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The domestication of the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is thought to be contemporary with the development and expansion of viticulture along the Mediterranean basin. Until now, the unavailability of wild lineages prevented the identification of the closest wild relatives of wine yeasts. Here, we enlarge the collection of natural lineages and employ whole‐genome data of oak‐associated wild isolates to study a balanced number of anthropic and natural S. cerevisiae strains. We identified industrial variants and new geographically delimited populations, including a novel Mediterranean oak population. This population is the closest relative of the wine lineage as shown by a weak population structure and further supported by genomewide population analyses. A coalescent model considering partial isolation with asymmetrical migration, mostly from the wild group into the Wine group, and population growth, was found to be best supported by the data. Importantly, divergence time estimates between the two populations agree with historical evidence for winemaking. We show that three horizontally transmitted regions, previously described to contain genes relevant to wine fermentation, are present in the Wine group but not in the Mediterranean oak group. This represents a major discontinuity between the two populations and is likely to denote a domestication fingerprint in wine yeasts. Taken together, these results indicate that Mediterranean oaks harbour the wild genetic stock of domesticated wine yeasts.  相似文献   
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from Greek traditional wheat sourdoughs manufactured without the addition of baker's yeast. Application of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total cell protein, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR, DNA-DNA hybridization, and 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis, in combination with physiological traits such as fructose fermentation and mannitol production, allowed us to classify the isolated bacteria into the species Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus paralimentarius, and Weissella cibaria. This consortium seems to be unique for the Greek traditional wheat sourdoughs studied. Strains of the species W. cibaria have not been isolated from sourdoughs previously. No Lactobacillus pontis or Lactobacillus panis strains were found. An L. brevis-like isolate (ACA-DC 3411 t1) could not be identified properly and might be a new sourdough LAB species. In addition, fermentation capabilities associated with the LAB detected have been studied. During laboratory fermentations, all heterofermentative sourdough LAB strains produced lactic acid, acetic acid, and ethanol. Mannitol was produced from fructose that served as an additional electron acceptor. In addition to glucose, almost all of the LAB isolates fermented maltose, while fructose as the sole carbohydrate source was fermented by all sourdough LAB tested except L. sanfranciscensis. Two of the L. paralimentarius isolates tested did not ferment maltose; all strains were homofermentative. In the presence of both maltose and fructose in the medium, induction of hexokinase activity occurred in all sourdough LAB species mentioned above, explaining why no glucose accumulation was found extracellularly. No maltose phosphorylase activity was found either. These data produced a variable fermentation coefficient and a unique sourdough metabolite composition.  相似文献   
Although benthic diatoms are used to assess river water quality, there are few data on the rate at which diatom assemblages react to changes in water quality. The aim of this study was to assess the reaction time of diatoms and to discuss the changes occurring during water quality improvement on the basis of their autecological characteristics. In order to simulate this improvement, diatom-dominated biofilms grown on artificial sandstone substrata were transferred from several polluted rivers to an unpolluted river. They were sampled three times: before transfer and 1 and 2 months after transfer. The ecology and growth-forms of the taxa explained most of the changes in species composition observed during the experiment. Adnate diatoms gradually replaced motile and stalked taxa. Gomphonema parvulum, a stalked diatom positioned vertically in the biofilm, is adapted for light and space competition in high-density algal biofilms. When transferred to an unpolluted site, this growth-form is less competitive and does not tolerate the high grazing pressure. Fistulifera saprophila is a single celled motile diatom, living in organic matrices. When the artificial substrata were transferred to the unpolluted site, this particular ecological niche disappeared quickly. On the other hand, Achnanthidium minutissimum, which is considered to be cosmopolitan and an early colonizer, increased during the first month of transfer and then decreased. It was gradually replaced by A. biasolettianum, which was the taxon best suited to this pristine stream. The changes observed differed between treatments depending on the species composition and architecture of the biofilms. In particular, biofilms dominated by stalked and motile diatoms were more quickly modified than those dominated by small motile diatoms. The diatom index reflects these changes, and its values showed that about 60 days following a water quality improvement were necessary for transferred diatom assemblages to reach diatom index values similar as those at the unpolluted river.  相似文献   
The current study examines the effect of photoperiod (16:08 or 12:12 h L:D) and diet (eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae) or the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)) on the development and reproduction of the multicoloured Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). A long-term laboratory population of H. axyridis (since 1998) and a melanic and non-melanic population originating from field collected individuals of H. axyridis in Belgium were used in this study. Long day conditions (16 h photoperiod) shortened development of the field populations with 2–3 days when compared with short day conditions (12 h photoperiod). Oviposition in the field populations was delayed by 1–3 months when reared at a 12 h photoperiod. Dissections indicated that the females were in reproductive diapause. As compared with live pea aphids, a diet consisting of E. kuehniella eggs yielded heavier adult body weights (up to 12%) and increased the number of egg laying days (by 45–169%) for both field populations at a 16 h photoperiod and lengthened adult life span (by 45–92%) under both light regimens. The morph types differed in their response to the foods offered in terms of developmental rate, pre-oviposition period and number of oviposition days. The laboratory and field strains responded differentially to regimens of food and photoperiod. The study indicated a greater nutritional plasticity of the non-melanic morphs which may offer them a competitive advantage that may in part explain the predominance of non-melanic morphs in newly colonized areas.  相似文献   
