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Summary Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis, a foliose, cyanobacterial lichen, is shown not to fit into the normal ecological concept of lichens. This species is both extremely shade-tolerant and also more intolerant to drying than aquatic lichens previously thought to be the most desiccation-sensitive of lichens. Samples of P. dissimilis from a humid rain-forest site in New Zealand were transported in a moist state to Germany. Photosynthesis response curves were generated. The effect of desiccation was measured by comparing CO2 exchange before and after a standard 20-h drying routine. Lichen thalli could be equilibrated at 15° C to relative humidities (RH) from 5% to almost 100%. Photosynthesis was saturated at a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) level of 20 mol m-2 s-1 (350 bar CO2) and PAR compensation was a very low 1 mol m-2 s-1. Photosynthesis did not saturate until 1500 bar CO2. Net photosynthesis was relatively unaffected by temperature between 10° C and 30° C with upper compensation at over 40° C. Temporary depression of photosynthesis occurred after a drying period of 20 h with equilibration at 45–65% relative humidity (RH). Sustained damage occurred at 15–25% RH and many samples died after equilibration at 5–16% RH. Microclimate studies of the lichen habitat below the evergreen, broadleaf forest canopy revealed consistently low PAR (normally below 10–20 mol m-2 s-1) and high humidities (over 80% RH even during the day time). The species shows many features of an extremely deep shade-adapted plant including low PAR saturation and compensation, low photosynthetic and respiratory rates and low dry weight per unit area.  相似文献   
Influence of maize root mucilage on soil aggregate stability   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This study was undertaken to determine the effects of root exudates on soil aggregate stability. Root mucilage was collected from two-month old maize plants (Zea mays L.) Mucilage and glucose solutions were added at a rate of 2.45 g C kg−1 dry soil to silty clay and silt loam soils. Amended soils, placed in serum flasks, were incubated for 42 d with a drying-wetting cycle after 21 d. Evolved CO2 was measured periodically as well as the water-stable aggregates and soluble sugar and polysaccharide content of the soil. In mucilage-amended soils CO2 evolution started with a lag phase of 2–3 days, which was not observed in glucose-amended soils. There was then a sharp increase in evolved CO2 up to day 7. During the second incubation period there were only small differences in evolved C between treatments. Incorporation of mucilage in both soils resulted in a spectacular and immediate increase in soil aggregate stability. Thereafter, the percent of water-stable aggregates quickly decreased parallel to microbial degradation. On completion of the incubation, aggregate stability in the silty clay soil was still significantly higher in the presence of mucilage than in the control. This work supports the assumption that freshly released mucilage is able to stick very rapidly to soil particles and may protect the newly formed aggregates against water destruction. On the silty clay, microbial activity contributes to a stabilization of these established organo-mineral bounds.  相似文献   
Non-destructive scanning electron microscopy allows one to visualize changing patterns of individual cells during epidermal development in single meristems. Cell growth and division can be followed in parallel with morphogenesis. The method is applied here to the shoot apex of Anagallis arvensis L. before, during, and after floral transition. Phyllotaxis is decussate; photoperiodic induction of the plant leads to the production of a flower in the axil of each leaf. As seen from above, the recently formed oval vegetative dome is bounded on its slightly longer sides by creases of adjacent leaf bases. The rounded ends of the dome are bounded by connecting tissue, horizontal bands of node cells between the opposed leaf bases. The major growth axis runs parallel to the leaf bases. While slow-growing at the dome center, this axis extends at its periphery to form a new leaf above each band of connecting tissue. Connecting tissue then forms between the new leaves and a new dome is defined at 90° to the former. The growth axis then changes by 90°. This is the vegetative cycle. The first observed departure from vegetative growth is that the connecting tissue becomes longer relative to the leaf creases. Presumably because of this, the major growth axis does not change in the usual way. Extension on the dome continues between the older leaves until the axis typically buckles a second time, on each