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We isolated cDNAs encoding a 115 kd human atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha ANP) receptor (ANP-A receptor) that possesses guanylate cyclase activity, by low-stringency hybridization with sea urchin Arbacia punctulata membrane guanylate cyclase probes. The human ANP-A receptor has a 32 residue signal sequence followed by a 441 residue extracellular domain homologous to the 60 kd ANP-C receptor. A 21 residue transmembrane domain precedes a 568 residue cytoplasmic domain with homology to the protein kinase family and to a subunit of the soluble guanylate cyclase. COS-7 cells transfected with an ANP-A receptor expression vector displayed specific [125I]alpha ANP binding, and exhibited alpha ANP stimulated cGMP production. These data demonstrate a new paradigm of cellular signal transduction where extracellular ligand binding allosterically regulates cyclic nucleotide second-messenger production by a receptor cytoplasmic catalytic domain.  相似文献   
Benthic algal response to N and P enrichment along a pH gradient   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Nutrient enrichment and its effect on benthic algal growth, community composition, and average cell size was assessed across two sites of differing pH within a single habitat. Nutrients were added using in situ substrata, which released either N, P, or no additional nutrients (controls) at each site for 21 days. Upon collection, chlorophyll and biovolume standing stocks of the attached algal microflora were measured. Chlorophyll concentration was different among all treatments, accumulating greatest on P, followed by N, and the least on C substrata (P < 0.001) and was highest at site-2 (P < 0.001), while total algal biovolume was highest on P compared to both N and C substrata (P < 0.05) and did not vary between sites. Increased growth on P substrata was due to the enhanced biovolume of filamentous green algae, although the affected taxa varied between sites. Biovolume to cell density ratios (as a measure of average cell size) were highest on P substrata over both N-enriched and control substrata (P < 0.05) and this pattern was similar between sites. Progression towards a community composed of larger cells following P enrichment observed along this pH gradient, seems to be related to the dominance of larger celled filamentous green algae. Thus, nutrients exhibited greater control on benthic algal growth than did changes in hydrogen ion concentration.Contribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research LaboratoryContribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory  相似文献   
Chromosomal localization of the genes encoding three homologous human proteins, the ANPRA, ANPRB, and ANPRC cell surface receptors, was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of genomic DNA from somatic cell hybrids. The ANPRA gene was assigned to 1q12----qter by intron-specific PCR. The ANPRB gene was assigned to 9p11----p22 using species-specific length variation in PCR fragments. The ANPRC gene was assigned to chromosome 5 using human-specific PCR primers identified by screening a human primer panel on parental DNA samples (shotgun primer screening). Chromosomal assignments based on PCR analysis were confirmed and the genes further sublocalized by in situ hybridization of cloned cDNA probes to human metaphase chromosomes. The ANPRA gene was sublocalized to 1q21----q22, the ANPRB gene to 9p12----p21, and the ANPRC gene to 5p13----p14.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of a non-ionic surfactant, Pluronic F-68, on growth of microbial cell cultures have been studied. Growth ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae at 30°C or 37°C as measured by viable cell counts was unaffected by culture with pluronic. However, corresponding absorbance measurements forS. cerevisiae incubated with 5–10% pluronic were lower than controls at both temperatures. Absorbance ofE. coli cultures was also significantly reduced by incubation with 5.0–10.0% pluronic at both temperatures although viable counts again revealed no significant inhibition of growth.  相似文献   
Organelles are not uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm but have preferred locations that vary between tissues and during development. To investigate organelle targeting to cytoplasmic domains we have taken advantage of the mouse pituitary cell line, AtT-20, which, when induced to extend long processes, accumulates dense core secretory granules at the tips of the processes. During mitosis, these secretory granules accumulate along the plane of division. Protein synthesis is not mandatory for such redistribution of secretory granules. To explore the specificity of the redistribution we have used transfected AtT-20 cells that express the immunoglobulin kappa light chain. While the endogenous hormone ACTH is found in secretory granules, the kappa chain is a marker for organelles involved in constitutive secretion. By immunofluorescence, kappa also accumulates at the tips of growing processes, and along the midline of dividing cells, suggesting that the redistribution of vesicles is not specific for dense-core secretory granules. Since there is evidence for selective organelle transport along processes in neuronal cells, the rat pheochromocytoma cell PC-12 was transfected with DNA encoding markers for regulated and constitutive secretory vesicles. Again regulated and constitutive vesicles co-distribute, even in cells grown in the presence of nerve growth factor. We suggest that at least in the cells studied here, cytoskeletal elements normally carry exocytotic organelles to the surface; when the cytoskeletal elements coalesce in an extending process, exocytotic organelles of both the constitutive and regulated pathway are transported nonselectively to the tips of the cytoskeletal elements where they accumulate.  相似文献   