It remains poorly understood how effects of anthropogenic activity, such as large-scale habitat fragmentation, impact sociality in animals. In cooperatively breeding species, groups are mostly formed through delayed offspring dispersal, and habitat fragmentation can affect this process in two opposite directions. Increased habitat isolation may increase dispersal costs, promoting delayed dispersal. Alternatively, reduced patch size and quality may decrease benefits of philopatry, promoting dispersal. Here, we test both predictions in a cooperatively breeding bird (placid greenbul, Phyllastrephus placidus) from an Afrotropical cloud forest archipelago. Males born in fragmented forest dispersed about 1 year earlier than those born in continuous forest. Contrary to females, males also started to reproduce earlier and mostly settled within their natal patch. Females only rarely delayed their dispersal for more than 1 year, both in fragmented and continuous forests. Our results suggest that early male dispersal and reproduction is jointly driven by a decrease in the value of the natal territory and an increase in local breeding opportunities in fragmented forest. While plasticity in dispersal strategies of cooperative breeders in response to anthropogenic change is believed to optimize reproduction-survival trade-offs, to what extent it shapes the ability of species to respond to rapid environmental change remains to be studied.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of Acaena elongata colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to different phosphorus (P) concentrations, as a measure of AMF dependency. A. elongata, is a species from soils where P availability is limited, such as temperate forests. Our research questions were: 1) How do different P concentrations affect the AMF association in Acaena elongata, and 2) How does the AMF association influence A. elongata’s growth under different P concentrations? A. elongata’s growth, P content in plant tissue, AMF colonization and dependency were measured under four P concentrations: control (0 g P kg−1 ), low (0.05 g P kg−1 ), intermediate (0.2 g P kg−1 ) and high (2 g P kg−1 ) in different harvests. A complete randomized block design was applied. A. elongata’s growth was higher under -AMF in intermediate and high P concentrations, and the lowest growth corresponded to +AMF in the low and intermediate P concentration. We observed a negative effect on the root biomass under +AMF in intermediate P concentration, while the P concentration had a positive effect on the leaf area ratio. The AMF colonization in A. elongata decreased in the highest P concentration and it was favored under intermediate P concentration; while the low and the high concentrations generated a cost-benefit imbalance. Our results suggest that the performance of some plant species in soils with low P availability may not be favored by their association with AMF, but a synergy between AMF and intermediate P concentrations might drive A. elongata’s growth.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis Research - The photosynthesis process is determined by the intensity level and spectral quality of the light; therefore, leaves need to adapt to a changing environment. The incident...  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms underlying community assembly helps to define success and susceptibility to biological invasions. Here, we explored phytoplankton community assembly following niche and neutral paradigms and using a trait-based approach. Under the hypothesis that the morphology-based functional groups (MBFG) clusters species with similar niche, we analysed how trait-related differences in fitness influence dominance of an invasive species. This was based on literature review, field data and model simulations. We predict that invading species can be dominant if: 1) do not belong to the local MBFG but use unexploited areas of the niche, or 2) belong to the resident MBFG but exhibit a higher fitness due to a particular combination of traits. The invasive dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides was used as the model species to evaluate these hypotheses, its morphological (e.g. volume) and physiological (e.g. growth rates) traits were compared with species from the same (V: photosynthetic flagellates) and different (VII: colonial cyanobacteria) MBFG. Fitness was estimated using models parametrized with MBFG rates (R*, ability to draw down phosphate) under different environmental conditions (i.e. flushing). Results contributed to support both hypotheses. First, the alternation of C. furcoides and cyanobacteria dominance was explained by the use of different niches. Secondly, species from MBFG V were dominant under similar environments. Within this group V C. furcoides showed higher fitness under low flushing and high predation, advantage provided by a distinctive combination of traits. The application of trait-based approaches to represent the niche and estimate fitness along environmental gradients was useful to evaluate community assembly and can be used to predict the dominance of microbial species invasions.  相似文献   
Impaired sensory, motor and central processing systems combining with biomechanical changes are risk of fall factors in the elderly population. The aim of this study was to assess the auto-adaptation and the regulation of the dynamic control of equilibrium in age-related adaptive strategies, by using a seated position on a seesaw. 15 young adults and 12 healthy middle-aged adults were asked to actively maintain a sitting posture as stable as possible during 12.8 s, on a 1-degree of freedom seesaw (auto-stabilization paradigm), with and without vision. The seesaw was placed in order to allow roll or pitch oscillations. We determine length and surfaces CoP shifts, mean positions and variability, a Postural Performance Index (PI) and a Strategy Organization Ratio (SOR). Our results shows that adopted strategies are plane-dependant during auto-stabilization (parallel and perpendicular axes control is impacted) and age-dependant. PIx during roll seated auto-stabilization tasks appears as the most relevant parameter of aged-related instability. The visual effect, during pitch auto-stabilization, characterizes the postural sensory-motor human behavior. The quantitative and qualitative postural assessment, thanks to seated auto-stabilization task, need to be promoted for long-term health care and probably for the rehabilitation of various disorders.  相似文献   
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