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Assembly of a bipolar mitotic spindle requires the action of class 5 kinesins, and inhibition or depletion of this motor results in mitotic arrest and apoptosis. S-Trityl-l-cysteine is an allosteric inhibitor of vertebrate Kinesin Spindle Protein (KSP) that has generated considerable interest due to its anti-cancer properties, however, poor pharmacological properties have limited the use of this compound. We have modified the triphenylmethyl and cysteine groups, guided by biochemical and cell-based assays, to yield new cysteinol and cysteamine derivatives with increased inhibitory activity, greater efficacy in model systems, and significantly enhanced potency against the NCI60 tumor panel. These results reveal a promising new class of conformationally-flexible small molecules as allosteric KSP inhibitors for use as research tools, with activities that provide impetus for further development as anti-tumor agents.  相似文献   
Linkage analysis in familial breast and ovarian cancer and studies of allelic deletion in sporadic ovarian tumors have identified a region on chromosome 17q containing a candidate tumor-suppressor gene (referred to as BRCA1) of likely importance in ovarian carcinogenesis. We have examined normal and tumor DNA samples from 32 patients with sporadic and 8 patients with familial forms of the disease, for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 21 loci on chromosome 17 (7 on 17p and 14 on 17q). LOH on 17p was 55% (22/40) for informative 17pl3.1 and 17pl3.3 markers. When six polymorphic markers flanking the familial breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility locus on 17ql2-q21 were used, LOH was 58% (23/40), with one tumor showing telomeric retention. Evaluation of a set of markers positioned telomeric to BRCA1 resulted in the highest degree of LOH, 73% (29/40), indicating that a candidate locus involved in ovarian cancer may reside distal to BRCA1. Five of the tumors demonstrating allelic loss for 17q markers were from individuals with a strong family history of breast and ovarian cancer. More important, two of these tumors (unique patient number [UPN] 57 and UPN 79) retained heterozygosity for all informative markers spanning the BRCA1 locus but showed LOH at loci distal to but not including the anonymous markers CMM86 (D17S74) and 42D6 (D17S588), respectively. Deletion mapping of seven cases (two familial and five sporadic) showing limited LOH on 17q revealed a common region of deletion, distal to GH and proximal to D17S4, that spans −25 cM. These results suggest that a potential tumor-suppressor gene involved in both sporadic and familial ovarian cancer may reside on the distal portion of chromosome 17q and is distinct from the BRCA1 gene.  相似文献   
Agaricus bisporus, grown under standard composting conditions, was evaluated for its ability to produce lignin-degrading peroxidases, which have been shown to have an integral role in lignin degradation by wood-rotting fungi. The activity of manganese peroxidase was monitored throughout the production cycle of the fungus, from the time of colonization of the compost through the development of fruit bodies. Characterization of the enzyme was done with a crude compost extract. Manganese peroxidase was found to have a pI of 3.5 and a pH optimum of 5.4 to 5.5, with maximal activity during the initial stages of fruiting (pin stage). The activity declined considerably with fruit body maturation (first break). This apparent developmentally regulated pattern parallels that observed for laccase activity and for degradation of radiolabeled lignin and synthetic lignins by A. bisporus. Lignin peroxidase activity was not detected in the compost extracts. The correlation between the activities of manganese peroxidase and laccase and the degradation of lignin in A. bisporus suggests significant roles for these two enzymes in lignin degradation by this fungus.  相似文献   
The polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB), Euwallacea sp., was first detected in 2003 in Los Angeles County, California, USA. Recently, this invasive species has become a major pest of many hardwood trees in urban and wildland forests throughout southern California. PSHB is nearly identical in morphology and life history to the tea shot hole borer (TSHB), Euwallacea fornicatus, an invasive pest of hardwoods in Florida, USA and many other parts of the world. However, molecular studies have suggested that the taxa are different species. We conducted morphometric and chemical analyses of the phenotypes of Euwallacea sp. collected in southern California (Los Angeles County) and E. fornicatus collected in Florida (Miami‐Dade County). Our analyses indicated that PSHB has 3 larval instars. The third larval instar was separated from the first 2 instars by head capsule width with 0 probability of misclassification. The body length, head width, and pronotal width of PSHB adult males were significantly less than those of females. Head width and pronotal width of female PSHB were significantly less than those of female TSHB. In contrast, body length, and ratio of body length to pronotal width of female PSHB were significantly greater than those of female TSHB. However, females of these 2 species could not be separated completely by these 4 measurements because of the overlapping ranges. Cuticular hydrocarbons detected in both species were exclusively alkanes (i.e., n‐alkanes, monomethylalkanes, dimethylalkanes, and trimethylalkanes). Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of PSHB males and females were similar, but they both differed from that of TSHB females. Cuticular hydrocarbons of PSHB were predominantly internally branched dimethylalkanes with backbones of 31 and 33 carbons, whereas cuticular hydrocarbons of TSHB females were dominated by internally branched monomethylalkanes and dimethylalkanes with backbones of 28 and 29 carbons. Multiple compounds within these classes appear to be diagnostic for PSHB and TSHB, respectively.  相似文献   
