We measured activity in the dorsal system of the human cortex with magnetoencephalography (MEG) during a matching-to-sample plus cueing paradigm, where participants judged the occurrence of changes in either categorical or coordinate spatial relations (e.g., exchanges of left versus right positions or changes in the relative distances) between images of pairs of animals. The attention window was primed in each trial to be either small or large by using cues that immediately preceded the matching image. In this manner, we could assess the modulatory effects of the scope of attention on the activity of the dorsal system of the human cortex during spatial relations processing. The MEG measurements revealed that large spatial cues yielded greater activations and longer peak latencies in the right inferior parietal lobe for coordinate trials, whereas small cues yielded greater activations and longer peak latencies in the left inferior parietal lobe for categorical trials. The activity in the superior parietal lobe, middle frontal gyrus, and visual cortex, was also modulated by the size of the spatial cues and by the type of spatial relation change. The present results support the theory that the lateralization of each kind of spatial processing hinges on differences in the sizes of regions of space attended to by the two hemispheres. In addition, the present findings are inconsistent with the idea of a right-hemispheric dominance for all kinds of challenging spatial tasks, since response times and accuracy rates showed that the categorical spatial relation task was more difficult than the coordinate task and the cortical activations were overall greater in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere. 相似文献
Recently, the research efforts in the context of electrocardiographical recording during atrial fibrillation (AF) has been directed to broaden the understandings on the electrophysiological and structural remodelling occurring during the arrhythmia and on characterizing the different types of AF. Following this line, both surface ECG and endocardial electrograms have been thoroughly studied and a series of linear and non-linear parameters were computed either directly on the electrograms or on the derived activation series.
In this paper, we reviewed some signal processing methods used to characterize surface ECG and endocardial electrograms during AF, focusing on spectral and non-linear analysis. In particular, parametric and non-parametric methods for spectral analysis of the residual ECG, i.e. atrial waves obtained from surface ECG after removing ventricular activity, and endocardial recordings are described. The different purposes of spectral analysis (exploring autonomic functions, analysis of spontaneous AF behaviour and predicting therapeutic effects) are illustrated with some examples. In addition, we described some more recent non-linear methods applied to AF, assessing the organization of atrial signals as well as ventricular response in AF. In particular, methods derived from embedding time series and based on entropy computation are illustrated and exemplified. 相似文献
A set of 14 SCAR markers were developed starting from RAPD, AFLP and SAMPL analysis of several olive germplasm accessions.
Eight RAPD, two AFLP and four SAMPL fragments were converted into dominant and codominant SCARs by cloning and sequencing
the selected fragments. The markers obtained were evaluated on forty different olive cultivars from different Italian production
areas (mainly from Liguria). The combined use of these SCARs made possible to univocally identify 26 cultivars while the remaining
14 will require the development of further markers since most of them are placed in a main group containing six genetically
similar cultivars (among which Frantoio and Taggiasca) and four minor groups containing two cultivars each. A total of 31
different haplotypes were identified and the analysis of several individual plants indicated no intra-cultivar variability.
Considering the SCAR polymorphism two alleles were scored for each markers with the only exception of markers IGPS3 and IGPS4
showing 4 alleles with 7 recognised groups and 5 alleles with 4 groups, respectively. Though less polymorphic in comparison
with other markers like SSRs, the developed SCARs proved useful in genotype identification. In addition, they could potentially
be used for breeding applications and forensic analysis.
