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B A Bennett  D K Sundberg 《Life sciences》1981,28(25):2811-2817
Catecholamine turnover is examined using both steady and non-steady state methods. The steady state technique involved the injection of 5 μCi of 3H-tyrosine into the lateral cerebral ventricle in chronically cannulated rats. Catecholamines were separated by high performance reverse phase liquid chromatography and content analyzed with amperometric detection. Catecholamine synthesis was examined in the anterior hypothalamus, medial basal hypothalamus, brain stem and caudate-putamen. Dopamine synthesis was greater than norepinephrine in all areas but the brain stem. The decline in catecholamine content was demonstrated with a synthesis inhibitor, αMpT, and comparisons were made between the two methods. This study indicated that tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition alters catecholaminergic neuronal activity in the brain areas that we examined.  相似文献   
The transport of mercury into rat milk, and uptake in the suckling offspring was studied after peroral administration of inorganic mercury to lactating control rats, and to rats fed selenite in the diet. On day 8, 9, 10, or 11 of lactation, dams were administered a single oral dose of 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1.3, or 5.8 mg Hg/kg bw labeled with 203mercuric acetate. There was a linear relationship between mercury concentrations in dam's plasma and milk. The level of mercury in milk was approximately 25% of the level in plasma. After 3 d, milk levels were reduced to half the levels at 24 h. In the suckling offspring, exposed to mercury via milk during 3 d, the mercury level in blood was approximately 1% of the level in maternal blood. Mercury concentration in milk was linearly correlated to the levels in kidney, liver, and brain in the suckling offspring after 3 d exposure to mercury via milk. Selenite treatment of rats, 1.3 micrograms Se/g diet for 5 mo, resulted in increased transport of mercury to milk, probably because of increased plasma levels of mercury. However, selenite treatment of the dams did not cause any increased tissue levels of mercury in the suckling offspring.  相似文献   
Esophageal and gastric pressures during singing are measured in four male professional singers performing singing tasks requiring rapid changes of subglottal pressure. Evidence for a consistent use of the diaphragm is found in all subjects. Some subjects punctually activate the diaphragm when there is a need for a rapid decrease of subglottal pressure, such as when singing a falling octave interval, when shifting from a loud to a soft note, to save air during a /p/ explosion, and in performing a trillo involving a repeated switching between glottal adduction and abduction. The first three cases were observed in the beginning of the phrase, presumably over the period that the pressure generated by the passive expiratory recoil forces of the breathing system was higher than the intended subglottal pressure. In addition to this, one subject exhibited a diaphragmatic tonus throughout the entire phrase. The phonatory relevance of a diaphragmatic activity was evaluated in a subsequent experiment. The transdiaphragmatic pressure was displayed on an oscilloscope screen as a visual feedback signal for singers and nonsingers, who performed various phonatory tasks with and without voluntary coactivation of the diaphragm. In most subjects this activity tended to increase the glottal closed/open ratio as well as the amplitude of the glottogram (i.e., the transglottal volume velocity wave-form as determined by inverse filtering). These changes suggest that diaphragmatic coactivation tends to affect phonation. Also, it tended to reduce the formant frequency variability under conditions of changing fundamental frequency suggesting a better stabilization of the vocal tract.  相似文献   
Rabbit livers were stored cold for periods of 6 or 24 hr and tested using the isolated perfused liver model. Five solutions were tested: Eurocollins (EC), Ross and Marshall's hypertonic citrate (HC), modified plasma protein fraction (Cambridge PPF), Ringer lactate, and the recently developed "University of Wisconsin" (UW) solution. After storage livers were perfused with an erythrocyte-free oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 4% bovine serum albumin at 38 degrees C for 2 hr. Bile production proved to be the most sensitive index of liver function for discriminating between the various storage solutions and the different preservation times. After 6 hr of cold storage, bile production was similar to control liver bile production (9.8 +/- 2.4 ml/2 hr/100 g) in livers stored in HC (8.8 +/- 2 ml), PPF (9.9 +/- 2.2 ml), and UW (10.3 +/- 1.9 ml); it was slightly depressed in EC (6.7 +/- 2.5 ml, P = 0.06), and markedly depressed in Ringer lactate (4.3 +/- 0.8 ml, P less than 0.05). After 24 hr of cold storage bile production in UW-stored livers was near normal (9.3 +/- 0.7 ml) but significantly depressed (3.5-6.2 ml) in all other solutions tested. Release of enzymes into the normothermic perfusate was also measured (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase). In this small series the differences between cold storage solutions did not always reach statistical significance although the trend was for less enzyme release in livers stored in UW solution. This technique permits rapid assessment and refinement of new storage methods and new solutions for liver preservation prior to testing in a large animal transplant model. The results suggest that UW solution is superior to other preservation solutions and would permit successful 24-hr storage of livers.  相似文献   
