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The effect of an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on growth, photosynthesis and root respiration of Plantago major L. ssp. major L. was investigated. Plants were grown in a nutrient solution in growth chambers at 350 and 700 μl I−1 CO2 during 7 weeks. The total dry weight of the Co2-enriched plants at the end of this period was 50% higher than that of control plants. However, the relative growth rate (RGR) was stimulated only during the first half of the growing period. The transient nature of the stimulation of the RGR was not likely to be due to end-product inhibition of photosynthesis. It is suggested that in P. major , a rosette plant, self-shading causes a decline in photosynthesis and results in an increase in the shoot: root ratio and a decrease in RGR. CO2-enriched plants grow faster and cosequently suffer more from self-shading. Corrected for this ontogenetic drift, high CO2 concentrations stimulated the RGR of P. major throughout the entire experiment.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to investigate possible differences in plasticity between a potentially fast-growing and a potentially slow-growing grass species. To this end, Holcus lanatus (L.) and Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin., associated with fertile and infertile habitats, respectively, were grown in sand at eight nitrate concentrations. When plants obtained a fresh weight of approximately 5 g, biomass allocation, specific leaf area, the rate of net photosynthesis, the organic nitrogen concentration of various plant parts and the root weight at different soil depths were determined. There were linear relationships between the morphological and physiological features studied and the In-transformed nitrate concentration supplied, except for the specific leaf area and root nitrogen concentration of H. lanatus, which did not respond to the nitrate concentration. The root biomass of H. lanatus was invariably distributed over the soil layers than that of D. flexuosa. However, D. flexuosa allocated more root biomass to lower soil depths with decreasing nitrate concentration, in contrast to H. lanatus, which did not respond. The relative response to nitrate supply, i.e. the value of a character at a certain nitrate level relative to the value of that character at the highest nitrate supply, was used as a measure for plasticity. For a number of parameters (leaf area ratio, root weight ratio, root nitrogen concentration, vertical root biomass distribution and rate of net photosynthesis per unit leaf weight) the potentially slow-growing D. flexuosa exhibited a higher phenotypic plasticity than the potentially fast-growing H. lanatus. These findings are in disagreement with current literature. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed in terms of differences in experimental approach as well as fundamental differences in specific traits between fast- and slow-growing grasses.  相似文献   
Up to now, several clinical studies have been started investigating the relevance of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitors upon progression free survival in various pediatric brain tumors. However, single targeted kinase inhibition failed, possibly due to tumor resistance mechanisms. The present study will extend our previous observations that vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)-2, platelet derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)β, Src, the epidermal growth factor receptor (ErbB) family, and hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR/cMet) are potentially drugable targets in pediatric low grade astrocytoma and ependymoma with investigations concerning growth-factor-driven rescue. This was investigated in pediatric low grade astrocytoma and ependymoma cell lines treated with receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitors e.g. sorafenib, dasatinib, canertinib and crizotinib. Flow cytometry analyses showed high percentage of cells expressing VEGFR-1, fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)-1, ErbB1/EGFR, HGFR and recepteur d’origine nantais (RON) (respectively 52-77%, 34-51%, 63-90%, 83-98%, 65-95%). Their respective inhibitors induced decrease of cell viability, measured with WST-1 cell viability assays. At least this was partially due to increased apoptotic levels measured by Annexin V/Propidium Iodide apoptosis assays. EGF, HGF and FGF, which are normally expressed in brain (tumor) tissue, showed to be effective rescue inducing growth factors resulting in increased cell survival especially during treatment with dasatinib (complete rescue) or sorafenib (partial rescue). Growth-factor-driven rescue was less prominent when canertinib or crizotinib were used. Rescue was underscored by significantly activating downstream Akt and/or Erk phosphorylation and increased tumor cell migration. Combination treatment showed to be able to overcome the growth-factor-driven rescue. In conclusion, our study highlights the extensive importance of environmentally present growth factors in developing tumor escape towards RTK inhibitors in pediatric low grade astrocytoma and ependymoma. It is of great interest to anticipate upon these results for the design of new therapeutic trials with RTK inhibitors in these pediatric brain tumors.  相似文献   
