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Reclamation of anthropogenically impacted environments is a critical issue worldwide. In the oil sands extraction industry of Alberta, reclamation of mining‐impacted areas, especially areas affected by tailings waste, is an important aspect of the mining life cycle. A reclamation technique currently under study is water‐capping, where tailings are capped by water to create an end‐pit lake (EPL). Base Mine Lake (BML) is the first full‐scale end‐pit lake in the Alberta oil sands region. In this study, we sequenced eukaryotic 18S rRNA genes recovered from 92 samples of Base Mine Lake water in a comprehensive sampling programme covering the ice‐free period of 2015. The 565 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) generated revealed a dynamic and diverse community including abundant Microsporidia, Ciliata and Cercozoa, though 41% of OTUs were not classifiable below the phylum level by comparison to 18S rRNA databases. Phylogenetic analysis of five heterotrophic phyla (Cercozoa, Fungi, Ciliata, Amoebozoa and Excavata) revealed substantial novel diversity, with many clusters of OTUs that were more similar to each other than to any reference sequence. All of these groups are entirely or mostly heterotrophic, as a relatively small number of definitively photosynthetic clades were amplified from the BML samples.  相似文献   
A chicken was anesthetized with Na-phenobarbital, 130 mg/kg, and the external ischiatic artery was exposed. Heparin, 90 units/kg, was injected into the brachial vein, after which a cannula was inserted into the exposed ischiatic artery. Heat was applied to the head to produce vasodilation. Perfusion through the cannula was made at about 150 mm Hg pressure and consisted of 30 ml of a biological type of Pelikan ink to which was added NaNO2 to make a 0.02% solution. After the bird was killed by an overdose of anesthetic, the skin around the perimeter of the femoral feather tract was cauterized, the tract removed, attached to a stainless steel wire net, fixed for 1 hr in 10% formic acid, then dehydrated in 4 changes of acetone, 1 hr each, followed by a 5th change for 12 hr. The dehydrated specimens were placed in methyl benzoate, the 1st change for 1 hr and the 2nd until clear (3-15 hr). This procedure exhibits small vessels and capillary networks within the integument, but if only the vessels larger than capillaries are to be studied, they can be shown by slowly injecting 15-30 ml of the perfusion mixture into a peripheral vein. The still beating heart will distribute the ink to other regions of the body, thus allowing the vessels to be traced in excised tissue.  相似文献   
Aspergillus nidulans is able to grow on oleic acid as sole carbon source. Characterization of the oleate-induced β-oxidation pathway showed the presence of the two enzyme activities involved in the first step of this catabolic system: acyl-CoA oxidase and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. After isopicnic centrifugation in a linear sucrose gradient, microbodies (peroxisomes) housing the β-oxidation enzymes, isocitrate lyase and catalase were clearly resolved from the mitochondrial fraction, which contained fumarase. Growth on oleic acid was associated with the development of many microbodies that were scattered throughout the cytoplasm of the cells. These microbodies (peroxisomes) were round to elongated, made up 6% of the cytoplasmic volume, and were characterized by the presence of catalase. The β-oxidation pathway was also induced in acetate-grown cells, although at lower levels; these cells lacked acyl-CoA oxidase activity. Nevertheless, growth on acetate did not cause a massive proliferation of microbodies in A. nidulans. Received: 8 March 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria capable of fixing dinitrogen exhibit various strategies to protect nitrogenase from inactivation by oxygen. The marine Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 and the terrestrial Gloeothece sp. PCC6909 are unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria that are capable of aerobic nitrogen fixation. These cyanobacteria separate the incompatible processes of oxygenic photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation temporally, confining the latter to the dark. Although these cyanobacteria thrive in fully aerobic environments and can be cultivated diazotrophically under aerobic conditions, the effect of oxygen is not precisely known due to methodological limitations. Here we report the characteristics of nitrogenase activity with respect to well‐defined levels of oxygen to which the organisms are exposed, using an online and near real‐time acetylene reduction assay combined with sensitive laser‐based photoacoustic ethylene detection. The cultures were grown under an alternating 12–12 h light–dark cycle and acetylene reduction was recorded continuously. Acetylene reduction was assayed at 20%, 15%, 10%, 7.5%, 5% and 0% oxygen and at photon flux densities of 30 and 76 μmol m?2 s?1 provided at the same light–dark cycle as during cultivation. Nitrogenase activity was predominantly but not exclusively confined to the dark. At 0% oxygen nitrogenase activity in Gloeothece sp. was not detected during the dark and was shifted completely to the light period, while C. watsonii did not exhibit nitrogenase activity at all. Oxygen concentrations of 15% and higher did not support nitrogenase activity in either of the two cyanobacteria. The highest nitrogenase activities were at 5–7.5% oxygen. The highest nitrogenase activities in C. watsonii and Gloeothece sp. were observed at 29°C. At 31°C and above, nitrogenase activity was not detected in C. watsonii while the same was the case at 41°C and above in Gloeothece sp. The differences in the behaviour of nitrogenase activity in these cyanobacteria are discussed with respect to their presumed physiological strategies to protect nitrogenase from oxygen inactivation and to the environment in which they thrive.  相似文献   
The patterns of expression of cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP), cellular retinol-binding protein, type two [CRBP(II)], lecithin: retinol acyltransferase (LRAT), and microsomal retinal reductase were examined for rat small intestine during the perinatal period. CRBP was present (15 pmole per mg soluble protein) at the earliest time examined, the 16th day of gestation, declining by 70% by birth, maintained to adulthood. In contrast, CRBP(II) appeared 2-3 days before birth, rising to its highest level (500 pmole per mg soluble protein) by day 3 after birth, then declining by 50% during the late suckling period to the adult level. Immunohistochemistry revealed that CRBP(II) initially appeared in the epithelial cell layer in a patchy manner, resolving by birth into an even staining of all villus-associated enterocytes. In contrast, CRBP was evenly expressed in the epithelial cell layer at day 17/18 but was absent by birth. Intestinal LRAT activity increased rapidly in the 2 days prior to birth, then declined at weaning to the adult level. Microsomal retinal reductase was measurable in the intestine at birth, but not detected during the early suckling period, reappearing at day 21. Considerable increase was then observed coincident with weaning, when carotenes, from which retinal is derived, became an important source of vitamin A. The pattern of appearance of these elements appears to prepare the intestine for the necessary processing of vitamin A required after birth.  相似文献   
Pittillo, Robert F. (Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Ala.), Mary Lucas, Robert T. Blackwell, and Carolyn Woolley. Modification of radiation damage of bacteria by folic acid antagonists. J. Bacteriol. 90:1548-1551. 1965.-The folic acid analogues, 2,4-diamino-6-methylpteridine, amethopterin, and aminopterin, have been found to sensitize certain bacteria, especially Escherichia coli, to the lethal action of ionizing irradiation. Data are presented which indicate that (i) the compounds must be present during the irradiation period for maximal sensitization to be observed, (ii) the sensitizing effect can be nullified by cysteine or cysteamine, (iii) the sensitizing effect occurs in a number of diverse bacterial genera, and (iv) folic acid neither sensitizes bacteria to irradiation nor prevents the sensitization caused by these antifolic agents.  相似文献   
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