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The changes in concentrations of a number of trace elements have been determined by neutron activation analysis in tumor, liver, and blood serum of host animals, following local irradiation of a solid tumor (3924A Morris hepatoma). These trace element changes are compared to the changes observed in a parallel study of the effects of the chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil on the same tumor. Since the changes in some of the trace elements parallel the changes in pathological and biochemical factors resulting from the insult of radiation on the tumor, these trace elements may be valuable markers in the clinical evaluation of therapeutic response and as monitors of the long term effects of cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Syncytium induction is a characteristic feature of infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in vitro. The hydrophobic amino terminus of the transmembrane glycoprotein of HIV type 1 is an essential determinant of virus entry into the target cell population and the formation of syncytia in cell culture. To define the role of the HIV type 2 fusion peptide during infection and syncytium formation, we introduced 8 amino acid substitutions into the hydrophobic amino terminus of gp41, changing either the hydrophobicity, the charge, or the polarity of the amino acid. Viruses containing the envelope mutations were analyzed for their syncytium-inducing capacities, levels of infectivity, and envelope processing and expression. Mutations that increased the hydrophobic nature of the fusion peptide increased syncytium formation, whereas mutations which increased the charge and the polarity and/or decreased the hydrophobicity of the fusion domain severely reduced the capacity of the virus to induce syncytia. However, viruses severely compromised for syncytium formation exhibit only slightly lower levels of infectivity.  相似文献   
The role of the low avidity 40,000 dalton receptor for IgG (Fc gamma R) present on K562 and U937 cells in sensitivity to natural killing (NK) was studied by using a murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) specific for the 40,000 dalton Fc gamma R (alpha Fc gamma R mAb). Pretreatment of K562 target cells with intact alpha Fc gamma R mAb or its Fab fragment or anti-transferrin receptor (alpha TFR) mAb partially blocked in a dose-dependent manner, NK activity to K562 cells. However, combined pretreatment with alpha Fc gamma R and alpha TFR mAb completely blocked NK activity against K562 targets. As compared with K562 cells, lower levels of NK were elicited against Molt-4, U937, HL-60, and Daudi targets. Although NK activity to Molt-4 targets was not affected by alpha Fc gamma R mAb, it was fully prevented by pretreatment with alpha TFR mAb. In contrast, NK to U937 cells was not influenced by alpha TFR mAb, but it was strongly inhibited by alpha Fc gamma R mAb. The resistance of 3H-TdR-prelabeled adherent HEp-2 cells to natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity was not affected by either mAb. Lectin-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (LDCC) against HEp-2 cells due to the presence of concanavalin A, and was completely abrogated by pretreatment of the targets with alpha TFR mAb, but was unaffected by alpha Fc gamma R mAb. By use of the flow cytometer, a significant correlation was detected between the relative expression of 40,000 dalton Fc gamma R and the susceptibility to NK, whereas the expression of TFR was discordant from NK sensitivity. As determined in the single cell cytotoxicity assay alpha Fc gamma R mAb reduced the frequency of target binding effector cells without affecting the number of dead bound targets. This pattern of inhibition was found against both K562 and U937 targets. Alternatively, alpha TFR mAb inhibited both binding and killing of K562 and Molt-4 targets. Because pretreatment of HEp-2 cells with alpha TFR mAb did not influence conjugate formation, the blocking of LDCC to HEp-2 cells by alpha TFR mAb can be related to post-binding events. These data show that although both the 40,000 dalton Fc gamma R and the TFR can be target structures for NK cell recognition, the TFR may also play an important role in the post-binding events.  相似文献   
Human monocytes and U937 cells bear two distinct Fc receptors for IgG   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Several convergent lines of evidence have led us to propose that human monocytes and the related cell line U937 possess a second class of IgG Fc receptor (FcR) in addition to the 72-Kd high affinity FcR previously described. IgG affinity purification from detergent lysates of surface radiolabeled U937 cells has yielded both a 40-Kd IgG-binding membrane protein (p40) and the 72-Kd FcR protein. By the same procedure, only the p40 was isolated from the erythroblast cell line K562 and from the B cell lines, Daudi and Raji. Serologic cross-reactivity between the 40-Kd FcR on U937 and Daudi cells was demonstrated using a goat anti-FcR antiserum. A murine (m) monoclonal antibody, raised against the FcR of K562 cells, precipitated the 40-Kd FcR from lysates of U937 and K562 cells but not from Daudi or Raji cells. This antibody, referred to as anti-p40 (IV.3), selectively inhibited the binding of murine IgG1-coated erythrocytes to U937 cells, whereas monomeric human IgG selectively inhibited binding of human anti-Rh(D)-coated erythrocytes to U937 cells. Both Daudi and U937 cells mediated mIgG1 anti-T3 (Leu-4)-induced stimulation of T lymphocytes. In contrast, mIgG2a anti-T3 (OKT3)-induced stimulation was supported effectively by U937 cells but only modestly by Daudi cells. Intact IgG or Fab fragments of anti-p40 (IV.3) blocked mIgG1 anti-T3 (Leu-4) stimulation but not mIgG2a anti-T3 (OKT3) stimulation of T cells; monomeric human IgG blocked only OKT3-induced stimulation. The simplest interpretation of these results is that human monocytes and U937 cells bear two classes of IgG FcR, one of 72 Kd and the other, as described above, of 40 Kd. We propose that the 72-Kd FcR mediates rosette formation with red cells coated by human anti-Rh IgG as well as T cell stimulation by mIgG2a anti-T3 (OKT3) and that the 40-Kd FcR mediates rosette formation with erythrocytes bearing mIgG1 as well as T cell stimulation by mIgG1 anti-T3 (Leu-4). Furthermore, we suggest that these two FcR are the human homologues of the murine macrophage FcRI (binding mIgG2a) and FcRII (binding mIgG2b/1).  相似文献   
A total of 36 mink dams and their litters of 3, 6 or 9 kits were used for determination of milk intake of the suckling young by means of deuterium dilution technique, and chemical composition of milk and of kit bodies. Measurements were performed during lactation weeks 1?–?4, each week with 3 dams with each litter size. Milk intake was determined over a 48?h measurement period, and by the end of this milk samples were collected and 2 kits (litters of 6 and 9) or 1 kit per litter (litters of 3) were killed for body chemical composition. Based on the results, different models were applied for calculation of the energetic efficiency of milk. Dam milk yield increased steadily from week 1 until week 3 but only slightly from week 3 to 4. The increase declined with increasing litter size, and for dams suckling 9 kits the increment from week 3 to week 4 was only 2?g. The dry matter content of milk increased significantly as lactation progressed, being reflected in crude protein increasing from 6.9% in lactation week 1 to 8.1% in week 4. Milk fat increased concomitantly from 5.6% to 8.0%. In kit bodies, crude protein content increased from 9.4% in week 1 to about 12% in weeks 3 and 4. Body fat content increased from week 1 (4.1%) to week 3 (8.4%) and then declined in week 4 (7.1%). Animals suckled in litters of 3 kits had the highest milk intake and live weight and kits suckled in litters of 9 had the lowest milk intake, live weight and daily gain. In terms of milk intake per g gain kits in litters of 6 were the most efficient, with 4.1?g milk per g body gain. The metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance (MEm) was estimated to 448 kJ/kg0.75 and the efficiency of utilization of ME for body gain (kg) to 0.67, the estimates being higher (MEm) or in good agreement with previous findings (kg) in suckling mink kits.  相似文献   