Abstract. The occurrence and abundance of 12 canopy tree species from the moist tropical forests of West Africa have been studied in relation to a climatic gradient. We focused on environmental factors related to water availability: annual amount of rainfall, the length of the dry season, and cumulative water deficit. Species occurrence and abundance data are used for 39 forest sites in Liberia and southwest Côte d'Ivoire. Species responses are modelled using a set of five increasingly complex models, ranging from a no-trend model to a skewed bell-shaped response curve. The study species show different distribution patterns. Most of them suggest a close relationship to climatic conditions. Fitting of species occurrence data to each of the three climatic factors results in most cases in simple models. In only one out of 36 cases a bell-shaped response curve is needed to describe the data. Four of the 12 species show no response to the climatic factors when only occurrence is evaluated. When abundance data are used, in 33 of the 36 cases significant response models are found. In general these are much more complex than in the cases of species occurrence data: in 10 of the 36 cases a bell-shaped response model is found to describe the data best. This is in contrast with the widespread belief that species response curves are bell-shaped: within the forest zone in the area studied this is not generally the case. The importance of the three climatic factors for the distribution of the species is evaluated: for four species mean annual rainfall is the most important variable, for four species the length of the dry period, and for one species cumulative water deficit. Consequently, the assumption that mean annual rainfall is the most important factor determining tree species distribution in West African forests is not correct. Species response models to climatic factors show where species have their geographical optima. Implications for forest management are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The amplitude and latency of single-trial EEG/MEG signals may provide valuable information concerning human brain functioning. In this article we propose a new method to reliably estimate single-trial amplitude and latency of EEG/MEG signals. The advantages of the method are fourfold. First, no a-priori specified template function is required. Second, the method allows for multiple signals that may vary independently in amplitude and/or latency. Third, the method is less sensitive to noise as it models data with a parsimonious set of basis functions. Finally, the method is very fast since it is based on an iterative linear least squares algorithm. A simulation study shows that the method yields reliable estimates under different levels of latency variation and signal-to-noise ratio?s. Furthermore, it shows that the existence of multiple signals can be correctly determined. An application to empirical data from a choice reaction time study indicates that the method describes these data accurately.  相似文献   


In many of the European countries affected by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), case clustering patterns have been observed. Most of these patterns have been interpreted in terms of heterogeneities in exposure of cattle to the BSE agent. Here we investigate whether spatial clustering is present in the Dutch BSE case data.


We have found three spatial case clusters in the Dutch BSE epidemic. The clusters are geographically distinct and each cluster appears in a different birth cohort. When testing all birth cohorts together, only one significant cluster was detected. The fact that we found stronger spatial clustering when using a cohort-based analysis, is consistent with the evidence that most BSE infections occur in animals less than 12 or 18 months old.


Significant spatial case clustering is present in the Dutch BSE epidemic. The spatial clusters of BSE cases are most likely due to time-dependent heterogeneities in exposure related to feed production.
