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以普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)线粒体基因组为对象,分析其蛋白质编码基因的密码子使用特征及与亚洲栽培稻(O. sativa L.)的差异,探讨其密码子偏性形成的影响因素和进化过程。结果显示:普通野生稻线粒体基因组编码序列第1、第2和第3位碱基的GC含量依次为49.18%、42.67%和40.86%;有效密码子数(Nc)分布于45.32~61.00之间,其密码子偏性较弱; Nc值仅与GC_3呈显著相关,密码子第3位的碱基组成对密码子偏性影响较大;第1向量轴上显示9.91%的差异,其与GC3s、Nc、密码子偏好指数(CBI)和最优密码子使用频率(Fop)的相关性均达到显著水平;而GC_3和GC12的相关性未达到显著水平。因此,普通野生稻线粒体基因组密码子的使用偏性主要受自然选择压力影响而形成。本研究确定了21个普通野生稻线粒体基因组的最优密码子,大多以A或T结尾,与叶绿体密码子具有趋同进化,但是与核基因组具有不同的偏好性。同义密码子相对使用度(RSCU)、PR2偏倚分析和中性绘图分析显示,普通野生稻线粒体基因功能和其密码子使用密切相关,且线粒体密码子使用在普通野生稻、粳稻(O. sativa L. subsp. japonica Kato)和籼稻(O. sativa L. subsp.indica Kato)内具有同质性。  相似文献   
研究1例来源于4月龄男性流产胎儿胰腺组织的单克隆人胰腺干细胞(monoclonal human pancreatic stem cell,mhPSC)系的体内外分化特性。将mhPSCs接种在铺有0.1%明胶的培养皿内,扩增培养3d后,加高糖DMEM诱导液诱导培养25d。相差显微镜下.观察细胞生长状况。采用双硫腙染色法、RT—PCR及葡萄糖刺激释放胰岛素和C肽实验.对体外定向诱导mhPSCs分化为功能性胰岛进行检测。将mhPSCs悬液注射在成年雄性裸鼠腹股沟皮下.注射30d时,取出移植物,采用SP法进行免疫组织化学反应,以检测mhPSCs的体内自然分化潜能。体外扩增培养,mhPSCs贴壁生长,呈多角形上皮样。生长至单层.呈“铺路石”状。体外定向诱导,细胞逐渐由多角形变成圆形,并聚集成类胰岛。诱导培养15d时.形成的类胰岛中少数细胞分化为B细胞,双硫腙染色阳性。诱导培养25d时,多数细胞分化为8细胞,双硫腙染色阳性,转录表达胰岛素的mRNA。用不同浓度葡萄糖刺激.诱导胰岛不仅释放胰岛素和C肽,而且其释放量随糖刺激浓度升高显著增加(0.01〈P〈0.05)。体内分化实验显示,mhPSCs在裸鼠背部形成类畸胎瘤。类畸胎瘤易与裸鼠分离,色白,血管丰富。显著表达pdx1、胰岛素、胰高血糖素、CK、MBP及NF蛋白。该研究结果证实单克隆人胰腺干细胞系体外定向诱导分化为包含大量β细胞的功能性类胰岛,在体内自然分化为胰岛、上皮及神经组织细胞。  相似文献   
Analysis of nucleic acid polymorphism in the flagellin genes of Campylobacter jejuni was used to investigate genetic diversity among Campylobacter spp. in a commercial broiler flock. Three hundred single colonies of C. jejuni were isolated from fecal samples collected weekly for 3 weeks immediately before slaughter. Both the flaA and flaB genes were amplified by PCR, and the PCR product was digested with the restriction enzyme AluI. The fragments generated were then analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Among the 300 recovered isolates, five different restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles were observed. Three of these profiles were dominant during the course of the study, and the other two profiles were detected at low frequency. Analysis of genetic variation in C. jejuni over the course of an experimental infection lasting 7 weeks indicated that there was no obvious drift in the flagellin gene type. These findings demonstrate that a range of bacterial genotypes can constitute the bacterial population within a commercial poultry flock, with the most likely sources of these types being multiple environmental exposure and/or genetic drift within the population. This degree of diversity must be considered in epidemiological analyses which utilize genetic typing methods that investigate Campylobacter contamination of any food source, including poultry, to ensure that the total gene pool for C. jejuni is evaluated.  相似文献   
We have cloned and sequenced three genes from Rhizobium meliloti (Sinorhizobium meliloti) that are involved in sulfate activation for cysteine biosynthesis. Two of the genes display homology to the Escherichia coli cysDN genes, which code for an ATP sulfurylase (EC The third gene has homology to the E. coli cysH gene, a 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase (EC, but has greater homology to a set of genes found in Arabidopsis thaliana that encode an adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (APS) reductase. In order to determine the specificity of the R. meliloti reductase, the R. meliloti cysH homolog was histidine tagged and purified, and its specificity was assayed in vitro. Like the A. thaliana reductases, the histidine-tagged R. meliloti cysH gene product appears to favor APS over PAPS as a substrate, with a Km for APS of 3 to 4 microM but a Km for PAPS of >100 microM. In order to determine whether this preference for APS is unique to R. meliloti among members of the family Rhizobiaceae or is more widespread, cell extracts from R. leguminosarum, Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234, Rhizobium fredii (Sinorhizobium fredii), and Agrobacterium tumefaciens were assayed for APS or PAPS reductase activity. Cell extracts from all four species also preferentially reduce APS over PAPS.