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Review of Florida Red Tide and Human Health Effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the literature describing research performed over the past decade on the known and possible exposures and human health effects associated with Florida red tides. These harmful algal blooms are caused by the dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, and similar organisms, all of which produce a suite of natural toxins known as brevetoxins. Florida red tide research has benefited from a consistently funded, long term research program, that has allowed an interdisciplinary team of researchers to focus their attention on this specific environmental issue-one that is critically important to Gulf of Mexico and other coastal communities. This long-term interdisciplinary approach has allowed the team to engage the local community, identify measures to protect public health, take emerging technologies into the field, forge advances in natural products chemistry, and develop a valuable pharmaceutical product. The Review includes a brief discussion of the Florida red tide organisms and their toxins, and then focuses on the effects of these toxins on animals and humans, including how these effects predict what we might expect to see in exposed people.  相似文献   
Global patterns of leaf mechanical properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf mechanical properties strongly influence leaf lifespan, plant-herbivore interactions, litter decomposition and nutrient cycling, but global patterns in their interspecific variation and underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We synthesize data across the three major measurement methods, permitting the first global analyses of leaf mechanics and associated traits, for 2819 species from 90 sites worldwide. Key measures of leaf mechanical resistance varied c. 500-800-fold among species. Contrary to a long-standing hypothesis, tropical leaves were not mechanically more resistant than temperate leaves. Leaf mechanical resistance was modestly related to rainfall and local light environment. By partitioning leaf mechanical resistance into three different components we discovered that toughness per density contributed a surprisingly large fraction to variation in mechanical resistance, larger than the fractions contributed by lamina thickness and tissue density. Higher toughness per density was associated with long leaf lifespan especially in forest understory. Seldom appreciated in the past, toughness per density is a key factor in leaf mechanical resistance, which itself influences plant-animal interactions and ecosystem functions across the globe.  相似文献   


Ciguatera is a type of fish poisoning that occurs throughout the tropics, particularly in vulnerable island communities such as the developing Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). After consuming ciguatoxin-contaminated fish, people report a range of acute neurologic, gastrointestinal, and cardiac symptoms, with some experiencing chronic neurologic symptoms lasting weeks to months. Unfortunately, the true extent of illness and its impact on human communities and ecosystem health are still poorly understood.


A questionnaire was emailed to the Health and Fisheries Authorities of the PICTs to quantify the extent of ciguatera. The data were analyzed using t-test, incidence rate ratios, ranked correlation, and regression analysis.


There were 39,677 reported cases from 17 PICTs, with a mean annual incidence of 194 cases per 100,000 people across the region from 1998–2008 compared to the reported annual incidence of 104/100,000 from 1973–1983. There has been a 60% increase in the annual incidence of ciguatera between the two time periods based on PICTs that reported for both time periods. Taking into account under-reporting, in the last 35 years an estimated 500,000 Pacific islanders might have suffered from ciguatera.


This level of incidence exceeds prior ciguatera estimates locally and globally, and raises the status of ciguatera to an acute and chronic illness with major public health significance. To address this significant public health problem, which is expected to increase in parallel with environmental change, well-funded multidisciplinary research teams are needed to translate research advances into practical management solutions.  相似文献   


Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) significantly reduces HIV transmission. We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of the impact of expanded ART in South Africa.


We model a best case scenario of 90% annual HIV testing coverage in adults 15–49 years old and four ART eligibility scenarios: CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 (current practice), CD4 count <350, CD4 count <500, all CD4 levels. 2011–2050 outcomes include deaths, disability adjusted life years (DALYs), HIV infections, cost, and cost per DALY averted. Service and ART costs reflect South African data and international generic prices. ART reduces transmission by 92%. We conducted sensitivity analyses.


Expanding ART to CD4 count <350 cells/mm3 prevents an estimated 265,000 (17%) and 1.3 million (15%) new HIV infections over 5 and 40 years, respectively. Cumulative deaths decline 15%, from 12.5 to 10.6 million; DALYs by 14% from 109 to 93 million over 40 years. Costs drop $504 million over 5 years and $3.9 billion over 40 years with breakeven by 2013. Compared with the current scenario, expanding to <500 prevents an additional 585,000 and 3 million new HIV infections over 5 and 40 years, respectively. Expanding to all CD4 levels decreases HIV infections by 3.3 million (45%) and costs by $10 billion over 40 years, with breakeven by 2023. By 2050, using higher ART and monitoring costs, all CD4 levels saves $0.6 billion versus current; other ART scenarios cost $9–194 per DALY averted. If ART reduces transmission by 99%, savings from all CD4 levels reach $17.5 billion. Sensitivity analyses suggest that poor retention and predominant acute phase transmission reduce DALYs averted by 26% and savings by 7%.


