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The present work provides the first broad-scale screening of allozymes in the land snail Helix aspersa. By using overall information available on the distribution of genetic variation between 102 populations previously investigated, we expect to strengthen our knowledge on the spread of the invasive aspersa subspecies in the Western Mediterranean. We propose a new approach based on a centre-based clustering procedure to cluster populations into groups following rules of geographical proximity and genetic similarity. Assuming a stepping-stone model of diffusion, we apply a partitioning algorithm which clusters only populations that are geographically contiguous. The algorithm used, which is actually part of leading methods developed for analysing large microarray datasets, is that of the k-means. Its goal is to minimize the within-group variance. The spatial constraint is provided by a list of connections between localities deduced from a Delaunay network. After testing each optimal group for the presence of spatial arrangement in the genetic data, the inferred genetic structure was compared with partitions obtained from other methods published for defining homogeneous groups (i.e. the Monmonier and SAMOVA algorithms). Competing biogeographical scenarios inferred from the k-means procedure were then compared and discussed to shed more light on colonization routes taken by the species.  相似文献   
From heterogeneity to plasticity in adipose tissues: site-specific differences   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In mammals, two types of adipose tissues are present, brown (BAT) and white (WAT). WAT itself can be divided into subcutaneous and internal fat deposits. All these tissues have been shown to present a great tissue plasticity, and recent data emphasized on the multiple differentiation potentials obtained from subcutaneous WAT. However, no study has compared the heterogeneity of stroma-vascular fraction (SVF) cells and their differentiation potentials according to the localization of the fat pad. This study clearly demonstrates that WAT and BAT present different antigenic features and differentiation potentials. WAT by contrast to BAT contains a large population of hematopoietic cells composed essentially of macrophages and hematopoietic progenitor cells. In WAT, the non-hematopoietic population is mainly composed of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-like but contains also a significant proportion of immature cells, whereas in BAT, the stromal cells do not present the same phenotype. Internal and subcutaneous WAT present some discrete differences in the phenotype of their cell populations. WAT derived SVF cells give rise to osteoblasts, endothelial cells, adipocytes, hematopoietic cells, and cardiomyoblasts only from inguinal cells. By contrast, BAT derived SVF cells display a reduced plasticity. Adipose tissues thus appear as complex tissues composed of different cell subsets according to the location of fat pads. Inguinal WAT appears as the most plastic adipose tissue and represents a potential and suitable source of stem cell, considering its easy sampling as a major advantage for cell therapy.  相似文献   
Myocardial Ca2+ overload and oxidative stress are well documented effects associated to isoproterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial necrosis, but information correlating these two issues is scarce. Using an ISO-induced myocardial infarction model, 3 stages of myocardial damage were defined: pre-infarction (0–12 h), infarction (12–24 h) and post-infarction (24–96 h). Alterations in Ca2+ homeostasis and oxidative stress were studied in mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum and plasmalemma by measuring the Ca2+ content, the activity of Ca2+ handling proteins, and by quantifying TBARs, nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative protein damage (changes in carbonyl and thiol groups). Free radicals generated system, antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress (GSH/GSSG ratio) were also monitored at different times of ISO-induced cardiotoxicity. The Ca2+ overload induced by ISO was counterbalanced by a diminution in the ryanodine receptor activity and the Na+-Ca+2 exchanger as well as by the increase in both calcium ATPases activities (vanadate- and thapsigargine-sensitive) and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake during pre-infarction and infarction stages. Pro-oxidative reactions and antioxidant defences during the 3 stages of cardiotoxicity were observed, with maximal oxidative stress during the infarction. Significant correlations were found among pro-oxidative reactions with plasmalemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases, and ryanodine receptor activities at the onset and development of ISO-induced infarction. These findings could be helpful in the design of antioxidant therapies in this pathology.  相似文献   
