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Minicultures of Mammalian Cells in a New Plastic Plate   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A new disposable micro tissue culture plate was developed and tested for use in virological procedures. Miniature mammalian cell cultures (minicultures) were grown in these plates. Each plate contained 96 circular cultures in flat wells (7 mm in diameter). Replicate titrations of a number of viruses were performed in various tissues. Excellent reproducibility was demonstrated. Mean infectivity titers determined by miniculture methods were generally within 0.6 log10/ml of macro tube titrations. Standard tissue culture assay techniques such as hemadsorption, interference titration, and microneutralization were easily carried out with this method and were very reproducible. Development of this noncytotoxic disposable micro tissue culture plate now permits the routine performance of rapid, reliable, and reproducible tissue culture tests at a very significant reduction in cost and labor.  相似文献   
Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from clinical material were very variable in their sensitivity to the bactericidal action of normal serum mediated by the complement system. Fifty per cent killing end points ranged from 0.015 ml to greater than 0.4 ml. Most of the strains with relatively greater sensitivity to serum were isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis. Immunization of rabbits resulted in antisera with enhanced levels of bactericidal antibody, except with one strain which was resistant to the bactericidal action of normal serum and antiserum. When P. aeruginosa was cultivated at 41 C instead of at 37 C, it was significantly more sensitive to serum and to several antibiotics, thereby implicating fever as a host defense mechanism in Pseudomonas infections. In contrast to their heterogeneity to serum bactericidal activity, the strains were relatively homogeneous in their sensitivity to polymyxin, with no apparent association between their sensitivity to the two antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   
Conditions for the efficient conversion of commercial RNA to nucleoside 5′-monophosphate by means of a phosphodiesterase in malt sprouts have been determined. A comparison of the enzyme content of the rootlets, stems, and kernels of various plant seedlings, including barley, rye, oat, wheat, rice, and beans shows maximum amounts in the rootlets, and minimum quantities in the ungerminated kernels. Of all the seedlings tested, (mung bean, soy bean, oat, wheat, rice, barley) barley gave the highest conversion of RNA to 5′-nucleotides. Commercial malt sprouts prepared from 6 different malted barleys including 2-rowed and 6-rowed samples all showed about the same amount of phosphodiesterase content. Besides phosphodiesterase, other enzymes capable of hydrolyzing RNA and 5′-nucleotides were found in sprouts. These included 3′-phosphodiesterases, 5′-nucleotidases, and nucleosidases. By carefully pretreating both extracts and the solid sprouts at elevated temperatures for a limited time and by the addition of minimum amounts of Zn+2, the action of these undesirable enzymes was either effectively destroyed or minimized so that the production of 5′-nucleotides was maximized. It was found that suspensions of appropriately washed and treated barley malt rootlets are substantially more effective than aqueous extracts for converting RNA to 5′-nucleotides.  相似文献   
Representative electron micrographs, from the study of eight strains of L forms and one strain of Mycoplasma, are presented. A- and B-type L forms were derived from two strains of Proteus, two other L forms were derived from a diphtheroid and from a staphylococcus strain, and two strains (designated as LX) were isolated from L forms derived from a group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus and from a staphylococcus. The Mycoplasma strain was isolated from goats. Sections were made of young colonies grown within agar and from parts of surface colonies embedded in the agar. B-type L colonies of Proteus were produced by inoculation of bacteria into media containing penicillin. The large bodies developing from the bacteria and the organisms in B-type L colonies of Proteus, like the parent bacteria, had a cell wall consisting of a plasma membrane and an outer cell wall. The loss of rigidity in the cell wall indicated an alteration in its structure. The A-type L cultures of Proteus consisted of irregular branching masses extending in several directions, of small dense organisms corresponding to the elementary corpuscles present in cultures of Mycoplasma, and of intermediary forms. In contrast to the B-type, all organisms in the A-type colonies were surrounded by a single unit membrane corresponding to the plasma membrane of bacteria. The structures inside the cell membrane, both in the A- and B-type, seemed to correspond to the structure of the parent bacteria, which contained ribosomes and threads of DNA. The elementary corpuscles formed chains and filaments, and, apparently, these corpuscles took part in the multiplication by gradual enlargement. The organisms seen in the cultures of all L forms and Mycoplasma studied, except in the B-type L forms of Proteus, corresponded in size, shape, and structure, as well as in the development of elementary corpuscles, to the organisms in the A-type L form of Proteus. In contrast to the spherical organisms usually seen in broth cultures, the organisms in young cultures of Mycoplasma, which were grown within the agar, were similar in morphology, as well as in the discernible structure of the organisms, to L forms. Significant morphological and structural differences were not apparent between the L forms and Mycoplasma (in cultures grown within agar media) under the conditions of this investigation.  相似文献   
The course of coccidioidomycosis produced in mice by intranasal administration of arthrospores of COCCIDIOIDES IMMITIS was adversely affected by exposure of the animals to air containing 3–4 × 105 positive ions/cm3. A significant number of mice became ill earlier than controls and the cumulative mortality among iontreated animals was higher throughout the 30-day period of observation (difference significant at the 97.5 level by chi-square analysis).The mechanism responsible for this effect is as yet unknown.
Zusammenfassung Der Verlauf der Coccidioidomykose bei Mäusen, die durch intranasale Verabreichung von COCCIDIOIDES IMMITIS erzeugt wurde, wurde gegensinnig beeinflusst, wenn die Tiere einer Luft mit 3–4 × 105 positiven Ionen/m3 exponiert wurden. Eine signifikante Zahl Mäuse wurde früher krank als die Kontrollen und die kumulative Mortalität der ionen-behandelten Tiere war höher während der 30-tägigen Beobachtungsperiode. Der Wirkungsmechanismus ist noch unbekannt.

