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Micropropagation of the actinorhizal plant Comptonia peregrina of the Myricaceae was achieved successfully by the induction of root buds in excised root culture with cytokinin (1.0 M benzyladenine). Excised root segments with initiated root buds were subcultured in Woody Plant Medium (WPM) lacking growth regulators, developing extensive callus which subsequently gave rise to multiple adventitious buds. Shoot elongation was facilitated by transfer of calluses to more aerated conditions. Root initiation was induced on shoots by brief treatment with auxin (<1 M indolebutyric acid) and transfer to WPM for plantlet development. Controlled light and aeration in liquid medium were critical conditions for successful micropropagation.  相似文献   
The relative mobilities of various N-linked oligosaccharides reductively aminated to the charged fluorophore 8-amino-naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulphonic acid (ANTS) were determined by electrophoresis on high-density polyacrylamide slab gels. Each ANTS-derivatized oligosaccharide was assigned a relative migration index (RMI) expressed in terms of glucose equivalents, which was conveniently estimated by reference to a homologous series of ANTS--maltooligosaccharides run on each gel as oligosaccharide size standards. High-mannose-, complex- and hybrid-type structures were generally well resolved and easily visualized at picomole levels by simple UV light excitation. Application of these methods for the qualitative analysis of the oligosaccharides released from bovine fetuin and bovine asialofetuin by peptide-N-glycosidase F illustrates the usefulness of these techniques as fast, simple, and inexpensive tools for the characterization of N-linked oligosaccharides attached to glycoproteins.  相似文献   
The main polymorphic system of esterase isoenzymes in adults of the G3 laboratory strain ofAnopheles gambiae consists of two to five major bands of activity per individual. The bands are designated 5S, 5F, 13, 14, and 15. In genetic crosses, the genes which coded for the bands assorted as three codominant alleles, Est A, Est B, and Est C, at a single autosomal locus. Homozygotes for the Est C allele were significantly underrepresented among backcross progeny. The developmental pattern of esterase expression was examined. Esterase gene expression in embryos was first detectable between 2 and 12 hr after oviposition. The initiation or termination of expression of some of the bands corresponded to boundaries between developmental stages. Most of the esterase fractions were not specifically localized within the tissues tested, with the exception of a series of bands which were restricted largely to adult male testes.  相似文献   
Guinea pig myelin basic protein (MBP)-liposomes were prepared and fixed with 0.2% glutaraldehyde (GA). Lewis rats were treated with glutaraldehyde-fixed MBP-liposomes (MBP-L-GA) or with cytochrome-c-liposomes (CYC-L-GA), 7 days before and 7 days after challenge with MBP in CFA. Rats treated with MBP-L-GA, but not with CYC-L-GA, were very well protected against the clinical manifestations of EAE. The protection was better than that obtained after treatment with conventional MBP-liposomes (without glutaraldehyde). Furthermore, when grown in vitro for 72 hr in the presence of MBP, lymphocytes from rats treated with MBP-L-GA and challenged with MBP in CFA exhibited a marked decrease in their ability to transfer EAE to normal syngeneic recipients.  相似文献   
Function of neutral endopeptidase on the cell membrane of human neutrophils   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Intact human neutrophils hydrolyzed N-formyl-Met-Leu-[3H]Phe (fMLP) and released Leu-[3H]Phe, cleaving 45-50% of the peptide within 20 min at 37 degrees C. The dipeptide after its release was then hydrolyzed to free amino acids by a dipeptidase (EC This activity, present in plasma membrane-enriched fractions of neutrophil lysates, was also inhibited over 90% by phosphoramidon, an inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase (NEP, EC Dithiothreitol and EDTA inhibited the activity to a comparable degree, suggesting the requirement for a heavy metal cofactor. Bestatin and amastatin, inhibitors of aminopeptidases (but not human kidney NEP), did not inhibit the rate of fMLP degradation but prevented the production of free phenylalanine and enhanced the accumulation of Leu-Phe. Of other inhibitors, alpha 1-antitrypsin and alpha 2-macroglobulin slightly enhanced the rate of fMLP hydrolysis by neutrophils, and others tested were ineffective. Rabbit antiserum to homogeneous human kidney NEP reacted specifically with a 100-kDa protein present in sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized neutrophils. The Mr of this protein was slightly larger than that of the kidney enzyme in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The antiserum incubated with intact cells specifically inhibited the degradation of fMLP over 70%. First, we confirm that NEP present on the plasma membrane cleaves fMLP at the Met-Leu bond; then the dipeptide Leu-Phe is cleaved by a dipeptidase. Finally, inhibition of NEP completely blocks fMLP-mediated chemotaxis. Thus, the enzyme may play an important role in modulating chemotactic responses.  相似文献   