Recent studies indicate that the LKB1 is a key regulator of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which plays a crucial role in protecting cardiac muscle from damage during ischemia. We have employed mice that lack LKB1 in cardiac and skeletal muscle and studied how this affected the activity of cardiac AMPKalpha1/alpha2 under normoxic, ischemic, and anoxic conditions. In the heart lacking cardiac muscle LKB1, the basal activity of AMPKalpha2 was vastly reduced and not increased by ischemia or anoxia. Phosphorylation of AMPKalpha2 at the site of LKB1 phosphorylation (Thr172) or phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase-2, a downstream substrate of AMPK, was ablated in ischemic heart lacking cardiac LKB1. Ischemia was found to increase the ADP-to-ATP (ADP/ATP) and AMP-to-ATP ratios (AMP/ATP) to a greater extent in LKB1-deficient cardiac muscle than in LKB1-expressing muscle. In contrast to AMPKalpha2, significant basal activity of AMPKalpha1 was observed in the lysates from the hearts lacking cardiac muscle LKB1, as well as in cardiomyocytes that had been isolated from these hearts. In the heart lacking cardiac LKB1, ischemia or anoxia induced a marked activation and phosphorylation of AMPKalpha1, to a level that was only moderately lower than observed in LKB1-expressing heart. Echocardiographic and morphological analysis of the cardiac LKB1-deficient hearts indicated that these hearts were not overtly dysfunctional, despite possessing a reduced weight and enlarged atria. These findings indicate that LKB1 plays a crucial role in regulating AMPKalpha2 activation and acetyl-CoA carboxylase-2 phosphorylation and also regulating cellular energy levels in response to ischemia. They also provide genetic evidence that an alternative upstream kinase can activate AMPKalpha1 in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   
The plasma glucose excursion may influence the metabolic responses after oral glucose ingestion. Although previous studies addressed the effects of hyperglycemia in conditions of hyperinsulinemia, it has not been evaluated whether the route of glucose administration (oral vs. intravenous) plays a role. Our aim was to determine the effects of moderately controlled hyperglycemia on glucose metabolism before and after oral glucose ingestion. Eight normal men underwent two oral glucose clamps at 6 and 10 mmol/l plasma glucose. Glucose turnover and cycling rates were measured by infusion of [2H7]glucose. The oral glucose load was labeled by D-[6,6-2H2]glucose to monitor exogenous glucose appearance, and respiratory exchanges were measured by indirect calorimetry. Sixty percent of the oral glucose load appeared in the systemic circulation during both the 6 and 10 mmol/l plasma glucose tests, although less endogenous glucose appeared during the 10 mmol/l tests before glucose ingestion (P < 0.05). This inhibitory effect of hyperglycemia was not detectable after oral glucose ingestion, although glucose utilization was increased (+28%, P < 0.05) due to increased nonoxidative glucose disposal [10 vs. 6 mmol/l: +20%, not significant (NS) before oral glucose ingestion; +40%, P < 0.05 after oral glucose ingestion]. Glucose cycling rates were increased by hyperglycemia (+13% before oral glucose ingestion, P < 0.001; +31% after oral glucose ingestion, P < 0.05) and oral glucose ingestion during both the 6 (+10%, P < 0.05) and 10 mmol/l (+26%, P < 0.005) tests. A moderate hyperglycemia inhibits endogenous glucose production and contributes to glucose tolerance by enhancing nonoxidative glucose disposal. Hyperglycemia and oral glucose ingestion both stimulate glucose cycling.  相似文献   
Cxs (connexins), the protein subunits forming gap junction intercellular communication channels, are transported to the plasma membrane after oligomerizing into hexameric assemblies called connexin hemichannels (CxHcs) or connexons, which dock head-to-head with partner hexameric channels positioned on neighbouring cells. The double membrane channel or gap junction generated directly couples the cytoplasms of interacting cells and underpins the integration and co-ordination of cellular metabolism, signalling and functions, such as secretion or contraction in cell assemblies. In contrast, CxHcs prior to forming gap junctions provide a pathway for the release from cells of ATP, glutamate, NAD+ and prostaglandin E2, which act as paracrine messengers. ATP activates purinergic receptors on neighbouring cells and forms the basis of intercellular Ca2+ signal propagation, complementing that occuring more directly via gap junctions. CxHcs open in response to various types