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This paper reviews recent studies that have used adaptive auditory training to address communication problems experienced by some children in their everyday life. It considers the auditory contribution to developmental listening and language problems and the underlying principles of auditory learning that may drive further refinement of auditory learning applications. Following strong claims that language and listening skills in children could be improved by auditory learning, researchers have debated what aspect of training contributed to the improvement and even whether the claimed improvements reflect primarily a retest effect on the skill measures. Key to understanding this research have been more circumscribed studies of the transfer of learning and the use of multiple control groups to examine auditory and non-auditory contributions to the learning. Significant auditory learning can occur during relatively brief periods of training. As children mature, their ability to train improves, but the relation between the duration of training, amount of learning and benefit remains unclear. Individual differences in initial performance and amount of subsequent learning advocate tailoring training to individual learners. The mechanisms of learning remain obscure, especially in children, but it appears that the development of cognitive skills is of at least equal importance to the refinement of sensory processing. Promotion of retention and transfer of learning are major goals for further research.  相似文献   
Nova Scotia duck tolling retrievers are predisposed to a SLE-related disease complex including immune-mediated rheumatic disease (IMRD) and steroid-responsive meningitis–arteritis (SRMA). IMRD involves symptoms that resemble those seen in systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE, or SLE-related diseases, in humans. This disease complex involves persistent lameness, stiffness, mainly after resting, and palpable pain from several joints of extremities. The majority of affected dogs display antinuclear autoantibody (ANA)-reactivity. SRMA is manifested in young dogs with high fever and neck stiffness and can be treated with corticosteroids. We have investigated the possible role of MHC class II as a genetic risk factor in IMRD and SRMA etiology. We performed sequence-based typing of the DLA-DRB1, -DQA1, and -DQB1 class II loci in a total of 176 dogs including 51 IMRD (33 ANA-positive), 49 SRMA cases, and 78 healthy controls (two dogs were both IMRD- and SRMA-affected). Homozygosity for the risk haplotype DRB1*00601/DQA1*005011/DQB1*02001 increased the risk for IMRD (OR?=?4.9; ANA-positive IMRD: OR?=?7.2) compared with all other genotypes. There was a general heterozygote advantage, homozygotes had OR?=?4.4 (ANA-positive IMRD: OR?=?8.9) compared with all heterozygotes. The risk haplotype contains the five amino acid epitope RARAA, known as the shared epitope for rheumatoid arthritis. No association was observed for SRMA. We conclude that DLA class II is a highly significant genetic risk factor for ANA-positive IMRD. The results indicate narrow diversity of DLA II haplotypes and identify an IMRD-related risk haplotype, which becomes highly significant in homozygous dogs.  相似文献   
Maspin is a serpin that has multiple effects on cell behavior, including inhibition of migration. How maspin mediates these diverse effects remains unclear, as it is devoid of protease inhibitory activity. We have previously shown that maspin rapidly inhibits the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), suggesting the involvement of direct interactions with cell surface proteins. Here, using immunofluorescence microscopy, we demonstrate that maspin binds specifically to the surface of VSMC in the dedifferentiated, but not the differentiated, phenotype. Ligand blotting of VSMC lysates revealed the presence of several maspin-binding proteins, with a protein of 150 kDa differentially expressed between the two VSMC phenotypes. Western blotting suggested that this protein was the β1 integrin subunit, and subsequently both α3β1 and α5β1, but not αvβ3, were shown to associate with maspin by coimmunoprecipitation. Specific binding of these integrins was also observed using maspin-affinity chromatography, using HT1080 cell lysates. Direct binding of maspin to α5β1 was confirmed using a recombinant α5β1-Fc fusion protein. Using conformation-dependent anti-β1 antibodies, maspin binding to VSMC was found to lead to a decrease in the activation status of the integrin. The functional involvement of α5β1 in mediating the effect of maspin was established by the inhibition of migration of CHO cells overexpressing human α5 integrin, but not those lacking α5 expression. Our observations suggest that maspin engages in specific interactions with a limited number of integrins on VSMC, leading to their inactivation, and that these interactions are responsible for the effects of maspin in the pericellular environment.Maspin is a member of the serpin family of serine protease inhibitors (SERPINB5).2 It was originally identified as a gene down-regulated in invasive breast cancer and proposed as a class II tumor suppressor (1), and has since been shown to have many effects on cellular behavior that are consistent with this activity. It has been shown to decrease the proliferation, migration, and metastasis of tumor cells in vivo (1, 2) and their invasion in vitro (3, 4), and to increase apoptosis of endothelial cells (5) and inhibit angiogenesis (6). However, the cellular effects of maspin are not restricted to tumor cells, and we have demonstrated that maspin can inhibit the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (7).VSMC migration is a key event in the development of atherosclerosis (8), and contributes significantly to restenosis after angioplasty (9) and transplant arteriosclerosis (10). VSMC are not terminally differentiated and acquire migratory capacity as part of a phenotypic switch from a contractile, quiescent state to a dedifferentiated phenotype, characterized by proliferation and increased extracellular matrix synthesis, in addition to motility (11). This allows VSMC to respond to environmental cues following vascular injury. The phenotypic plasticity of VSMC is regulated by an array of signals, among which integrin-mediated association with surrounding extracellular matrix and changes in the expression of matrix-degrading proteases are prominent (1214).How maspin mediates its various cellular effects is unclear. Maspin has been reported to be an inhibitor of plasminogen activation (3, 15, 16), but we have shown that maspin is unable to inhibit either uPA- or tPA-catalyzed plasminogen activation under conditions in which the serpin PAI-1 was completely inhibitory (7). The anti-proteolytic inhibitory mechanism of serpins is dependent on characteristics of the reactive center loop (RCL) allowing it to adopt the necessary canonical conformation and rearrangements subsequent to protease binding (17). The RCL of maspin does not have the required characteristics (7, 18), and the conclusion that maspin is a non-inhibitory serpin is fully supported by its crystal structure (19, 20).Another confounding factor in understanding the mechanisms underlying the cellular effects of maspin is that, in common with the serpin PAI-2, it lacks an authentic secretion signal sequence. Nevertheless it has been shown to enter secretory vesicles (21) and is found extracellularly, in the cytoplasm and also in the nucleus (21, 22). Cytoplasmic and nuclear binding proteins for maspin have been identified (2325), and may be responsible for its effects on proliferation and apoptosis. How secreted, extracellular maspin exerts its effects is unclear, but a function as a cell signaling ligand has been proposed (2628). However, the characteristics of the maspin inhibitory effect on VSMC migration point to a more direct effect of maspin.To determine the mechanism of the maspin effect on VSMC migration, we have now attempted to identify maspin-binding proteins on the surface of these cells. In this report we provide biochemical, cellular, and functional evidence that the effect of maspin on cell migration is mediated by specific binding to cell adhesion receptors of the integrin family. We find that maspin binds specifically to β1 integrins on the surface of dedifferentiated VSMC, which leads to a reduction in the activation status of the integrin, and that the binding of maspin to α5β1 is sufficient for its inhibitory effects on cell migration and may represent a more general mechanism underlying its diverse biological effects.  相似文献   
Annotation of the human serum N‐linked glycome is a formidable challenge but is necessary for disease marker discovery. A new theoretical glycan library was constructed and proposed to provide all possible glycan compositions in serum. It was developed based on established glycobiology and retrosynthetic state‐transition networks. We find that at least 331 compositions are possible in the serum N‐linked glycome. By pairing the theoretical glycan mass library with a high mass accuracy and high‐resolution MS, human serum glycans were effectively profiled. Correct isotopic envelope deconvolution to monoisotopic masses and the high mass accuracy instruments drastically reduced the amount of false composition assignments. The high throughput capacity enabled by this library permitted the rapid glycan profiling of large control populations. With the use of the library, a human serum glycan mass profile was developed from 46 healthy individuals. This paper presents a theoretical N‐linked glycan mass library that was used for accurate high‐throughput human serum glycan profiling. Rapid methods for evaluating a patient's glycome are instrumental for studying glycan‐based markers.  相似文献   
Rac1 is a member of the small Rho GTPase family, which controls actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion dynamics in cellular protrusions. While Rac1 therefore contributes to regulation of endothelial cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, a detailed understanding of its role in endothelium function is lacking. Recently, the role of Rac1 in development and postnatal regulation of the cardiovascular system has been investigated in murine models lacking Rac1 specifically in endothelium. Homozygous endothelial deletion was lethal, primarily due to defects in angiogenesis. Rac1-deficient endothelial cells were unable to form cellular protrusions/lamellipodia, leading to impaired cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, and resulting in dysfunctional adhesion, motility, permeability and capillary morphogenesis. Development was normal in the heterozygous model, however a hypertensive phenotype was observed as a result of reduced nitric oxide signalling. Nitric oxide synthase activity was regulated by Rac1 at multiple levels; expression, mRNA stability and uptake of the nitric oxide synthase substrate L-arginine. Therefore, Rac1 activity is essential in regulating developmental and postnatal angiogenesis and cardiovascular function, by controlling nitric oxide production, and formation of endothelial cell protrusions.Key words: Rac1, angiogenesis, endothelial, motility, lamellipodia, nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthase  相似文献   


The public health response to pandemic influenza is contingent on the pandemic strain''s severity. In late April 2009, a potentially pandemic novel H1N1 influenza strain (nH1N1) was recognized. New York City (NYC) experienced an intensive initial outbreak that peaked in late May, providing the need and opportunity to rapidly quantify the severity of nH1N1.

