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The bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is expressed in adipose tissue, but its function remains poorly defined. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) is a master regulator of adipocyte differentiation and function. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of FXR in adipocyte function and to assess whether it modulates PPARγ action. Therefore, we tested the responsiveness of FXR-deficient mice (FXR−/−) and cells to the PPARγ activator rosiglitazone. Our results show that genetically obese FXR−/−/ob/ob mice displayed a resistance to rosiglitazone treatment. In vitro, rosiglitazone treatment did not induce normal adipocyte differentiation and lipid droplet formation in FXR−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and preadipocytes. Moreover, FXR−/− MEFs displayed both an increased lipolysis and a decreased de novo lipogenesis, resulting in reduced intracellular triglyceride content, even upon PPARγ activation. Retroviral-mediated FXR re-expression in FXR−/− MEFs restored the induction of adipogenic marker genes during rosiglitazone-forced adipocyte differentiation. The expression of Wnt/β-catenin pathway and target genes was increased in FXR−/− adipose tissue and MEFs. Moreover, the expression of several endogenous inhibitors of this pathway was decreased early during the adipocyte differentiation of FXR−/− MEFs. These findings demonstrate that FXR regulates adipocyte differentiation and function by regulating two counteracting pathways of adipocyte differentiation, the PPARγ and Wnt/β-catenin pathways.  相似文献   
Huntington and Parkinson diseases (HD and PD) are two major neurodegenerative disorders pathologically characterized by the accumulation of the aggregate-prone proteins mutant huntingtin (in HD) and α-synuclein (in PD). Mutant huntingtin is an autophagy substrate and autophagy modulators affect HD pathology both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, α-synuclein levels are able to modulate autophagy: α-synuclein overexpression inhibits autophagy, whereas downregulation promotes autophagy. Here, we review our recent studies showing that α-synuclein levels modulate mutant huntingtin toxicity in mouse models. This phenotypic modification is accompanied by the in vivo modulation of autophagosome numbers in mouse brains from both control and HD mice expressing different levels of α-synuclein.  相似文献   
Capsaicin, the active component of chili pepper, has been reported to have antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects on a variety of cell lines. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the effects of capsaicin during HSC activation and maintenance. Activated and freshly isolated HSCs were treated with capsaicin. Proliferation was measured by incorporation of EdU. Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis were investigated using flow cytometry. The migratory response to chemotactic stimuli was evaluated by a modified Boyden chamber assay. Activation markers and inflammatory cytokines were determined by qPCR, immunocytochemistry, and flow cytometry. Our results show that capsaicin reduces HSC proliferation, migration, and expression of profibrogenic markers of activated and primary mouse HSCs. In conclusion, the present study shows that capsaicin modulates proliferation, migration, and activation of HSC in vitro.  相似文献   
Baccharis is a widespread genus belonging to the Asteraceae family that includes almost 400 species exclusively from the Americas. Even when studied in detail, the taxonomic classification among species from this genus is not yet fully defined. Within the framework of our study of the volatile composition of the Baccharis genus, four species (B. trimera, B. milleflora, B. tridentata, and B. uncinella) were collected from the ‘Campos de Cima da Serra’ highlands of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The aerial parts were dried and extracted by the simultaneous distillation extraction (SDE) procedure. This is the first time that SDE has been applied to obtain and compare the volatile‐extract composition in the Baccharis genus. Characterization of the volatile extracts allowed the identification of 180 peaks with many coeluting components; these latter being detailed for the first time for this genus. The multivariate statistical analyses allowed separating the volatile extracts of the four populations of Baccharis into two separate groups. The first one included the B. milleflora, B. trimera, and B. uncinella volatile extracts. The three species showed a high degree of similarity in their volatile composition, which was characterized by the presence of high contents of sesquiterpene compounds, in particular of spathulenol. The second group comprised the extract of B. tridentata, which contained α‐pinene, β‐pinene, limonene, and (E)‐β‐ocimene in high amounts.  相似文献   
