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Progress in analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) has been hindered by obstructions to hardware innovation and by software incompatibility. In this paper, we announce and outline the Open AUC Project. The goals of the Open AUC Project are to stimulate AUC innovation by improving instrumentation, detectors, acquisition and analysis software, and collaborative tools. These improvements are needed for the next generation of AUC-based research. The Open AUC Project combines on-going work from several different groups. A new base instrument is described, one that is designed from the ground up to be an analytical ultracentrifuge. This machine offers an open architecture, hardware standards, and application programming interfaces for detector developers. All software will use the GNU Public License to assure that intellectual property is available in open source format. The Open AUC strategy facilitates collaborations, encourages sharing, and eliminates the chronic impediments that have plagued AUC innovation for the last 20 years. This ultracentrifuge will be equipped with multiple and interchangeable optical tracks so that state-of-the-art electronics and improved detectors will be available for a variety of optical systems. The instrument will be complemented by a new rotor, enhanced data acquisition and analysis software, as well as collaboration software. Described here are the instrument, the modular software components, and a standardized database that will encourage and ease integration of data analysis and interpretation software.  相似文献   
Cao W  Demeler B 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(3):1589-1602
Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments can be accurately modeled with the Lamm equation to obtain sedimentation and diffusion coefficients of the solute. Existing finite element methods for such models can cause artifactual oscillations in the solution close to the endpoints of the concentration gradient, or fail altogether, especially for cases where somega(2)/D is large. Such failures can currently only be overcome by an increase in the density of the grid points throughout the solution at the expense of increased computational costs. In this article, we present a robust, highly accurate and computationally efficient solution of the Lamm equation based on an adaptive space-time finite element method (ASTFEM). Compared to the widely used finite element method by Claverie and the moving hat method by Schuck, our ASTFEM method is not only more accurate but also free from the oscillation around the cell bottom for any somega(2)/D without any increase in computational effort. This method is especially superior for cases where large molecules are sedimented at faster rotor speeds, during which sedimentation resolution is highest. We describe the derivation and grid generation for the ASTFEM method, and present a quantitative comparison between this method and the existing solutions.  相似文献   
Russell TR  Demeler B  Tu SC 《Biochemistry》2004,43(6):1580-1590
The homodimeric NADH:flavin oxidoreductase from Aminobacter aminovorans is an NADH-specific flavin reductase herein designated FRD(Aa). FRD(Aa) was characterized with respect to purification yields, thermal stability, isoelectric point, molar absorption coefficient, and effects of phosphate buffer strength and pH on activity. Evidence from this work favors the classification of FRD(Aa) as a flavin cofactor-utilizing class I flavin reductase. The isolated native FRD(Aa) contained about 0.5 bound riboflavin-5'-phosphate (FMN) per enzyme monomer, but one bound flavin cofactor per monomer was obtainable in the presence of excess FMN or riboflavin. In addition, FRD(Aa) holoenzyme also utilized FMN, riboflavin, or FAD as a substrate. Steady-state kinetic results of substrate titrations, dead-end inhibition by AMP and lumichrome, and product inhibition by NAD(+) indicated an ordered sequential mechanism with NADH as the first binding substrate and reduced FMN as the first leaving product. This is contrary to the ping-pong mechanism shown by other class I flavin reductases. The FMN bound to the native FRD(Aa) can be fully reduced by NADH and subsequently reoxidized by oxygen. No NADH binding was detected using 90 microM FRD(Aa) apoenzyme and 300 microM NADH. All results favor the interpretation that the bound FMN was a cofactor rather than a substrate. It is highly unusual that a flavin reductase using a sequential mechanism would require a flavin cofactor to facilitate redox exchange between NADH and a flavin substrate. FRD(Aa) exhibited a monomer-dimer equilibrium with a K(d) of 2.7 microM. Similarities and differences between FRD(Aa) and certain flavin reductases are discussed.  相似文献   
Geminin is an unstable regulatory protein that affects both cell division and cell differentiation. Geminin inhibits a second round of DNA synthesis during S and G(2) phase by binding the essential replication protein Cdt1. Geminin is also required for entry into mitosis, either by preventing replication abnormalities or by down-regulating the checkpoint kinase Chk1. Geminin overexpression during embryonic development induces ectopic neural tissue, inhibits eye formation, and perturbs the segmental patterning of the embryo. In order to define the structural and functional domains of the geminin protein, we generated over 40 missense and deletion mutations and tested their phenotypes in biological and biochemical assays. We find that geminin self-associates through the coiled-coil domain to form dimers and that dimerization is required for activity. Geminin contains a typical bipartite nuclear localization signal that is also required for its destruction during mitosis. Nondegradable mutants of geminin interfere with DNA replication in succeeding cell cycles. Geminin's Cdt1-binding domain lies immediately adjacent to the dimerization domain and overlaps it. We constructed two nonbinding mutants in this domain and found that they neither inhibited replication nor permitted entry into mitosis, indicating that this domain is necessary for both activities. We identified several missense mutations in geminin's Cdt1 binding domain that were deficient in their ability to inhibit replication yet were still able to allow mitotic entry, suggesting that these are separate functions of geminin.  相似文献   
