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The passive electrical properties of synthetic strands of cardiac muscle, grown in tissue culture, were studied using two intracellular microelectrodes: one to inject a rectangular pulse of current and the other to record the resultant displacement of membrane potential at various distances from the current source. In all preparations, the potential displacement, instead of approaching a steady value as would be expected for a cell with constant electrical properties, increased slowly with time throughout the current step. In such circumstances, the specific electrical constants for the membrane and cytoplasm must not be obtained by applying the usual methods, which are based on the analytical solution of the partial differential equation describing a one-dimensional cell with constant electrical properties. A satisfactory fit of the potential waveforms was, however, obtained with numerical solutions of a modified form of this equation in which the membrane resistance increased linearly with time. Best fits of the waveforms from 12 preparations gave the following values for the membrane resistance times unit length, membrane capacitance per unit length, and for the myoplasmic resistance: 1.22 plus or minus 0.13 x 10-5 omegacm, 0.224 plus or minus 0.023 uF with cm-minus 1, and 1.37 plus or minus 0.13 x 10-7 omegacm-minus 1, respectively. The value of membrane capacitance per unit length was close to that obtained from the time constant of the foot of the action potential and was in keeping with the generally satisfactory fit of the recorded waveforms with solutions of the cable equation in which the membrane impedance is that of a single capacitor and resistor in parallel. The area of membrane per unit length and the cross-sectional area of myoplasm at any given length of the preparation were determined from light and composite electron micrographs, and these were used to calculate the following values for the specific electrical membrane resistance, membrane capacitance, and the resistivity of the cytoplasm: 20.5 plus or minus 3.0 x 10-3 omegacm-2, l.54 plus or minus 0.24 uFWITHcm-minus 2, and 180 plus or minus 34 omegacm, respectively.  相似文献   
Abstract The biochemical pathway and genetics of autotrophic ammonia oxidation have been studied almost exclusively in Nitrosomonas europaea. Terrestrial autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AAOs), however, comprise two distinct phylogenetic groups in the beta-Proteobacteria, the Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira groups. Hybridization patterns were used to assess the potential of functional probes in non-PCR-based molecular analysis of natural AAO populations and their activity. The objective of this study was to obtain an overview of functional gene homologies by hybridizing probes derived from N. europaea gene sequences ranging in size from 0.45 to 4.5 kb, and labeled with 32P to Southern blots containing genomic DNA from four Nitrosospira representatives. Probes were specific for genes encoding ammonia monooxygenase (amoA and amoB), hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (hao), and cytochrome c-554 (hcy). These probes produced hybridization signals, at low stringency (30 degreesC), with DNA from each of the four representatives; signals at higher stringency (42 degreesC) were greatly reduced or absent. The hybridization signals at low stringency ranged from 20 to 76% of the total signal obtained with N. europaea DNA. These results indicate that all four functional genes in the ammonia oxidation pathway have diverged between the Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira groups. The hao probe produced the most consistent hybridization intensities among the Nitrosospira representatives, suggesting that hao sequences would provide the best probes for non-PCR-based molecular analysis of terrestrial AAOs. Since N. europaea can also denitrify, an additional objective was to hybridize genomic DNA from AAOs with probes for Pseudomonas genes involved in denitrification. These probes were specific for genes encoding heme-type dissimilatory nitrite reductase (dNir), Cu-type dNir, and nitrous oxide reductase (nosz). No hybridization signals were observed from probes for the heme-type dNir or nosz, but Nitrosospira sp. NpAV and Nitrosolobus sp. 24-C hybridized, under low-stringency conditions, with the Cu-type dNir probe. These results indicate that AAOs may also differ in their mechanisms and capacities for denitrification.  相似文献   
