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The Wnt pathways are evolutionarily well-conserved signal transduction pathways that are known to play important roles in all Metazoans investigated to date. Here, we examine the Wnt pathway genes and target genes present in the genome of the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Analysis of the Wnt genes revealed that eleven of the thirteen reported Wnt subfamilies are represented in sea urchin, with the intriguing identification of a Wnt-A ortholog thought to be absent in deuterostomes. A phylogenetic study of the Frizzled proteins, the Wnt receptors, performed throughout the animal kingdom showed that not all Frizzled subfamilies were present in the metazoan common ancestor, e.g. Fz3/6 emerged later during evolution. Using sequence analysis, orthologs of the vast majority of the cellular machinery involved in transducing the three types of Wnt pathways were found in the sea urchin genome. Furthermore, of about one hundred target genes identified in other organisms, more than half have clear echinoderm orthologs. Thus, these analyses produce new inputs in the evolutionary history of the Wnt genes in an animal occupying a position that offers great insights into the basal properties of deuterostomes.  相似文献   
CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) contribute to the maintenance of peripheral tolerance by inhibiting the expansion and function of conventional T cells. Treg development and homeostasis are regulated by the Ag receptor, costimulatory receptors such as CD28 and CTLA-4, and cytokines such as IL-2, IL-10, and TGF-beta. Here we show that the proportions of Tregs in the spleen and lymph nodes of mice with inactive p110delta PI3K (p110deltaD910A/D910A) are reduced despite enhanced Treg selection in the thymus. p110deltaD910A/D910A CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs showed attenuated suppressor function in vitro and failed to secrete IL-10. In adoptive transfer experiments, p110deltaD910A/D910A T cells failed to protect against experimental colitis. The identification of p110delta as an intracellular signaling protein that regulates the activity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs may facilitate the further elucidation of the molecular mechanisms responsible for Treg-mediated suppression.  相似文献   
MHC class I molecules exit the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by an unknown mechanism. Although a selective export mechanism has been proposed for the anterograde transport of class I, a motif responsible for export has never been identified. Although classical class I molecules lacking their cytoplasmic tail are expressed on the cell surface, we found that HLA-F was entirely dependent on its cytoplasmic tail for export from the ER. Two known export motifs were recognizable in HLA-F. A C-terminal valine residue functioned in ER export and interacted with coat complex (COP)II, while an RxR motif also played an important role in anterograde transport and bound to 14-3-3 proteins. This divergent trafficking of HLA-F implicates an alternative function for HLA-F, independent of loading with peptides in the ER.  相似文献   
Direct and random routing of a molecular motor protein at a DNA junction   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
With the aim of investigating how motor proteins negotiate DNA nanostructures, we produced test circuits based on recombination intermediates in which 1D translocation across a Holliday junction (HJ) could be assessed by subsequent triplex displacement signals on each DNA arm. Using the EcoR124I restriction-modification enzyme, a 3′–5′ double-strand DNA (dsDNA) translocase, we could show that the motor will tend to follow its translocated strand across a junction. Nonetheless, as the frequency of junction bypass events increases, the motor will occasionally jump tracks.  相似文献   
Human DNA polymerase iota (Pol iota) differs from other DNA polymerases in that it exhibits a marked template specificity, being more efficient and accurate opposite template purines than opposite pyrimidines. The crystal structures of Pol iota with template A and incoming dTTP and with template G and incoming dCTP have revealed that in the Pol iota active site, the templating purine adopts a syn conformation and forms a Hoogsteen base pair with the incoming pyrimidine which remains in the anti conformation. By using 2-aminopurine and purine as the templating residues, which retain the normal N7 position but lack the N(6) of an A or the O(6) of a G, here we provide evidence that whereas hydrogen bonding at N(6) is dispensable for the proficient incorporation of a T opposite template A, hydrogen bonding at O(6) is a prerequisite for C incorporation opposite template G. To further analyze the contributions of O(6) and N7 hydrogen bonding to DNA synthesis by Pol iota, we have examined its proficiency for replicating through the (6)O-methyl guanine and 8-oxoguanine lesions, which affect the O(6) and N7 positions of template G, respectively. We conclude from these studies that for proficient T incorporation opposite template A, only the N7 hydrogen bonding is required, but for proficient C incorporation opposite template G, hydrogen bonding at both the N7 and O(6) is an imperative. The dispensability of N(6) hydrogen bonding for proficient T incorporation opposite template A has important biological implications, as that would endow Pol iota with the ability to replicate through lesions which impair the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding potential at both the N1 and N(6) positions of templating A.  相似文献   
