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The active center (H-cluster) of [FeFe]-hydrogenases is embedded into a hydrophobic pocket within the protein. We analyzed several amino acids, located in the vicinity of this niche, by site-directed mutagenesis of the [FeFe]-hydrogenases from Clostridium pasteurianum (CpI) and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrHydA1). These amino acids are highly conserved and predicted to be involved in H-cluster coordination. Characterization of two hydrogenase variants confirmed this hypothesis. The exchange of residues CrHydA1Met(415) and CrHydA1Lys(228) resulted in inactive proteins, which, according to EPR and FTIR analyses, contain no intact H-cluster. However, [FeFe]-hydrogenases in which CpIMet(353) (CrHydA1Met(223)) and CpICys(299) (CrHydA1Cys(169)) were exchanged to leucine and serine, respectively, showed a structurally intact H-cluster with catalytic activity either absent (CpIC299S) or strongly diminished (CpIM353L). In the case of CrHydA1C169S, the H-cluster was trapped in an inactive state exhibiting g values and vibrational frequencies that resembled the H(trans) state of DdH from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. This cysteine residue, interacting with the bridge head nitrogen of the di(methyl)amine ligand, seems therefore to represent an essential contribution of the immediate protein environment to the reaction mechanism. Exchanging methionine CpIM(353) (CrHydA1M(223)) to leucine led to a strong decrease in turnover without affecting the K(m) value of the electron donor. We suggest that this methionine constitutes a "fine-tuning" element of hydrogenase activity.  相似文献   
Hydrogenases are enzymes which catalyze the reversible cleavage of molecular hydrogen into protons and electrons. In [FeFe] hydrogenases the active center is a 6Fe6S cluster, referred to as the “H-cluster.” It consists of the redox-active binuclear subcluster ([2Fe]H) coordinated by CN and CO ligands and the cubane-like [4Fe–4S]H subcluster which is connected to the protein via Cys ligands. One of these Cys ligands bridges to the [2Fe]H subcluster. The CO-inhibited form of [FeFe] hydrogenase isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans was studied using advanced EPR methods. In the Hox–CO state the open coordination site at the [2Fe]H subcluster is blocked by extrinsic CO, giving rise to an EPR-active S = 1/2 species. The CO inhibited state was prepared with 13CO and illuminated under white light at 273 K. In this case scrambling of the CO ligands occurs. Three 13C hyperfine couplings of 17.1, 7.4, and 3.8 MHz (isotropic part) were observed and assigned to 13CO at the extrinsic, the bridging, and the terminal CO-ligand positions of the distal iron, respectively. No 13CO exchange of the CO ligand to the proximal iron was observed. The hyperfine interactions detected indicate a rather large distribution of the spin density over the terminal and bridging CO ligands attached to the distal iron. Furthermore, 14N nuclear spin interactions were measured. On the basis of the observed 14N hyperfine couplings, which result from the CN ligands of the [2Fe]H subcluster, it has been concluded that there is very little unpaired spin density on the cyanides of the binuclear subcluster.
Wolfgang Lubitz (Corresponding author)Email:
Kulik  Leonid  Lubitz  Wolfgang 《Photosynthesis research》2009,102(2-3):391-401

The application of electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy for the investigation of photosynthetic systems is reviewed. The basic principles of continuous wave and pulse ENDOR are presented. Selected examples of the application of the ENDOR technique for studying stable and transient paramagnetic species, including cofactor radical ions, radical pairs, triplet states, and the oxygen-evolving complex in plant Photosystem II (PSII) are discussed. Limitations and perspectives of ENDOR spectroscopy are outlined.

