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Succession is a fundamental concept in ecology because it indicates how species populations, communities, and ecosystems change over time on new substrate or after a disturbance. A mechanistic understanding of succession is needed to predict how ecosystems will respond to land-use change and to design effective ecosystem restoration strategies. Yet, despite a century of conceptual advances a comprehensive successional theory is lacking. Here we provide an overview of 19 successional theories (‘models’) and their key points, group them based on conceptual similarity, explain conceptual development in successional ideas and provide suggestions how to move forward. Four groups of models can be recognised. The first group (patch & plants) focuses on plants at the patch level and consists of three subgroups that originated in the early 20th century. One subgroup focuses on the processes (dispersal, establishment, and performance) that operate sequentially during succession. Another subgroup emphasises individualistic species responses during succession, and how this is driven by species traits. A last subgroup focuses on how vegetation structure and underlying demographic processes change during succession. A second group of models (ecosystems) provides a more holistic view of succession by considering the ecosystem, its biota, interactions, diversity, and ecosystem structure and processes. The third group (landscape) considers a larger spatial scale and includes the effect of the surrounding landscape matrix on succession as the distance to neighbouring vegetation patches determines the potential for seed dispersal, and the quality of the neighbouring patches determines the abundance and composition of seed sources and biotic dispersal vectors. A fourth group (socio-ecological systems) includes the human component by focusing on socio-ecological systems where management practices have long-lasting legacies on successional pathways and where regrowing vegetations deliver a range of ecosystem services to local and global stakeholders. The four groups of models differ in spatial scale (patch, landscape) or organisational level (plant species, ecosystem, socio-ecological system), increase in scale and scope, and reflect the increasingly broader perspective on succession over time. They coincide approximately with four periods that reflect the prevailing view of succession of that time, although all views still coexist. The four successional views are: succession of plants (from 1910 onwards) where succession was seen through the lens of species replacement; succession of communities and ecosystems (from 1965 onwards) when there was a more holistic view of succession; succession in landscapes (from 2000 onwards) when it was realised that the structure and composition of landscapes strongly impact successional pathways, and increased remote-sensing technology allowed for a better quantification of the landscape context; and succession with people (from 2015 onwards) when it was realised that people and societal drivers have strong effects on successional pathways, that ecosystem processes and services are important for human well-being, and that restoration is most successful when it is done by and for local people. Our review suggests that the hierarchical successional framework of Pickett is the best starting point to move forward as this framework already includes several factors, and because it is flexible, enabling application to different systems. The framework focuses mainly on species replacement and could be improved by focusing on succession occurring at different hierarchical scales (population, community, ecosystem, socio-ecological system), and by integrating it with more recent developments and other successional models: by considering different spatial scales (landscape, region), temporal scales (ecosystem processes occurring over centuries, and evolution), and by taking the effects of the surrounding landscape (landscape integrity and composition, the disperser community) and societal factors (previous and current land-use intensity) into account. Such a new, comprehensive framework could be tested using a combination of empirical research, experiments, process-based modelling and novel tools. Applying the framework to seres across broadscale environmental and disturbance gradients allows a better insight into what successional processes matter and under what conditions.  相似文献   
Specific leaf area and dry matter content estimate thickness in laminar leaves   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leaf thickness plays an important role in leaf and plant functioning, and relates to a species' strategy of resource acquisition and use. As such, it has been widely used for screening purposes in crop science and community ecology. However, since its measurement is not straightforward, a number of estimates have been proposed. Here, the validity of the (SLA x LDMC)(-1) product is tested to estimate leaf thickness, where SLA is the specific leaf area (leaf area/dry mass) and LDMC is the leaf dry matter content (leaf dry mass/fresh mass). SLA and LDMC are two leaf traits that are both more easily measurable and often reported in the literature. METHODS: The relationship between leaf thickness (LT) and (SLA x LDMC)(-1) was tested in two analyses of covariance using 11 datasets (three original and eight published) for a total number of 1039 data points, corresponding to a wide range of growth forms growing in contrasted environments in four continents. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The overall slope and intercept of the relationship were not significantly different from one and zero, respectively, and the residual standard error was 0.11. Only two of the eight datasets displayed a significant difference in the intercepts, and the only significant difference among the most represented growth forms was for trees. LT can therefore be estimated by (SLA x LDMC)(-1), allowing leaf thickness to be derived from easily and widely measured leaf traits.  相似文献   
Poorter L  Rose SA 《Oecologia》2005,142(3):378-387