Background: The EGF receptor is a therapeutic target in cancer cells, whereby mutations of EGFR and/or signalling members act as predictive markers. EGFR however also exhibits dynamic changes of subcellular localization, leading to STAT5 complex formation, nuclear translocation and induction of Aurora-A expression in squamous cancer cells. We previously described high EGFR and Aurora-A expression in esophageal cancer cells. Here, we investigated subcellular localization of EGFR and STAT5 in esophageal cancer cells. Results: Quantitative immunofluorescence analyses of four esophageal cancer cell lines reflecting esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinomas (EAC) revealed that the subcellular localization of EGFR was shifted from a membranous to cytoplasmic localization upon EGF-stimulation in OE21 (ESCC) cells. Thereby, EGFR in part co-localized with E-Cadherin. In parallel, phosphorylated STAT5-Tyr694 appeared to increase in the nucleus and to decrease at the cell membrane. In three additional cell lines, EGFR was only marginally (Kyse-410/ESCC; OE19/EAC) and weakly (OE33, EAC) detectable at the cell membrane. Partial co-localization of EGFR and E-Cadherin occurred in OE33 cells. Post EGF-stimulation, EGFR was detected in the cytoplasm, resembling endosomal compartments. Furthermore, OE19 and OE33 exhibited nuclear STAT5-Tyr694 phosphorylation upon EGF-stimulation. None of the four cell lines showed nuclear EGFR expression and localization. Conclusion: In contrast to other (squamous) cancer cells, activation of EGFR in esophageal squamous cancer cells does not result in nuclear translocation of EGFR. Still, the subcellular localization of EGFR may influence STAT5-associated signaling pathways in esophageal cancer cells and hence possibly also the responses to ErbB, respective EGFR-targeted therapies.  相似文献   
Several premature aging mouse models have been developed to study aging and identify interventions that can delay age-related diseases. Yet, it is still unclear whether these models truly recapitulate natural aging. Here, we analyzed DNA methylation in multiple tissues of four previously reported mouse models of premature aging (Ercc1, LAKI, Polg, and Xpg). We estimated DNA methylation (DNAm) age of these samples using the Horvath clock. The most pronounced increase in DNAm age could be observed in Ercc1 mice, a strain which exhibits a deficit in DNA nucleotide excision repair. Similarly, we detected an increase in epigenetic age in fibroblasts isolated from patients with progeroid syndromes associated with mutations in DNA excision repair genes. These findings highlight that mouse models with deficiencies in DNA repair, unlike other premature aging models, display accelerated epigenetic age, suggesting a strong connection between DNA damage and epigenetic dysregulation during aging.  相似文献   
Bacterial transformation, a common mechanism of horizontal gene transfer, can speed up adaptive evolution. How its costs and benefits depend on the growth environment is poorly understood. Here, we characterize the distributions of fitness effects (DFE) of transformation in different conditions and test whether they predict in which condition transformation is beneficial. To determine the DFEs, we generate hybrid libraries between the recipient Bacillus subtilis and different donor species and measure the selection coefficient of each hybrid strain. In complex medium, the donor Bacillus vallismortis confers larger fitness effects than the more closely related donor Bacillus spizizenii. For both donors, the DFEs show strong effect beneficial transfers, indicating potential for fast adaptive evolution. While some transfers of B. vallismortis DNA show pleiotropic effects, various transfers are beneficial only under a single growth condition, indicating that the recipient can benefit from a variety of donor genes to adapt to varying growth conditions. We scrutinize the predictive value of the DFEs by laboratory evolution under different growth conditions and show that the DFEs correctly predict the condition at which transformation confers a benefit. We conclude that transformation has a strong potential for speeding up adaptation to varying environments by profiting from a gene pool shared between closely related species.Subject terms: Molecular evolution, Bacterial genetics  相似文献   
Testing, contact tracing, and isolation (TTI) is an epidemic management and control approach that is difficult to implement at scale because it relies on manual tracing of contacts. Exposure notification apps have been developed to digitally scale up TTI by harnessing contact data obtained from mobile devices; however, exposure notification apps provide users only with limited binary information when they have been directly exposed to a known infection source. Here we demonstrate a scalable improvement to TTI and exposure notification apps that uses data assimilation (DA) on a contact network. Network DA exploits diverse sources of health data together with the proximity data from mobile devices that exposure notification apps rely upon. It provides users with continuously assessed individual risks of exposure and infection, which can form the basis for targeting individual contact interventions. Simulations of the early COVID-19 epidemic in New York City are used to establish proof-of-concept. In the simulations, network DA identifies up to a factor 2 more infections than contact tracing when both harness the same contact data and diagnostic test data. This remains true even when only a relatively small fraction of the population uses network DA. When a sufficiently large fraction of the population (≳ 75%) uses network DA and complies with individual contact interventions, targeting contact interventions with network DA reduces deaths by up to a factor 4 relative to TTI. Network DA can be implemented by expanding the computational backend of existing exposure notification apps, thus greatly enhancing their capabilities. Implemented at scale, it has the potential to precisely and effectively control future epidemics while minimizing economic disruption.  相似文献   
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