Genetic divergence and gene flow among closely related populations are difficult to measure because mutation rates of most nuclear loci are so low that new mutations have not had sufficient time to appear and become fixed. Microsatellite loci are repeat arrays of simple sequences that have high mutation rates and are abundant in the eukaryotic genome. Large population samples can be screened for variation by using the polymerase chain reaction and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate alleles. We analyzed 10 microsatellite loci to quantify genetic differentiation and hybridization in three species of North American wolflike canids. We expected to find a pattern of genetic differentiation by distance to exist among wolflike canid populations, because of the finite dispersal distances of individuals. Moreover, we predicted that, because wolflike canids are highly mobile, hybrid zones may be more extensive and show substantial changes in allele frequency, relative to nonhybridizing populations. We demonstrate that wolves and coyotes do not show a pattern of genetic differentiation by distance. Genetic subdivision in coyotes, as measured by theta and Gst, is not significantly different from zero, reflecting persistent gene flow among newly established populations. However, gray wolves show significant subdivision that may be either due to drift in past Ice Age refugia populations or a result of other causes. Finally, in areas where gray wolves and coyotes hybridize, allele frequencies of gray wolves are affected, but those of coyotes are not. Past hybridization between the two species in the south-central United States may account for the origin of the red wolf.   相似文献   
Late onset of clinical symptoms in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) results in late diagnosis and poor disease outcome. Approximately 85% of individuals with HCC have underlying liver cirrhosis. However, not all cirrhotic patients develop cancer. Reliable tools that would distinguish cirrhotic patients who will develop cancer from those who will not are urgently needed. We used the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip microarray to test whether white blood cell DNA, an easily accessible source of DNA, exhibits site-specific changes in DNA methylation in blood of diagnosed HCC patients (post-diagnostic, 24 cases, 24 controls) and in prospectively collected blood specimens of HCC patients who were cancer-free at blood collection (pre-diagnostic, 21 cases, 21 controls). Out of 22 differentially methylated loci selected for validation by pyrosequencing, 19 loci with neighbouring CpG sites (probes) were confirmed in the pre-diagnostic study group and subjected to verification in a prospective cirrhotic cohort (13 cases, 23 controls). We established for the first time 9 probes that could distinguish HBV-negative cirrhotic patients who subsequently developed HCC from those who stayed cancer-free. These probes were identified within regulatory regions of BARD1, MAGEB3, BRUNOL5, FXYD6, TET1, TSPAN5, DPPA5, KIAA1210, and LSP1. Methylation levels within DPPA5, KIAA1210, and LSP1 were higher in prospective samples from HCC cases vs. cirrhotic controls. The remaining probes were hypomethylated in cases compared with controls. Using blood as a minimally invasive material and pyrosequencing as a straightforward quantitative method, the established probes have potential to be developed into a routine clinical test after validation in larger cohorts.  相似文献   
Synemin, a high-molecular-weight protein associated with intermediate filaments in muscle, and vimentin, an intermediate-filament subunit found in many different cell types, have been identified by immunologic and electrophoretic criteria as components of intermediate filaments in mature avian erythrocytes. Desmin, the predominant subunit of intermediate filaments in muscle, has not been detected in these cells. Two dimensional immunoautoradiography of proteolytic fragments of synemin and vimentin demonstates that the erythrocyte proteins are highly homologous, if not identical, to their muscle counterparts. Double immunoflurorescence reaveals that erythrocyte synemin and vimentin co-localize in a cytoplasmic network of sinuous filaments that extends from the nucleus to the plasma membrane and resists aggregation by colcemid. Erythrocytes that are attached to glass cover slips can be sonicated to remove nuclei and nonadherent regions of the plasma membrane; this leaves elliptical patches of adherent membrane that retain mats of vimentin- and synemin-containing intermediate filaments, as seen by immunofluorescence and rotary shadowing. Similarly, mechanical enucleation of erythrocyte ghosts in suspension allows isolation of plasma membranes that retain a significant fraction of the synemin and vimentin, as assayed by electrophoresis, and intermediate filaments, as seen in thin sections. Both synemin and vimentin remain insoluble along with spectrin and actin, in solutions containing nonionic detergent and high salt. However, brief exposure of isolated membrane to distilled water releases the synemin and vimentin together in nearly pure form, before the release of significant amounts of spectrin and actin. These data suggest that avian erythrocyte intermeditate filaments are somehow anchored to the plasma membrane; erythrocytes may thus provide a simple system for the study of intermediate filaments and their mode of interaction with membranes. In addition, these data, in conjunction with previous data from muscle, indicate that synemin is capable of associating with either desmin or vimentin and may thus perform a special role in the structure or function of intermediate filaments in erythrocytes as well as muscle.  相似文献   
