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Because the interaction of denatured hemoglobins (i.e. hemichromes) with the red cell membrane has been associated with several abnormalities commonly observed in hemichrome-containing erythrocytes, we have undertaken to isolate and characterize the hemichrome-rich membrane protein aggregates from sickle cells. The aggregates were isolated by two procedures: one at low ionic strength by centrifugation of detergent-solubilized spectrin-depleted inside-out vesicles, and the other at physiological ionic strength by detergent solubilization of whole cells followed by cytoskeletal disruption and centrifugation. The extensively washed aggregates obtained by both methods yielded similar results. These insoluble complexes were found to be highly cross-linked by predominantly intermolecular disulfide bonds; however, other nonreducible covalent linkages were also observed. Both in the presence and absence of reducing agents, the aggregate disintegrated when the hemichromes were removed by high ionic strength, suggesting that the aggregate depended heavily on the cohesive properties of the hemichromes for stability. Protein assays demonstrated that the aggregates comprised approximately 1.3% of the total membrane protein, roughly two-thirds of which appeared to be globin chains. Other major components identified in the aggregate were band 3, ankyrin, bands 4.1, 4.9, and 5, glycophorins A and B, and autologous IgG. Quantitative analysis of the IgG content demonstrated that three-fourths of the surface-bound IgG on washed sickle cells was clustered at these aggregate sites, representing an enrichment of approximately 250-fold over nonaggregated regions of the membrane. Since clustered cell surface IgG is thought to trigger removal of erythrocytes from circulation, the hemichrome-induced membrane reorganization at these aggregate sites may be an important cause of the greatly shortened life span of sickle cells.  相似文献   
Multiple functions for sterols in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Analyses with a yeast sterol auxotroph indicated that there are at least four different levels of function for sterol which have been designated sparking, critical domain, domain and bulk. Growth of yeast sterol auxotrophs on cholestanol is precluded unless minute amounts of ergosterol are available. We have designated this phenomenon the sparking of growth, in which cholestanol satisfies an overall membrane sterol requirement and ergosterol fulfills a high specificity sparking function. The critical domain role for sterol is observed under conditions of lanosterol supplementation where low levels of ergosterol (10-times those necessary for sparking on cholestanol) are required for growth. The sterol functions designated domain and bulk are illustrated by assessing cellular free sterol levels and plasma membrane properties of a sterol auxotroph after growth on different concentrations of exogenously supplied sterol. Plasma membranes isolated from auxotrophs grown on domain or bulk levels of sterol underwent no lipid thermotropic transitions, while plasma membranes from cells grown on critical domain levels of sterol underwent a lipid thermotropic transition, when analyzed by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy.  相似文献   
This paper reports the physical growth and body composition from the first year of longitudinal study of 519 Guatemalan children, and their families, from a disadvantaged urban community consisting largely of refugees of the 1976 earthquake. Four cohorts are described, composed of children of 1,3,5, and 7 years at examination. The children are smaller, weigh less, and have reduced fat stores compared either to NCHS reference data or to upper SES Guatemalan children. Stature (or length) and head circumference deviate more from reference data than do triceps or upper arm muscle circumference. Greater deviations are found in the linear dimensions of males than of females. These children are the smallest yet described from Guatemala City, though they are slightly larger than available rural samples. This suggests a continuum of environmental effects acting upon the growth of children of differing socioeconomic levels.  相似文献   
The hexapeptide Arg-Asn-Gly-epoxyethylglycine-Ala-Val-OMe specifically inactivates membrane-bound N-glycosyltransferases. The specificity is demonstrated by the inability of peptides containing 2,3-epoxypropyl-, allyl- and vinyl-glycine in the epoxyethylglycine position to function as inhibitors. The inhibition is concentration-dependent and follows first-order kinetics, but requires disruption of the membrane vesicles by detergents to achieve accessibility to the transferase. The enzyme can be protected partially against inactivation by the addition of the acceptor peptide Arg-Asn-Gly-Thr-Ala-Val-OMe, pointing to an active-site-directed reaction. Exhaustion of the endogenous pool of glycosyl donor molecules by preincubation of the membrane vesicles with the acceptor peptide before inhibitor application is accompanied by an additional decrease in the inhibition rate. This suggests that inactivation occurs only under conditions where glycosyl transfer is catalysed. A mechanism of inactivation is proposed in which the transferase catalyses its own inactivation by a kind of 'suicide' mechanism.  相似文献   
No catalase activity was detected in four strains of glucose-grown Mycoplasma pneumoniae at any time during the replication of the organism. Exogenous catalase dramatically increased the O(2) uptake with glycerol, presumably by releasing inhibition caused by hydrogen peroxide. The effect of added catalase on the O(2) uptake of washed organisms with glucose as substrate was moderate and variable in degree. The production of hydrogen peroxide was demonstrated by the quantitative enzymatic assay for inorganic peroxide and by the fact that added pyruvate, which is non-enzymatically oxidized by H(2)O(2) to acetic acid and CO(2) could mimic the action of catalase.  相似文献   
