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Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels were examined in Morris hepatoma explants in vivo. All eight tumor lines examined had significantly elevated cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels when compared to normal liver from tumor-bearing rats. No apparent correlation was observed between the rates of tumor growth and cyclic nucleotide levels; however, two tumor lines (3924A and 7288ctc) had very high levels of cyclic GMP.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain MN (HIV-1MN) principal neutralizing determinant (PND, V3 loop) was introduced into infectious molecular clones HIV-2KR and simian immunodeficiency virus mm239 (SIVmm239) by hybridization PCR, replacing the corresponding HIV-2 or SIV envelope cysteine loops with the HIV-1 coding sequence. The HIV-2 chimera (HIV-2KR-MNV3) was found to be capable of infecting a number of T-cell lymphoblastic cell lines as well as primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In contrast, the SIV chimera (SIV239MNV3) was not replication competent. Envelope produced by HIV-2KR-MNV3 but not the parental HIV-2KR was recognized by V3-specific and HIV-1-specific polyclonal antisera in radioimmunoprecipitation assays. HIV-2-specific antisera recognized both the chimeric and parental virus but not HIV-1MN. The chimeric HIV-2KR-MNV3 virus proved to be exquisitely susceptible to neutralization by HIV-1-specific and V3-specific antisera, suggesting the potential for use in animal models designed to test HIV-1 vaccine candidates which target the PND.  相似文献   
The roles of redox processes in pea nodule development and senescence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nodule senescence is triggered by developmental and environmental cues. It is orchestrated through complex but poorly characterized genetic controls that involve changes in the endogenous levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants. To elucidate the importance of such redox control mechanisms in pea root nodule senescence, redox metabolites were analysed throughout nodule development in a commercial pea variety ( Pisum sativum cv. Phoenix) inoculated with a commercial rhizobial strain ( Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae ). Although a strong positive correlation between nitrogenase activity and nodule ascorbate and glutathione contents was observed, the progressive loss of these metabolites during nodule senescence was not accompanied by an increase in nodule superoxide or hydrogen peroxide. These oxidants were only detected in nodule meristem and cortex tissues, and the abundance of superoxide or hydrogen peroxide strongly declined with age. No evidence could be found of programmed cell death in nodule senescence and the protein carbonyl groups were more or less constant throughout nodule development. Pea nodules appear to have little capacity to synthesize ascorbate de novo . l -galactono-1, 4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH), which catalyses the last step of ascorbate synthesis could not be detected in nodules. Moreover, when infiltrated with the substrates l -galactono-1, 4-lactone or l -gulonolactone, ascorbate did not accumulate. These data suggest that ROS, ascorbate and glutathione, which fulfil well recognized, signalling functions in plants, decline in a regulated manner during nodule development. This does not necessarily cause oxidative stress but rather indicates a development-related shift in redox-linked metabolite cross-talk that underpins the development and aging processes.  相似文献   
The 40 kD monocyte Fc receptor for IgG is capable of binding murine IgG1 and of supporting an IgG1 anti-T3 T lymphocyte proliferative response among approximately 80% of Caucasian individuals (responders), whereas the 40 kD Fc receptor on monocytes of the remaining individuals (nonresponders) is incapable of interacting with murine IgG1. By using a monoclonal antibody (mab IV3) that reacts with the 40 kD receptor, we found that the monocyte 40 kD receptors from responder and nonresponder individuals cannot be distinguished by either electrophoretic mobility on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, or by the number of receptors per cell as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. However, isoelectric focussing of the purified radioiodinated 40 kD receptor revealed that the monocyte receptor from all of four nonresponder individuals evaluated has a single distinctive pattern of multiple, regularly spaced bands, whereas the pattern of the 40 kD monocyte receptor from 11 responder individuals is of two sorts. One (seen in four of 11 responders) consists of multiple, regularly spaced bands that are asynchronous with the nonresponder pattern, and the other (seen in seven of 11 responders) consists of multiple bands that correspond in mobility to all of the bands of both of the other two patterns. The incidence of these three patterns suggests that the 40 kD Fc receptor is encoded by a single structural gene with two alleles, both of which are expressed.  相似文献   
The genes for FokI, a type-IIS restriction-modification system from Flavobacterium okeanokoites (asymmetric recognition sequence: 5'-GGATG/3'-CCTAC), were cloned into Escherichia coli. Recombinants carrying the fokIR and fokIM genes were found to modify their DNA completely, and to restrict lambdoid phages weakly. The nt sequences of the genes were determined, and the probable start codons were confirmed by aa sequencing. The FokI endonuclease (R · FokI) and methyltransferase (M · FokI are encoded by single, adjacent genes, aligned in the same orientation, in the order M then R. The genes are large by the standards of type-II systems, 1.9 kb for the M gene, and 1.7 kb for the R gene. Preceding each gene is a pair of FokI recognition sites; it is conceivable that interactions between the sites and the FokI proteins could regulate expression of the genes. The aa sequences of the N- and C-terminal halves of M · FokI are similar to one another, and to certain other DNA-adenine methyltransferases, suggesting that the enzyme has a ‘tandem’ structure, such as could have arisen by the fusion of a pair of adjacent, ancestral M genes. Truncated derivatives of M · FokI were constructed by deleting the 5'- or 3' -ends of the fokIM gene. Deleting most of the C-terminus of M · FokI produced derivatives that methylated only the top (GGATG) strand of the recognition sequence. Conversely, deleting most of the N-terminus produced derivatives that methylated only the bottom (CATCC) strand of the recognition sequence. These results indicate that the domains in M · FokI for methylating the two strands of the recognition sequence are largely separate.  相似文献   