of external changes, including mechanical, shear, ionic and ischaemic stress. In addition, CxHcs are influenced by intracellular signals, such as membrane potential, phosphorylation and redox status, which translate external stresses to CxHc responses. Also, recent studies demonstrate that cytoplasmic Ca2+ changes in the physiological range act to trigger CxHc opening, indicating their involvement under normal non-pathological conditions. CxHcs not only respond to cytoplasmic Ca2+, but also determine cytoplasmic Ca2+, as they are large conductance channels, suggesting a prominent role in cellular Ca2+ homoeostasis and signalling. The functions of gap-junction channels and CxHcs have been difficult to separate, but synthetic peptides that mimic short sequences in the Cx subunit are emerging as promising tools to determine the role of CxHcs in physiology and pathology.  相似文献   
In vitro coculture fermentations of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and two acetate-converting, butyrate-producing colon bacteria, Anaerostipes caccae DSM 14662 and Roseburia intestinalis DSM 14610, with oligofructose as the sole energy source, were performed to study interspecies interactions. Two clearly distinct types of cross-feeding were identified. A. caccae DSM 14662 was not able to degrade oligofructose but could grow on the fructose released by B. longum BB536 during oligofructose breakdown. R. intestinalis DSM 14610 could degrade oligofructose, but only after acetate was added to the medium. Detailed kinetic analyses of oligofructose breakdown by the last strain revealed simultaneous degradation of the different chain length fractions, in contrast with the preferential degradation of shorter fractions by B. longum BB536. In a coculture of both strains, initial oligofructose degradation and acetate production by B. longum BB536 took place, which in turn also allowed oligofructose breakdown by R. intestinalis DSM 14610. These and similar cross-feeding mechanisms could play a role in the colon ecosystem and contribute to the combined bifidogenic/butyrogenic effect observed after addition of inulin-type fructans to the diet.  相似文献   
The anostracan Phallocryptus spinosa has an almost exclusively palearctic distribution. The Makgadikgadi Pans area in Botswana represents the only distribution record south of the Sahara. In this ephemeral wetland, it is an important food item in the diet of migrating birds. By studying egg bank characteristics (such as depth and density) and hatching requirements, we investigated the persistence of this sub-Saharan population. At localities in the middle and north basin of Sua Pan, sediment cores were taken along a transect, and dormant eggs were isolated. Densities of the active dormant egg bank ranged from 833 to 31449 dormant eggs m−2, indicating that this species is well established. Most of the dormant eggs were found in the top 4 cm of the sediments, and densities decreased to zero at a depth of 13 cm. Considering the expected low sedimentation rate, the presence of dormant eggs down to 13 cm indicates long-time occurrence of P. spinosa in the Makgadikgadi Pans area. We observed high hatching fractions (up to 85%) at a temperature of 22 °C and a salinity of 5 ppt. A second anostracan species, Branchinella ornata, co-occurred with P. spinosa in our study site. This population also had a large active dormant egg bank (ranging from 6634 to 50557 dormant eggs m−2) with dormant eggs present until a depth of about 11 cm. This pattern indicates a long-time co-occurrence of P. spinosa and B. ornata.  相似文献   
The present study aims at a better understanding of the mechanism of transfection mediated by two sugar-based gemini surfactants GS1 and GS2. Previously, these gemini surfactants have been shown to be efficient gene vectors for transfection both in vitro and in vivo. Here, using Nile Red, a solvatochromic fluorescent probe, we investigated the phase behavior of these gemini surfactants in complexes with plasmid DNA, so-called lipoplexes. We found that these lipoplexes undergo a lamellar-to-non-inverted micellar phase transition upon decreasing the pH from neutral to mildly acidic. This normal (non-inverted) phase at acidic pH is confirmed by the colloidal stability of the lipoplexes as shown by turbidity measurements. We therefore propose a normal hexagonal phase, H(I), for the gemini surfactant lipoplexes at acidic endosomal pH. Thus, we suggest that besides an inverted hexagonal (H(II)) phase as reported for several transfection-potent cationic lipid systems, another type of non-inverted non-bilayer structure, different from H(II), may destabilize the endosomal membrane, necessary for cytosolic DNA delivery and ultimately, cellular transfection.  相似文献   
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