Morphological features of a collection of unknown-age wild kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) embryos from early development to point of hatch are described. Using these features, we assign developmental stages to each embryo and compare the progress of development to similar-staged ostrich (Struthio camelus) and chicken (Gallus gallus) embryos. Two ageing schemes for the kiwi embryos are developed by comparing measurements of their hindlimb segments, bills and crown–rump lengths with those of ostrich and chicken embryos at various stages of development. One of the 20 kiwi embryos was of known age. Both the ostrich model and the chicken model gave identical predictions for the marker and four other embryos. Developmental timing of some features differed between all three species, most markedly in the bill, with growth in the kiwi bill being relatively faster to achieve its larger relative and absolute size at hatch.  相似文献   


Parasites are evolutionary hitchhikers whose phylogenies often track the evolutionary history of their hosts. Incongruence in the evolutionary history of closely associated lineages can be explained through a variety of possible events including host switching and host independent speciation. However, in recently diverged lineages stochastic population processes, such as retention of ancestral polymorphism or secondary contact, can also explain discordant genealogies, even in fully co-speciating taxa. The relatively simple biogeographic arrangement of the Galápagos archipelago, compared with mainland biomes, provides a framework to identify stochastic and evolutionary informative components of genealogic data in these recently diverged organisms.


Mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained for four species of Galápagos mockingbirds and three sympatric species of ectoparasites - two louse and one mite species. These data were complemented with nuclear EF1α sequences in selected samples of parasites and with information from microsatellite loci in the mockingbirds. Mitochondrial sequence data revealed differences in population genetic diversity between all taxa and varying degrees of topological congruence between host and parasite lineages. A very low level of genetic variability and lack of congruence was found in one of the louse parasites, which was excluded from subsequent joint analysis of mitochondrial data. The reconciled multi-species tree obtained from the analysis is congruent with both the nuclear data and the geological history of the islands.


The gene genealogies of Galápagos mockingbirds and two of their ectoparasites show strong phylogeographic correlations, with instances of incongruence mostly explained by ancestral genetic polymorphism. A third parasite genealogy shows low levels of genetic diversity and little evidence of co-phylogeny with their hosts. These differences can mostly be explained by variation in life-history characteristics, primarily host specificity and dispersal capabilities. We show that pooling genetic data from organisms living in close ecological association reveals a more accurate phylogeographic history for these taxa. Our results have implications for the conservation and taxonomy of Galápagos mockingbirds and their parasites.  相似文献   
Recent identification of the modular CLS motifs responsible for cyclins A and E localization on centrosomes has revealed a tight linkage between the nuclear and centrosomal cycles. These G1/S cyclins must localize on the centrosome in order for DNA replication to occur in the nucleus, whereas essential DNA replication factors also function on the centrosome to prevent centrosome overduplication. Both events are dependent on the presence of an intact CLS within each cyclin. Here we compare the cyclins A and E CLSs at the structural and functional levels and identify a new cyclin A CLS mutant that disrupts all CLS functions and reduces the affinity of cyclin A for Cdk2. Analysis of interactions of the CLS motif within the cyclin molecules highlights the importance of the cyclin CBOX1 region for Cdk2 binding.Key words: cyclin A, cyclin E, Cdk2, centrosome, CLS, PSTAIRE, DNA synthesis  相似文献   
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