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The recognition of the role played by the subfornical organ (SFO) in the central regulation of body water balance has recently aroused new interest in this anatomical formation which remained ignored for a long time. The SFO is included in the group of the circumventricular organs. In higher vertebrates it is adherent to the ventral surface of the fornix and protrudes into the third ventricle at the level of the interventricular foramina, partially covered by the choroid plexus. The SFO appears as a small nodule, rounded or ovoidal in shape, consisting of highly vascularized nervous tissue and lined by ependyma at the ventricular surface. Its structural organization is fundamentally constant and presents only minor differences in the various species. The SFO neuronal perikarya show different aspects which have been classified in four types. However, it is not yet clearly defined if such aspects refer to distinct cell types or to different transitional features. Nerve and glial cell processes form a dense plexus through the SFO and the subependymal area, as well as in the connective tissue perivascular spaces. These may be narrow or wide and surround fenestrated and non-fenestrated capillaries, assuming sometimes a labyrinthine aspect. The ependymal lining of the SFO ventricular surface shows large variations and regional differences concerning the cell height, the number and development of microvilli, the cilia distribution. The structural properties of SFO, which is characterized by a rich and highly permeable capillary bed, by a wide surface area of contact and exchange with the cerebrospinal fluid, by direct and indirect neural connections with a number of regulatory structures, have been considered as the basis for the role of neurohumoral integration that SFO plays in regulating physiological and behavioral responses to water-mineral changes. Much experimental evidence substantiates this function. However, the studies on SFO are increasingly enriching the literature with new experimental, especially physiological and cytochemical, data which may suggest for this organ connections even more extensive and functions even more complex than those until now ascertained.  相似文献   
The mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (MTN) cells of both young and adult ducks as well as of rabbits were investigated by scanning electron microscope. The rabbit showed only ovoid unipolar cells, while the duck also presented polyhedral cells. Few of these latter revealed processes originating from their surface and were recognized as multipolar cells. Some differences between the MTN cell surface of young and adult ducks were noticed. Synaptic bulbs were observed on the MTN cells in both duck and rabbit.  相似文献   
The coreid Leptoglossus occidentalis is a Nearctic bug responsible for severe seed losses to pine orchards. When disturbed, adults and nymphs emit a defensive secretion deemed an allomone. Here we describe the gross morphology of the scent gland apparatus and the related evaporatory structures in nymphs and adults of L. occidentalis, through light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Adults of both sexes possess a metathoracic scent gland complex (MTG) including a central orange‐yellow reservoir and a pair of white lateral glands, connected by ducts to the reservoir. The MTG belongs to the diastomian type, with two ostioles located on the metathorax associated with a microsculptured cuticular accumulation area, i.e. evaporatory area, which can prevent the spread of the secretion on to non‐evaporative cuticle and increase scent fluid evaporation. A high number of male‐specific sternal gland pores were observed. These pores and associated glands are likely the source of an attractant pheromone, which could be extremely useful in monitoring and combating this invasive pest. In nymphs, MTG is replaced by two dorsal abdominal scent glands (DAGs) located between the 4th and the 6th urotergites. DAGs are reddish cuticle‐lined sacs with gland cells forming the gland wall; the scent substances are released through two orifices lying on the mid‐dorsal abdominal line between urotergites IV–V and V–VI. Also in nymphs, peculiar cuticular evaporatory areas surround both orifices.  相似文献   
The L2 minor capsid proteins enter the nucleus twice during viral infection: in the initial phase after virion disassembly and in the productive phase when, together with the L1 major capsid proteins, they assemble the replicated viral DNA into virions. In this study we investigated the interactions between the L2 protein of high-risk human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) and nuclear import receptors. We discovered that HPV16 L2 interacts directly with both Kapbeta(2) and Kapbeta(3). Moreover, binding of Ran-GTP to either Kapbeta(2) or Kapbeta(3) inhibits its interaction with L2, suggesting that the Kapbeta/L2 complex is import competent. In addition, we found that L2 forms a complex with the Kapalpha(2)beta(1) heterodimer via interaction with the Kapalpha(2) adapter. In agreement with the binding data, nuclear import of L2 in digitonin-permeabilized cells could be mediated by either Kapalpha(2)beta(1) heterodimers, Kapbeta(2), or Kapbeta(3). Mapping studies revealed that HPV16 L2 contains two nuclear localization signals (NLSs), in the N terminus (nNLS) and C terminus (cNLS), that could mediate its nuclear import. Together the data suggest that HPV16 L2 interacts via its NLSs with a network of karyopherins and can enter the nucleus via several import pathways mediated by Kapalpha(2)beta(1) heterodimers, Kapbeta(2), and Kapbeta(3).  相似文献   
The grapevine moth Lobesia botrana is a generalist insect herbivore and grapevine is one of its hosts. Previous studies have shown that insects use their olfactory abilities to locate hosts from a distance; whereas contact chemoreception mediates the stimulation of oviposition after landing. Little is known about the role of olfaction and its interactions with contact chemoreception and vision once the insect lands on the plant. Plant volatile compounds can be sensed by host-searching insects located some distance from the plant and insects sense both volatile and nonvolatile cues after landing on a plant. In the present study, we investigated the effects of these volatile and nonvolatile cues on the oviposition behavior of L. botrana. A behavioral bioassay with choice was developed in which insects were offered each sensory cue either alone or in combination with one or 2 other cues. Females were allowed to choose between a device with the stimulus and a blank device. Results were evaluated in terms of 2 parameters: quantity of eggs laid (egg counts) and preference for the stimulus (ODI: oviposition discrimination index). Our results suggest that olfaction significantly affects egg quantity and that there is significant synergism between olfaction and vision, in terms of their combined effect on egg quantity. In terms of preference (ODI), our results did not show a significant preference for any single cue; the highest ODI was measured for the full-cue stimulus (olfaction, vision, and contact). For ODI, a significant interaction was observed between olfaction and vision and a nearly significant interaction was observed between the olfactory and contact cues. The results are discussed in relation to the effects of plant sensory cues on the oviposition behavior of L. botrana.  相似文献   