A study was made of the mating properties of an unusual system of interconvertible donor strains of Escherichia coli K-12: Ra-1, Ra-2, and RaF+. The Ra-1 and Ra-2 strains are Hfr strains whose origins are widely separated on the chromosome and whose transfer modes proceed in the opposite direction from one another. When Ra-1 cells were mated with females, a small fraction of the donors transferred markers via the Ra-2 mode. This effect was enhanced by preconjugal ultraviolet (UV) treatment of the Ra-1 cells. Among the survivors of UV-treated Ra-1 cells, a few stable Ra-2 cells were found. When Ra-2 cells were used as the donors, some of them were found to mate via the Ra-1 mode, in analogy with the Ra-1 to Ra-2 alteration with inversion of F mentioned above. Related experiments suggested that the inversion occurs by detachment of the F factor from one Hfr origin locus, followed by reassociation of the F factor with the other Hfr origin locus. Both the Ra-1 and Ra-2 strains reverted spontaneously to an F+ strain, called RaF+. Cultures of RaF+ cells were found to mate primarily according to the Ra-1 and Ra-2 transfer modes, with smaller contributions also coming from transfer modes with origins elsewhere on the chromosome in a way which is similar to the transfer of markers from a normal F+ strain. The RaF+ sex factor was found to be wild type, whereas the chromosome was found to carry irregularities (sex factor affinity loci) at the locations of the Ra-1 and Ra-2 origins. Only about 10% of the donor capacity of the RaF+ strain was due to stable spontaneous Hfr cells in cultures of RaF+ cells.  相似文献   
It has been found that tissues fixed for electron microscopy and dehydrated in acetone can be embedded in mixtures of n-butyl methacrylate and polyester resin. Activation with 1 per cent tert-butyl hydroperoxide followed by 12 to 48 hours at 60°C produces blocks that section well with glass knives. The ribbons are cleared of methacrylate by heat (200–250°C for 1 hour) and/or immersion in organic solvents (CCL4, acetone-ether). After removal of the methacrylate the residual polyester matrix provides thermostable and insoluble support for the tissue. Its insolubility permits staining by immersion of cleared preparations in organic solvents carrying heavy metal compounds in solution. Clearing by heat stabilizes section-grid relationships. The removal of volatile materials by clearing substantially reduces contamination of both specimen and microscope. Tissue fine structure is well preserved in these preparations.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemistry was utilized to determine expression of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens on Day 8-9 hatched blastocysts and fetal membranes of mid- to late gestation cows and to examine the pattern of leucocytic infiltration into the gravid uterus. Hatched blastocysts were weakly positive for MHC class I antigens. In the mature placenta, chorioallantoic membranes in the interplacentomal area showed positive immunostaining for class I antigens on the chorionic epithelium but had no staining for class II antigens. There was an accumulation of lymphoid cells expressing class II antigens directly beneath the luminal epithelium of the endometrium. In addition, cells staining for leucocyte common antigen were present both within and beneath the luminal epithelium. Some cells positive for class II and leucocyte common antigen (CD45) were also associated with uterine glands. In the placentomes, class I antigens were expressed only on maternal caruncular septa. Fetal cotyledonary villi had no detectable immunostaining for class I and II antigens. No distinct pattern of leucocyte infiltration in the maternal caruncular tissue was observed; the caruncular septa contained some cells that were labelled for CD45 and a few class II-positive cells around blood vessels. The results indicate that the fetal placenta of the cow expresses MHC class I antigens in a regionally defined manner and there is a differential accumulation of lymphoid cells in the uterus.  相似文献   
Biofilm formation on metallic surfaces in marine and freshwater environments often precedes corrosion and other biofouling conditions. Attachment is mediated by such environmental factors as the presence of surface conditioning films, fluid dynamics, bulk-phase nutrient levels, and surface chemistry. In this study, we utilized a Fowler Cell Adhesion Measurement Module to demonstrate that the changes in cellular concentration and composition of a monoculture ofPseudomonas atlantica biofilms on stainless steel were a function of the applied shear force. At shear forces in the range of 3–10 dynes cm–2 (1.0 liter min–1), attachment as measured by acridine orange direct microscopic counts was greatest at the higher shear forces.14C-Acetate uptake activity on the stainless steel surfaces increased with shear stress. Acetate incorporation ranged from 1×10–5 to 19×10–5 mol cm–2 between 0.15 and 30 dynes cm–2 for 30 min uptake periods. On a per cell basis, however, activity decreased with shear, indicating a shift in metabolism. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that protein and carbohydrate concentrations also increased with the applied shear. Increased biofilm CN ratios and total fatty acids were associated with the higher shear stresses. Neither radius of interaction nor biofilm age appeared to significantly influence the relationship between fluid shear and attachment and cellular composition ofP. atlantica biofilms in the range of 1–10 dynes cm–2.  相似文献   
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