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Knowledge‐based nitrogen (N) management, which is designed for a better synchronization of crop N demand with N supply, is critical for global food security and environmental sustainability. Yet, a comprehensive assessment on how these N management practices affect food production, greenhouse gas emission (GHG), and N pollution in China is lacking. We compiled the results of 376 studies (1166 observations) to evaluate the overall effects of seven knowledge‐based N management practices on crop productivity, nitrous oxide (N2O) emission, and major reactive N (Nr) losses (ammonia, NH3; N leaching and runoff), for staple grain (rice, wheat, and corn) production in China. These practices included the application of controlled‐release N fertilizer, nitrification inhibitor (NI) and urease inhibitor (UI), higher splitting frequency of fertilizer N application, lower basal N fertilizer (BF) proportion, deep placement of N fertilizer, and optimal N rate based on soil N test. Our results showed that, compared to traditional N management, these knowledge‐based N practices significantly increased grain yields by 1.3–10.0%, which is attributed to the higher aboveground N uptake (5.1–12.1%) and N use efficiency in grain (8.0–48.2%). Moreover, these N management practices overall reduced GHG emission and Nr losses, by 5.4–39.8% for N2O emission, 30.7–61.5% for NH3 emission (except for the NI application), 13.6–37.3% for N leaching, and 15.5–45.0% for N runoff. The use of NI increased NH3 emission by 27.5% (9.0–56.0%), which deserves extra‐attention. The cost and benefit analysis indicated that the yield profit of these N management practices exceeded the corresponding input cost, which resulted in a significant increase of the net economic benefit by 2.9–12.6%. These results suggest that knowledge‐based N management practice can be considered an effective way to ensure food security and improve environmental sustainability, while increasing economic return.  相似文献   
2012年以来,许多使用gE基因缺失活疫苗免疫过的猪场广泛性出现伪狂犬病毒(PRV)感染,gE抗体阳性率不断升高,伪狂犬典型病例不断增加。2018年3月鲁南地区几个种猪场先后发生疑似伪狂犬病疫情,怀孕母猪流产、产死胎和木乃伊胎,仔猪出现神经症状且死亡率高。通过对病死猪及死胚剖检进行初步诊断,取病料进一步进行病理组织学诊断及病毒分离鉴定。结果显示,病死猪均可见病毒性脑炎、肝细胞变性坏死及淋巴组织坏死等病理变化,在病变的神经元、肝细胞、扁桃体隐窝上皮细胞等细胞核内见红染包涵体。对分离到的4株PRV进行了gE和TK基因的序列测定及遗传变异分析发现,4株PRV的gE和TK核苷酸序列的同源性分别为98.8%~99.3%和98.9%~99.6%,与国内流行毒株其核苷酸序列的同源性分别99.1%~99.7%和98.6%~99.8%,与匈牙利和美国等流行毒株核苷酸序列的同源性分别为97.3%~97.8%和98.8%~99.5%,表明4株分离株高度同源,与国内PRV变异株处在同一分支,而与匈牙利和美国等毒株遗传距离较远。传统疫苗对PRV变异毒株不能提供有效保护,给猪场伪狂犬病的防控和净化工作带来了新的挑战。  相似文献   
We used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate changes in the thalamus functional connectivity in early and late stages of amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Data of 25 late stages of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (LMCI) patients, 30 early stages of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (EMCI) patients and 30 well-matched healthy controls (HC) were analyzed from the Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). We focused on the correlation between low frequency fMRI signal fluctuations in the thalamus and those in all other brain regions. Compared to healthy controls, we found functional connectivity between the left/right thalamus and a set of brain areas was decreased in LMCI and/or EMCI including right fusiform gyrus (FG), left and right superior temporal gyrus, left medial frontal gyrus extending into supplementary motor area, right insula, left middle temporal gyrus (MTG) extending into middle occipital gyrus (MOG). We also observed increased functional connectivity between