the high level seen in SV40-transformed human fibroblasts down to less than one hundredth of this amount. Normal human cells showed low levels of p53. The data confirm that many, but not all, human tumour cell lines contain more p53 than normal cells.  相似文献   
The spatio-temporal patterns of soil fertility and soil solution chemistry in a multi-strata agroforestry system with perennial crops were analysed as indicators for the effects of crop species and management measures on soil conditions under permanent agriculture in central Amazonia. The study was carried out in a plantation with locally important tree crop species and a leguminous cover crop at two fertilization levels on a xanthic Ferralsol. Soil fertility to 2 m soil depth was evaluated 3.5 years after the establishment of the plantation, and soil solution chemistry at 10, 60 and 200 cm soil depth was monitored over 2 years. Several soil fertility characteristics exhibited spatial patterns within the multi-strata plots which reflected the differing properties of the plant species and their management, including the fertilizer input. Significant differences between species could be detected to 150 cm depth, and between fertilization treatments to 200 cm depth. Favourable effects on nutrient availability in the soil were found for annatto (Bixa orellana) (P, K) and cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) (Ca, Mg) in comparison with peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) and Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa). Nutrient concentrations of the soil solution showed pronounced fluctuations in the topsoil, corresponding to fertilizer applications. Large nutrient concentrations in the soil solution were accompanied by increased concentrations of aluminium and low pH values, caused by exchange reactions between fertilizer and sorbed acidity and reinforced by the acidifying effect of nitrification. The soil solution under the leguminous cover crop Pueraria phaseoloides had relatively large N concentrations during periods when those under the tree crops were small, and this could partly explain why no yield responses to N fertilization were observed at this site.  相似文献   
The yeast Dekkera bruxellensis is considered to be very well adapted to industrial environments, in Brazil, USA, Canada and European Countries, when different substrates are used in alcoholic fermentations. Our previous study described its fermentative profile with a sugarcane juice substrate. In this study, we have extended its physiological evaluation to fermentation situations by using sugarcane molasses as a substrate to replicate industrial working conditions. The results have confirmed the previous reports of the low capacity of D. bruxellensis cells to assimilate sucrose, which seems to be the main factor that can cause a bottleneck in its use as fermentative yeast. Furthermore, the cells of D. bruxellensis showed a tendency to deviate most of sugar available for biomass and organic acids (lactic and acetic) compared with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, when calculated on the basis of their respective yields. As well as this, the acetate production from molasses medium by both yeasts was in marked contrast with the previous data on sugarcane juice. Glycerol and ethanol production by D. bruxellensis cells achieved levels of 33 and 53 % of the S. cerevisiae, respectively. However, the ethanol yield was similar for both yeasts. It is worth noting that this yeast did not accumulate trehalose when the intracellular glycogen content was 30 % lower than in S. cerevisiae. The lack of trehalose did not affect yeast viability under fermentation conditions. Thus, the adaptive success of D. bruxellensis under industrial fermentation conditions seems to be unrelated to the production of these reserve carbohydrates.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (agro-transformation) was successfully applied to the entomogenous fungus Beauveria bassiana. Conidia of B. bassiana were transformed to hygromycin B resistance using the hph gene of Escherichia coli as the selective trait, under the control of a heterologous fungal promoter and the Aspergillus nidulans trpC terminator. The efficiency of transformation was up to 28 and 96 transformants per 10(4) and 10(5) target conidia, respectively, using three distinct vectors. High mitotic stability of the transformants (80-100%) was demonstrated after five successive transfers on a nonselective medium. Abortive transformants were observed for all the hph(r) vectors used. Putative transformants were analysed for the presence of the hph gene by PCR and Southern analysis. The latter analysis revealed the integration of two or more copies of the hph gene in the genome. The agro-transformation method was found to be effective for the isolation of B. bassiana hygromycin resistant transformants and may represent a useful tool for insertional mutagenesis studies in this fungus.  相似文献   
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