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Arid environments provide ideal ground for investigating the mechanisms of adaptive evolution. High temperatures and low water availability are relentless stressors for many endotherms, including birds; yet birds persist in deserts. While physiological adaptation probably involves metabolic phenotypes, the underlying mechanisms (plasticity, genetics) are largely uncharacterized. To explore this, we took an intraspecific approach that focused on a species that is resident over a mesic to arid gradient, the Karoo scrub‐robin (Cercotrichas coryphaeus). Specifically, we integrated environmental (climatic and primary productivity), physiological (metabolic rates: a measure of energy expenditure), genotypic (genetic variation underlying the machinery of energy production) and microbiome (involved in processing food from where energy is retrieved) data, to infer the mechanism of physiological adaptation. We that found the variation in energetic physiology phenotypes and gut microbiome composition are associated with environmental features as well as with variation in genes underlying energy metabolic pathways. Specifically, we identified a small list of candidate adaptive genes, some of them with known ties to relevant physiology phenotypes. Together our results suggest that selective pressures on energetic physiology mediated by genes related to energy homeostasis and possibly microbiota composition may facilitate adaptation to local conditions and provide an explanation to the high avian intraspecific divergence observed in harsh environments.  相似文献   
To invest in energetically demanding life history stages, individuals require a substantial amount of resources. Physiological traits, particularly those related to energetics, can be useful for examining variation in life history decisions and trade‐offs because they result from individual responses to environmental variation. Leptin is a protein hormone found in mammals that is proportional to the amount of endogenous fat stores within an individual. Recently, researchers have confirmed that a mammalian leptin analogue (MLA), based on the mammalian sequence of leptin, is present with associated receptors and proteins in avian species, with an inhibitory effect on foraging and body mass gain at high circulating levels. While MLA has been both quantified and manipulated in avian species, little is currently known regarding whether plasma MLA in wild‐living species and individuals is associated with key reproductive decisions. We quantified plasma MLA in wild, Arctic‐nesting female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) at arrival on the breeding grounds and followed them to determine subsequent breeding propensity, and reproductive phenology, investment, and success. Common eiders are capital‐income breeding birds that require the accumulation of substantial fat stores to initiate laying and successfully complete incubation. We found that females with lower plasma MLA initiated breeding earlier and in a shorter period of time. However, we found no links between plasma MLA levels and breeding propensity, clutch size, or reproductive success. Although little is still known about plasma MLA, based on these results and its role in influencing foraging behaviors and condition gain, plasma MLA appears to be closely linked to reproductive timing and is therefore likely to underlie trade‐offs surrounding life history decisions.  相似文献   
Currently, electrical stimulation (ES) is used to induce changes in various tissues and cellular processes, but its effects on mitochondrial dynamics and mechanisms are unknown. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of monophasic and biphasic, anodal, and cathodal ES on apoptosis, proliferation, and mitochondrial dynamics in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Cells were cultured and treated with ES. Alamar blue assay was performed to measure cell proliferation. The proteins expression of apoptotic-related proteins Bcl-2 associated X (Bax), B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), optic-atrophy-1 (OPA1), mitofusin2 (Mfn2), phosphorylated dynamin-related protein 1 at serine 616 (p-DRP1), and total dynamin-related protein 1 (Total-DRP1) were also determined. The results showed that monophasic anodal and biphasic anodal/cathodal (Bi Anod) ES for 1 hr at 125 pulses per minute (2.0 Hz) produced the most significant increase in cell proliferation. In addition, monophasic anodal and Bi Anod ES treated cells displayed a significant increase in the levels of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, whereas the Bax levels were not changed. Moreover, the levels of Mfn2 were increased in the cells treated by Bi Anod, and OPA1 was increased by monophasic anodal and Bi Anod ES, indicating increased mitochondrial fusion in these ES-treated cells. However, the levels of mitochondrial fission indicated by DRP1 remained unchanged compared with non-stimulated cells. These findings were confirmed through visualization of mitochondria using Mitotracker Deep Red, demonstrating that monophasic anodal and Bi Anod ES could induce pro-survival effects in SH-SY5Y cells through increasing cell proliferation and mitochondrial fusion. Future research is needed to validate these findings for the clinical application of monophasic anodal and Bi Anod ES.  相似文献   
There is a growing appreciation for the idea that bacterial utilization of host-derived lipids, including cholesterol, supports Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) pathogenesis. This has generated interest in identifying novel antibiotics that can disrupt cholesterol utilization by Mtb in vivo. Here we identify a novel small molecule agonist (V-59) of the Mtb adenylyl cyclase Rv1625c, which stimulates 3’, 5’-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) synthesis and inhibits cholesterol utilization by Mtb. Similarly, using a complementary genetic approach that induces bacterial cAMP synthesis independent of Rv1625c, we demonstrate that inducing cAMP synthesis is sufficient to inhibit cholesterol utilization in Mtb. Although the physiological roles of individual adenylyl cyclase enzymes in Mtb are largely unknown, here we demonstrate that the transmembrane region of Rv1625c is required during cholesterol metabolism. Finally, the pharmacokinetic properties of Rv1625c agonists have been optimized, producing an orally-available Rv1625c agonist that impairs Mtb pathogenesis in infected mice. Collectively, this work demonstrates a role for Rv1625c and cAMP signaling in controlling cholesterol metabolism in Mtb and establishes that cAMP signaling can be pharmacologically manipulated for the development of new antibiotic strategies.  相似文献   