Resume L'évolution de la coccidioïdomycose déclenchée chez des souris par l'application intranasale de COCCIDIOIDES IMMITIS fut influencée de façon contradictoire lorsque les animaux étaient exposés à un air chargé de 3 à 4 × 105 ions positifs par m3. Un nombre significatif de souris furent atteintes du mal plus rapidement que celles servant de contrôle. De même,la mortalité cumulée des animaux traîtés par de l'air ionisé fut plus élevée durant les 30 jours que dura l'essai. Le mécanisme auquel cet effet doit être attribué n'est pas connu jusqu'ici.
The cutaneous manifestations of the male external genitalia are difficult to diagnose. They may be associated with systemic disease (Reiter''s disease, psoriatic arthritis, angiokeratoma corporis diffusum). In dealing with a lesion of this area that does not heal, adequate biopsy is advisable to rule out malignant disease (Bowen''s disease, melanoma, Kaposi''s sarcoma, Paget''s disease, erythroplasia).  相似文献   
Prior to the first oviposition, a receptivity centre, perhaps neurosecretory cells in the brain, controls the female's acceptance of courting males. In L. maderae this centre is affected by starvation. A brief exposure to food can induce mating but is inadequate for oöcyte development. Before the first ovulation starvation has no effect on receptivity in N. cinerea.

In N. cinerea mechanical stimulation caused by the firm insertion of the spermatophore in the bursa copulatrix releases stimuli via the nerve cord to the brain which render the female unreceptive and, at the same time, increases the activity of the corpora allata resulting in rapid development of the oöcytes.

The mechanical presence of the oötheca in the uterus also has two principal effects. Like spermatophore insertion, it inhibits mating. But its effect on the corpora allata is inhibitory, rather than stimulatory, and, consequently, the oöcytes remain underveloped for almost the entire gestation period. The effectiveness of inhibitory stimulation from the stretched uterus depends upon the period in the reproductive cycle in which it occurs-i.e. on the physiological state of the female. In N. cinerea uterine stretching inhibits mating and oöcyte development after oviposition or during gestation but is not effective when exerted during the first pre-oviposition period. In P. surinamensis, uterine stretching does not inhibit the corpora allata prior to the first ovulation but does prevent oöcyte development during gestation.

In fed L. maderae and N. cinerea there appears to be a synergistic action of nutrition and mating in controlling the rate of oöcyte development. Mating (mechanical) and feeding (chemical) stimuli are both usually required for activating the corpora allata to their fullest extent so that the oöcytes mature at their maximum rate. There is some indication that mating stimuli in N. cinerea and L. maderae are effective in further stimulating the corpora allata only if the corpora allata have reached a certain level of activity, if activating stimuli have begun to occur in the brain, or if the mating stimulus occurs in combination with nutritional factors. Thus, the corpora allata in starved virgin females of N. cinerea become sufficiently active so that some yolk is deposited in the oöcytes but these oöcytes do not mature; mating is effective in further stimulating the endocrine glands in these starved females and oviposition occurs in about the normal period. In starved virgins of L. maderae the corpora allata are virtually inactive and yolk is not deposited in the oöcytes; mating has no effect on oöcyte development in starved females. D. punctata differs from both the above species in that the corpora allata in the virgin female usually remain inactive whether she feeds or starves. Mating stimuli alone can activate the corpora allata, in fed or starved females, and consequently the oöcytes mature.  相似文献   

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