The Rad6-Rad18 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex of Saccharomyces cerevisiae promotes replication through DNA lesions via three separate pathways that include translesion synthesis (TLS) by DNA polymerases eta and zeta and postreplicational repair (PRR) of discontinuities that form in the newly synthesized DNA opposite from DNA lesions, mediated by the Mms2-Ubc13 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme and Rad5. Rad5 is an SWI/SNF family ATPase, and additionally, it functions as a ubiquitin ligase in the ubiquitin conjugation reaction. To decipher the roles of these Rad5 activities in lesion bypass, here we examine the effects of mutations in the Rad5 ATPase and ubiquitin ligase domains on the PRR of UV-damaged DNA and on UV-induced mutagenesis. Even though the ATPase-defective mutation confers only a modest degree of UV sensitivity whereas the ubiquitin ligase mutation causes a high degree of UV sensitivity, we find that both of these mutations produce the same high level of PRR defect as that conferred by the highly UV-sensitive rad5Delta mutation. From these studies, we infer a requirement of the Rad5 ATPase and ubiquitin ligase activities in PRR, and based upon the effects of different rad5 mutations on UV mutagenesis, we suggest a role for Rad5 in affecting the efficiency of lesion bypass by the TLS polymerases. In contrast to the role of Rad5 in PRR, however, where its function is coupled with that of Mms2-Ubc13, Rad5 function in TLS would be largely independent of this ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex.  相似文献   
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) in eukaryotes requires the assembly of a large number of protein factors at the lesion site which then coordinate the dual incision of the damaged DNA strand. However, the manner by which the different protein factors are assembled at the lesion site has remained unclear. Previously, we have shown that in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, NER proteins exist as components of different protein subassemblies: the Rad1-Rad10 nuclease, for example, forms a tight complex with the damage recognition protein Rad14, and the complex of Rad1-Rad10-Rad14 can be purified intact from yeast cells. As the Rad1-Rad10 nuclease shows no specificity for binding UV lesions in DNA, association with Rad14 could provide an effective means for the targeting of Rad1-Rad10 nuclease to damage sites in vivo. To test the validity of this idea, here we identify two rad1 mutations that render yeast cells as UV sensitive as the rad1Delta mutation but which have no effect on the recombination function of Rad1. From our genetic and biochemical studies with these rad1 mutations, we conclude that the ability of Rad1-Rad10 nuclease to associate in a complex with Rad14 is paramount for the targeting of this nuclease to lesion sites in vivo. We discuss the implications of these observations for the means by which the different NER proteins are assembled at the lesion site.  相似文献   
The effect of the addition of synthetic sheep urine (SSU) and plant species on the bacterial community composition of upland acidic grasslands was studied using a microcosm approach. Low, medium, and high concentrations of SSU were applied to pots containing plant species typical of both unimproved (Agrostis capillaris) and agriculturally improved (Lolium perenne) grasslands, and harvests were carried out 10 days and 50 days after the addition of SSU. SSU application significantly increased both soil pH (P < 0.005), with pH values ranging from pH 5.4 (zero SSU) to pH 6.4 (high SSU), and microbial activity (P < 0.005), with treatment with medium and high levels of SSU displaying significantly higher microbial activity (triphenylformazan dehydrogenase activity) than treatment of soil with zero or low concentrations of SSU. Microbial biomass, however, was not significantly altered by any of the SSU applications. Plant species alone had no effect on microbial biomass or activity. Bacterial community structure was profiled using bacterial automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. Multidimensional scaling plots indicated that applications of high concentrations of SSU significantly altered the bacterial community composition in the presence of plant species but at different times: 10 days after application of high concentrations of SSU, the bacterial community composition of L. perenne-planted soils differed significantly from those of any other soils, whereas in the case of A. capillaris-planted soils, the bacterial community composition was different 50 days after treatment with high concentrations of SSU. Canonical correspondence analysis also highlighted the importance of interactions between SSU addition, plant species, and time in the bacterial community structure. This study has shown that the response of plants and bacterial communities to sheep urine deposition in grasslands is dependent on both the grass species present and the concentration of SSU applied, which may have important ecological consequences for agricultural grasslands.  相似文献   
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