side, to form a second crease parallel to the new leaf-base crease. The tissue between these two creases becomes the flower primordium. The second crease also delimits the side of a new apical dome with the major axis and growth direction altered by 90°. During this inflorescence cycle the connecting tissue is relatively longer than before. Much activity is common to both cycles. It is concluded that the complex geometrical features of the inflorescence cycle may result from a change in a biophysical boundary condition involving dome geometry, rather than a comprehensive revision of apical morphogenesis.Abbreviation SEM scanning electron microscopy, micrograph Use of the SEM facility of Professor G. Goffinet, Institute of Zoology, University of Liège, is greatly appreciated. We thank Dr. R. Jacques, C.N.R.S., Le Phytotron, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, for providing the experimental material, and Mr. Philippe Ongena for expert photography. Support was from grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation as well as from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale et Collective, and the Action de Recherche Concertée of Belgium.  相似文献   
The effects of 60Co gamma-ray and d(20 MeV)Be neutron irradiation on DNA supercoiling have been studied using a nucleoid rewinding technique. Irradiation of viable CHO AA8 cells on ice with from 4 to 25 Gy of either radiation produced a similar resistance to rewinding of nuclear supercoils after treatment with ethidium bromide. The restitution from the effects of 12 Gy of either radiation was also similar, leaving no detectable residual damage. The discrepancy between these data and the reduced ability of neutrons to produce DNA breaks, as defined by the alkaline elution assay, is explained by the discontinuous deposition of dose associated with neutron irradiation. It is suggested from a microdosimetric analysis that the neutron radiation interacts with DNA at sites on average 5-10 times further apart than the interactions with gamma rays. The long DNA sequences which results after neutron irradiation are consequently eluted inefficiently during alkaline elution, giving a reported RBE of approximately 0.3. Restrictions in the rewinding of individual supercoils are not dependent on the interionization distance and thus give rise to an RBE of approximately 1. Furthermore, the complete removal of DNA damage, as measured by this technique, supports the hypothesis that neutron toxicity is associated with incorrect, not incomplete, rejoining of the DNA molecule.  相似文献   
Recipes for reconstituting skin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reconstituted Living Skin Equivalent (LSE) is made up of a dermal equivalent (DE) on which keratinocytes are plated where they give rise to a multilayered differentiated epidermis. The dermal equivalent develops through interactions between fibroblasts and collagen fibrils that begin to form after the cell-matrix precursor is cast. The gel that forms as a result of collagen polymerization and fluid trapping is contracted uniformly in all dimensions. By securing it at ends and edges in the mold in which it is cast, the final dimensions, strength and morphology of the forming tissue are altered. The same phenomena are seen in casting tubular tissues for the fabrication of small caliber blood vessel equivalents. The cells of the dermal equivalent are biosynthetically active and enrich the matrix to different degrees with secretory products, depending on how the cells are stimulated and on the presence or absence of an epidermis. Collagen biosynthesis by dermal cells in the DE is sensitive to growth factors, ascorbate concentrations and amino acid pools. Both ascorbate and TGF beta 1 increase total collagen biosynthesis at least two-fold by one week after tissue formation. With TGF beta 1 present, the capacity of cells in the DE to synthesize collagen increases with time, over a two-week period. If ascorbate (200 micrograms/ml) is added just after the tissue is cast and daily thereafter, contraction lattice is blocked, and collagen biosynthesis is enhanced relative to contracted controls that had received 200 micrograms/ml ascorbate once. The increase was nearly an order of magnitude over that of controls and was coordinate with a comparable increase in hyaluronate and sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) production as shown by TCA-precipitable glucosamine in the intercellular matrix of the DE. Both the LSE and the Living Dermal Equivalent (LDE) exhibit complex responses to UV radiation and to various chemicals that are greatly different from responses given by monolayered cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Micropropagation of the actinorhizal plant Comptonia peregrina of the Myricaceae was achieved successfully by the induction of root buds in excised root culture with cytokinin (1.0 M benzyladenine). Excised root segments with initiated root buds were subcultured in Woody Plant Medium (WPM) lacking growth regulators, developing extensive callus which subsequently gave rise to multiple adventitious buds. Shoot elongation was facilitated by transfer of calluses to more aerated conditions. Root initiation was induced on shoots by brief treatment with auxin (<1 M indolebutyric acid) and transfer to WPM for plantlet development. Controlled light and aeration in liquid medium were critical conditions for successful micropropagation.  