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The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is the most effective oil producer in tons per hectare. Nevertheless, its increasing cultivation in Latin America is harmed by the "lethal yellowing". Genetic resistance to this anomaly can be found in the germplasm of American oil palm or caiaué (E. oleifera), a native species from the Amazon rainforest. However, the procedures adopted to induce seeds of E. guineensis to germination frequently result mild for interespecific hybrids. Embryo in vitro cultivation can be a viable option. This work was aimed initially to test liquid MS medium supplemented with different glucose or sucrose concentrations for the in vitro cultivation of zygotic embryos from E. guineensis x E. oleifera controlled pollinations. Additionally we investigated different compost mixtures to acclimatize the regenerated hybrid plantlets. Concentrations of 10, 20 and 30g/L of both sugars were tested on flasks containing five mature zygotic embryos, with 15 repetitions per treatment in a total of 450 explants. The number of embryos displaying shoots and radicles at least 2mm in length per experimental unit was evaluated during phase one of in vitro cultivation. Plantlets displaying shoots and radicles were transferred to phase two of in vitro cultivation and subsequently to acclimatization, under 70% shading with manual water supply. The experiments of acclimatization were conducted with 130 plantlets randomly distributed in pure horticultural compost, 3:1 or 1:1 compost:sand mixtures and each plantlet was defined as an experimental unit. Data were submitted to ANOVA, t test and analyzes of correlation (p < or = 0.05). Highest emergence rates were 97% for shoots and 73% for radicles, observed in MS medium supplemented with 20g/L (110mM) of glucose. This sugar in concentrations of 20 or 30g/L provided balanced shoot/root development, and this was considered one of the reasons for the higher frequency of plantlet establishment. The survival percentage was 55% after the first 43 days of acclimatization and by the fourth month, 66 plants developed simultaneously longer shoot and root systems in pure horticultural compost. In conclusion, radicle development was an impairment to plantlet establishment and was overcame under media with glucose above 110mM. Acclimatization could benefit from an extended period of in vitro development.  相似文献   
We have characterized the Drosophila mitotic checkpoint control protein Bub1 and obtained mutations in the bub1 gene. Drosophila Bub1 localizes strongly to the centromere/kinetochore of mitotic and meiotic chromosomes that have not yet reached the metaphase plate. Animals homozygous for P-element-induced, near-null mutations of bub1 die during late larval/pupal stages due to severe mitotic abnormalities indicative of a bypass of checkpoint function. These abnormalities include accelerated exit from metaphase and chromosome missegregation and fragmentation. Chromosome fragmentation possibly leads to the significantly elevated levels of apoptosis seen in mutants.We have also investigated the relationship between Bub1 and other kinetochore components. We show that Bub1 kinase activity is not required for phosphorylation of 3F3/2 epitopes at prophase/prometaphase, but is needed for 3F3/2 dephosphorylation at metaphase. Neither 3F3/2 dephosphorylation nor loss of Bub1 from the kinetochore is a prerequisite for anaphase entry. Bub1's localization to the kinetochore does not depend on the products of the genes zw10, rod, polo, or fizzy, indicating that the kinetochore is constructed from several independent subassemblies.  相似文献   
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in myrtle (Myrtaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Somatic embryos of myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) were induced from mature zygotic embryos cultured in MS medium supplemented with several concentrations of 2,4-D (2.26 μM – 18.98 μM) or Picloram (2.07 μM – 16.5 μM) combined with 0.087 M or 0.23 M sucrose. For all the concentrations of 2,4-D or Picloram tested, 0.087 M sucrose proved to be more effective than 0.23 M. The best frequencies of induction were obtained in a medium containing 2.26 μM 2,4-D in which 97.3% of the explants produced somatic embryos. Although most embryos were produced from the adaxial side of the cotyledons, some of them differentiated from the hypocotyl. Secondary somatic embryos were often seen arising from the periphery of the former somatic embryos. Somatic embryo development was not synchronous but practically all the embryos germinated well after being transferred to media containing GA3 (0.29, 0.58 and 1.44 μM) alone. When benzyladenine was combined with gibberellic acid, germinating somatic embryos produced adventitious shoot buds which contributed to an increase in plantlet regeneration. Histological observations suggested that somatic embryos arise from the upper surface of the cotyledons probably from peripheral cells. Polyphenol-rich cells were usually seen in association with meristematic-like cells from which somatic embryos originate or with earlier steps of somatic embryo differentiation. Regenerated plants were phenotypically normal, showing a diploid (2n = 22) set of chromosomes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Abstract: The pollination and reproductive biology of Rauvolfia grandiflora were studied in natural populations in the forest of the Recife Botanical Garden. R. grandiflora is a shrubby species (2 to 5 m), the flowers are hermaphrodite and salverform. The corolla tube