Semaphorin 3A is a secreted protein that regulates cell motility and attachment in axon guidance, vascular growth, immune cell regulation and tumor progression. However, nothing is known about its role in kidney pathophysiology. Here, we determined whether semaphorin3A is induced after acute kidney injury (AKI) and whether urinary semaphorin 3A can predict AKI in humans undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).

Methods and Principal Findings

In animals, semaphorin 3A is localized in distal tubules of the kidney and excretion increased within 3 hr after reperfusion of the kidney whereas serum creatinine was significantly raised at 24 hr. In humans, using serum creatinine, AKI was detected on average only 48 hours after CPB. In contrast, urine semaphorin increased at 2 hours after CPB, peaked at 6 hours (2596±591 pg/mg creatinine), and was no longer significantly elevated 12 hours after CPB. The predictive power of semaphorin 3A as demonstrated by area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for diagnosis of AKI at 2, 6, and 12 hours after CPB was 0.88, 0.81, and 0.74, respectively. The 2-hour urine semaphorin measurement strongly correlated with duration and severity of AKI, as well as length of hospital stay. Adjusting for CPB time and gender, the 2-hour semaphorin remained an independent predictor of AKI, with an odds ratio of 2.19.


Our results suggest that semaphorin 3A is an early, predictive biomarker in experimental and pediatric AKI, and may allow for the reliable early diagnosis and prognosis of AKI after CPB, much before the rise in serum creatinine.  相似文献   
Visual opsins bind 11-cis retinal at an orthosteric site to form rhodopsins but increasing evidence suggests that at least some are capable of binding an additional retinoid(s) at a separate, allosteric site(s). Microspectrophotometric measurements on isolated, dark-adapted, salamander photoreceptors indicated that the truncated retinal analog, β-ionone, partitioned into the membranes of green-sensitive rods; however, in blue-sensitive rod outer segments, there was an enhanced uptake of four or more β-ionones per rhodopsin. X-ray crystallography revealed binding of one β-ionone to bovine green-sensitive rod rhodopsin. Cocrystallization only succeeded with extremely high concentrations of β-ionone and binding did not alter the structure of rhodopsin from the inactive state. Salamander green-sensitive rod rhodopsin is also expected to bind β-ionone at sufficiently high concentrations because the binding site is present on its surface. Therefore, both blue- and green-sensitive rod rhodopsins have at least one allosteric binding site for retinoid, but β-ionone binds to the latter type of rhodopsin with low affinity and low efficacy.  相似文献   
Macrophages were briefly pulsed with a spin-labelled synthetic polypeptide, poly(L-tyrosine:L-glutamic acid) poly DL-alanine:poly L-lysine (n-TGAL) in the presence and absence of anti-TGAL-antibody, and the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of the cell suspension compared with the spectrum of free n-TGAL in solution. Spectral analysis indicated two cell-associated n-TGAL pools, one composed of freely rotating label held in an aqueous environment, susceptible to protease digestion and ascorbate reduction, and a second highly concentrated pool, sequestered intracellularly, and held within a highly ordered, polar microenvironment. The ESR analyses were completed within minutes of antigen pulsing, employed very small numbers of live cells, and did not damage the cells being tested. The utility of the technique in screening fatty acid-antigen conjugates for macrophage uptake was demonstrated.  相似文献   
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