The development of forest succession theory has been based on studies in temperate and tropical wet forests. As rates and pathways of succession vary with the environment, advances in successional theory and study approaches are challenged by controversies derived from such variation and by the scarcity of studies in other ecosystems. During five years, we studied development pathways and dynamics in a chronosequence spanning from very early to late successional stages (ca. 1–60 years) in a tropical dry forest of Mexico. We (1) contrasted dynamic pathways of change in structure, diversity, and species composition with static, chronosequence-based trends, (2) examined how structure and successional dynamics of guilds of trees shape community change, and (3) assessed the predictability of succession in this system. Forest diversity and structure increased with time but tree density stabilized early in succession. Dynamic pathways matched chronosequence trends. Succession consisted of two tree-dominated phases characterized by the development and dynamics of a pioneer and a mature forest species guild, respectively. Pioneer species dominated early recruitment (until ca. 10 years after abandonment), and declined before slower growing mature-forest species became dominant or reached maximum development rates (after 40–45 years). Pioneers promoted their replacement early in succession, while mature-forest species recruited and grew constantly throughout the process, with their lowest mortality coinciding with the peak of pioneer abundance. In contrast to prevailing stochastic views, we observed an orderly, community driven series of changes in this dry forest secondary succession. Chronosequences thus represent a valuable approach for revealing system-specific successional pathways, formulating hypotheses on causes and mechanisms and, in combination with repeated sampling, evaluating the effects of vegetation dynamics in pathway variation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: When ecologically important plant traits are correlated they may be said to constitute an ecological 'strategy' dimension. Through identifying these dimensions and understanding their inter-relationships we gain insight into why particular trait combinations are favoured over others and into the implications of trait differences among species. Here we investigated relationships among several traits, and thus the strategy dimensions they represented, across 2134 woody species from seven Neotropical forests. METHODS: Six traits were studied: specific leaf area (SLA), the average size of leaves, seed and fruit, typical maximum plant height, and wood density (WD). Trait relationships were quantified across species at each individual forest as well as across the dataset as a whole. 'Phylogenetic' analyses were used to test for correlations among evolutionary trait-divergences and to ascertain whether interspecific relationships were biased by strong taxonomic patterning in the traits. KEY RESULTS: The interspecific and phylogenetic analyses yielded congruent results. Seed and fruit size were expected, and confirmed, to be tightly related. As expected, plant height was correlated with each of seed and fruit size, albeit weakly. Weak support was found for an expected positive relationship between leaf and fruit size. The prediction that SLA and WD would be negatively correlated was not supported. Otherwise the traits were predicted to be largely unrelated, being representatives of putatively independent strategy dimensions. This was indeed the case, although WD was consistently, negatively related to leaf size. CONCLUSIONS: The dimensions represented by SLA, seed/fruit size and leaf size were essentially independent and thus conveyed largely independent information about plant strategies. To a lesser extent the same was true for plant height and WD. Our tentative explanation for negative WD-leaf size relationships, now also known from other habitats, is that the traits are indirectly linked via plant hydraulics.  相似文献   
Cocaine dependence is associated with orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)‐dependent cognitive inflexibility in both humans and laboratory animals. A critical question is whether cocaine self‐administration affects pre‐existing individual differences in cognitive flexibility. Serotonin transporter knockout (5‐HTT−/−) mice show improved cognitive flexibility in a visual reversal learning task, whereas 5‐HTT−/− rats self‐administer increased amounts of cocaine. Here we assessed: (1) whether 5‐HTT−/− rats also show improved cognitive flexibility (next to mice); and (2) whether this is affected by cocaine self‐administration, which is increased in these animals. Results confirmed that naïve 5‐HTT−/− rats (n = 8) exhibit improved cognitive flexibility, as measured in a sucrose reinforced reversal learning task. A separate group of rats was subsequently trained to intravenously self‐administer cocaine (0.5 mg/kg/infusion), and we observed that the 5‐HTT−/− rats (n = 10) self‐administered twice as much cocaine [632.7 mg/kg (±26.3)] compared with 5‐HTT+/+ rats (n = 6) [352.3 mg/kg (±62.0)] over 50 1‐hour sessions. Five weeks into withdrawal the cocaine‐exposed animals were tested in the sucrose‐reinforced reversal learning paradigm. Interestingly, like the naïve 5‐HTT−/− rats, the cocaine exposed 5‐HTT−/− rats displayed improved cognitive flexibility. In conclusion, we show that improved reversal learning in 5‐HTT−/− rats reflects a pre‐existing trait that is preserved during cocaine‐withdrawal. As 5‐HTT−/− rodents model the low activity s‐allele of the human serotonin transporter‐linked polymorphic region, these findings may have heuristic value in the treatment of s‐allele cocaine addicts.  相似文献   
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