Increasing the provision of ART to <350 cells/mm3 may significantly reduce costs while reducing the HIV burden. Feasibility including HIV testing and ART uptake, retention, and adherence should be evaluated.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to compare gas exchange, cardiac and cerebral hemodynamic responses between 10 non-obese and 10 obese men during submaximal work. With the increasing prevalence of obesity, there is a need to understand the impact of obesity on work-induced responses. Participants completed a step-wise incremental cycling until they reached 60% of their age-predicted maximum heart rate. Gas exchange, cardiac and pre-frontal cortex hemodynamic responses were simultaneously measured during rest, work, and recovery. The non-obese group reached ~43% of their predicted maximal aerobic capacity as compared to ~34% in the obese group, with the non-obese working at a relatively higher workload and for more duration than the obese. The obese had elevated baseline heart rate and reduced whole-body oxygen uptake per body weight at baseline and task termination. Other cardiac and cerebral responses, although increased from baseline, were similar between groups during submaximal effort. In the obese, during recovery oxygen uptake and heart-rate recovery were slowest; cardiac output and rate pressure product were greatest, and left ventricle ejection time was shortest. However, both groups exhibited similar cerebral hemodynamics during recovery. These finding imply that, irrespective of their low aerobic fitness, obesity does not impair myocardial performance and cerebrovascular function during graded submaximal work, however, recovery from a short duration of work was influenced by their fitness level. Since a majority of activities of daily living are performed at individual’s submaximal level, understanding influence of obesity on submaximal work is critical.  相似文献   
The structure of an AKAP docked to the dimerization/docking (D/D) domain of the type II (RIIalpha) isoform of protein kinase A (PKA) has been well characterized, but there currently is no detailed structural information of an AKAP docked to the type I (RIalpha) isoform. Dual-specific AKAP2 (D-AKAP2) binds in the nanomolar range to both isoforms and provided us with an opportunity to characterize the isoform-selective nature of AKAP binding using a common docked ligand. Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange combined with mass spectrometry (DXMS) was used to probe backbone structural changes of an alpha-helical A-kinase binding (AKB) motif from D-AKAP2 docked to both RIalpha and RIIalpha D/D domains. The region of protection upon complex formation and the magnitude of protection from H/D exchange were determined for both interacting partners in each complex. The backbone of the AKB ligand was more protected when bound to RIalpha compared to RIIalpha, suggesting an increased helical stabilization of the docked AKB ligand. This combined with a broader region of backbone protection induced by the AKAP on the docking surface of RIalpha indicated that there were more binding constraints for the AKB ligand when bound to RIalpha. This was in contrast to RIIalpha, which has a preformed, localized binding surface. These distinct modes of AKAP binding may contribute to the more discriminating nature of the RIalpha AKAP-docking surface. DXMS provides valuable structural information for understanding binding specificity in the absence of a high-resolution structure, and can readily be applied to other protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   
In 1997, Dolly, the first animal cloned from an adult cell, was born. It was announced in 1999 that Dolly might be aging faster than normal because her telomeres were shorter than age-matched control sheep. Telomeres, a repeated DNA sequence located at the ends of linear chromosomes, allow for base pair loss during DNA replication. Telomere shortening acts as a "mitotic clock," leading to replicative senescence. By using whole cell lysate and slot-blot analysis, we determined the telomere-to-centromere ratio (T/C) for bovine gametes, embryos, fetal tissues (brain, heart, lung, kidney, uterus, ovary, and skin), adult donor cells, and cloned embryos. Our data indicates a consistency in T/C among the various fetal tissues. The T/C of sperm is significantly lower than in oocytes. The T/C decreases from the oocyte to the 2-8-cell stage embryo, increases dramatically at the morula stage, and decreases at the blastocyst stage. Our data shows no significant difference in T/C between cloned embryos and in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos, but there is a significant difference between cloned embryos and adult donor cells. In conclusion, the enucleated bovine oocyte has the ability to reestablish the telomere length of adult somatic cell donor nuclei.  相似文献   
Suppression of telomerase activity in tumor cells has been considered as a new anticancer strategy. Here, we present chimeric oligonucleotides (chimeric ODNs) as a new type of telomerase inhibitor that contains differently modified oligomers to address two different sites of telomerase: the RNA template and a suggested protein motif. We have shown previously that phosphorothioate-modified oligonucleotides (PS ODNs) interact in a length-dependent rather than in a sequence-dependent manner, presumably with the protein part of the primer-binding site of telomerase, causing strong inhibition of telomerase. In the present study, we demonstrate that extensions of these PS ODNs at their 3'-ends with an antisense oligomer partial sequence covering 11 bases of the RNA template cause significantly increased inhibitory activity, with IC(50) values between 0.60 and 0.95 nM in a Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol (TRAP) assay based on U-87 cell lysates. The enhanced inhibitory activity is observed regardless of whether the antisense part is modified (phosphodiester, PO; 2'-O-methylribosyl, 2'-OMe/PO; phosphoramidate, PAM). However, inside intact U-87 cells, these modifications of the antisense part proved to be essential for efficient telomerase inhibition 20 hours after transfection. In particular, the chimeric ODNs containing PAM or 2'-OMe/PO modifications, when complexed with lipofectin, were most efficient telomerase inhibitors (ID(50) = 0.04 and 0.06 microM, respectively). In conclusion, ODNs of this new type emerged as powerful inhibitors of human telomerase and are, therefore, promising candidates for further investigations of the anticancer strategy of telomerase inhibition.  相似文献   
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