Healthy young men executed supine one-legged cycle training four times per week for 4 wk with legs and the cycle ergometer inside a pressure chamber, the opening of which was sealed by a rubber membrane at the level of the crotch. Each training session started by training one leg under ischemic conditions induced by increased chamber pressure (50 mmHg) at the highest intensity tolerable for 45 min. Then the other leg was trained with the same power profile but normal atmospheric chamber pressure. Before and after the training period, both legs executed one-legged exercise tests under both normal and increased chamber pressure and muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis. Ischemic training increased performance more than normal training, the difference being greater for exercise executed under ischemic conditions. The difference in performance increase between the legs was paralleled by a greater muscle citrate synthase activity in the ischemically than in the normally trained leg.  相似文献   
SHARPIN is a widely expressed multifunctional protein implicated in cancer, inflammation, linear ubiquitination and integrin activity inhibition; however, its contribution to epithelial homeostasis remains poorly understood. Here, we examined the role of SHARPIN in mammary gland development, a process strongly regulated by epithelial–stromal interactions. Mice lacking SHARPIN expression in all cells (Sharpincpdm), and mice with a stromal (S100a4‐Cre) deletion of Sharpin, have reduced mammary ductal outgrowth during puberty. In contrast, Sharpincpdm mammary epithelial cells transplanted in vivo into wild‐type stroma, fully repopulate the mammary gland fat pad, undergo unperturbed ductal outgrowth and terminal differentiation. Thus, SHARPIN is required in mammary gland stroma during development. Accordingly, stroma adjacent to invading mammary ducts of Sharpincpdm mice displayed reduced collagen arrangement and extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness. Moreover, Sharpincpdm mammary gland stromal fibroblasts demonstrated defects in collagen fibre assembly, collagen contraction and degradation in vitro. Together, these data imply that SHARPIN regulates the normal invasive mammary gland branching morphogenesis in an epithelial cell extrinsic manner by controlling the organisation of the stromal ECM.  相似文献   
The dormant cambial zone consisted of 5–6 cell layers in the main stem of Pinus sylvestris L. trees that were ca. I00 years old. Time of cambial reactivation was comparable at one (bottom) and 8 (top) meters above the ground. In spring, when the cambium reactivated, the number of cambial cells slightly increased and phloem cells were formed. The production of xylem cells followed 3–4 weeks later. The formation of xylem cells decreased, whereas that of phloem cells increased between late June and early July. Cambial reaction in 1-year-old cuttings that were debudded and treated apically with IAA in lanolin was similar to that in the ca. 100-year-old main stem. However, in debudded cuttings treated with plain lanolin, the number of cells in the carnbial zone decreased during the first week of culture, and only a few phloem cells were formed. Later, the fusiform cambial cells of the cambial zone were divided transversely and lost their typical morphology. It is proposed that some factor(s) from roots may stimulate the initiation of cambial cell division, because when the cambium reactivated, the number of cambial cells slightly increased in the ca. 100-year-old main stem, but decreased in the 1-year-old cuttings.  相似文献   
Flowering plants have evolved sophisticated and complicated reproductive structures to ensure optimal conditions for the next generation. Successful reproduction relies on careful timing and coordination of tissue development, which requires constant communication between these tissues. Work on flower and fruit development over the last decade places the phytohormone auxin in a key role as a master of patterning and tissue specification of reproductive organs. Although many questions still remain, it is now clear that auxin mediates its function in flowers and fruits through an integrated process of biosynthesis, transport, and signaling, as well as interaction with other hormonal pathways. In addition, the knowledge obtained so far about auxin function already allows researchers to develop tools for crop improvement and precision agriculture.Flower and fruit development requires a precise patterning of organs and tissues, which also have to be coordinated for the successful fulfillment of the tasks inherited. The plant hormone auxin has received a lot of attention for its prominent role in organ positioning as well as in organ polarity formation and differentiation, and flowers and fruits make no exception to the dependency on auxin in these aspects. In addition, auxin appears to participate in the coordination of processes within, as well as between, floral organs, aiding for example in successful fertilization. In this article, we focus on the role of auxin in the establishment of the flower, and specifically in the development and dehiscence of the reproductive floral organs.  相似文献   
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