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Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21 form a family of cytokines based on their sharing the common cytokine receptor gamma chain, gamma(c), which is mutated in X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). As a step toward further elucidating the mechanism of action of these cytokines in T-cell biology, we compared the gene expression profiles of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, and IL-15 in T cells using cDNA microarrays. IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 each induced a highly similar set of genes, whereas IL-4 induced distinct genes correlating with differential STAT protein activation by this cytokine. One gene induced by IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 but not IL-4 was dual-specificity phosphatase 5 (DUSP5). In IL-2-dependent CTLL-2 cells, we show that IL-2-induced ERK-1/2 activity was inhibited by wild type DUSP5 but markedly increased by an inactive form of DUSP5, suggesting a negative feedback role for DUSP5 in IL-2 signaling. Our findings provide insights into the shared versus distinctive actions by different members of the gamma(c) family of cytokines. Moreover, we have identified a DUSP5-dependent negative regulatory pathway for MAPK activity in T cells.  相似文献   
Transient receptor potential (TRP) ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) is a Ca(2+)-permeant, nonselective cationic channel. It is predominantly expressed in the C afferent sensory nerve fibers of trigeminal and dorsal root ganglion neurons and is highly coexpressed with the nociceptive ion channel transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). Several physical and chemical stimuli have been shown to activate the channel. In this study, we have used electrophysiological techniques and behavioral models to characterize the properties of TRPA1. Whole cell TRPA1 currents induced by brief application of lower concentrations of N-methyl maleimide (NMM) or allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) can be reversed readily by washout, whereas continuous application of higher concentrations of NMM or AITC completely desensitized the currents. The deactivation and desensitization kinetics differed between NMM and AITC. TRPA1 current amplitude increased with repeated application of lower concentrations of AITC, whereas saturating concentrations of AITC induced tachyphylaxis, which was more pronounced in the presence of extracellular Ca(2+). The outward rectification exhibited by native TRPA1-mediated whole cell and single-channel currents was minimal as compared with other TRP channels. TRPA1 currents were negatively modulated by protons and polyamines, both of which activate the heat-sensitive channel, TRPV1. Interestingly, neither protein kinase C nor protein kinase A activation sensitized AITC-induced currents, but each profoundly sensitized capsaicin-induced currents. Current-clamp experiments revealed that AITC produced a slow and sustained depolarization as compared with capsaicin. TRPA1 is also expressed at the central terminals of nociceptors at the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus. Activation of TRPA1 in this area increases the frequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic currents. In behavioral studies, intraplantar and intrathecal administration of AITC induced more pronounced and prolonged changes in nociceptive behavior than those induced by capsaicin. In conclusion, the characteristics of TRPA1 we have delineated suggest that it might play a unique role in nociception.  相似文献   
Fish use of a mangrove habitat was studied in a small mangrove forest on the West coast of Madagascar. A sand bar near the inlet retains water in parts of the channel (pools) at low tide. Fishes in four of these pools were examined daily at all phases of the tidal cycle for 3 weeks using underwater visual census. During week 1, fishes were diverse and abundant in all pools: the dominant species were cardinalfish (related to Apogon lateralis); monos, Monodactylus argenteus; black spotted snappers, Lutjanus ehrenbergi; double bar bream, Acanthopagrus bifasciatus; emperors, Lethrinus lentjan and L. sp., surgeon fish, Acanthurus nigricauda; red-lined sweetlips, Plectorhinchus plagiodesmis; and butterflyfish, Chaetodon kleini. Some species were more abundant in shaded pools; others in more open pools. During week 2 a dramatic difference was noted: the only fishes found were schools of cardinalfish and one moray eel. This week had neap tides, with high tides in the morning and low tides in the afternoon. As the week progressed and during week 3 (spring tides), fishes slowly repopulated the habitat and diversity increased. Monos, absent in week 2, now had increasing numbers of small individuals. While large emperors were scarce, small individuals appeared. The larger butterflyfish and surgeonfish seen in week 1 were replaced by small ones during week 3. Species that had been rare in week 1 were more abundant, including pipefish and small barracudas. While species richness increased during week 3, the community was strikingly different from that seen 2 weeks earlier. Only Pool 1, closest to the entrance, recovered its original species richness. Abundance was much lower than in week 1. Our snapshot study apparently captured a time when older juveniles left the mangrove forest and smaller fishes recruited into it. Utilization of this habitat will likely vary throughout the year depending on the reproductive cycle of the different species whose juveniles utilize it. Longer studies are needed to learn about cycles in fish use of the mangroves.  相似文献   
Here we study the evolution of nucleotide composition in third codon-positions of CO1 sequences of Chelicerata, using a phylogenetic framework, based on 180 taxa and three markers (CO1, 18S, and 28S rRNA; 5,218?nt). The analyses of nucleotide composition were also extended to all CO1 sequences of Chelicerata found in GenBank (1,701 taxa). The results show that most species of Chelicerata have a positive strand bias in CO1, i.e., in favor of C nucleotides, including all Amblypygi, Palpigradi, Ricinulei, Solifugae, Uropygi, and Xiphosura. However, several taxa show a negative strand bias, i.e., in favor of G nucleotides: all Scorpiones, Opisthothelae spiders and several taxa within Acari, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones, and Pycnogonida. Several reversals of strand-specific bias can be attributed to either a rearrangement of the control region or an inversion of a fragment containing the CO1 gene. Key taxa for which sequencing of complete mitochondrial genomes will be necessary to determine the origin and nature of mtDNA rearrangements involved in the reversals are identified. Acari, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones, and Pycnogonida were found to show a strong variability in nucleotide composition. In addition, both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes have been affected by higher substitution rates in Acari and Pseudoscorpiones. The results therefore indicate that these two orders are more liable to fix mutations of all types, including base substitutions, indels, and genomic rearrangements.  相似文献   
