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Effects and accumulation of cadmium were studied in unialgal 10-1 batch-culture experiments with the dinoflagellateProrocentrum micans Ehrenberg. Tests were made using sterile filtered North Sea water enriched with nitrate and phosphate only in order to avoid disturbances by complex formation. Cadmium was added to the cultures in amounts of 100 to 0.13μg l−1. In one series it was added at the start of the experiments and in a second one after a growth period of 1 week. Addition of only 1.2μg Cd l−1 reduces multiplication rates and maximum cell densities of the algae. Not until 0.4μg Cd−1 does growth correspond to that of the controls. Cadmium concentrations were measured, after filtration, in the culture medium and in the biomass by means of flameless AAS. The cadmium content in algae increased from 2.7μg g−1 (dry weight) in controls to 500μg g−1 (dry weight) in media containing 100μg Cd l−1. Uptake occurred rapidly during the first few days of the experiments, slowed down somewhat during exponential growth stage, and increased during decay of the cultures. Cadmium content of culture media remained nearly constant (Series 1) or decreased only slowly during experimental time (Series 2). The highest concentration factor was measured in the controls. It decreased with increasing metal concentration in the medium and increased with experimental time. Structural modifications of the cells were visible after Lugol fixation only, indicating brittleness of the cell walls.P. micans has shown to be extremely sensitive to cadmium and to accumulate this metal.  相似文献   
The extent of nuclear single-copy DNA divergence between Muntiacus reevesi and Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis (Cervidae), a species pair showing extreme karyotype differences but striking morphological similarity, is 2%, as judged from the thermal stability of interspecific DNA-DNA hybrids. A comparison of the total nuclear DNA reassociation kinetics of the two species indicates a reduction of lowly repetitive sequences in M. m. vaginalis.  相似文献   
Rabbits suppressed for paternal immunoglobulin allotypes specified by the b locus were injected with spleen cells from non-inbred donors at the age of 1 month. This resulted in transient chimerism as shown by the appearance of 10 to >200 μg of donor type Ig per milliliter recipient's serum 1 to 2 weeks after cell transfer. Antibody production by donor cells could not be demonstrated during their survival in the recipients. If, and only if, the donor cells produced Ig of the suppressed allotype, the release from suppression was expedited as judged by the time of appearance and increase of lymphoid cells with membrane-bound Ig of the suppressed type, and also by the onset and rise of secreted Ig of this type in the recipients' sera.  相似文献   
Antibodies elicited in rabbits by chromatin and by purified histone H2B have been used to study the structure of chromatin by immunoelectron microscopy. Chromatin spread on grids reveals a structure of closely packed spherical particles with an average diameter of 104 Å, arranged either in clusters or in linear arrays of beads, some of which have a supercoil-like arrangement. No DNA strings connecting the beads could be observed. Upon antibody binding, the diameter of the particles increases up to 300 Å. This size is compatible with a model where one layer of gamma globulin molecules 110 Å long encircles a sphere of chromatin 100 Å in diameter. The presence of rabbit gamma globulins on the enlarged beads has been verified by the addition of ferritin-labeled goat anti-rabbit gamma globulins. Anti-chromatin sera which react with nonhistone proteins but not with free histones or DNA react with more than 95% of the beads; this suggests that most of the beads contain nonhistone proteins. Since the number of nonhistone proteins is large, it is improbable that each sphere contains a full complement of these proteins. We therefore suggest that the various chromatin spheres contain different types of nonhistone proteins. About 90% of the chromatin spheres reacted with antibodies to histone H2B, suggesting that most of the chromatin beads contain this type of histone.  相似文献   
Histone dimers: a fundamental unit in histone assembly.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Histone interactions which occur, at moderate ionic strengths, when several types of purified, renatured histones are mixed at equimolar ratios have been studied. The four histones H2A,H2B,H3 and H4 complex and form dimers. Histone H1 does not interact with the other four histone types and does not form dimers. Mixing of single histone species with preformed histone pairs as well as mixing of two different types of histone pairs, leads to exchange of histones among the pairs and formation of dimers. No trimers are formed. The dimers are in equilibrium with high-molecular weight histone structures. The results indicate that histone dimers may serve as a stable intermediate in histone assembly. Because each histone type (except H1) can interact with itself as well as with each of the other three histone types we suggest that each histone type should be considered as an interchangeable subunit of a multichain protein in which the dimer species is the most stable structure.  相似文献   
Human chromosomes and interphase nuclei labeled with 3H-thymidine and treated with the ASG and trypsin technique for G banding show no DNA loss. However, after G 11 and C banding significantly more DNA is removed from euchromatin than from constitutive heterochromatin.  相似文献   
Squid retinochrome   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Retinochrome is a photosensitive pigment located primarily in the inner portions of the visual cells of cephalopods. Its absorption spectrum resembles that of rhodopsin, but its chromophore is all-trans retinal, which light isomerizes to 11-cis, the reverse of the situation in rhodopsin. The 11-cis photoproduct of retinochrome slowly reverts to retinochrome in the dark. The chromophoric site of retinochrome is more reactive than that of most visual pigments: (a) Hydroxylamine converts retinochrome in the dark to all-trans retinal oxime + retinochrome opsin. (by Sodium borohydride reduces it to N-retinyl opsin. (c) Lambda max of retinochrome shifts from 500 to 515 nm as the pH is raised from 6 to 10, with a loss of absorption above pH 8; meanwhile above this PH a second band appears at shorter wavelengths with lambda max 375 nm. These changes are reversible. (d) If retinochrome is incubated with all-trans 3-dehydroretinal (retinal2) in the dark, some 3-dehydroretinochrome (retinochrome2, lambda max about 515 nm) is formed. Conversely, when retinochrome2, made by adding all-trans retinal2 to bleached retinochrome or retinochrome opsin, is incubated in the dark with all-trans retinal some of it is converted to retinochrome. Retinal and 3-dehydroretinal therefore can replace each other as chromophores in the dark.  相似文献   
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