Methods and Findings

Telephone surveys using rapid polling methods of approximately 1,000 households each were conducted May 20–27 and June 15–19, 2009. Respondents were asked about the occurrence of influenza-like illness (ILI, fever with either cough or sore throat) for each household member from May 1–27 (survey 1) or the preceding 30 days (survey 2). For the overlap period, prevalence data were combined by weighting the survey-specific contribution based on a Serfling model using data from the NYC syndromic surveillance system. Total and age-specific prevalence of ILI attributed to nH1N1 were estimated using two approaches to adjust for background ILI: discounting by ILI prevalence in less affected NYC boroughs and by ILI measured in syndromic surveillance data from 2004–2008. Deaths, hospitalizations and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions were determined from enhanced surveillance including nH1N1-specific testing. Combined ILI prevalence for the 50-day period was 15.8% (95% CI:13.2%–19.0%). The two methods of adjustment yielded point estimates of nH1N1-associated ILI of 7.8% and 12.2%. Overall case-fatality (CFR) estimates ranged from 0.054–0.086 per 1000 persons with nH1N1-associated ILI and were highest for persons ≥65 years (0.094–0.147 per 1000) and lowest for those 0–17 (0.008–0.012). Hospitalization rates ranged from 0.84–1.34 and ICU admission rates from 0.21–0.34 per 1000, with little variation in either by age-group.


ILI prevalence can be quickly estimated using rapid telephone surveys, using syndromic surveillance data to determine expected “background” ILI proportion. Risk of severe illness due to nH1N1 was similar to seasonal influenza, enabling NYC to emphasize preventing severe morbidity rather than employing aggressive community mitigation measures.  相似文献   


Increased in susceptibility to thrombotic disease may be associated with lower lung function. If causal, this association may suggest an area for development of new interventions for lung disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between blood coagulation activation as measured by plasma d-dimers and lung function.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We conducted a cross-sectional study on 2463 randomly selected adults in 1991 and followed up 1252 of these individuals in 2000. Plasma D-dimer levels, a marker of activity of blood coagulation pathways, were analysed in the baseline 1991 samples. There was an inverse cross-sectional association between plasma D-dimer and Forced Expiratory Volume in one second, with a decrease of 71 ml per µg FEU/ml increment in plasma D-dimer (95% confidence intervals CI: −135 to −6), and a decrease in Forced Vital Capacity (97 ml per µg FEU/ml increase in D-dimer, 95%CI: −170 to −24). These associations were attenuated after adjustment for serum highly sensitive CRP. No association was observed between plasma D-dimer and the decline in lung function between 1991 and 2000.