Five different protocols for the short-term preservation of cells used for multiparameter flow cytometric assay of tumour associated antigens (TAA) and DNA were assessed in cell suspensions prepared by mechanical disaggregation of 15 gynecological tumors. The protocols at 4 degrees C were 1) storage in buffer, 2) storage in 50% methanol, and 3) storage in buffer after formalin fixation. Tissues were also cryopreserved as cell suspensions and tissue blocks. When the TAA expression and DNA histograms of the preserved cells were compared with those in fresh cell suspensions, cryopreservation was found to be the best method: TAA expression was well preserved and there was a good correlation between TAA expression and the quality of the DNA histograms, respectively, in fresh and cryopreserved cells (RS: 0.82-0.91, P less than 0.001 for all TAAs). The cell suspensions preserved at 4 degrees C all showed a significant increase in background fluorescence (P less than 0.05) and a reduction in the TAA specific fluorescence (P less than 0.011). Methanol fixation was better than buffered formalin for the proteins studied, though both gave significantly worse results than cryopreservation. The quality of these cell suspensions and the correlation with TAA measurements in fresh cell suspensions deteriorated progressively with time, particularly if they were stored more than a week.  相似文献   
Lowe BA  Krul WR 《Plant physiology》1991,96(1):121-129
Tumor formation in Vitis species and hybrids, incited by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, was altered by chemical, physical, developmental, and genetic variables. Knowledge of the effect of these variables was used to develop a stringent in vitro assay system to select parents for a study of genetic factors that modulate tumor formation. Tumor formation was reduced by short day preconditioning of assay plants and by inoculation of the morphological apex of isolated stem segments. Pretreatment of plants with auxin or cytokinin altered specificity in various combinations of strains and host genotypes. All Vitis species and hybrids formed tumors in response to strains designated as limited host range, but some displayed a necrotic reaction (cell death at and below site of inoculation) or a null response (same as the response to inoculation with an avirulent strain) to strains designated as wide host range (VC Knauf, CG Panagopoulos, EW Nester [1982] Phytopathology 72: 1545-1549). Screens of F1 progeny, derived from crosses of null, necrotic, and tumor-producing phenotypes, demonstrated that the null and the necrotic phenotypes were modulated by dominant and recessive host genes. The extent of cellular necrosis in the necrotic phenotype was modified by the morphological location of the inoculation site, by the presence of buds on the host stem, and by deletion of the tryptophane monooxygenase locus gene of the Ti-plasmid.  相似文献   
B Beall  M Lowe    J Lutkenhaus 《Journal of bacteriology》1988,170(10):4855-4864
The Bacillus subtilis homolog of the Escherichia coli ftsZ gene was isolated by screening a B. subtilis genomic library with anti-E. coli FtsZ antiserum. DNA sequence analysis of a 4-kilobase region revealed three open reading frames. One of these coded for a protein that was about 50% homologous to the E. coli FtsZ protein. The open reading frame just upstream of ftsZ coded for a protein that was 34% homologous to the E. coli FtsA protein. The open reading frames flanking these two B. subtilis genes showed no relationship to those found in E. coli. Expression of the B. subtilis ftsZ and ftsA genes in E. coli was lethal, since neither of these genes could be cloned on plasmid vectors unless promoter sequences were first removed. Cloning the B. subtilis ftsZ gene under the control of the lac promoter resulted in an IPTGs phenotype that could be suppressed by overproduction of E. coli FtsZ. These genes mapped at 135 degrees on the B. subtilis genetic map near previously identified cell division mutations.  相似文献   
We previously identified a defect in the in vivo catabolism of low density lipoprotein (LDL) from hypercholesterolemic pigs carrying a mutant apolipoprotein B allele. In the present studies, we examined the in vitro metabolism of mutant LDL in cultured pig fibroblasts. A 3-fold higher concentration of mutant LDL (compared to control) was needed to displace 50% of control 125I-LDL binding. Mutant LDL had a 6-fold higher dissociation constant than control LDL. Scatchard plots of the binding data were concave upward, suggesting multiple classes of binding sites or negative cooperativity. The mutant LDL degradation rate was reduced by 40%; this decrease could be attributed to a dense LDL subspecies. Mutant and control buoyant LDL subspecies were degraded more slowly than the corresponding dense LDL subspecies. Together, these studies show that diminished LDL receptor binding can result from mutations in apolipoprotein B and from changes in the lipid composition of LDL particles.  相似文献   
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