相似文献   
The molecular forms of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHRP) in conditioned media from the BEN human lung cancer cell line, rat parathyroid cells (PT-r) and human keratinocytes were studied by gel-filtraton chromatography with assay of PTHRP by immunoassays and bioassay. Immunoreactivity (1–86 and 1–34) and bioactivity (1–34) in conditioned media eluted as a coincident major peak (approx. molecular mass 19–22 kDa) and there was evidence of amino-terminal species in the molecular mass range 10–16 kDa in BEN and keratinocyte media. Western blotting of PTHRP affinity purified by monoclonal antibodies directed at regions 1–34 or 37–67, identified a major species in all cell cytosols and media with an apparent molecular mass of 24–25 kDa, consistently slighty larger than recombinant PTHRP(1–141) (mobility of 21 kDa) which may represent an intact or native form of PTHRP. Additional amino-terminal species were identified in medium from keratinocytes (16 and 7 kDa), BEN cells (18 and 14 kDa) and PT-R cells (17 kDa), suggesting that processing occurs at the C-terminus and within the mid-region to form a range of amino-terminal fragments.  相似文献   
B. Green    M. Griffiths    K. Newgrain 《Journal of Zoology》1992,227(3):351-365
The energetics of an egg-laying mammal, the echidna ( Tachyglossus aculeatus ), were studied in the wild by means of isotope turnover techniques. Water and sodium influx rates were highest in summer (47.7±15.3 ml kg-1 day-1 and 1.20±0.52 mmol kg-1 day-1, respectively) and associated with high metabolic rates (0.509±0.048 ml CO2 g-1 h-1). Water and sodium influxes and metabolic rates were lowest in May and June (7.8±6.4 ml H2O kg-1 day-1, 0.21±0.12 mmol Na kg-1 day-1 and 0.205±0.129 ml CO2 g-1 h-1, respectively). These low rates in late autumn/early winter are associated with reduced activity, the animals spending substantial periods of time in torpor. The comparatively low isotope turnover rates of echidnas are a consequence of their diet; ants and termites which have low mass-specific energy contents.  相似文献   
Sir Bernard Tomlinson''s report focuses on London''s health services, but his proposals have major implications for the future of clinical research--not just in London but in the United Kingdom as a whole. They must be seen in the context of a widely perceived decline in British research and development which also threatens clinical research. This article examines the implications of Tomlinson''s proposals and related strategies and recommends the construction of a research market for the patient costs of clinical research to complement the NHS market for patient services introduced in 1991. These arrangements would help sustain the clinical research base and guarantee excellence.  相似文献   
A combination of mass spectrometric techniques has been used to investigate the amino acid sequence and post-translational modifications of alpha B-crystallin isolated from bovine lenses by gel filtration chromatography and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Chromatographic fractions were analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to determine the homogeneity and molecular weights of proteins in the fractions. The alpha B-crystallin primary gene product, its mono- and diphosphorylated forms, its N- and C-terminal truncated forms, as well as other lens proteins unrelated to the alpha B-crystallins were identified by their molecular weights. Detailed information about the sites of phosphorylation, as well as evidence supporting reassignment of Asn to Asp at position 80, was obtained by analyzing proteolytic digests of these proteins by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Results of this investigation indicate that alpha B-crystallin is phosphorylated in vivo at Ser 45, Ser 59, and either Ser 19 or 21. From the specificity of phosphorylation of alpha-crystallins, it appears that there may be two different kinases responsible for their phosphorylation.  相似文献   
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