The cross-sectional findings are consistent with the hypothesis that activation of blood coagulation pathways is associated with decreased lung function, and that systemic inflammation may contribute to this relation. However, the lack of an association with decline in lung function suggests that clotting pathways that involve d-dimers may not be a promising therapeutic target for new interventions for respiratory disease.  相似文献   
RNA-based drugs are an emerging class of therapeutics. They have the potential to regulate proteins, chromatin, as well as bind to specific proteins of interest in the form of aptamers. These aptamers are protected from nuclease attack by chemical modifications that enhance their stability for in vivo usage. However, nucleases are ubiquitous, and as we have yet to characterize the entire human microbiome it is likely that many nucleases are yet to be identified. Any novel, unusual enzymes present in vivo might reduce the efficacy of RNA-based therapeutics, even when they are chemically modified. We have previously identified an RNA-based aptamer capable of neutralizing a broad spectrum of clinical HIV-1 isolates and are developing it as a vaginal and rectal microbicide candidate. As a first step we addressed aptamer stability in the milieu of proteins present in these environments. Here we uncover a number of different nucleases that are able to rapidly degrade 2'-F-modified RNA. We demonstrate that the aptamer can be protected from the nuclease(s) present in the vaginal setting, without affecting its antiviral activity, by replacement of key positions with 2'-O-Me-modified nucleotides. Finally, we show that the aptamer can be protected from all nucleases present in both vaginal and rectal compartments using Zn(2+) cations. In conclusion we have derived a stable, antiviral RNA-based aptamer that could form the basis of a pre-exposure microbicide or be a valuable addition to the current tenofovir-based microbicide candidate undergoing clinical trials.  相似文献   
One of the key regulatory points of translation initiation is recruitment of the 43S preinitation complex to the 5' mRNA cap by the eIF4F complex (eIF4A, eIF4E, and eIF4G). The tumor suppressor protein Pdcd4 has been shown to inhibit cap-dependent translation by interacting tightly with the RNA helicase eIF4A via its tandem MA-3 domains. The NMR studies reported here reveal a fairly extensive and well defined interface between the two MA-3 domains in solution, which appears to be stabilized by a network of interdomain salt bridges and hydrogen bonds, and reveals a unique orientation of the two domains. Characterization of the stoichiometry of the Pdcd4-eIF4A complex suggests that under physiological conditions Pdcd4 binds to a single molecule of eIF4A, which involves contacts with both Pdcd4 MA-3 domains. We also show that contacts mediated by a conserved acidic patch on the middle MA-3 domain of Pdcd4 are essential for forming a tight complex with eIF4A in vivo, whereas the equivalent region of the C-terminal MA-3 domain appears to have no role in complex formation in vivo. The formation of a 1:1 eIF4A-Pdcd4 complex in solution is consistent with the reported presence in vivo of only one molecule of eIF4A in the eIF4F complex. Pdcd4 has also been reported to interact directly with the middle region of eIF4G, however, we were unable to obtain any evidence for even a weak, transient direct interaction.  相似文献   
Molecular pathogenesis of subarachnoid haemorrhage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) results from leakage of blood into the subarachnoid space and carries high morbidity and mortality. However, there is limited understanding to date, of the risk factors, cellular, intermediate biochemical and genetic traits predisposing to SAH. Nevertheless, in conjunction with improved methods of diagnostic imaging and less invasive approaches to preventing aneurysmal rupture, there may be utility in gaining a better understanding of the pathogenesis and in identifying pre-disease markers. Additionally, it is not impossible that drugs of value (e.g. matrix or endothelial modifiers) could become available. Several different clinical subtypes can be recognised, distinguished by arterial or venous involvement, presence of unruptured arterial aneurysms, and apparently "sporadic" and "familial" occurrences. Epidemiological risk factors include alcohol consumption and smoking: hypertension is a risk factor for rupture. About 10% seem to reflect strong family history and this subset may be particularly illuminating with respect to the molecular pathogenesis. Haemodynamic stress and poor vascular structure may be the main mechanisms of pathogenesis. The epidemiological and statistical evidence for familial megaphenic genes and modifier genes is reviewed. This review focuses on the pathogenesis, as opposed to inflammatory response to SAH. It sets in context the roles of specific genes and their protein products, such as polycystin (PKD1), fibrillin (FBN1), collagen III (COL3A1), elastin (ELN), collagen IV, protease inhibitor or alpha1-antitrypsin (PI) and proteases. These considerations illustrate the shortfalls in current knowledge, the needs of future biochemical and cellular research and their potential implications for future prevention of this often fatal condition.  相似文献   
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