The localization of sensory cells innervating the extraocular muscles (EOMs) was studied in the lamb, pig and cat in which horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into each EOM. Electrophysiological techniques were also used to search for EOM stretch sensitive units in the semilunar ganglion. In lamb and pig labeling was observed in the semilunar ganglion only, while in cat labeled neurons were present in both the semilunar ganglion and mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. In the semilunar ganglion of all these species a clear somatotopic organization of EOM afferents was observed. The histochemical somatotopic pattern of EOM afferents in the semilunar ganglion of lamb and pig was substantially in agreement with the electrophysiological arrangement. The responses recorded to EOM stretch in the semilunar ganglion of the pig were characterized by a low threshold and a slow adaptation as previously found in the lamb; on the contrary, in the semilunar ganglion of the cat only a few units were found, which showed high stretch threshold and quick adaptation.  相似文献   
Increasing evidence suggests a contribution of epigenetic processes in promoting cancer and autoimmunity. Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease mediated, in approximately 80% of the patients, by antibodies against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR+). Moreover, epithelial tumours (thymomas) are present in about 10-20% of the patients, and there is indication that changes in DNA methylation might contribute to the risk and progression of thymomas. However, the role of epigenetics in MG is still not completely clarified. In the present study we investigated if a common polymorphism (-579G>T: rs1569686) in the promoter of the DNMT3B gene coding for the DNA methyltransferase 3B, an enzyme that mediates DNA methylation, increases the risk to develop MG or MG-associated thymomas. The study polymorphism was selected based on recent reports and a literature meta-analysis suggesting association with increased risk of various types of cancer. We screened 324 AChR+ MG patients (140 males and 184 females, mean age 56.0 ± 16.5 years) and 735 healthy matched controls (294 males and 441 females, mean age 57.3 ± 15.6 years). 94 of the total MG patients had a thymoma. While there was no association with the whole cohort of MG patients, we found a statistically significant association of the DNMT3B -579T allele (OR = 1.51; 95% CI=1.1-2.1, P = 0.01) and the TT homozygous genotype (OR = 2.59; 95% CI=1.4-4.9, P = 0.006) with the risk of thymoma. No association was observed in MG patients without thymoma, even after stratification into clinical subtypes. Present results suggest that the DNMT3B -579T allele might contribute to the risk of developing thymoma in MG patients, particularly in homozygous TT subjects.  相似文献   
Elderly subjects are at increased risk of pneumonia, influenza, and tuberculosis. Besides the known age-related decrease in mechanisms for mechanical clearance of the lungs, impaired alveolar macrophage function contributes to the increased risk of illness in the elderly. We have previously shown that age-induced macrophage immunodeficiencies are associated with a defective system for anchoring protein kinase C. Castration of young male rats produces effects on alveolar macrophages similar to those of aging, suggesting a relationship between circulating sex hormones, particularly androgens, and the decreases in the receptor for activated C kinase (RACK-1) and macrophage function observed. The aging process in humans and rats is associated with a decline in the plasma concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate, among other steroid hormones. We report here that in vitro and in vivo administration of DHEA to rats restores the age-decreased level of RACK-1 and the LPS-stimulated production of TNF-alpha in alveolar macrophages. DHEA in vivo also restores age-decreased spleen mitogenic responses and the level of RACK-1 expression. These findings suggest that the age-related loss in immunological responses, linked to defective pathways of signal transduction, are partially under hormonal control and can be restored by appropriate replacement therapy.  相似文献   
Even though dairy cows are known carriers of Arcobacter species and raw or minimally processed foods are recognized as the main sources of human Arcobacter infections in industrialized countries, data on Arcobacter excretion patterns in cows and in milk are scant. This study aimed to identify potentially pathogenic Arcobacter species in a dairy herd and to investigate the routes of Arcobacter transmission among animals and the potential sources of cattle infection and milk contamination. A strategy of sampling the same 50 dairy animals, feed, water, and milk every month for a 10-month period, as well as the sampling of quarter milk, animal teats, the milking environment, and animals living on the farm (pigeons and cats), was used to evaluate, by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), the characteristic patterns in animals, their living environment, and the raw milk they produced. Of the 463 samples collected, 105 (22.6%) were positive for Arcobacter spp. by culture examination. All the matrices except quarter milk and pigeon gut samples were positive, with prevalences ranging from 15 to 83% depending on the sample. Only three Arcobacter species, Arcobacter cryaerophilus (54.2%), A. butzleri (34.2%), and A. skirrowii (32.3%), were detected. PFGE analysis of 370 isolates from positive samples provided strong evidence of Arcobacter circulation in the herd: cattle likely acquire the microorganisms by orofecal transmission, either by direct contact or from the environment, or both. Water appears to be a major source of animal infection. Raw milk produced by the farm and collected from a bulk tank was frequently contaminated (80%) by A. butzleri; our PFGE findings excluded primary contamination of milk, whereas teats and milking machine surfaces could be sources of Arcobacter milk contamination.  相似文献   
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