U Blsi  R Young    W Lubitz 《Journal of virology》1988,62(11):4362-4364
Gene K of bacteriophage phi X174 was cloned, and its gene product was localized in the cell envelope of Escherichia coli. Compared with the sole expression of the phi X174 lysis gene E, the simultaneous expression of the K and E genes had no effect on scheduling of cell lysis. Therefore, a direct interaction of proteins E and K could be excluded. In contrast, phi X174 infection of a host carrying a plasmid expressing gene K resulted in a delayed lysis and an apparent increase in phage titer.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial morphology and length change during fission and fusion and mitochondrial movement varies dependent upon the cell type and the physiological conditions. Here, we describe fundamental wide-field fluorescence microcopy and 3D imaging techniques to assess mitochondrial shape, number and length in various cell types including cancer cell lines, motor neurons and astrocytes. Furthermore, we illustrate how to assess mitochondrial fission and fusion events by 3D time-lapse imaging and to calculate mitochondrial length and numbers as a function of time. These imaging methods provide useful tools to investigate mitochondrial dynamics in health, aging and disease.  相似文献   
Controlled expression of cloned phi X174 gene E in gram-negative bacteria results in lysis of the bacteria by the formation of a transmembrane tunnel structure built through the cell envelope complex. Production of bacterial ghosts is routinely monitored by classical microbiological procedures. These include determination of the turbidity of the culture and the total number of cells and the number of reproductive cells present during the time course of growth and lysis. Although conceptually simple, these methods are labor intensive and time consuming, providing a complete set of results after the determination of viable cell counts. To avoid culturing methods for bacterial growth, an alternative flow cytometric procedure is presented for the quantification of ghosts and polarized, as well as depolarized, nonlysed cells within a culture. For this method, which is based on the discriminatory power of the membrane potential-sensitive dye bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol, a staining protocol was developed and optimized for the maximum discrepancy in fluorescence between bacterial ghosts and viable cells. The total quantitative analysis procedure takes less than 2 min. The results derived from classical or cytometric analyses correlate with respect to the total cell numbers and the viability of the culture.  相似文献   
The ynfEFGHI operon is a paralogue of the Escherichia coli dmsABC operon. ynfE and ynfF are paralogues of dmsA. ynfG and ynfH are paralogues of dmsB and dmsC, respectively. YnfI (dmsD) has no dms paralogue. YnfE/F and YnfG could be detected by immunoblotting with anti-DmsAB antibodies when expressed under the control of a tac or dms promoter. Cells harbouring ynfFGH on a multicopy plasmid supported anaerobic growth with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as respiratory oxidant in a dmsABC deletion, suggesting that YnfFGH forms a heterotimeric enzyme complex similar to DmsABC. Exchange of DmsC by YnfH (DmsAB-YnfH) resulted in membrane localization, anaerobic growth on DMSO, and binding of 2-n-heptyl 4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide, indicating that YnfH was a competent anchor. YnfG can also replace DmsB as the electron transfer subunit and assembled [Fe-S] clusters as judged by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. YnfE and/or YnfF could not form a functional complex with DmsBC and expression of YnfE prevented the accumulation of YnfFGH.  相似文献   
Building materials commonly used in wall paintings and monuments (mortar, limestone and sandstone) were inoculated with an artificial consortium composed of 14 microorganisms and incubated for 6 months at 28 degrees C. The colonization of the different materials by the consortium was investigated. Culture-independent techniques revealed the presence of a diversity of bacteria, whereas culture-dependent techniques yielded mainly spore-forming bacteria. The data suggest that plating leads to an overestimation of the number of spore-forming bacteria with respect to quiescent vegetative forms; the latter are less easily cultured, but are readily detected by culture-independent techniques.  相似文献   
The effects of detergents on the electronic structure of the oxidized primary donor P+ and the time constant AP of the P+Q A charge recombination at ambient temperatures have been investigated in native and mutant reaction centers (RCs) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. It is shown that N-lauryl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propane sulfonate (SB12) induces a transition to a second distinct conformation of the RC. In the case of the wild type and the mutant FY(M197), in which a hydrogen bond is introduced to the 2-acetyl group of the dimer half of P that is associated with the M-subunit of the RC, the conformational change causes a more asymmetric spin density distribution between the two bacteriochlorophyll moieties of P+ in favor of the L-half. For both types of RCs the time constant AP depends on the SB12/RC ratio as does the position of the long-wavelength band of P, max. The increase of AP by 30 ms and the shift of max from 866 nm to 851 nm are indicative for the conformational change. In addition, a smaller linear increase of AP with increasing SB12/RC ratio is superimposed on the variation of AP due to the conformational change. Similar effects of SB12 on the optical spectra as well as on AP are also observed for the two heterodimer mutants HL(L173) and HL(M202), in which one of the bacteriochlorophylls of P is replaced by a bacteriopheophytin. There are no clear indications for a correlation of AP with the localization of the positive charge in P+. Furthermore, it is concluded from the dependence of AP on the SB12/RC ratio that the single-site mutations do not affect the standard free energy difference of the two conformations to a measurable extent.  相似文献   
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