Females homozygous for the maternal-effect mutation abo (2-44.0) produce a large fraction of eggs which arrest during embryogenesis. Increasing doses of defined heterochromatic regions inherited by offspring of abo mothers from their fathers function zygotically to bring about a partial rescue of the abo-induced embryonic lethality. Another property of the abo mutation is that the severity of the maternal effect decreases when an abo stock is maintained in homozygous condition for a number of generations. Here, we show that the factors which change in homozygous abo stocks to result in the decrease in maternally induced embryonic lethality, act zygotically, dominantly and additively. More importantly, we show that the X and second chromosomes, but not the Y and third chromosomes, derived from homozygous abo stocks are, when inherited from males, more effective in promoting zygotic rescue of the abo-induced lethality than are the equivalent chromosomes derived from an abo stock maintained in heterozygous condition. The chromosomal locations of the factors maintained in the homozygous condition. The chromosomal locations of the factors altered in homozygous stock, as well as their behavior, strongly suggest that the same heterochromatic elements that are responsible for rescuing embryos from the abo-induced maternal effect are altered in homozygous abo flies in such a way that the maternal effect itself is less severe.  相似文献   
Drosophila mojavensis and other species of the mulleri subgroup contain a duplicate gene encoding the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Studies on the genetic relationship of the two genes using electrophoretic variants show them to be closely linked. We have cloned a 13.5-kb fragment of D. mojavensis DNA into the lambda vector, Charon 30. This fragment contains both Adh genes separated by approximately 2 kb of DNA. The clone hybridized to a single position on chromosome 3 in D. mojavensis following in situ hybridization. It is likely that the genes are tandemly arranged in the genome. One of the two genes shows a complexity in its structure that suggests the close linkage of a pseudogene or part of a gene. The structure of the Adh locus in five species of the mulleri subgroup have been compared by constructing restriction maps of genomic DNA. Two of these species D. arizonensis and D. mojavensis express Adh-1 in the ovaries; the others do not. In comparing these species it is evident that there has been one or two insertions into the region between the Adh genes. It is possible that one of these structural changes is related to the change in Adh tissue-specific expression that has occurred during the evolution of these species.  相似文献   
Proliferation dependence of topoisomerase II mediated drug action   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Topoisomerase II mediated DNA scission induced by both a nonintercalating agent [4'-demethylepipodophyllotoxin 4-(4,6-O-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside) (VP-16)] and an intercalator [4'-(9-acridinylamino) methanesulfon-m-anisidide (m-AMSA)] was studied as a function of proliferation in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO), HeLa, and mouse leukemia L1210 cell lines. Log-phase CHO cells exhibited dose-dependent drug-induced DNA breaks, while plateau cells were found to be resistant to the effects of VP-16 and m-AMSA. Neither decreased viability nor altered drug uptake accounted for the drug resistance of these confluent cells. In contrast to CHO cells, plateau-phase HeLa and L1210 cells remained sensitive to VP-16 and m-AMSA. Recovery of drug sensitivity by plateau-phase CHO cells was found to reach a maximum approximately 18 h after these cells regained exponential growth and was independent of DNA synthesis. DNA strand break frequency correlated with cytotoxicity in CHO cells; log cells demonstrated an inverse log linear relationship between drug dose (or DNA damage) and colony survival, whereas plateau-derived colony survival was virtually unaffected by increasing drug dose. Topoisomerase II activity, whether determined by decatenation of kinetoplast DNA, by cleavage of pBR322 DNA, or by precipitation of the DNA-topoisomerase II complex, was uniformly severalfold greater in log-phase CHO cells compared to plateau-phase cells.  相似文献   
Summary The compartmentation of the phosphatidylethanolamine newly synthesized in brain microsomesin vitro either by base exchange or net synthesis has been studied, using difluorodinitrobenzene as a chemical probe. The experimental results demonstrate that in rat brain microsomes the phosphatidylethanolamine molecules synthesized by base exchange and the bulk membrane lipid belong to different pools. Ca2+ bound to microsomes seems to be involved in the maintenance of the compartmentation of phosphatidylethanolamine. In the presence of Ca2+ the newly synthesized phosphatidylethanolamine molecules react with difluorodinitrobenzene as though they are organized in clusters. After biosynthesisin vivo orin vitro through the cytidine pathway, the compartmentation of the newly formed phosphatidylethanolamine appears less marked than after the synthesis through base exchange.  相似文献   
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