An erratum to this article is available at . 相似文献
The Syk kinase is regarded as a promising target for the treatment of antigen-driven B-cell malignancies, considering its essential role in propagating antigenic stimuli through the B-cell receptor (BCR). In certain common B-cell malignancies Syk is activated even in the absence of BCR engagement, suggesting a wider role for this kinase in lymphomagenesis. In this paper, we have profiled molecular differences between BCR-induced and constitutive Syk activation in terms of phosphorylation of regulatory tyrosine residues, downstream signaling properties and capacity to sustain B-cell proliferation. Analysis of primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia B-cells and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cell lines revealed that constitutive and BCR-induced Syk activation differ with respect to the phosphorylation status of the regulatory tyrosines at positions 352 and 525/526, with only the first site being phosphorylated in the case of constitutive and both sites in the case of BCR-induced Syk activation. Syk phosphorylated only on Y352 is capable of downstream signaling, as evidenced by experiments with a phosphomimetic mutant in which the activation loop tyrosines (YY525/526) were replaced with phenylalanines. However, phosphorylation at YY525/526 was shown to significantly increase the enzymatic activity of Syk and to be required for sustained PLCγ2, Akt and ERK signaling as well as B-cell transformation. These data demonstrate that constitutively active Syk and Syk activated by BCR crosslinking represent separate stages of Syk activation with distinct signaling properties and transforming capacities. 相似文献
Limited information is available on the impact of the NaOH treatment on table olive fermentations, and for this reason a polyphasic approach has been adopted here to investigate its effect on the fermentation dynamics and bacterial biodiversity. The microbial counts of the main groups involved in the transformation have not shown any differences, apart from a more prompt start of the fermentation when the olives were subjected to the NaOH treatment. The data produced by culture-independent analyses highlighted that the fermentation of table olives not treated with NaOH is the result of the coexistence of two different ecosystems: the surface of the olives and the brines. A sodium hydroxide treatment not only eliminates this difference, but also affects the bacterial ecology of the olives to a great extent. As proved by high-throughput sequencing, the fermentation of the olives not treated with NaOH was characterized by the presence of halophilic bacteria, which were substituted by Lactobacillus at the later stages of the fermentation, while enterobacteria were dominant when the olives were treated with sodium hydroxide. Higher biodiversity was found for Lactobacillus plantarum isolated during untreated fermentation. Different biotypes were found on the olive surface and in the brines. When the debittering process was carried out, a decrease in the number of L. plantarum biotypes were observed and those originating from the surface of the olive did not differentiate from the ones present in the brines. 相似文献
Terrestrial tortoises are the most endangered group of vertebrates but they are still largely ignored for defining global conservation priorities. In this paper, we explored within a hierarchical framework the potential contribution of prioritization studies at the continental scale to the planning of local initiatives for the conservation of African tortoises at the regional level. First, we modeled the distribution of all the African tortoise species, we calculated three indicators of conservation priority (i.e. species richness, conservation value, and complementarity), and we carried out a gap analysis at continental scale. Second, we focused on the most important region for tortoise conservation and performed the same analyses at higher resolution. Finally, we compared the results from the two scales for understanding the degree to which they are complementary. Southern Africa emerged from the continental analysis as the most important region for tortoises. Within this area, the high-resolution analysis pointed out specific core sites for conservation. The relative degree of species protection was assessed similarly at the two different resolutions. Two species appeared particularly vulnerable at both scales. Priority indices calculated at high resolution were correlated to the values calculated for the corresponding cells at low resolution but the congruence was stronger for species richness. Our results suggest to integrate the calculation of conservation value and complementarity into a hierarchical framework driven by species richness. The advantages of large scale planning include its broad perspective on complementarity and the capability to identify regions with greatest conservation potential. In this light, continental analyses allow targeting fine scale studies toward regions with maximum priority. The regional analyses at fine scale allow planning conservation measure at a resolution similar to that required for the practical implementation, reducing the uncertainty associated with low resolution studies. 相似文献
The effect of water shortage on growth and gas exchange of maize grown on sandy soil (SS) and clay soil was studied. The lower
soil water content in the SS during vegetative growth stages did not affect plant height, above-ground biomass, and leaf area
index (LAI). LAI reduction was observed on the SS during the reproductive stage due to early leaf senescence. Canopy and leaf
gas exchanges, measured by eddy correlation technique and by a portable photosynthetic system, respectively, were affected
by water stress and a greater reduction in net photosynthetic rate (AN) and stomatal conductance (gs) was observed on SS. Chlorophyll and carotenoids content was not affected by water shortage in either condition. Results
support two main conclusions: (1) leaf photosynthetic capacity was unaffected by water stress, and (2) maize effectively endured
water shortage during the vegetative growth stage. 相似文献