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The photosynthetic charge separation in bacterial reaction centers occurs predominantly along one of two nearly symmetric branches of cofactors. Low-temperature EPR spectra of the triplet states of the chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments in the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26.1, 2.4.1 and two double-mutants GD(M203)/AW(M260) and LH(M214)/AW(M260) have been recorded at 34 GHz to investigate the relative activities of the "A" and "B" branches. The triplet states are found to derive from radical pair and intersystem crossing mechanisms, and the rates of formation are anisotropic. The former mechanism is operative for Rb. sphaeroides R-26.1, 2.4.1, and mutant GD(M203)/AW(M260) and indicates that A-branch charge separation proceeds at temperatures down to 10 K. The latter mechanism, derived from the spin polarization and operative for mutant LH(M214)/AW(M260), indicates that no long-lived radical pairs are formed upon direct excitation of the primary donor and that virtually no charge separation at the B-branch occurs at low temperatures. When the temperature is raised above 30 K, B-branch charge separation is observed, which is at most 1% of A-branch charge separation. B-branch radical pair formation can be induced at 10 K with low yield by direct excitation of the bacteriopheophytin of the B-branch at 590 nm. The formation of a carotenoid triplet state is observed. The rate of formation depends on the orientation of the reaction center in the magnetic field and is caused by a magnetic field dependence of the oscillation frequency by which the singlet and triplet radical pair precursor states interchange. Combination of these findings with literature data provides strong evidence that the thermally activated transfer step on the B-branch occurs between the primary donor, P865, and the accessory bacteriochlorophyll, whereas this step is barrierless down to 10 K along the A-branch.  相似文献   
Genetic counseling for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations involves teaching about hereditary cancer, genetics and risk, subjects that are difficult to grasp and are routinely misunderstood. Supported by a grant from the Avon Foundation, the UCSF Cancer Risk Program started the first genetic testing and counseling service for a population of traditionally underserved women of varied ethnic and social backgrounds at the San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH). Informed by educational theory and clinical experience, we devised and piloted two simplified explanations of heredity and genetic risk, with the aim of uncovering how to best communicate genetics and risk to this underserved population. A "conventional" version comprised pictures of genes, pedigrees, and quantitative representations of risk. A "colloquial" pictorial version used an analogy of the "information book" of genes, family stories and vignettes, and visual representations of risk, without using scientific words such as genes or chromosomes. A verbal narrative accompanied each picture. We presented these modules to four focus groups of five to eight women recruited from the SFGH Family Practice Clinic. Overall, women preferred a picture-based approach and commented that additional text would have been distracting. The majority of women preferred the colloquial version because it was easier to understand and better conveyed a sense of comfort and hope. We conclude that simplicity, analogies, and familiarity support comprehension while vignettes, family stories, and photos of real people provide comfort and hope. These elements may promote understanding of complex scientific topics in healthcare, particularly when communicating with patients who come from disadvantaged backgrounds.  相似文献   
Here, we describe the preparation and properties of discrete conjugates between silver nanoparticles and G-quadruplex DNA. The 20 nm silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were connected by G-quadruplexes containing phosphorothioate anchor residues at both ends of the DNA, and the resulting conjugates were separated on the basis of the number of nanoparticles by gel electrophoresis. The molecular morphology of discrete conjugates was confirmed by TEM analysis. We have shown that the absorption spectrum of the conjugates is broader than that of AgNPs not connected to each other, indicating the presence of plasmon-mediated interparticle interactions. We discuss possible application of the conjugates in nanoelectronics.  相似文献   
Gene expression driven by the p(R) promoter of the lambdacI857/p(RM)/p(R) system results from inactivation of the temperature-sensitive CI857 repressor. The CI857 repressor, whose gene is transcribed by the divergently orientated p(RM) promoter, is destabilised at temperatures above 30 degrees C. In this study, the lambdacI857/p(RM)/p(R) system was modified by the introduction of a single (A-32G) and a double mutation (A-32G and T-41C). The mutated lambdap(R) expression modules, 32G and 32G/41C, tightly repressed the highly lethal phage PhiX174 lysis gene E at temperatures up to 37 and 39 degrees C, respectively. Expression of protein E and subsequent lysis of Escherichia coli was still induced by a temperature up-shift to 42 degrees C. The impact of the mutations on gene expression levels driven by the lambdap(R) and p(RM) promoters was evaluated at various temperatures using the lacZ reporter gene. Results indicate that the A-32G mutation confers a lambdap(R) promoter-down phenotype. The additional increase in the temperature stability of the 32G/41C expression system is due to the T-41C mutation leading to a higher p(RM) activity. The described lambdap(R) expression modules can be used to obtain a defined expression level at a given temperature and to tightly repress in particular highly lethal genes at different bacterial growth temperatures.  相似文献   