Alterations in cell membrane properties caused by perfluorinated compounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent detection of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in wildlife from even remote locations has spurred interest in the environmental occurrence and effects of these chemicals. While the global distribution of PFCs is increasingly understood, there is still little information available on their effects on wildlife. The amphiphillic nature of PFCs suggests that their effects could be primarily on cell membranes. In this study we measured the effects of PFCs on membrane fluidity and mitochondrial membrane potential using flow cytometry and effects on membrane permeability using cell bioassay procedures (H4IIE, MCF-7, PLHC-1). Of the PFCs tested, only perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) increased the permeability of cell membranes to the hydrophobic ligands used. Three PFCs were tested in the membrane fluidity assay: PFOS, perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS). PFOS increased membrane fluidity in fish leukocytes in a dose-dependent fashion, while PFHS and PFBS had no effect in the concentration range tested. The lowest effective concentrations for the membrane fluidity effects of PFOS were 5-15 mg/l. Effects on mitochondrial membrane potential occurred in the same concentration range as effects on membrane fluidity. This suggests that PFOS effects membrane properties at concentrations below those associated with other adverse effects.  相似文献   
IL-12-mediated type 1 inflammation confers host protection against the parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. However, production of IFN-γ, another type 1 inflammatory cytokine, also drives lethality from excessive injury to the intestinal epithelium. As mechanisms that restore epithelial barrier function following infection remain poorly understood, this study investigated the role of trefoil factor 2 (TFF2), a well-established regulator of mucosal tissue repair. Paradoxically, TFF2 antagonized IL-12 release from dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages, which protected TFF2-deficient (TFF2(-/-)) mice from T. gondii pathogenesis. Dysregulated intestinal homeostasis in naive TFF2(-/-) mice correlated with increased IL-12/23p40 levels and enhanced T cell recruitment at baseline. Infected TFF2(-/-) mice displayed low rates of parasite replication and reduced gut immunopathology, whereas wild-type (WT) mice experienced disseminated infection and lethal ileitis. p38 MAPK activation and IL-12p70 production was more robust from TFF2(-/-)CD8(+) DC compared with WT CD8(+) DC and treatment of WT DC with rTFF2 suppressed TLR-induced IL-12/23p40 production. Neutralization of IFN-γ and IL-12 in TFF2(-/-) animals abrogated resistance shown by enhanced parasite replication and infection-induced morbidity. Hence, TFF2 regulated intestinal barrier function and type 1 cytokine release from myeloid phagocytes, which dictated the outcome of oral T. gondii infection in mice.  相似文献   
Zaprionus indianus is a recent invader in Brazil and was probably introduced from the West Afrotropical zone. So far, studies regarding its chromosomal polymorphism were limited to India. We found that Brazilian populations were very different from Indian ones. Five new inversions have been discovered. In(II)A, already described in India, where it is quite common, has also been found in Brazil, where it is very rare. The X-chromosome has three inversions; In(X)Na, In(X)Ke and In(X)Eg, which are frequent in all Brazilian populations studied. In every case, we observed strong linkage disequilibrium among these gene arrangements. During the primary collection period (2001–2002), we noticed a significant positive correlation between the frequency of these inversions and latitude, but this was not confirmed in later investigations. Rearrangement In(IV)EF was also common in all populations, while inversion In(V)B was only found in southern populations. Our data suggest that the founders that recently invaded Brazil were polymorphic for the six inversions observed. The place of origin might be identified more precisely by investigating West African populations. In order to facilitate further investigations, we present an updated polytene chromosome photomap, locating the breakpoints of every inversion observed in Brazilian populations. Galina Ananina and Cláudia Rohde contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
Meyer LJ  Gao J  Xu D  Thelen JJ 《Plant physiology》2012,159(1):517-528
To characterize protein phosphorylation in developing seed, a large-scale, mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomic study was performed on whole seeds at five sequential stages of development in soybean (Glycine max), rapeseed (Brassica napus), and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Phosphopeptides were enriched from 0.5 mg of total peptides using a combined strategy of immobilized metal affinity and metal oxide affinity chromatography. Enriched phosphopeptides were analyzed by Orbitrap tandem mass spectrometry and mass spectra mined against cognate genome or cDNA databases in both forward and randomized orientations, the latter to calculate false discovery rate. We identified a total of 2,001 phosphopeptides containing 1,026 unambiguous phosphorylation sites from 956 proteins, with an average false discovery rate of 0.78% for the entire study. The entire data set was uploaded into the Plant Protein Phosphorylation Database (www.p3db.org), including all meta-data and annotated spectra. The Plant Protein Phosphorylation Database is a portal for all plant phosphorylation data and allows for homology-based querying of experimentally determined phosphosites. Comparisons with other large-scale phosphoproteomic studies determined that 652 of the phosphoproteins are novel to this study. The unique proteins fall into several Gene Ontology categories, some of which are overrepresented in our study as well as other large-scale phosphoproteomic studies, including metabolic process and RNA binding; other categories are only overrepresented in our study, like embryonic development. This investigation shows the importance of analyzing multiple plants and plant organs to comprehensively map the complete plant phosphoproteome.  相似文献   
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