is white and the five free lobes of the corolla are flushed with violet. The five stamens are attached to the corolla tube; the anthers are introrse and form a cone situated immediately above the stigmatic head. There is a space between the anthers and the stigmatic head, where the pollen is deposited. The stigmatic head has three functional regions: a) an upper sterile region; b) a median region that produces a sticky substance and c) a lower receptive region, which is located beneath a basal collar. The secondary pollen presentation and the herkogamy mechanisms are discussed. Sugar concentration in nectar was, on average, 31.7%. The pollen viability was 97.4%. R. grandiflora is melittophilous and in the study area was found to be pollinated by only one species of long-tongued bee, Exaerete smaragdina. R. grandiflora was found to be self-incompatible, and the percentage of fruit set under natural conditions was low.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To establish a diploid reference value for DNA ploidy analysis of mouse cells (Mus musculus) by image cytometry using the CAS 200, an analysis system suitable for DNA content studies in human cells. STUDY DESIGN: To establish this standard, we used spleen imprints from 26 normal animals. A minimum of 150 lymphocytes present in each imprint was counted. The mean DNA content (pg/cell) of the G0/G1 peak and the DNA index observed in all samples were statistically analyzed. Cytospins with peritoneal cells from the same animals were then analyzed with this reference DNA value to confirm the diploid range. RESULTS: The DNA diploid reference value was determined by the mean DNA content of all spleen samples, which was 6.42 +/- 0.234 pg/cell, and the diploid range, defined as the diploid value +/- 10%, was 5.78-7.06 pg/cell. All the peritoneal samples showed a DNA diploid histogram, with a mean value for the G0/G1 peak DNA content of 6.742 +/- 0.15. CONCLUSION: The diploid reference value found in this study differs from those reported for other species, including the human being, and should be used in further studies of mouse pathology.  相似文献   
Pterygodermatites (Paucipectines) j?gerski?ldi Lent and Freitas, 1935, a parasitic nematode of the small intestine of the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis (Mammalia: Didelphidae) from the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul state, and G. microtarsus from Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, were analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Details of the surface topography such as the oral aperture, cephalic papillae, 2 papillae in posterior end, and longitudinal cuticular elements represented by combs and spines are presented along with measurements, adding new taxonomic characters to the previous diagnostic feature of P. (P.) j?gerski?ldi based on light microscopy. In addition, two new hosts records and two new geographical distributions for this nematode are reported.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of (2S)-2-methyl-2-(4'-methyl-3'-pentenyl)-8-(3'-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-carboxylic acid (gaudichaudianic acid), the major metabolite in leaves and roots of Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth (Piperaceae), has been investigated employing [1-(13)C]-D-glucose as precursor. The labelling pattern in the isolated gaudichaudianic acid was determined by quantitative (13)C NMR spectroscopy analysis and was consistent with involvement of both mevalonic acid and 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate pathways in the formation of the dimethylallyl- and geranyl-derived moieties. The results confirmed that both plastidic and cytoplasmic pathways are able to provide isopentenyl diphosphate units for prenylation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid.  相似文献   
Besides being a (Na+,K+)-ATPase inhibitor, high doses of the hormone ouabain have also been reported to modulate both the expression and activity of proteins belonging to the ATP binding cassette family of transporters, such as ABCC7 (CFTR), ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein), and ABCC1 (MRP1). Although these proteins are present in the kidney, only ABCB1 has a putative physiological role in this organ, secreting endobiotics and xenobiotics. In the present work, we studied the relationship between ouabain and ABCC1 expression and function, aiming to establish a physiological role for ouabain. It was observed that prolonged (24 h) but not short (30 min) incubation with 1 nmol/L or higher ouabain concentrations decreased the expression of ABCC1 protein and induced its mRNA expression. This decrease was rapidly reversible, reaching control levels after incubation of cells in ouabain-free medium for 3 h, denoting a hormonal action. Moreover, concentrations equal or higher than 100 nmol/L ouabain also induced impairment of ABCC1 activity, increasing the accumulation of carboxyfluorescein diacetate, an ABCC1 fluorescent substrate. Because ouabain is now accepted as an endogenous hormone, our results suggest that ABCC1 is regulated by hormones related to body volume control, which may have implications for the treatment of hypertensive cancer patients. Moreover, providing ABCC1 is expressed in several other tissues, such as brain, testis, and the immune system, and is related to the transport of glutathione, it is possible that ouabain release may control a number of functions within these organs and tissues by modulating both the expression and the activity of ABCC1.  相似文献   
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