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This study evaluates a new synthetic substitute (CRYO3, Ref. 5617, Stem Alpha, France) for animal-based products in rabbit embryo cryopreservation solutions. This evaluation was performed using two approaches: a thermodynamic approach using differential scanning calorimetry and a biological approach using rabbit embryo slow-freezing. During the experiment, foetal calf serum (FCS) was used as a reference. Because FCS varies widely by supplier, three different FCS were selected for the thermodynamic approach. The rabbit embryo slow-freezing solutions were made from Dulbecco''s phosphate buffer saline containing 1.5 M Dimethyl Sulfoxide and 18% (v.v−1) of CRYO3 or 18% (v.v−1) of FCS. These solutions were evaluated using four characteristics: the end of melting temperature, the enthalpy of crystallisation (thermodynamic approach) and the embryo survival rates after culture and embryo transfer (biological approach). In the thermodynamic approach, the solutions containing one of the three different FCS had similar mean thermodynamic characteristics but had different variabilities in the overall data with aberrant values. The solution containing CRYO3 had similar thermodynamic properties when compared to those containing FCS. Moreover, no aberrant value was measured in the solution containing CRYO3. This solution appears to be more stable than the solutions containing a FCS. In the biological approach, the in vitro embryo survival rates obtained with the solution containing CRYO3 (73.7% and 81.3%) and with the solution containing a FCS (77.6% and 71.9%) were similar (p = 0.7). Nevertheless, during the in vivo evaluation, the implantation rate (21.8%) and the live-foetuses rate (18.8%) of the CRYO3 group were significantly higher than the implantation rate (7.1%, p = 0.0002) and the live-foetuses rate (5.3%, p = 0.0002) of the FCS group. The pregnancy rate was also higher in the CRYO3 group compared to the FCS group (81.3% and 43.8%, respectively, p = 0.066). We conclude that CRYO3 can be used as a chemically defined substitute for animal-based products in rabbit embryo cryopreservation solutions.  相似文献   
Interleukin 6 plays a key role in mediating inflammatory reactions in autoimmune diseases and cancer, where it is also involved in metastasis and tissue invasion. Neutralizing antibodies against IL-6 and its receptor have been approved for therapeutic intervention or are in advanced stages of clinical development. Here we describe the crystal structures of the complexes of IL-6 with two Fabs derived from conventional camelid antibodies that antagonize the interaction between the cytokine and its receptor. The x-ray structures of these complexes provide insights into the mechanism of neutralization by the two antibodies and explain the very high potency of one of the antibodies. It effectively competes for binding to the cytokine with IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) by using side chains of two CDR residues filling the site I cavities of IL-6, thus mimicking the interactions of Phe229 and Phe279 of IL-6R. In the first antibody, a HCDR3 tryptophan binds similarly to hot spot residue Phe279. Mutation of this HCDR3 Trp residue into any other residue except Tyr or Phe significantly weakens binding of the antibody to IL-6, as was also observed for IL-6R mutants of Phe279. In the second antibody, the side chain of HCDR3 valine ties into site I like IL-6R Phe279, whereas a LCDR1 tyrosine side chain occupies a second cavity within site I and mimics the interactions of IL-6R Phe229.  相似文献   
Daphne gnidium is a circum-Mediterranean evergreen shrub. Flower and pollen features related to pollination mechanism were analyzed, and the seasonal presence of insects visiting the plant was monitored. The morphology and functionality of flowers are compatible with entomophily, as are pollen viability, which is maintained for a few hours only after anthesis, and the very short stigmatic receptivity. The reproductive fitness of the species is low and the ripening process often fails (35% collapsed embryos). While male organ functionality is fairly regular, the female organ often shows developmental arrest. The complex or transient evolutionary traits displayed by D. gnidium are comparable to those of Thymelaea hirsuta and other members of the Thymelaeaceae.  相似文献   
The thioredoxin (Trx) fold is a small monomeric domain that is ubiquitous in redox-active enzymes. Trxs are characterized by a typical WCGPC active-site sequence motif. A single active-site mutation of the tryptophan to an alanine in Staphylococcus aureus Trx converts the oxidized protein into a biologically inactive domain-swapped dimer. While the monomeric protein unfolds reversibly in a two-state manner, the oxidized dimeric form is kinetically stable and converts to the monomeric form upon refolding. After reduction, the half-life of the dimer decreases many orders of magnitude to ∼ 4.3 h, indicating that the active-site disulfide between Cys29 and Cys32 is an important determinant for the kinetics of unfolding. We propose kinetic stability as a possible evolutionary strategy in the evolution of multimeric proteins from their monomeric ancestors by domain swapping, which, for this biologically inactive Trx mutant, turned out to be an evolutionary dead end.