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive and selective method for determining 8-oxoguanine in plasma and urine was developed by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The compound was separated by gradient elution on a C18 reversed-phase column with a mobile phase of acetonitrile and 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.2. 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine was used as internal standard. 8-Oxoguanine was detected electrochemically by setting the potential to +300 mV vs. Pd reference. The sensitivity of the assay was 22 ng/ml with a signal-to-noise ratio of 7:1. The within-day relative standard deviations for 8-oxoguanine quality control samples with concentrations of 3340, 1340 and 84 ng/ml were 3.6, 4.3 and 5.7% for plasma, and 4.1, 4.6 and 6.2% for urine, respectively. The day-to-day relative standard deviations for the same samples were 3.8, 6.8 and 7.1% for plasma, and 3.9, 7.0 and 7.9% for urine, respectively. The method is designed to study the pharmacokinetics and metabolic fate of O6-benzylguanine in a phase I clinical trial. Previously, O6-benzyl-8-oxoguanine was identified as the primary metabolite of O6-benzylguanine in humans. We now demonstrate that 8-oxoguanine is a further metabolite of O6-benzylguanine.  相似文献   
We observed an unusual, subtropical bloom of Phaeocystis globosaScherffel during a strong upwelling event and confirmed itsidentity using morphological, physiological and genetic traits.This low-latitude bloom of P. globosa colonies occurred on theSouth Atlantic Bight continental shelf during the summer of2003. Maximum chlorophyll a concentration measured during thissubsurface bloom was 11.37 µg L–1 at 31 m depth.Divers reported abundant flocculent material below the steepthermocline, and this material was identified as Phaeocystissp. using microscopy. Using morphological and physiologicaltraits as well as the sequence of the 18S small subunit ribosomalRNA gene (GenBank Accession # EF100712), this phytoplanktonwas identified as P. globosa. Interactions of physical and biologicalconditions may restrict low-latitude P. globosa blooms to strongupwelling events.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of two F1 hybrids (D46A × DTP-4 and D46A × Dminghui63) of autotetraploid rice (2n = 4x = 48) showing extremely high pollen fertility 87.40% and 85.97%, respectively, seed set 82.00% and 79.00%, respectively and extremely high level of heterosis were analyzed cytologically. The chromosome pairing of D46A × DTP-4 and D46A × Dminghui63 was normal at metaphase I(MI), and had almost no I or III, with an average of 0.020I +14.36 II 6.44rod+7.91ring) +0.01III + 4.80 IV + 0.01VIII and 0.06 I + 17.67 II (11.01rod + 6.67ring)] + 0.06 III +3.10IV+0.01VI, respectively. The most frequent chromosome configurations were 10II+7IV and 12II+bIV. The bivalent frequency was less frequent in hybrids than that in restoring parents, and the same results were gained from univalents, trivalent and multivalents. However, the quadrivalent frequency was significantly higher in hybrids than that in restoring parents at MI. The other meiotic phases progressed normally, except for low percentages of PMCs with lagging chromosomes at AI and low percentages of PMCs with micronuclei at telophaseI (TI) and telophaseII (TII). PMCs with lagging chromosomes at AI and PMCs with micronuclei at TI and TII showed negative correlation between pollen fertility and seed set. Above 90% of the PMCs could form normal microspores, which resulted in the production of viable pollen grains, abnormal microspores were observed including penta-fission and hexa-fission. Based on these results we suggest that the two F1 hybrids had better behaviors of chromosome pairing and genetic stability than autotetraploid rice and other autotetraploid plants ever studied.  相似文献   
This paper describes the syntheses of several 1-aryl-4-(biarylmethylene)piperazines and the results of the determination of their affinity for D(2) and 5-HT(1A) receptors. A selection of these compounds was evaluated in vivo, resulting in the identification of a drug candidate which is being clinically evaluated as a potential atypical antipsychotic with reduced extrapyrimidal side effects.  相似文献   
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