the left/right thalamus and several regions in LMCI and/or EMCI including left FG, right MOG, left and right precuneus, right MTG and left inferior temporal gyrus. In the direct comparison between the LMCI and EMCI groups, we obtained several brain regions showed thalamus-seeded functional connectivity differences such as the precentral gyrus, hippocampus, FG and MTG. Briefly, these brain regions mentioned above were mainly located in the thalamo-related networks including thalamo-hippocampus, thalamo-temporal, thalamo-visual, and thalamo-default mode network. The decreased functional connectivity of the thalamus might suggest reduced functional integrity of thalamo-related networks and increased functional connectivity indicated that aMCI patients could use additional brain resources to compensate for the loss of cognitive function. Our study provided a new sight to understand the two important states of aMCI and revealed resting-state fMRI is an appropriate method for exploring pathophysiological changes in aMCI.  相似文献   
目的 实测中医推拿(滚)法的运动过程,归纳(滚)法手法运动学的主要特征.方法 邀请推拿领域的专家,在其手背上选取标记点,拍摄专家进行(滚)法推拿时的动态影像并提取坐标数据.将坐标系建立在测试者手法运动初始时刻的手上,并对坐标和时间进行归一化,用统计的手段对数据进行分析、归纳.结果 描绘了(滚)法手法的三维运动轨迹、位移-时间关系图、速度-时间关系图和旋转角-时间关系网,根据其运动学特点提出了14个特征时间点,并采用聚类分析方法对14个特征时间点进行归并,最终定量得到了具有共性的(滚)法手法的5个特征时刻,将(滚)法周期划分为四个具有不同运动特点的阶段,并提出(滚)法有持续1/5-1/4左右的时间具有作用面积大、作用力度大的特点.结论 从(滚)法特征时刻入手,对其运动学特征进行了归纳总结.提取了(滚)法运动学中的共性特征,得到了一些定量的结果.  相似文献   
全球气候变化改变了陆地生态系统植物的生理状态,使植物氮(N)、磷(P)代谢发生了变化。为揭示全球气候变暖及干旱环境下植物N、P代谢特征的变化,以典型的亚热带植物杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,按照两因素两水平试验设计设置对照、增温(+5℃)、隔离降雨(-50%)和增温×隔离降雨4个处理,根据"主干法"确定针叶龄级,采集一年生、二年生、三年生及四年生叶片,同时收集每个处理的凋落叶,分别测定鲜叶及凋落叶的生态化学计量学特征,并计算其N、P吸收率。结果表明:(1)增温及隔离降雨对凋落叶N浓度及C/N比值均无显著影响,隔离降雨使凋落叶P浓度显著增加23.32%,C/P比值显著下降18.57%(P0.05)。(2)增温、增温×隔离降雨处理使杉木二年生鲜叶N浓度较对照组均有显著差异(P0.05),三、四年生叶片N浓度在隔离降雨处理下分别极显著增加18.15%和25.33%(P0.01),增温及隔离降雨使P浓度均呈下降趋势但未造成显著差异。(3)N吸收率(NRE)在处理间及叶龄间均无显著差异;P吸收率(PRE)随叶龄增加呈下降趋势,其中仅隔离降雨处理下不同叶龄杉木叶PRE未有显著差异。(4)增温、隔离降雨及二者交互作用均增加鲜叶N浓度及NRE之间拟合关系,其中增温及增温×隔离降雨拟合度呈显著相关(P0.05),而增温、隔离降雨及二者共同作用均显著降低鲜叶P浓度及PRE的拟合关系(P0.05),其中隔离降雨处理对其影响最大。在中亚热带地区,杉木生长受P元素限制显著,土壤温度和水分都是叶片P素变化的重要因素,而杉木叶片N素对水分较为敏感,适当的水分亏缺能使叶片的N浓度增加,尤其对成熟叶片影响显著。  相似文献   
Fibrosis, tightly associated with fibroblasts collagen synthesis, is related closely with inflammatory response. Our previously study found that acute downregulation of miR-155 at wound sites leads to a reduced fibrosis, however its particular mechanism is unclear. Herein, we aimed to explore the mechanism of miR-155 in reducing fibrosis. We first found that down-regulation of miR-155 inhibited macrophages transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and IL-1β secretion. Next, we found that co-cultured with macrophages increased the proliferation and collagen synthesis of fibroblasts, and downregulation of miR-155 in macrophages could effectively attenuate the accelerative effects. We further identified SH2 domain containing inositol-5-phosphatase 1 (SHIP1) as a direct target of miR-155 in macrophages, and the expression of SHIP1 was negatively correlated with the level of miR-155. We further confirmed that PI3K/Akt pathway was involved in this process. Last, we found that downregulation of miR-155 leads to a reduced fibrosis in sever burn rat. Taken together, these results indicate that down-regulation of miR-155 leads to a reduced fibroblasts proliferation and collagen synthesis through attenuating macrophages TGF-β1 and IL-1β secretion by targeting SHIP1 via PI3K/Akt pathway, suggesting its potential therapeutic effects on the treatment of skin fibrosis.  相似文献   
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