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the seed lectin from the tropical legume Bowringia milbraedii was determined in complex with the disaccharide ligand Man(alpha1-2)Man. In solution, the protein exhibits a dynamic dimer-tetramer equilibrium, consistent with the concanavalin A-type tetramer observed in the crystal. Contacts between the tetramers are mediated almost exclusively through the carbohydrate ligand, resulting in a crystal lattice virtually identical to that of the concanavalin-A:Man(alpha1-2)Man complex, even though both proteins have less than 50% sequence identity. The disaccharide binds exclusively in a "downstream" binding mode, with the non-reducing mannose occupying the monosaccharide-binding site. The reducing mannose is bound in a predominantly polar subsite involving Tyr131, Gln218, and Tyr219.  相似文献   
In the late growing season of apples, most eggs of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), of the second and third generations are deposited directly on fruits. The apple fruit surface is densely covered by three-dimensional micro- and nanoprojections, the epicuticular wax crystals, emerging from an underlying wax film. These epicuticular waxes render the apple fruit surface hydrophobic, which could affect the attachment of insect legs and eggs to it. A better survival of the codling moth offspring is expected to be ensured by the selection of suitable oviposition sites by females, as well as by a proper adhesion of deposited eggs to these sites. In this study, we investigated egg adhesion of the codling moth to the fruit surface of different cultivars of the domestic apple, Malus domestica Borkh., by measuring the pull-off force required to detach eggs from fruits. Since surface characteristics may influence insect egg adhesion, the information about morphological and physicochemical properties of the fruit surface is crucial for understanding oviposition site selection by females. In the present study, surface morphology, wettability, and free surface energy of the apple cultivars ‘Boskoop’, ‘Elstar’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Jonica’, and ‘Topaz’ were analyzed. Eggs adhered tightly to the fruit surface of all apple cultivars tested: pull-off forces averaged 63.9 mN. These forces are four- to tenfold stronger than those previously measured on adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces of the identical apple cultivars. The mechanisms used by the moth to fix its eggs on the waxy surface of apple fruits, and the influence of fruit surface properties on egg glue adhesion are discussed. Furthermore, the results are debated in the context of the oviposition site selection by females, and its role in offspring survival of the second and third generations of the codling moth.  相似文献   
Within the globin superfamily, protoglobins (Pgb) belong phylogenetically to the same cluster of two-domain globin-coupled sensors and single-domain sensor globins. Multiple functional roles have been postulated for Methanosarcina acetivorans Pgb (Ma-Pgb), since the detoxification of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species might co-exist with enzymatic activity(ies) to facilitate the conversion of CO to methane. Here, the nitrite-reductase and peroxynitrite isomerization activities of the CysE20Ser mutant of Ma-Pgb (Ma-Pgb*) are reported and analyzed in parallel with those of related heme-proteins. Kinetics of nitrite-reductase activity of ferrous Ma-Pgb* (Ma-Pgb*-Fe(II)) is biphasic and values of the second-order rate constant for the reduction of NO2 to NO and the concomitant formation of nitrosylated Ma-Pgb*-Fe(II) (Ma-Pgb*-Fe(II)-NO) are k app1 = 9.6±0.2 M–1 s–1 and k app2 = 1.2±0.1 M–1 s–1 (at pH 7.4 and 20°C). The k app1 and k app2 values increase by about one order of magnitude for each pH unit decrease, between pH 8.3 and 6.2, indicating that the reaction requires one proton. On the other hand, kinetics of peroxynitrite isomerization catalyzed by ferric Ma-Pgb* (Ma-Pgb*-Fe(III)) is monophasic and values of the second order rate constant for peroxynitrite isomerization by Ma-Pgb*-Fe(III) and of the first order rate constant for the spontaneous conversion of peroxynitrite to nitrate are h app = 3.8×104 M–1 s–1 and h 0 = 2.8×10–1 s–1 (at pH 7.4 and 20°C). The pH-dependence of h on and h 0 values reflects the acid-base equilibrium of peroxynitrite (pK a = 6.7 and 6.9, respectively; at 20°C), indicating that HOONO is the species that reacts preferentially with the heme-Fe(III) atom. These results highlight the potential role of Pgbs in the biosynthesis and scavenging of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species.  相似文献   
The toxin Doc from the phd/doc toxin-antitoxin module targets the cellular translation machinery and is inhibited by its antitoxin partner Phd. Here we show that Phd also functions as a chaperone, keeping Doc in an active, correctly folded conformation. In the absence of Phd, Doc exists in a relatively expanded state that is prone to dimerization through domain swapping with its active site loop acting as hinge region. The domain-swapped dimer is not capable of arresting protein synthesis in vitro, whereas the Doc monomer is. Upon binding to Phd, Doc becomes more compact and is secured in its monomeric state with a neutralized active site.  相似文献   
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