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The buccal ganglion of Aplysia contains three morpho-functional groups (A, B, and C) of large cells and two groups (s1 and s2) of small cells. The A cells evoke monoxynaptic IPSPs in the B cells. We found that s1 cells can evoke large EPSPs in the A cells, IEPSPs in the B cells, and EIIPSPs in the C cells; several s1 cells are able to evoke all three types of responses. Many s2 cells can evoke these same responses, but only in the A and B cells. Furthermore, the s cells can evoke depolarizing PSPs in other s cells; this relation is often reciprocal. All these responses may also be contralateral. Their monosynaptic nature is shown by the consistent 1:1 relationship with the presynaptic spike, and also by the effects of intracellular tetraethylammonium and of high Mg2+ concentration in the bathing medium. d-tubocurarine reversibly suppresses the I phase of the IEPSP evoked by the s cells in the B cells. All the responses evoked by the s cells undergo depression with repetition. The network formed by all these relations is outlined, and a double relationship proposed between s cells and B cells. By electrophysiological tracing of axonal pathways it is shown that the A cells send axons into the 3rd buccal nerve, the B cells into the 2nd and/or 3rd buccal nerve and in two cases into the radular nerve, and the C cells into the gastro-oesophageal nerve. Spontaneous synaptic activity of the buccal neurons appears to be formed mostly by the described PSPs. Spontaneous firing inside the isolated ganglion corresponds well to the alternate pattern of muscular contractions of the buccal mass.  相似文献   
The synthesis of a new tetrapyridyl ligand, bis[di-1,1-(2-pyridyl)ethyl]amine (BDPEA), is described. Complexation of this ligand with manganese(II), iron(III) or copper(II) chlorides afforded mononuclear complexes: Mn(BDPEA)Cl2 (1) [Fe (BDPEA)Cl2]Cl (2) and [Cu(BDPEA)Cl]Cl (3). In all cases, BDPEA is coordinated to the metal center by three pyridine nitrogen atoms and the secondary amine. The geometrical environments around the metals in Mn(BDPEA)Cl2 and [Fe(BDPEA)Cl2]Cl are best described as distorted octahedrals and in [Cu (BDPEA)Cl]Cl as a slightly distorted square pyramid. The DNA cleavage activities of manganese(II), iron (III) or copper(II) complexes of both BDPEA and another tetrapyridyl ligand, bis[di(2-pyridyl) methyl]amine (BDPMA), in the presence of an oxidant (H2O2) or a reducing agent (ascorbate) with air, are reported. The iron(III) complexes exhibited significantly enhanced efficiencies, compared to copper(II) complexes. [Fe(BDPEA)Cl2]Cl is found to be the most active DNA cleaver, in agreement with a better stability of BDPEA in oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   
The aim of this short review is to emphasize the richness of the comparative histological studies on both fossil and extant Osteichthyes. Some selected examples in both Sarcopterygii (excluding tetrapods) and Actinopterygii show how it is possible to improve our knowledge on bone biology of extinct species but also to obtain new data on their palaeobiology or on their paleobiogeography. After a brief survey of the organization of bony tissues in osteichthyes, we review some examples of skeletal peculiarities in the following extinct and extant taxa: the histological structure of polypterid scales that suggests a hypothesis on the possible age and the biogeographical history of this basal actinopterygian taxon; the ossified lung of the fossil coelacanthids, with a discussion on its potential function; the histological organization of the sarcopterygian derived elasmoid scales (of Eusthenopteron sp., Latimeria sp. and Neoceratodus sp.). These comparative palaeohistological and histological data provide the basis of a general discussion of the evolutionary trends of bony tissues and their derivatives in Osteichthyes.  相似文献   
A model of tissue cyst formation was developed using D609, a specific inhibitor of phosphatidylcholine specific-phospholipase C. The phospholipase inhibitor induced a decrease in Toxoplasma gondii multiplication and several successive treatments could lead to an arrest in parasite multiplication and full encystment of the parasites. This could be a first step towards an in vitro model of T. gondii reactivation.  相似文献   
Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) is a significant drug binding acute phase protein that is present in rats. AGP levels are known to increase during tissue injury, cancer and infection. Accordingly, when determining effective drug ranges and toxicity limits, consideration of drug binding to AGP is essential. However, AGP levels have not been well established during subclinical infections. The goal of this study was to establish a subclinical infection model in rats using AGP as a biomarker. This information could enhance health surveillance, aid in outlier identification, and provide more informed characterization of drug candidates. An initial study (n = 57) was conducted to evaluate AGP in response to various concentrations of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in Sprague–Dawley rats with or without implants of catheter material. A model validation study (n = 16) was then conducted using propranolol. Rats received vehicle control or S. aureus and when indicated, received oral propranolol (10 mg/kg). Health assessment and blood collection for measurement of plasma AGP or propranolol were performed over time (days). A dose response study showed that plasma AGP was elevated on day 2 in rats inoculated with S. aureus at 106, 107 or, 108 CFU regardless of implant status. Furthermore, AGP levels remained elevated on day 4 in rats inoculated with 107 or 108 CFUs of S. aureus. In contrast, significant increases in AGP were not detected in rats treated with vehicle or 103 CFU S. aureus. In the validation study, robust elevations in plasma AGP were detected on days 2 and 4 in S. aureus infected rats with or without propranolol. The AUC levels for propranolol on days 2 and 4 were 493 ± 44 h × ng/mL and 334 ± 54 h × ng/mL, respectively), whereas in noninfected rats that received only propranolol, levels were 38 ± 11 h × ng/mL and 76 ± 16.h × ng/mL, respectively. The high correlation between plasma propranolol and AGP demonstrated a direct impact of AGP on drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The results indicate that AGP is a reliable biomarker in this model of subclinical infection and should be considered for accurate data interpretation.

Protein binding is an important component of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) research. In vitro measurement of protein drug binding is an essential component of the research and development of novel drugs. However, in vitro studies often poorly mirror the in vivo condition.9,42 Pharmacokinetic studies early in drug development provide a means to assess the time course of drug effects in the body and drug distribution and availability.42 From a PK/PD modeling perspective, protein binding is an important factor in the kinetics and dynamics of drug availability in vivo.21,35,36,40 These complex relationships are used to project efficacious doses in humans and take into consideration differences in plasma protein binding between preclinical species and humans.8,44A variety of acute phase proteins (APP) exist across all species and increase in response to inflammatory, infectious and traumatic events.5,9,12,13,19,21,22,29,45,53 APPs are potential biomarkers for detection and monitoring of various disease states including cancer.2,18,24,34,39,40,47,50,52 Because of this, enhanced understanding of drug binding characteristics to APPs early in the development phase will promote the design of more efficacious therapeutics. Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP), a ubiquitous major APP that is present in rats,9,46 has significant drug binding properties and binds to many basic and neutral compounds. Normal AGP levels in plasma of naïve rats range from 0.1 to 0.32 mg/mL.44 The importance of AGP as related to drug discovery and development will be bolstered by greater understanding of the sources of AGP stimulation in established animal models. For example, AGP modulates the immune response in a rodent shock model in which it is thought to maintain normal capillary permeability to ensure perfusion of vital organs.30,33 In addition, elevated AGP levels are present in animal models of infection and inflammation.11,20,27,32,41,48In surgically modified animals, AGP levels may be elevated after surgical manipulation, which unavoidably induces local transient inflammatory responses.8,25,51 In addition, infections may develop postoperatively leading to increased AGP levels. Chronic catheterization has been linked to increased incidence of infection.3,8,37 Surgically modified animals should not be placed on study if aseptic technique was not adhered to during surgical preparation and instrumentation.6,37 Contamination may occur within or at the external portion of a catheter, usually resulting in more obvious signs of infection. Routine PK studies in rats involve implantation of vascular catheters through which drugs are administered and blood samples are taken over time. Catheterized animals are typically perceived as being healthy and thus are enrolled in and remain on study unless they develop obvious clinical signs of infection or illness. However, an occult infection may be present even with a patent catheter. As such, understanding the direct effect of subclinical infection in modulating AGP levels and drug binding is critical, as AGP levels may affect drug levels in study animals