Current data indicate that CD5 functions as an inhibitor of TCR signal transduction. Consistent with this role, thymocyte selection in TCR transgenic/CD5(-/-) mice is altered in a manner suggestive of enhanced TCR signaling. However, the impact of CD5 deletion on thymocyte selection varies depending on the transgenic TCR analyzed, ranging from a slight to a marked shift from positive toward negative selection. An explanation for the variable effect of CD5 on selection is suggested by the observation that CD5 surface expression is regulated by TCR signal intensity during development and CD5 surface levels on mature thymocytes and T cells parallel the avidity of the positively selecting TCR/MHC/ligand interaction. In this study, we generated mice that overexpress CD5 during thymocyte development (CD5-tg), and then examined the effect of CD5 overexpression or CD5 deletion (CD5(-/-)) on selection of thymocytes that express the same TCR transgenes. The results demonstrate that the effect on thymocyte selection of altering CD5 expression depends on the avidity of the selecting interaction and, consequently, the level of basal (endogenous) CD5 surface expression. Substitution of endogenous CD5 with a transgene encoding a truncated form of the protein failed to rescue the CD5(-/-) phenotype, demonstrating that the cytoplasmic domain of CD5 is required for its inhibitory function. Together, these results indicate that inducible regulation of CD5 surface expression during thymocyte selection functions to fine tune the TCR signaling response.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have addressed the role of the linker for activation of T cells (LAT) in the regulation of phospholipase Cgamma2 (PLCgamma2) by the platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI). LAT is tyrosine phosphorylated in human platelets heavily in response to collagen, collagen-related peptide (CRP), and FcgammaRIIA cross-linking but only weakly in response to the G-protein-receptor-coupled agonist thrombin. LAT tyrosine phosphorylation is abolished in CRP-stimulated Syk-deficient mouse platelets, whereas it is not altered in SLP-76-deficient mice or Btk-deficient X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) human platelets. Using mice engineered to lack the adapter LAT, we showed that tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and Btk in response to CRP was maintained in LAT-deficient platelets whereas phosphorylation of SLP-76 was slightly impaired. In contrast, tyrosine phosphorylation of PLCgamma2 was substantially reduced in LAT-deficient platelets but was not completely inhibited. The reduction in phosphorylation of PLCgamma2 was associated with marked inhibition of formation of phosphatidic acid, a metabolite of 1,2-diacylglycerol, phosphorylation of pleckstrin, a substrate of protein kinase C, and expression of P-selectin in response to CRP, whereas these parameters were not altered in response to thrombin. Activation of the fibrinogen receptor integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) in response to CRP was also reduced in LAT-deficient platelets but was not completely inhibited. These results demonstrate that LAT tyrosine phosphorylation occurs downstream of Syk and is independent of the adapter SLP-76, and they establish a major role for LAT in the phosphorylation and activation of PLCgamma2, leading to downstream responses such as alpha-granule secretion and activation of integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3). The results further demonstrate that the major pathway of tyrosine phosphorylation of SLP-76 is independent of LAT and that there is a minor, LAT-independent pathway of tyrosine phosphorylation of PLCgamma2. We propose a model in which LAT and SLP-76 are required for PLCgamma2 phosphorylation but are regulated through independent pathways downstream of Syk.  相似文献   
We describe a three-dimensional magnetic twisting device that is useful in characterizing the mechanical properties of cells. With the use of three pairs of orthogonally aligned coils, oscillatory mechanical torque was applied to magnetic beads about any chosen axis. Frequencies up to 1 kHz could be attained. Cell deformation was measured in response to torque applied via an RGD-coated, surface-bound magnetic bead. In both unpatterned and micropatterned elongated cells on extracellular matrix, the mechanical stiffness transverse to the long axis of the cell was less than half that parallel to the long axis. Elongated cells on poly-L-lysine lost stress fibers and exhibited little mechanical anisotropy; disrupting the actin cytoskeleton or decreasing cytoskeletal tension substantially decreased the anisotropy. These results suggest that mechanical anisotropy originates from intrinsic cytoskeletal tension within the stress fibers. Deformation patterns of the cytoskeleton and the nucleolus were sensitive to loading direction, suggesting anisotropic mechanical signaling. This technology may be useful for elucidating the structural basis of mechanotransduction. cytoskeleton; prestress; stress fibers; mechanotransduction; mechanical deformation  相似文献   
Interference competition can force inferior competitors to change their distribution patterns. It is, however, possible that the dominant competitor poses a higher threat during certain times of the year, for example during reproduction. In such cases, the inferior competitor is expected to change its distribution accordingly. We used a molecular species identification method on faeces to investigate how the spatial overlap between arctic and red foxes changes between seasons. The results show that arctic and red foxes are sympatric during winter, but allopatric in summer as arctic foxes retreat to higher altitudes further from the tree-line during the breeding season.  相似文献   
Two key types of well-being, eudaimonic and hedonic, are reviewed. The first addresses ideas of self-development, personal growth and purposeful engagement, while the second is concerned with positive feelings such as happiness and contentment. How well-being varies by age and socio-economic standing is briefly summarized, followed by examination of its biological correlates (neuroendocrine, immune, cardiovascular, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep). Preliminary findings on a sample of ageing women showed that those with higher levels of eudaimonic well-being had lower levels of daily salivary cortisol, pro-inflammatory cytokines, cardiovascular risk, and longer duration REM sleep compared with those showing lower levels of eudaimonic well-being. Hedonic well-being, however, showed minimal linkage to biomarker assessments. Future research directions building on these initial findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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