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Here, we report the identification of a novel hydrolase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ldh1p (systematic name, Ybr204cp) comprises the typical GXSXG-type lipase motif of members of the α/β-hydrolase family and shares some features with the peroxisomal lipase Lpx1p. Both proteins carry a putative peroxisomal targeting signal type1 (PTS1) and can be aligned with two regions of homology. While Lpx1p is known as a peroxisomal enzyme, subcellular localization studies revealed that Ldh1p is predominantly localized to lipid droplets, the storage compartment of nonpolar lipids. Ldh1p is not required for the function and biogenesis of peroxisomes, and targeting of Ldh1p to lipid droplets occurs independently of the PTS1 receptor Pex5p.  相似文献   
Many agonists, acting through G-protein-coupled receptors and Gα subunits of the heterotrimeric G-proteins, induce contraction of smooth muscle through an increase of [Ca2+]i as well as activation of the RhoA/RhoA-activated kinase pathway that amplifies the contractile force, a phenomenon known as Ca2+ sensitization. Gα12/13 subunits are known to activate the regulator of G-protein signaling-like family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RhoGEFs), which includes PDZ-RhoGEF (PRG) and leukemia-associated RhoGEF (LARG). However, their contributions to Ca2+-sensitized force are not well understood. Using permeabilized blood vessels from PRG(−/−) mice and a new method to silence LARG in organ-cultured blood vessels, we show that both RhoGEFs are activated by the physiologically and pathophysiologically important thromboxane A2 and endothelin-1 receptors. The co-activation is the result of direct and independent activation of both RhoGEFs as well as their co-recruitment due to heterodimerization. The isolated recombinant C-terminal domain of PRG, which is responsible for heterodimerization with LARG, strongly inhibited Ca2+-sensitized force. We used photolysis of caged phenylephrine, caged guanosine 5′-O-(thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS) in solution, and caged GTPγS or caged GTP loaded on the RhoA·RhoGDI complex to show that the recruitment and activation of RhoGEFs is the cause of a significant time lag between the initial Ca2+ transient and phasic force components and the onset of Ca2+-sensitized force.  相似文献   
A novel approach to the design of sensitive fluorescent probes for nucleic acids detection is proposed. Suitable modifications of tri- and pentamethine cyanine dyes in the polymethine chain and/or in the heterocyclic residues can result in a significant decrease in unbound dye fluorescence intensity and an increase in dye emission intensity in the presence of DNA compared to the unsubstituted dye. The sharp enhancement in the fluorescence intensity upon dye interaction with double-stranded DNA permits the application of the modified tri- and pentamethine dyes as fluorescent probes in double-stranded DNA detection in homogeneous assays.  相似文献   


The Dbl-family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) activate the cytosolic GTPases of the Rho family by enhancing the rate of exchange of GTP for GDP on the cognate GTPase. This catalytic activity resides in the DH (Dbl-homology) domain, but typically GEFs are multidomain proteins containing other modules. It is believed that GEFs are autoinhibited in the cytosol due to supramodular architecture, and become activated in diverse signaling pathways through conformational change and exposure of the DH domain, as the protein is translocated to the membrane. A small family of RhoA-specific GEFs, containing the RGSL (regulators of G-protein signaling-like) domain, act as effectors of select GPCRs via12/13, although the molecular mechanism by which this pathway operates is not known. These GEFs include p115, LARG and PDZRhoGEF (PRG).  相似文献   
Body motions (kinematics) of animals can be dimensionally complex, especially when flexible parts of the body interact with a surrounding fluid. In these systems, tracking motion completely can be difficult, and result in a large number of correlated measurements, with unclear contributions of each parameter to performance. Workers typically get around this by deciding a priori which variables are important (wing camber, stroke amplitude, etc.), and focusing only on those variables, but this constrains the ability of a study to uncover variables of influence. Here, we describe an application of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) for assigning importances to kinematic variables, using dimensional complexity as a metric. We apply this method to bat flight kinematics, addressing three questions: (1) Does dimensional complexity of motion change with speed? (2) What body markers are optimal for capturing dimensional complexity? (3) What variables should a simplified reconstruction of bat flight include in order to maximally reconstruct actual dimensional complexity? We measured the motions of 17 kinematic markers (20 joint angles) on a bat (Cynopterus brachyotis) flying in a wind tunnel at nine speeds. Dimensional complexity did not change with flight speed, despite changes in the kinematics themselves, suggesting that the relative efficacy of a given number of dimensions for reconstructing kinematics is conserved across speeds. By looking at subsets of the full 17-marker set, we found that using more markers improved resolution of kinematic dimensional complexity, but that the benefit of adding markers diminished as the total number of markers increased. Dimensional complexity was highest when the hindlimb and several points along digits III and IV were tracked. Also, we uncovered three groups of joints that move together during flight by using POD to quantify correlations of motion. These groups describe 14/20 joint angles, and provide a framework for models of bat flight for experimental and modeling purposes.  