with persistent subclinical infection. In this event, the PK data generated may be altered due to selective binding to AGP, thus confounding data interpretation.A possible application of AGP is its potential utility as a biomarker for evaluating health status animals in drug development. The use of AGP as a select biomarker for monitoring and identifying sick animals and/or predicting the potential impact of subclinical infection on drug PK/PD is highly desirable. A screening tool such as this could help to optimize animal selection by reliably identifying healthy animals. Improved intra-study health monitoring would promote confidence in PK/PD data and its predictive value.The focus of this research was to develop a sensitive, reliable and reproducible model of subclinical infection in the rat using the ubiquitous skin contaminant, S. aureus. We selected AGP as a biomarker that would promote health status screening and enhance PK/PD characterization of AGP binding drugs (that is basic and neutral) in the presence or absence of subclinical infection. The model was validated by evaluating the impact of increased AGP levels on propranolol, a drug known to have high binding affinity to AGP.4,7,10,26,28,31,49 Ultimately, establishing this model will provide heightened visibility of the protein binding characteristics of drugs and yield more informed data interpretation.  相似文献   
The second extracellular loop (ECL2) of the Noc receptor has been proposed to be involved in ligand binding and selectivity. The interaction of Noc with a constrained cyclic synthetic peptide, mimicking the ECL2, has been studied using fluorescence and NMR spectroscopies. Selective binding was shown with a dissociation constant of ∼10 µM (observed with the constrained cyclic loop and not with the open chain), and residues involved in ligand binding and selectivity have been identified. This bimolecular complex is stabilized by (i) ionic interactions between the two Noc basic motives and the ECL2 acidic residues; (ii) hydrophobic contacts involving Noc FGGF N‐terminal sequence and an ECL2 tryptophane residue. Our data confirm that Noc receptor's ECL2 contributes actively to ligand binding and selectivity by providing the peptidic ligand with a low affinity‐binding site. Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sensory guidance of behavior often involves standard visuo-motor mapping of body movements onto objects and spatial locations. For example, looking at and reaching to grasp a glass of wine requires the mapping of the eyes and hand to the location of the glass in space, as well as the formation of a hand configuration appropriate to the shape of the glass. But our brain is far more than just a standard sensorimotor mapping machine. Through evolution, the brain of advanced mammals, in particular human and non-human primates, has acquired a formidable capacity to construct non-standard, arbitrary mapping using associations between external events and behavioral responses that bear no direct relationship. For example, we have all learned to stop at a red traffic light and to go at a green one, or to wait for a specific tone before dialing a phone number and to hang up when hearing a busy signal. These arbitrary associations are acquired through experience, thereby providing primates with a rich and flexible sensorimotor repertoire. Understanding how they are learned, and how they are recalled and used when the context requires them, has been one of the challenging issues for cognitive neuroscience. Valuable insights have been gained over the last two decades through the convergence of multiple complementary approaches. Human neuropsychology and experimental lesions in monkeys have identified a network of brain structures important for conditional sensorimotor associations, whereas imaging studies in healthy human subjects and electrophysiological recordings in awake monkeys have sought to identify the different functional processes underlying the overall function. The present review focuses on the contribution of a network linking the prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and dorsal premotor cortex, with special emphasis on results from recording experiments in monkeys. We will first review data pointing to a specific contribution of each component of the network to the performance of well-learned arbitrary visuo-motor associations, as well as data suggesting how novel associations are formed. Then we will propose a model positing that each component of the fronto-striatal network makes a specific contribution to the formation and/or execution of sensorimotor associations. In this model, the basal ganglia are thought to play a key role in linking the sensory, motor, and reward information necessary for arbitrary mapping.  相似文献   
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