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A mixed-phase immunoassay based on simultaneous binding of an antibody to its fluorescently tagged peptide epitope and a PNA conjugate of the same peptide has been developed. As a fluorescent marker, a europium(III) chelate allowing time-resolved measurement from a single particle has been employed. The ternary complex formed in solution is immobilized by Watson-Crick base-pairing to a microparticle bearing a PNA sequence complementary to that present in the complex. The concentration of the antibody in the sample may then be determined by a single particle measurement. Accordingly, different antibodies may in principle be addressed by sequence-specific hybridization to different categorized microparticles.  相似文献   
Receptor tyrosine kinase aberrations are implicated in the genesis of gliomas. We investigated expression and amplification of KIT, PDGFRA, VEGFR2, and EGFR in 87 gliomas consisting of astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, or oligoastrocytomas in tumor samples collected at the time of the diagnosis and in samples of the same tumors at tumor recurrence. Gene amplifications were investigated using either chromogenic in situ hybridization or fluorescence in situ hybridization, and protein expression using immunohistochemistry. In samples collected at glioma diagnosis, KIT and PDGFRA amplifications were more frequent in anaplastic astrocytomas than in astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and oligoastrocytomas [28% versus 5% (P = 0.012) and 33% versus 2% (P = 0.0008), respectively]. VEGFR2 amplifications occurred in 6% to 17% of the gliomas at diagnosis, and EGFR amplifications in 0% to 12%. Amplified KIT was more frequently present in recurrent gliomas than in newly diagnosed gliomas (P = 0.0066). KIT amplification was associated with KIT protein expression and with presence of PDGFRA and EGFR amplifications both at the time of the first glioma diagnosis and at tumor recurrence, and with VEGFR2 amplification at tumor recurrence. Three (4%) primary gliomas and 10 (14%) recurrent gliomas that were evaluable for coamplification of KIT, PDGFRA, and VEGFR2 showed amplification of at least two of these genes; the amplicon contained amplified KIT in all 13 cases. In conclusion, besides glioblastoma, amplified KIT, PDGFRA, and VEGFR may also occur in lower-grade gliomas and in their recurrent tumors. It is currently not known whether specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors are effective in the treatment of such gliomas.  相似文献   
Afa/Dr family of adhesins are produced by pathogenic Escherichia coli strains that are especially prevalent in chronic diarrhoeal and recurrent urinary tract infections. Most notably, they are found in up to 50% of cystitis cases in children and 30% of pyelonephritis in pregnant women. Afa/Dr adhesins are capped surface fibrils that mediate recognition of the host and subsequent bacterial internalization. Using the newly solved three-dimensional structure of the minimal invasive complex (AfaDE) combined with biochemical and cellular assays, we reveal the architecture of the fibrillar cap and identify a novel mode of synergistic integrin recognition.  相似文献   
The study was aimed to investigate whether impending surgery, considered as a stressful life event, might interfere with memory formation like other stress and anxiety conditions do. Results do not support the hypothesis. Implicit and explicit memory performance are both unaffected by presurgery condition and seem influenced, rather, by subjects gender, education and cultural habits. Females perform generally better than males and, regardless of age and sex, higher educated individuals score higher on the explicit memory task. The habits of reading books and doing crosswords are associated to best performance on explicit and implicit memory task respectively.  相似文献   
(1) We measured cooling rate for neonatal mink during a 10min coldroom (3.9 degrees C) exposure and subsequent warming rate during a 20min incubator (37.2 degrees C) exposure, the behaviour of the kits and the changes in their pelage between 1 and 46d of age, in an attempt to monitor the ontogeny of their thermoregulatory capacity. (2) Body weight of the 1d old kits averaged only 12.8+/-2.3g (n=4), but they gained weight rapidly reaching 226.1+/-28.3g (males, n=4) and 207.6+/-16.1g (females, n=4) at 30-31d of age, and 562.3+/-43.2g (males, n=3) and 435.7+/-35.5g (females, n=4) at 45-46d of age. (3) Body cooling rate (C(rate) ( degrees C/min); n=80) was affected by the age (between 1 and 31d), BW, initial rectal temperature (T(r0)), and sex of the kits, in addition to their body posture (P(cold), 1=extended, 2=curled-up) during coldroom exposure. C(rate) ( degrees C/min)=-0.34-0.02age-0.002BW+0.05T(r0)-0.06sex-0.20P(cold) (R(2)=0.75). (4) Body warming rate (W(rate) ( degrees C/min); n=80) was influenced by the age(2) and rectal temperature of the kit after the coldroom exposure (T(r10)). W(rate)( degrees C/min)=1.24+0.0002age(2)-0.04T(r10) (R(2)=0.76). (5) Kit fur fibre length increased from 5.45+/-0.63mm (males, n=2) and 6.20+/-0.20mm (females, n=3) at 22-23d of age to 9.43+/-1.44mm (males, n=4) and 8.70+/-1.89mm (females, n=4) at 30-31d of age, and to 12.93+/-0.47mm (males, n=3) and 11.38+/-0.41mm (females, n=4) at 45-46d of age, the growth averaging about 0.26mm per day. (6) Under normal circumstances newborn mink kits are hypothermic.Their thermoregulation develops only gradually and is dependent on increase in body mass, insulation and behavioural thermoregulation. Their strategy of survival is based on the ability to withstand hypothermia and on the nutrition and warmth provided by the dam.  相似文献   
Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) regulates growth and differentiation signaling of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), GRK2 and NF-kappaB pathways each of which regulates cytotrophoblast differentiation and normal placental development. We show here that RKIP is expressed in human normal and preeclampic placentas as detected by immunostaining. RKIP was detected in villous cytotrophoblast in normal placenta and switched to syncytiotrophoblast in pre-eclampsia (PE)-complicated pregnancies. RKIP was also localized in extravillous cytotrophoblast of cell islands and cell columns both in normal and in PE placentas, although staining was less uniform in the latter specimens. In order to test RKIP involvement in cytotrophoblast function, we performed in vitro studies on HTR-8/SVneo cells, a first trimester cytotrophoblast cell line. We show that the RKIP inhibitor locostatin reduces ERK phosphorylation and impairs HTR-8/SV neo cells motility in wound closure experiments. We also document the presence of GRK2 mRNA, the reduction of phosphorylated RKIP expression by locostatin and the induction of PAI mRNA expression in HTR-8/SV neo cells, suggesting the involvement of GRK2 and NF-kappaB pathways in these cells. In conclusion, our work provides evidence that RKIP is a novel factor expressed in cytotrophoblast cells where it likely regulates cell migration.  相似文献   
Social insect colonies contain attractive resources for many organisms. Cleptoparasites sneak into their nests and steal food resources. Social parasites sneak into their social organisations and exploit them for reproduction. Both cleptoparasites and social parasites overcome the ability of social insects to detect intruders, which is mainly based on chemoreception. Here we compared the chemical strategies of social parasites and cleptoparasites that target the same host and analyse the implication of the results for the understanding of nestmate recognition mechanisms. The social parasitic wasp Polistes atrimandibularis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), and the cleptoparasitic velvet ant Mutilla europaea (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), both target the colonies of the paper wasp Polistes biglumis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). There is no chemical mimicry with hosts in the cuticular chemical profiles of velvet ants and pre-invasion social parasites, but both have lower concentrations of recognition cues (chemical insignificance) and lower proportions of branched alkanes than their hosts. Additionally, they both have larger proportions of alkenes than their hosts. In contrast, post-invasion obligate social parasites have proportions of branched hydrocarbons as large as those of their hosts and their overall cuticular profiles resemble those of their hosts. These results suggest that the chemical strategies for evading host detection vary according to the lifestyles of the parasites. Cleptoparasites and pre-invasion social parasites that sneak into host colonies limit host overaggression by having few recognition cues, whereas post-invasion social parasites that sneak into their host social structure facilitate social integration by chemical mimicry with colony members.  相似文献   
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a disorder of the cerebral small blood vessels caused by a mutation in the NOTCH3 gene, which encodes a large transmembrane receptor NOTCH3. It is associated with systemic arteriopathy involving small arteries, besides the brain, in skin, spleen, liver, muscle, aorta and in the kidney. The key pathological finding is the accumulation of granular osmiophilic material (GOM) on degenerating vascular smooth muscle cells. In the kidney GOMs have been described only in a very limited number of CADASIL patients. We describe a genetically confirmed CADASIL patient with mild renal dysfunction and GOMs in the interlobular and juxtaglomerular arteries and, for the first time, also within the glomerulus, whose nephrology conditions remained stable, whereas the neurological manifestations markedly worsened over a six-year follow-up period. The reasons for this discrepancy are probably related to differences in the structure and function of brain and kidney blood vessels.  相似文献   
The net CO2 exchange of forests was investigated to study net atmospheric impact of forest bioenergy production (BP) and utilization in Finnish boreal conditions. Net CO2 exchange was simulated with a life cycle assessment tool over a 90‐year period and over the whole Finland based on National Forest Inventory data. The difference in the net exchanges between the traditional timber production (TP) and BP regime was considered the net atmospheric impact of forest bioenergy utilization. According to the results, forests became net sources of CO2 after about 20 years of simulation, and the net exchange was higher in the BP regime than in the TP regime until the middle of the simulation period. From 2040 onwards, the net exchange started to decrease in both regimes and became higher in the TP regime, excluding the last decade of the simulation. The shift of forests to becoming a CO2 source reflected the decrease in CO2 sequestration due to the increasing share of recently harvested and seedling stands that are acting as sources of CO2, and an increase of emissions from degradation of wood products. When expressed in terms of radiative forcing, the net atmospheric impact was on average 19% less for bioenergy compared with that for coal energy over the whole simulation period. The results show the importance of time dependence when considering dynamic forest ecosystems in BP and climate change mitigation. Furthermore, the results emphasize the dualistic role and possibilities of forest management in controlling the build and release of carbon into and from the stocks and in controlling the rate of the build speed, i.e. growth. This information is needed in identifying the capability and possibilities of ecosystems to produce biomass for energy, alongside other products and ecosystem services (e.g. pulp wood and timber), and simultaneously to mitigate climate change.  相似文献   
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