The effects of daminozide (butanedioic acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide) on ethylene synthesis by apple fruits were investigated. The objective was to determine the effects of postharvest applications as compared to the standard application of diaminozide in the orchard. Immersion in a solution containing 4.25 g L?1 active ingredient for 5 min delayed the rise in ethylene production in individual “Cox” apples at 15°C by about 2 days, whereas orchard application of 0.85 g L?1 caused delays of about 3 days. Both modes of application depressed the maximal rate of ethylene production attained by ripe apples by about 30%. Daminozide did not affect the stimulation of respiration by ethylene treatment of “Gloster” apples, but it delayed the increase in ethylene synthesis. Daminozide applied immediately after harvest delayed the rise in ethylene synthesis in “Golden Delicious” held at 15°C, but it was less effective when applied 48 h after harvest or when apples were held at 5°C. Exposure to 1–2 μl L?1 ethylene for 48 h was less effective in promoting the rise in ethylene in daminozidetreated “Cox” and “Gloster” apples than in untreated fruit. High (100–1000 μl L?1) concentrations of ethylene more or less overcame the daminozide effect. Apples absorbed about 40% of surface-applied [14C]daminozide in 48 h, but more than 90% of the radioactivity in the fruit was recovered from the peel and outer 1 cm of the cortex. Daminozide was partly converted to carbon dioxide and other metabolites.  相似文献   
Although B cell depletion therapy (BCDT) is effective in a subset of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, both mechanisms and biomarkers of response are poorly defined. Here we characterized abnormalities in B cell populations in RA and the impact of BCDT in order to elucidate B cell roles in the disease and response biomarkers. In active RA patients both CD27+IgD- switched memory (SM) and CD27-IgD- double negative memory (DN) peripheral blood B cells contained significantly higher fractions of CD95+ and CD21- activated cells compared to healthy controls. After BCD the predominant B cell populations were memory, and residual memory B cells displayed a high fraction of CD21- and CD95+ compared to pre-depletion indicating some resistance of these activated populations to anti-CD20. The residual memory populations also expressed more Ki-67 compared to pre-treatment, suggesting homeostatic proliferation in the B cell depleted state. Biomarkers of clinical response included lower CD95+ activated memory B cells at depletion time points and a higher ratio of transitional B cells to memory at reconstitution. B cell function in terms of cytokine secretion was dependent on B cell subset and changed with BCD. Thus, SM B cells produced pro-inflammatory (TNF) over regulatory (IL10) cytokines as compared to naïve/transitional. Notably, B cell TNF production decreased after BCDT and reconstitution compared to untreated RA. Our results support the hypothesis that the clinical and immunological outcome of BCDT depends on the relative balance of protective and pathogenic B cell subsets established after B cell depletion and repopulation.  相似文献   
Feeding success depends on host availability, host defensive reactions and host preferences. Host choice is a critical determinant of the intensity at which pathogens are transmitted. The aim of the current study was to describe host preferences of Palaearctic Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Latreille using traps baited with the five different host species of poultry, horse, cattle, sheep and goat. Collections were carried out nightly in July and August 2009 in western France with three replicates of a 5 × 5 randomized Latin square (five sites, five hosts). Moreover, an ultraviolet (UV) light/suction trap was operated during host‐baited collections to correlate Culicoides biting rates and UV light/suction trap catches. A total of 660 Culicoides belonging to 12 species, but comprised mainly of Culicoides scoticus Downes and Kettle, Culicoides dewulfi Goetghebuer and Culicoides obsoletus Meigen, were collected on animal baits. Abundance was highest for the horse, which accounted for 95% of all Culicoides caught, representing 10 species. The horse, the largest bait, was the most attractive host, even when abundance data were corrected by weight, body surface or Kleiber's scaling factor. Culicoides obsoletus was the only dominant species attracted by birds. Both C. scoticus and C. dewulfi were collected mainly from the upper body of the horse. Finally, the quantification of host preferences allows for discussion of implications for the transmission of Culicoides‐borne pathogens such as bluetongue virus.  相似文献   
  • 1 The literature on bark‐stripping by red deer Cervus elaphus in Europe is reviewed to reveal quantitative variation in this behaviour and relate it to deer density and local characteristics such as dominant tree species, occurrence of artificial feeding, altitude, region and size of the study site. We also review the importance of bark in red deer diets over the seasons and discuss the causes of bark‐stripping, focusing on the significance of bark as food.
  • 2 Over the 36 sites examined, the rate of bark‐stripping was highly variable (from 0 to 84% of susceptible trees debarked), with less damage in Scotland than in other European sites for which bark‐stripping rates were higher at high red deer density. Altitude, the size of the study site, the number of dominant tree species and the occurrence of artificial feeding do not significantly relate to the rate of bark‐stripping.
  • 3 Bark sometimes made up a large proportion of red deer diet (> 10%), especially in areas with severe winters (high levels of snow), whereas in study sites with mild winters, bark was practically not eaten at all.
  • 4 These results suggest that severe bark‐stripping could be related to a reduction in food resource availability. This food availability hypothesis needs to be better documented, dealing particularly with the possible interaction between food availability and red deer density.
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