相似文献   
This study identifies signaling pathways that play key roles in the formation and maintenance of epicardial cells, a source of progenitors for coronary smooth muscle cells (SMCs). After epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), mesenchymal cells invade the myocardium to form coronary SMCs. RhoA/Rho kinase activity is required for EMT and for differentiation into coronary SMCs, whereas cAMP activity is known to inhibit EMT in epithelial cells by an unknown mechanism. We use outgrowth of epicardial cells from E9.5 isolated mouse proepicardium (PE) explants, wild type and Epac1 null E12.5 mouse heart explants, adult rat epicardial cells, and immortalized mouse embryonic epicardial cells as model systems to identify signaling pathways that regulate RhoA activity to maintain the epicardial progenitor state. We demonstrate that RhoA activity is suppressed in the epicardial progenitor state, that the cAMP-dependent Rap1 GTP exchange factor (GEF), Epac, known to down-regulate RhoA activity through activation of Rap1 GTPase activity increased, that Rap1 activity increased, and that expression of the RhoA antagonistic Rnd proteins known to activate p190RhoGAP increased and associated with p190RhoGAP. Finally, EMT is associated with increased p63RhoGEF and RhoGEF-H1 protein expression, increased GEF-H1 activity, with a trend in increased p63RhoGEF activity. EMT is suppressed by partial silencing of p63RhoGEF and GEF-H1. In conclusion, we have identified new signaling molecules that act together to control RhoA activity and play critical roles in the maintenance of coronary smooth muscle progenitor cells in the embryonic epicardium. We suggest that their eventual manipulation could promote revascularization after myocardial injury.  相似文献   
In cultured pulmonary artery endothelial cells and other cell types, overexpression of mt-targeted DNA repair enzymes protects against oxidant-induced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage and cell death. Whether mtDNA integrity governs functional properties of the endothelium in the intact pulmonary circulation is unknown. Accordingly, the present study used isolated, buffer-perfused rat lungs to determine whether fusion proteins targeting 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (Ogg1) or endonuclease III (Endo III) to mitochondria attenuated mtDNA damage and vascular barrier dysfunction evoked by glucose oxidase (GOX)-generated hydrogen peroxide. We found that both Endo III and Ogg1 fusion proteins accumulated in lung cell mitochondria within 30 min of addition to the perfusion medium. Both constructs prevented GOX-induced increases in the vascular filtration coefficient. Although GOX-induced nuclear DNA damage could not be detected, quantitative Southern blot analysis revealed substantial GOX-induced oxidative mtDNA damage that was prevented by pretreatment with both fusion proteins. The Ogg1 construct also reversed preexisting GOX-induced vascular barrier dysfunction and oxidative mtDNA damage. Collectively, these findings support the ideas that mtDNA is a sentinel molecule governing lung vascular barrier responses to oxidant stress in the intact lung and that the mtDNA repair pathway could be a target for pharmacological intervention in oxidant lung injury.  相似文献   
This study describes the role of “inflammatory” oxidized (Ox) phospholipids in regulation of rahU (PA0122) expression and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (383) wild type (rahU+) and rahU mutant (rahU) strains. Functional analysis of RahU protein from P. aeruginosa in presence of Ox-phospholipids show: (a) LysoPC modulates RahU gene/and protein expression in rahU+ cells; (b) rahU promoter activity is increased by lysoPC and inhibited by PAPC, Ox-PAPC and arachidonic acid; the latter inhibitory effect can be reversed by lysoPC, which was enzymatically derived from PAPC; (c) biofilm formation increased in rahU cells as compared to rahU+; and (d) inhibition of rahU promoter activity by PAPC and AA (but not lysoPC) showed significantly augmented biofilm formation in rahU+ but not in rahU cells. This study shows that host derived Ox-phospholipids affect P. aeruginosa-rahU gene and protein expression, which in turn modulates biofilm formation. The accompanying paper describes the role of RahU protein in eukaryotic-host cells.  相似文献   
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