The amyloid β-peptide deposit found in the brain tissue of patients with Alzheimer disease is derived from a large heparin-binding protein precursor APP. The biological function of APP and its homologs is not precisely known. Here we report the x-ray structure of the E2 domain of APL-1, an APP homolog in Caenorhabditis elegans, and compare it to the human APP structure. We also describe the structure of APL-1 E2 in complex with sucrose octasulfate, a highly negatively charged disaccharide, which reveals an unexpected binding pocket between the two halves of E2. Based on the crystal structure, we are able to map, using site-directed mutagenesis, a surface groove on E2 to which heparin may bind. Our biochemical data also indicate that the affinity of E2 for heparin is influenced by pH: at pH 5, the binding appears to be much stronger than that at neutral pH. This property is likely caused by histidine residues in the vicinity of the mapped heparin binding site and could be important for the proposed adhesive function of APL-1.  相似文献   
Seasonal breeding in primates is related to the degree of environmental seasonality, particularly the availability and predictability of food. Southeast Asian species in general show moderate birth seasonality due to either low environmental seasonality or unpredictable fluctuations of mast-fruiting food resources. One Southeast Asian primate, the simakobu (Simias concolor), however, has been reported to be a strict seasonal breeder with births occurring in June and July only. It is unclear whether these observations are characteristic of the species or result from a sampling bias. To address this question, we documented the annual distribution of 11 births in eight groups of simakobu over two consecutive years at Pungut, an undisturbed site on Siberut Island, Indonesia. We assessed annual variation in ecology and reproduction via rainfall, temperature, food availability, feeding time, physical condition, conceptions, and births. Mean monthly temperature was nearly constant (26.3–27.1?°C), and monthly precipitation always high (219–432?mm). Although simakobu foods were abundant year-round, there were two fruit-feeding peaks in June and September. In contrast to previous reports, we documented births in 7?mo. Most births occurred in October (45?%), the wettest month of the year, and most conceptions in March and April, following a peak in unripe fruit availability. Although sample sizes are very small, females seemed to conceive when their physical condition was best, suggesting that simakobu time conceptions flexibly to the recovery of energy reserves. Across study sites, births occurred in 10 calendar months, indicating that simakobu reproduction is not strictly seasonal.  相似文献   
Small Hsps (sHsps) and the structurally related eye lens alpha-crystallins are ubiquitous stress proteins that exhibit ATP-independent molecular chaperone activity. We studied the chaperone activity of dodecameric wheat TaHsp16.9C-I, a class I cytosolic sHsp from plants and the only eukaryotic sHsp for which a high resolution structure is available, along with the related wheat protein TaHsp17.8C-II, which represents the evolutionarily distinct class II plant cytosolic sHsps. Despite the available structural information on TaHsp16.9C-I, there is minimal data on its chaperone activity, and likewise, data on activity of the class II proteins is very limited. We prepared purified, recombinant TaHsp16.9C-I and TaHsp17.8C-II and find that the class II protein comprises a smaller oligomer than the dodecameric TaHsp16.9C-I, suggesting class II proteins have a distinct mode of oligomer assembly as compared to the class I proteins. Using malate dehydrogenase as a substrate, TaHsp16.9C-I was shown to be a more effective chaperone than TaHsp17.8C-II in preventing heat-induced malate dehydrogenase aggregation. As observed by EM, morphology of sHsp/substrate complexes depended on the sHsp used and on the ratio of sHsp to substrate. Surprisingly, heat-denaturing firefly luciferase did not interact significantly with TaHsp16.9C-I, although it was fully protected by TaHsp17.8C-II. In total the data indicate sHsps show substrate specificity and suggest that N-terminal residues contribute to substrate interactions.  相似文献   
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are required for maintaining cell identity and stem cell self-renewal. RING1B and Polycomb (Pc) are two components of a multiprotein complex called polycomb repression complex 1 (PRC1) that is essential for establishing and maintaining long-term repressed gene states. Here we characterize the interaction between the C-terminal region of RING1B (C-RING1B) and the Pc cbox domain. The C-RING1B-cbox interaction displays a 1:1 stoichiometry with dissociation constants ranging from 9.2 to 180 nM for the different Pc orthologues. NMR analysis of C-RING1B alone reveals line broadening. However, when it is in complex with the cbox domain, there is a striking change to the NMR spectrum indicative of conformational tightening. This conformational change may arise from the organization of the C-RING1B subdomains. The C-terminal regions of all PcG RING1 proteins are composed of two stretches of conserved sequences separated by a variable linker sequence. While the entire C-RING1B region is required for cbox binding, the N- and C-terminal halves of C-RING1B can be separated and are able to interact, suggesting the presence of an intramolecular interaction within C-RING1B. The flexibility within the C-RING1B structure allowing transitions between the intramolecular bound and unbound states may cause the broadened peaks of the C-RING1B NMR spectrum. Binding the cbox domain stabilizes C-RING1B, whereby broadening is eliminated. The presence of flexible regions could allow C-RING1B to bind a variety of different factors, ultimately recruiting RING1B and its associated PcG proteins to different genomic loci.  相似文献   
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