Epigenesis is the process whereby the daughters of a dividing cell retain a chromatin state determined before cell division. The best-studied cases involve the inheritance of heterochromatic chromosomal domains, and little is known about specific gene regulation by epigenetic mechanisms. Recent evidence shows that epigenesis pivots on methylation of nucleosomes at histone 3 lysines 4, 9 or 27. Bioinformatics indicates that mammals have several enzymes for each of these methylations, including at least six histone 3 lysine 4 methyltransferases. To look for evidence of gene-specific epigenetic regulation in mammalian development, we examined one of these six, Mll2, using a multipurpose allele in the mouse to ascertain the loss-of-function phenotype. Loss of Mll2 slowed growth, increased apoptosis and retarded development, leading to embryonic failure before E11.5. Using chimera experiments, we demonstrated that Mll2 is cell-autonomously required. Evidence for gene-specific regulation was also observed. Although Mox1 and Hoxb1 expression patterns were correctly established, they were not maintained in the absence of Mll2, whereas Wnt1 and Otx2 were. The Mll2 loss-of-function phenotype is different from that of its sister gene Mll, and they regulate different Hox complex genes during ES cell differentiation. Therefore, these two closely related epigenetic factors play different roles in development and maintain distinct gene expression patterns. This suggests that other epigenetic factors also regulate particular patterns and that development entails networks of epigenetic specificities.  相似文献   
Hydrogen bonds are important in determining the structure and function of biomolecules. Of particular interest are hydrogen bonds to quinones, which play an important role in the bioenergetics of respiration and photosynthesis. In this work we investigated the hydrogen bonds to the two carbonyl oxygens of the semiquinone QA*- in the well-characterized reaction center from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26. We used electron paramagnetic resonance and electron nuclear double resonance techniques at 35 GHz at a temperature of 80 K. The goal of this study was to identify and assign sets of 1H-ENDOR lines to protons hydrogen bonded to each of the two oxygens. This was accomplished by preferentially exchanging the hydrogen bond on one of the oxygens with deuterium while concomitantly monitoring the changes in the amplitudes of the 1H-ENDOR lines. The preferential deuteration of one of the oxygens was made possible by the different 1H --> 2H exchange times of the protons bonded to the two oxygens. The assignment of the 1H-ENDOR lines sets the stage for the determination of the geometries of the H-bonds by a detailed field selection ENDOR study to be presented in a future article.  相似文献   
The production of synthetic glycerol from petrochemical feedstocks has been decreasing in recent years. This is largely due to increasing supplies of crude glycerol derived as a co-product from the oleochemical industry, especially biodiesel production. The price of glycerol is at historic lows, and the supply of crude glycerol is projected to grow faster than its industrial uses. This oversupply is driving the transition from glycerol as a product to glycerol as a precursor for new industrial applications, including its use as a substrate for bioconversion. This article reviews the use of fungi for the bioconversion of crude glycerol to the value-added products 1,2-propanediol, ethanol, single cell oil, specialty polyunsaturated fatty acids, biosurfactants, and organic acids. Information on the impurities of crude glycerol from different industrial processes is also included.  相似文献   
[NiFe] hydrogenases catalyze the reversible formation of H2. The [NiFe] heterobimetallic active site is rich in redox states. Here, we investigate the key catalytic state Ni?CC of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F hydrogenase using a cluster model that includes the truncated amino acids of the entire second coordination sphere of the enzyme. The optimized geometries, computed g?tensors, hyperfine coupling constants, and IR stretching frequencies all agree well with experimental values. For the hydride in the bridging position, only a single minimum on the potential energy surface is found, indicating that the hydride bridges and binds to both nickel and iron. The influence of the second coordination sphere on the electronic structure is investigated by comparing results from the large cluster models with truncated models. The largest interactions of the second coordination sphere with the active site concern the hydrogen bonds with the cyanide ligands, which modulate the bond between iron and these ligands. Secondly, the electronic structure of the active site is found to be sensitive to the protonation state of His88. This residue forms a hydrogen bond with the spin-carrying sulfur atom of Cys549, which in turn tunes the spin density at the nickel and coordinating sulfur atoms. In addition, the unequal distribution of spin density over the equatorial cysteine residues results from different orientations of the cysteine side chains, which are kept in their particular orientation by the secondary structure of the protein.  相似文献   
Hydrogenase expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can be artificially induced by anaerobic adaptation or is naturally established under sulphur deprivation. In comparison to anaerobic adaptation, sulphur-deprived algal cultures show considerably higher expression rates of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase (HydA1) and develop a 25-fold higher in vitro hydrogenase activity. Based on this efficient induction principle we have established a novel purification protocol for the isolation of HydA1 that can also be used for other green algae. From an eight liter C. reinhardtii culture 0.52 mg HydA1 with a specific activity of 741 μmol H2 min− 1 mg− 1 was isolated. Similar amounts were also purified from Chlorococcum submarinum and Chlamydomonas moewusii. The extraordinarily large yields of protein allowed a spectroscopic characterization of the active site of these smallest [FeFe]-hydrogenases for the first time. An initial analysis by EPR spectroscopy shows characteristic axial EPR signals of the CO inhibited forms that are typical for the Hox-CO state of the active site from [FeFe]-hydrogenases. However, deviations in the g-tensor components have been observed that indicate distinct differences in the electronic structure between the various hydrogenases. At cryogenic temperatures, light-induced changes in the EPR spectra were observed and are interpreted as a photodissociation of the inhibiting CO ligand.  相似文献   
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