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Alzheimer´s disease is the most prominent type of dementia and currently no causative treatment is available. According to recent studies, oligomeric species of the amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide appear to be the most toxic Aβ assemblies. Aβ monomers, however, may be not toxic per se and may even have a neuroprotective role. Here we describe a competitive mirror image phage display procedure that allowed us to identify preferentially Aβ1–42 monomer binding and thereby stabilizing peptides, which destabilize and thereby eliminate toxic oligomer species. One of the peptides, called Mosd1 (monomer specific d-peptide 1), was characterized in more detail. Mosd1 abolished oligomers from a mixture of Aβ1–42 species, reduced Aβ1–42 toxicity in cell culture, and restored the physiological phenotype in neuronal cells stably transfected with the gene coding for human amyloid precursor protein.  相似文献   
Molecular identification of mutant alleles responsible for certain phenotypic alterations is a central goal of genetic analyses. In this study we describe a rapid procedure suitable for the identification of induced recessive and dominant mutations applied to two Zea mays mutants expressing a dwarf and a pale green phenotype, respectively, which were obtained through pollen ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. First, without prior backcrossing, induced mutations (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) segregating in a (M2) family derived from a heterozygous (M1) parent were identified using whole‐genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing of a small number of (M2) individuals with mutant and wild‐type phenotypes. Second, the state of zygosity of the mutation causing the phenotype was determined for each sequenced individual by phenotypic segregation analysis of the self‐pollinated (M3) offspring. Finally, we filtered for segregating EMS‐induced SNPs whose state of zygosity matched the determined state of zygosity of the mutant locus in each sequenced (M2) individuals. Through this procedure, combining sequencing of individuals and Mendelian inheritance, three and four SNPs in linkage passed our zygosity filter for the homozygous dwarf and heterozygous pale green mutation, respectively. The dwarf mutation was found to be allelic to the an1 locus and caused by an insertion in the largest exon of the AN1 gene. The pale green mutation affected the nuclear W2 gene and was caused by a non‐synonymous amino acid exchange in encoded chloroplast DNA polymerase with a predicted deleterious effect. This coincided with lower cpDNA levels in pale green plants.  相似文献   
Interstitial photodynamic therapy (iPDT) has shown promise recently as a minimally invasive cancer treatment, partially due to the development of non‐toxic photosensitizers in the absence of activation light. However, a major challenge in iPDT is the pre‐treatment planning process that specifies the number of diffusers needed, along with their positions and allocated powers, to confine the light distribution to the target volume as much as possible. In this work, a new power allocation algorithm for cylindrical light diffusers including those that can produce customized longitudinal (tailored) emission profiles is introduced. The proposed formulation is convex to guarantee the minimum over‐dose possible on the surrounding organs‐at‐risk. The impact of varying the diffuser lengths and penetration angles on the quality of the plan is evaluated. The results of this study are demonstrated for different photosensitizers activated at different wavelengths and simulated on virtual tumors modeling virtual glioblastoma multiforme cases. Results show that manufacturable cylindrical diffusers with tailored emission profiles can significantly outperform those with conventional flat profiles with an average damage reduction on white matter of 15% to 55% and on gray matter of 23% to 58%.   相似文献   
Phytochemistry Reviews - The species-rich genus Palicourea (Rubiaceae: Palicoureeae) is source of an intriguing diversity of alkaloids derived from tryptamine and its precursor tryptophan. So far...  相似文献   
Phytochemistry Reviews - Tribes Palicoureeae and Psychotrieae (Rubiaceae, Gentianales) are complex and speciose sister groups with a pantropical distribution. Since the initial studies on...  相似文献   
Rearranged gene order between pig and human in a QTL region on SSC 7   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
On porcine Chromosome 7, the region surrounding the MHC region contains QTL influencing many traits including growth, back fat thickness, and carcass composition. Towards the identification of the responsible gene(s), this article describes an increase of density of the radiated hybrid map of SSC 7 in the q11-q14 region and the comparative analysis of gene order on the porcine RH map and human genome assembly. Adding 24 new genes in this region, we were able to build a framework map that fills in gaps on the previous maps. The new software Carthagene was used to build a robust framework in this region. Comparative analysis of human and porcine maps revealed a global conservation of gene order and of distances between genes. A rearranged fragment of around 3.7 Mb was, however, found in the pig approximately 20 Mb upstream from the expected location on the basis of the human map. This rearrangement, found by RH mapping on the IMpRH 7.000 rads panel, has been confirmed by two-color FISH and by mapping on the high resolution IMNpRH2 12.000 rads panel. The rearranged fragment contains two microsatellites found at the most likely QTL location in the INRA QTL experiment. It also contains the BMP5 gene, which, together with CLPS, could be considered as a possible candidate.  相似文献   
