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The postulated harmful effects of underwater detonations of explosives on the vascular endothelium in farmed Atlantic salmon were assessed under controlled conditions. Acclimated salmon were exposed to a series of 10 underwater explosions over 70 min, each of ≃2 MPa in pressure amplitude, in a laboratory tank. No mortality occurred immediately or during the subsequent 7 days of observation. The response to each of the 10 detonations was cessation of swimming for a few minutes and failure to express a flight reaction.
Structurally, the vascular endothelium of the ventral aorta (VA) and the coeliaco mesenteric artery (CMA) revealed signs of injury within the first 30 min after the experimental shock. In contrast to vessels from the controls, the injury was further aggravated by the mounting procedure for tension recording. The endothelial impairment was temporary, persisting throughout the first days while being restored after 1 week.
Functionally, the cholinergic and adrenergic vasoconstrictor responses in the CMA were markedly reduced during the first day after the shock. These responses were similar to those observed in the endothelium probed CMA of controls. The loss of structural integrity and the reduced functional responses indicated a temporary impairment of the vascular endothelium in response to this experimental simulation of a seismic shock.
The primary stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, were not immediately elevated in plasma, but revealed different patterns of delayed increases. The head kidney content of catecholamines was not altered by the acoustic shock, while the atrial uptake of both calecholamines declined progressively during the 48 h of observation. Plasma chloride was not affected.  相似文献   
Long-term treatment with dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors (DPPIV-I) or glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 analogs may potentially affect intestinal growth by down- or upregulating the intestinotrophic hormone GLP-2. This study compared the intestinotrophic effects of 12-wk administration of vehicle, exendin-4 (Ex-4; 5 nmol/kg bid sc), or DPPIV-I (NN-7201, 10 mg/kg qd orally) in GK rats. Some animals were observed additionally for 9 wk after the end of treatment. Both treatments lowered glycated hemoglobin A1c at wk 12 vs. control (Ex-4, -0.8%; DPPIV-I, -0.4%). Body weight was reduced by Ex-4 compared with control (361 +/- 4 vs. 399 +/- 5 g; P < 0.001) because of reduced food intake, whereas neither parameter was affected by DPPIV-I. Linear bone growth was unaffected by either treatment. After treatment end, food intake in Ex-4 animals increased, and, by wk 21, body weight was identical in all groups. The small intestine of Ex-4-treated animals was larger at wk 12 compared with control (length, 135.6 +/- 1.6 vs. 124.5 +/- 2.3 cm, P < 0.001; absolute weight, 8.4 +/- 0.2 vs. 6.4 +/- 0.4 g, P < 0.001), being most pronounced proximally, where the absolute cross-sectional area related to body weight increased by 24% because of increased mucosal thickness. These effects were reversible, and 9 wk after the end of treatment, no differences between Ex-4 and control were apparent. Plasma GLP-2 concentrations were unaltered by either treatment, and Ex-4 had no agonistic or antagonistic effects on the transfected GLP-2 receptor. DPPIV-I had no intestinal effects. In conclusion, the continued presence of Ex-4 is necessary to maintain weight loss in GK rats. Effective antihyperglycemic treatment with Ex-4 increases intestinal mass reversibly, whereas DPPIV-I lacks intestinal effects.  相似文献   
The interactions of elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with elongation factor 1Balpha (eEF1Balpha), guanine nucleotides, and aminoacyl-tRNA were studied kinetically by fluorescence stopped-flow. eEF1A has similar affinities for GDP and GTP, 0.4 and 1.1 microm, respectively. Dissociation of nucleotides from eEF1A in the absence of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor is slow (about 0.1 s(-1)) and is accelerated by eEF1Balpha by 320-fold and 250-fold for GDP and GTP, respectively. The rate constant of eEF1Balpha binding to eEF1A (10(7)-10(8) M (-1) s(-1)) is independent of guanine nucleotides. At the concentrations of nucleotides and factors prevailing in the cell, the overall exchange rate is expected to be in the range of 6 s(-1), which is compatible with the rate of protein synthesis in the cell. eEF1A.GTP binds Phe-tRNA(Phe) with a K(d) of 3 nm, whereas eEF1A.GDP shows no significant binding, indicating that eEF1A has similar tRNA binding properties as its prokaryotic homolog, EF-Tu.  相似文献   
Synthesis of VLCFAs (very long chain fatty acids) and biosynthesis of DHS (dihydrosphingosine) both are of vital importance for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The bulk of VLCFAs and DHS are used for ceramide synthesis by the Lag1p (longevity-assurance gene 1)/Lac1p (longevity-assurance gene cognate 1)/Lip1p (Lag1p/Lac1p interacting protein) ceramide synthase. LAG1 and LAC1 are redundant but LIP1 is essential. Here we show that 4Delta (lag1Deltalac1Deltaypc1Deltaydc1Delta) cells devoid of all known endogenous ceramide synthesis pathways are unviable but can be rescued by the expression of Lass5, a mouse LAG1 homologue. Ceramide synthase activity of 4Delta.Lass5 cells only utilizes C16 and C18 fatty acids and does not require the help of Lip1p, an essential cofactor of Lag1p/Lac1p. HPLC-electrospray ionization-MS/MS analysis demonstrated that in IPCs (inositolphosphorylceramides) of 4Delta.Lass5, the very long chain fatty acids (C26 and C24) account for <1% instead of the normal >97%. Notwithstanding, IPCs incorporated into glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors of 4Delta.Lass5 show normal mobility on TLC and the ceramide- and raft-dependent traffic of Gas1p (glycophospholipid-anchored surface protein) from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi remains almost normal. Moreover, the biosynthesis of C24:0 fatty acids remains essential. Thus, C(24:0) and dihydrosphingosine are both necessary for survival of yeast cells even if they utilize C16 and C18 fatty acids for sphingolipid biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Myxococcus xanthus cells harbor two motility machineries, type IV pili (Tfp) and the A-engine. During reversals, the two machineries switch polarity synchronously. We present a mechanism that synchronizes this polarity switching. We identify the required for motility response regulator (RomR) as essential for A-motility. RomR localizes in a bipolar, asymmetric pattern with a large cluster at the lagging cell pole. The large RomR cluster relocates to the new lagging pole in parallel with cell reversals. Dynamic RomR localization is essential for cell reversals, suggesting that RomR relocalization induces the polarity switching of the A-engine. The analysis of RomR mutants shows that the output domain targets RomR to the poles and the receiver domain is essential for dynamic localization. The small GTPase MglA establishes correct RomR polarity, and the Frz two-component system regulates dynamic RomR localization. FrzS localizes with Tfp at the leading pole and relocates in an Frz-dependent manner to the opposite pole during reversals; FrzS and RomR localize and oscillate independently. The Frz system synchronizes these oscillations and thus the synchronous polarity switching of the motility machineries.  相似文献   
Following our previous publication describing the biological profiles, we herein describe the structure-activity relationships of a core set of quinoxalines as the hGLP-1 receptor agonists. The most potent and efficacious compounds are 6,7-dichloroquinoxalines bearing an alkyl sulfonyl group at the C-2 position and a secondary alkyl amino group at the C-3 position. These findings serve as a valuable starting point for the discovery of more drug-like small molecule agonists for the hGLP-1 receptor.  相似文献   
DNA repair may prevent increased levels of oxidatively damaged DNA from prolonged oxidative stress induced by, e.g. exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP). We studied oxidative damage to DNA in broncho-alveolar lavage cells, lungs, and liver after 4 × 1.5 h inhalations of DEP (20 mg/m3) in Ogg1- / -  and wild type (WT) mice with similar extent of inflammation. DEP exposure increased lung levels of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in Ogg1- / -  mice, whereas no effect on 8-oxodG or oxidized purines in terms of formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (FPG) sites was observed in WT mice. In both unexposed and exposed Ogg1- / -  mice the level of FPG sites in the lungs was 3-fold higher than in WT mice. The high basal level of FPG sites in Ogg1- / -  mice probably saturated the assay and prevented detection of DEP-generated damage. In conclusion, Ogg1- / -  mice have elevated pulmonary levels of FPG sites and accumulate genomic 8-oxodG after repeated inhalations of DEP.  相似文献   
The acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) is essential for the fatty acid metabolism, membrane structure, membrane fusion, and ceramide synthesis. Here high resolution crystal structures of human cytosolic liver ACBP, unliganded and liganded with a physiological ligand, myristoyl-CoA are described. The binding of the acyl-CoA molecule induces only few structural differences near the binding pocket. The crystal form of the liganded ACBP, which has two ACBP molecules in the asymmetric unit, shows that in human ACBP the same acyl-CoA binding pocket is present as previously described for the bovine and Plasmodium falciparum ACBP and the mode of binding of the 3'-phosphate-AMP moiety is conserved. Unexpectedly, in one of the acyl-CoA binding pockets the acyl moiety is bound in a reversed mode as compared with the bovine and P. falciparum structures. In this binding mode, the myristoyl-CoA molecule is fully ordered and bound across the two ACBP molecules of the crystallographic asymmetric unit: the 3'-phosphate-AMP moiety is bound in the binding pocket of one ACBP molecule and the acyl chain is bound in the pocket of the other ACBP molecule. The remaining binding pocket cavities of these two ACBP molecules are filled by other ligand fragments. This novel binding mode shows that the acyl moiety can flip out of its classical binding pocket and bind elsewhere, suggesting a mechanism for the acyl-CoA transfer between ACBP and the active site of a target enzyme. This mechanism is of possible relevance for the in vivo function of ACBP.  相似文献   
The X chromosome inactivation pattern in peripheral blood cells becomes more skewed after age 55, and a genetic effect on this age-related skewing has been reported. We investigated the effect of age on X inactivation phenotype in blood, buccal cells and tissue from duodenal biopsies in 80 females aged 19-90 years. The X inactivation pattern correlated positively with age in blood (r = 0.238, P = 0.034) and buccal cells (r = 0.260, P = 0.02). The mean degree of skewing was higher in the elderly (>/=55 years) than in the young (<55 years) in blood (70.1 and 63.5%, respectively, P = 0.013) and in buccal cells (64.7 and 59.0%, respectively, P = 0.004). Correlation of X inactivation between the different tissues was high in all tissues with a tendency to increase with age for blood and buccal cells (P = 0.082). None of the duodenal biopsies had a skewed X inactivation, and the mean degree of skewing was similar in the two age groups. The tendency for the same X chromosome to be the preferentially active X in both blood and buccal cells with advancing age is in agreement with a genetic effect on age-related skewing and indicates that genes other than those involved in hematopoiesis should be investigated in the search for genes contributing to age related skewing.  相似文献   
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