The RAS‐RAF‐MEK‐ERK (MAPK) pathway is prevalently perturbed in cancer. Recent large‐scale sequencing initiatives profiled thousands of tumors providing insight into alterations at the DNA and RNA levels. These efforts confirmed that key nodes of the MAPK pathway, in particular KRAS and BRAF, are among the most frequently altered proteins in cancer. The establishment of targeted therapies, however, has proven difficult. To decipher the underlying challenges, it is essential to decrypt the phosphorylation network spanned by the MAPK core axis. Using mass spectrometry we identified 2241 phosphorylation sites on 1020 proteins, and measured their responses to inhibition of MEK or ERK. Multiple phosphorylation patterns revealed previously undetected feedback, as upstream signaling nodes, including receptor kinases, showed changes at the phosphorylation level. We provide a dataset rich in potential therapeutic targets downstream of the MAPK cascade. By integrating TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) data, we highlight some downstream phosphoproteins that are frequently altered in cancer. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD003908 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD003908 ).  相似文献   
Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are valuable characters for the analysis of cryptic insect species with few discernible morphological characters. Yet, their use in insect systematics, specifically in subterranean termites in the genus Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), remains controversial. In this paper, we show that taxonomic designations in Reticulitermes from California (USA) suggested in light of differences among CHC phenotypes are corroborated by phylogenetic analyses using mtDNA sequences. Analyses based on CHC phenotypes and supported, in part, by behavioral and ecological differences have suggested the presence of more species than the two currently recognized: R. hesperus Banks and R. tibialis Banks. We analyze a 680 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase (COII) gene from 45 new (21 collection localities) and two previously recorded samples of Reticulitermes from California using parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. Both methods result in trees with highly similar topologies. Bootstrapping indicates support for six clades of Reticulitermes, and corroborates groupings based on cuticular hydrocarbons. One of the clades, R. hesperus, is already recognized in California, while four clades appear to be previously undescribed taxa. Although identification of the final clade is inconclusive, it includes a sample putatively identified as R. tibialis. Therefore, using phylogenetic analyses we corroborate chemical characters used to identify taxa, associate a chemical phenotype with a previously described species, and provide additional support for undescribed taxa of Reticulitermes.  相似文献   
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genomes persist indefinitely in latently infected human cells, in part due to their ability to stably segregate during cell division. This process is mediated by the viral EBNA1 protein, which tethers the viral episomes to the cellular mitotic chromosomes. We have previously identified a mitotic chromosomal protein, human EBNA1 binding protein 2 (hEBP2), which binds to EBNA1 and enables EBNA1 to partition EBV-based plasmids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using an RNA silencing approach, we show that hEBP2 is essential for the proliferation of human cells and that repression of hEBP2 severely decreases the ability of EBNA1 and EBV-based plasmids to bind mitotic chromosomes. When expressed in yeast, hEBP2 undergoes the same cell cycle-regulated association with the mitotic chromatin as in human cells, and using yeast temperature-sensitive mutant strains, we found that the attachment of hEBP2 to mitotic chromosomes was dependent on the Ipl1 kinase. Both RNA silencing of the Ipl1 orthologue in human cells (Aurora B) and specific inhibition of the Aurora B kinase activity with a small molecule confirmed a role for this kinase in enabling hEBP2 binding to human mitotic chromosomes, suggesting that this kinase can regulate EBV segregation.  相似文献   
The carboxyl terminus of the G protein alpha subunit plays a key role in interactions with G protein-coupled receptors. Previous studies that have incorporated covalently attached probes have demonstrated that the carboxyl terminus undergoes conformational changes upon G protein activation. To examine the conformational changes that occur at the carboxyl terminus of Galpha subunits upon G protein activation in a more native system, we generated a semisynthetic Galpha subunit, site-specifically labeled in its carboxyl terminus with 13C amino acids. Using expressed protein ligation, 9-mer peptides were ligated to recombinant Galpha(i1) subunits lacking the corresponding carboxyl-terminal residues. In a receptor-G protein reconstitution assay, the truncated Galpha(i1) subunit could not be activated by receptor; whereas the semisynthetic protein demonstrated functionality that was comparable with recombinant Galpha(i1). To study the conformation of the carboxyl terminus of the semisynthetic G protein, we applied high resolution solution NMR to Galpha subunits containing 13C labels at the corresponding sites in Galpha(i1): Leu-348 (uniform), Gly-352 (alpha carbon), and Phe-354 (ring). In the GDP-bound state, the spectra of the ligated carboxyl terminus appeared similar to the spectra obtained for 13C-labeled free peptide. Upon titration with increasing concentrations of AlF4-, the 13C resonances demonstrated a marked loss of signal intensity in the semisynthetic Galpha subunit but not in free peptide subjected to the same conditions. Because AlF4- complexes with GDP to stabilize an activated state of the Galpha subunit, these results suggest that the Galpha carboxyl terminus is highly mobile in its GDP-bound state but adopts an ordered conformation upon activation by AlF4-.  相似文献   
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