Translocation, processing and secretion of YvaY, a Bacillus subtilis protein of unknown function, were characterised both in B. subtilis and in Escherichia coli. In its natural host B. subtilis, YvaY was transiently synthesised at the end of the exponential growth phase. It was efficiently secreted into the culture supernatant in spite of a calculated membrane spanning domain in the mature part of the protein. In E. coli, despite the high conservation of Sec-dependent transport components, processing of preYvaY was strongly impaired. To uncover which elements of E. coli and B. subtilis translocation systems are responsible for the observed substrate specificity, components of the B. subtilis Sec-system were co-expressed besides yvaY in E. coli. Expression of B. subtilis secA or secYEG genes did not affect processing, but expression of B. subtilis signal peptidase genes significantly enhanced processing of preYvaY in E. coli. While the major signal peptidases SipS or SipT had a strong stimulatory effect on preYvaY processing, the minor signal peptidases SipU, SipV or SipW had a far less stimulatory effect in E. coli. These results reveal that targeting and translocation of preYvaY is mediated by the E. coli Sec proteins but processing of preYvaY is not performed by E. coli signal peptidase LepB. Thus, differences in substrate specificities of E. coli LepB and the B. subtilis Sip proteins provide the bottleneck for export of YvaY in E. coli. Significant slower processing of preYvaY in absence of SecB indicated that SecB mediates targeting of the B. subtilis precursor.  相似文献   
The monoamine serotonin (5-HT) exerts key neuromodulatory activities in all animal phyla, but the development and function of the serotonergic system is still incompletely understood. The zebrafish Danio rerio is an excellent model to approach this question since it is amenable to a combination of genetic, molecular and embryological studies. In order to characterize the organization of serotonergic neurons in the zebrafish we cloned two cDNAs encoding distinct forms of tryptophan hydroxylase (Tph), the rate-limiting enzyme in serotonin synthesis. We report here the pattern of expression of these two genes in relation with immunoreactive TH and 5-HT nuclei in the developing zebrafish embryo and early larva. tphD1 expression starts at 22 h post-fertilization (hpf) in the epiphysis and in basal spinal cells. Expression persists in the epiphysis until at least 4 days (dpf). Between 48 hpf and 3 dpf, tphD1 expression is initiated in retinal amacrine cells and in restricted preoptic and posterior tubercular nuclei within the basal diencephalon. At 3 and 4 dpf, tphD1 expression is newly initiated in the caudal hypothalamus and in branchial arches-associated neurons. tphD2 mRNA is detected transiently (between 30 somites and 32 hpf) in a restricted preoptic nucleus. All sites of tphD1 or D2 expression within the anterior central nervous system are also immunoreactive for 5-HT, but are not positive for TH. However, neither tphD gene is expressed in raphe nuclei, suggesting that additional tph gene(s) exist in zebrafish to account for 5-HT synthesis in that location. The co-expression of tphD1, tphD2 and 5-HT in the zebrafish diencephalon appears in striking contrast to the situation in mammals, where diencephalic serotonin results from re-uptake rather than from local production.  相似文献   
Coccoid green algae of the Selenastraceae were investigated by means of light microscopy, TEM, and 18S rRNA analyses to evaluate the generic concept in this family. Phylogenetic trees inferred from the 18S rRNA gene sequences showed that the studied species of autosporic Selenastraceae formed a well-resolved monophyletic clade within the DO group of Chlorophyceae. Several morphological characteristics that are traditionally used as generic features were investigated, especially the arrangement of autospores in the mother cells, colony formation, and pyrenoid structure. The parallel arrangement of autospores was confirmed for the genera Ankistrodesmus , Podohedriella , and Quadrigula. In mother cells of Monoraphidium and Kirchneriella , the autospores were arranged serially. Colony formation was either stable ( Quadrigula ) or variable ( Ankistrodesmus , Podohedriella ) within genera. All strains studied possessed naked or starch-covered pyrenoids within the chloroplast. The pyrenoid matrix was homogenous or penetrated by thylakoids. In contrast to considerations of traditional systematics, the present study showed that the presence and structure of pyrenoids are unsuitable for differentiation of genera in Selenastraceae. Furthermore, the molecular analyses showed that any morphological criterion considered so far is not significant for the systematics of the Selenastraceae on the generic level. Species assigned to different genera such as Ankistrodesmus and Monoraphidium were not monophyletic and therefore not distinguishable as separate genera. Species of Monoraphidium appeared in four different lineages of the Selenastraceae. Our phylogenetic analyses support earlier discussions to abandon the common practice of conceiving "small" genera (i.e. genera that are differentiated from other genera by only a few diacritic characteristics and that contain only a small number of species) and to reestablish "large" genera of Selenastraceae such as Ankistrodesmus.  相似文献   
The enteric nervous system (ENS) in vertebrate embryos is formed by neural crest-derived cells. During development, these cells undergo extensive migration from the vagal and sacral regions to colonize the entire gut, where they differentiate into neurons and glial cells. Guidance molecules like netrins, semaphorins, slits, and ephrins are known to be involved in neuronal migration and axon guidance. In the CNS, the repulsive guidance molecule (RGMa) has been implicated in neuronal differentiation, migration, and apoptosis. Recently, we described the expression of the subtypes RGMa and RGMb and their receptor neogenin during murine gut development. In the present study, we investigated the influence of RGMa on neurosphere cultures derived from fetal ENS. In functional in vitro assays, RGMa strongly inhibited neurite outgrowth of differentiating progenitors via the receptor neogenin. The repulsive effect of RGMa on processes of differentiated enteric neural progenitors could be demonstrated by collapse assay. The influence of the RGM receptor on ENS was also analyzed in neogenin knockout mice. In the adult large intestine of mutants we observed disturbed ganglia formation in the myenteric plexus. Our data indicate that RGMa may be involved in differentiation processes of enteric neurons in the murine gut.  相似文献   
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