Seed mass is considered to be an important attribute for the establishment success of plant species being linked with their seed production, establishment, and survival. This meta-analysis shows that seed mass is also closely correlated to growth-related species attributes of the established phase of rain forest tree species, and that the strength of this relationship varies with light conditions. Seed mass is an especially good predictor of species traits under high-light conditions, when the species attain their full growth potential. At high irradiance (>20% of full light) seed mass is negatively correlated with RGR, NAR, LAR, SLA and LMF. At low irradiance (<5% of full light), seed mass is only negatively correlated with LAR and SLA. Correlations between seed mass and morphological traits are therefore strongest at low irradiance where light interception is important. Conversely, correlations between seed mass and a physiological trait are strongest at high irradiance, where maximisation of photosynthetic rates is important. The strength of the correlation between growth parameters and seed mass declines over time, and disappears after 1–4 years. Seed mass appears to be a good proxy for the shade tolerance of tropical tree species, especially at the younger stages of the life cycle.  相似文献   
Predation strategies in response to altering prey abundances can dramatically influence the demographic effects of predation. Despite this, predation strategies of humans are rarely incorporated into quantitative assessments of the demographic impacts of humans killing carnivores. This scarcity largely seems to be caused by a lack of data. In this study, we contrasted predation strategies exhibited by people involved in retaliatory killing and recreational sport hunting of leopards (Panthera pardus) in the Waterberg District Municipality, South Africa. We predicted a specialist predation strategy exemplified by a type II functional response for retaliatory killing, and a generalist strategy exemplified by a type III functional response for recreational sport hunting. We could not distinguish between a type I, a type II, or a type III functional response for retaliatory killing, but the most parsimonious model for recreational sport hunting corresponded to a type I functional response. Kill rates were consistently higher for retaliatory killing than for recreational sport hunting. Our results indicate that retaliatory killing of leopards may have severe demographic consequences for leopard populations, whereas the demographic consequences of recreational sport hunting likely are less dramatic.  相似文献   
When we speak, we provide ourselves with auditory speech input. Efficient monitoring of speech is often hypothesized to depend on matching the predicted sensory consequences from internal motor commands (forward model) with actual sensory feedback. In this paper we tested the forward model hypothesis using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. We administered an overt picture naming task in which we parametrically reduced the quality of verbal feedback by noise masking. Presentation of the same auditory input in the absence of overt speech served as listening control condition. Our results suggest that a match between predicted and actual sensory feedback results in inhibition of cancellation of auditory activity because speaking with normal unmasked feedback reduced activity in the auditory cortex compared to listening control conditions. Moreover, during self-generated speech, activation in auditory cortex increased as the feedback quality of the self-generated speech decreased. We conclude that during speaking early auditory cortex is involved in matching external signals with an internally generated model or prediction of sensory consequences, the locus of which may reside in auditory or higher order brain areas. Matching at early auditory cortex may provide a very sensitive monitoring mechanism that highlights speech production errors at very early levels of processing and may efficiently determine the self-agency of speech input.  相似文献   
Cavitation resistance is a critical determinant of drought tolerance in tropical tree species, but little is known of its association with life history strategies, particularly for seasonal dry forests, a system critically driven by variation in water availability. We analysed vulnerability curves for saplings of 13 tropical dry forest tree species differing in life history and leaf phenology. We examined how vulnerability to cavitation (P50) related to dry season leaf water potentials and stem and leaf traits. P50‐values ranged from ?0.8 to ?6.2 MPa, with pioneers on average 38% more vulnerable to cavitation than shade‐tolerants. Vulnerability to cavitation was related to structural traits conferring tissue stress vulnerability, being negatively correlated with wood density, and surprisingly maximum vessel length. Vulnerability to cavitation was negatively related to the Huber‐value and leaf dry matter content, and positively with leaf size. It was not related to SLA. We found a strong trade‐off between cavitation resistance and hydraulic efficiency. Most species in the field were operating at leaf water potentials well above their P50, but pioneers and deciduous species had smaller hydraulic safety margins than shade‐tolerants and evergreens. A trade‐off between hydraulic safety and efficiency underlies ecological differentiation across these tropical dry forest tree species.  相似文献   
The antimicrobial activity of 35 indigenous South African Helichrysum species was determined against six microorganisms. Seven of the 36 chloroform:methanol (1:1) extracts (leaf and stem extracts for all plants and an additional flower extract for H. rugulosum) exhibited minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values lower than 0.1 mg/ml against Bacillus cereus and/or Staphylococcus aureus. The in vitro cytotoxicity [against transformed human kidney epithelial (Graham) cells, MCF-7 breast adenocarcinoma and SF-268 glioblastoma cells] of these extracts was also determined at a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml using the sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay. For seven species less than 25% growth was observed for the Graham and MCF-7 cell lines at the test concentration.  相似文献   
Loricariidae or suckermouth armored catfishes are one of several aquatic taxa feeding on epilithic and epiphytic algae. Their upper and lower jaws bear exquisitely curved teeth, which usually are asymmetrically bicuspid. The enlarged lower lip carries papillae with keratinous unicellular epidermal brushes or unculi. Teeth, and probably unculi too, assist in scraping food off substrates. Their morphology, growth, and replacement is examined and compared among several loricariid species, using cleared and stained specimens, serial sections, and SEM. Apart from the general tooth form and crown shape, the anterior layer of soft tissue on the lower shaft region, present in several species, appears to be a specialization for enhancing the mobility of individual teeth when scraping on uneven surfaces. During early ontogeny, a transition from simple conical to mature tooth occurs. The first unculi appear together with the first teeth carrying a bicuspid crown, 2 days after the first exogenous feeding, but synchronous with the complete resorption of the yolk sac.  相似文献   
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