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Dissolution of sucrose crystals in the anhydrous sorbitol melt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dissolution of a sugar (sucrose as a model) with higher melting point was studied in a molten food polyol (sorbitol as a model) with lower melting point, both in anhydrous state. A DSC and optical examination revealed the dissolution of anhydrous sucrose crystals (mp 192 degrees C) in anhydrous sorbitol (mp 99 degrees C) liquid melt. The sucrose-sorbitol crystal mixtures at the proportions of 10, 30, 60, 100 and 150 g of sucrose per 100 g of sorbitol were heat scanned in a DSC to above melting endotherm of sorbitol but well below the onset temperature of melting of sucrose at three different temperatures 110, 130 and 150 degrees C. The heat scanning modes used were with or without isothermal holding. The dissolution of sucrose in the sorbitol liquid melt was manifested by an increase in the glass transition temperature of the melt and corresponding decrease in endothermic melting enthalpy of sucrose. At given experimental conditions, as high as 25 and 85% of sucrose dissolved in the sorbitol melt during 1 h of isothermal holding at 110 and 150 degrees C, respectively. Optical microscopic observation also clearly showed the reduction in the size of sucrose crystals in sorbitol melt during the isothermal holding at those temperatures.  相似文献   
By numerical continuation of equilibria, we study a size-structured model for the dynamics of a cannibalistic fish population and its alternative resource. Because we model the cannibalistic interaction as dependent on the ratio of cannibal length and victim length, a cannibal experiences a size distribution of potential victims which depends on its own body size. We show how equilibria of the resulting infinite-dimensional dynamical system can be traced with an existing method for numerical continuation for physiologically structured population models. With this approach we found that cannibalism can induce bistability associated with a fold (or, saddle-node) bifurcation. The two stable states can be qualified as 'stunted' and 'piscivorous', respectively. We identify a new ecological mechanism for bistability, in which the energy gain from cannibalism plays a crucial role: Whereas in the stunted population state cannibals consume their victims, on average, while they are very small and yield little energy, in the piscivorous state cannibals consume their victims not before they have become much bigger, which results in a much higher mean yield of cannibalism. We refer to this mechanism as the 'Hansel and Gretel' effect. It is not related to any individual 'choice' or 'strategy', but depends purely on a difference in population size distribution. We argue that studying dynamics of size-structured population models with this new approach of equilibrium continuation extends the insight that can be gleaned from numerical simulations of the model dynamics.  相似文献   
In well-mixed populations of predators and prey, natural selection favors predators with high rates of prey consumption and population growth. When spatial structure prevents the populations from being well mixed, such predators may have a selective disadvantage because they do not make full use of the prey's growth capacity and hence produce fewer propagules. The best strategy then depends on the degree to which predators can monopolize the exploitation of local prey populations, which in turn depends on the spatial structure, the number of migrants, and, in particular, the stochastic nature of the colonization process. To analyze the evolutionary dynamics of predators in a spatially structured predator-prey system, we performed simulations with a metapopulation model that has explicit local dynamics of nonpersistent populations, keeps track of the number of emigrants entering the migration pool, assumes individuals within local populations as well as within the migration pool to be well mixed, and takes stochastic colonization into account. We investigated which of the predator's exploitation strategies are evolutionarily stable and whether these strategies minimize the overall density of prey, as is the case in Lotka-Volterra-type models of competitive exclusion. This was analyzed by pairwise invasibility plots based on short-term simulations and tested by long-term simulation experiments of competition between resident and mutant predator-types that differed in one of the following parameters: the prey-to-predator conversion efficiency, the per capita prey consumption rate, or the per capita emigration rate from local populations. In addition, we asked which of these three strategies are most likely to evolve. Our simulations showed that under selection for conversion efficiency the predator-prey system always goes globally extinct yet persists under selection for consumption or emigration rates and that the evolutionarily stable (ES) exploitation strategies do not maximize local population growth rates. The most successful exploitation strategy minimizes the overall density of prey but does not make it settle exactly at the minimum. The system did not settle at the point where the mean time to co-invasion (i.e., immigration of a second predator in a local prey population) equals the mean local interaction time (an idea borne out from studies on host exploitation strategies in host-pathogen systems) but rather where the mean time to co-invasion was larger. The ES exploitation strategies represent more prudent strategies than the ones that minimize prey density. Finally, we show that-compared to consumption-emigration is a more likely target for selection to achieve prudent exploitation and that prudent exploitation strategies can evolve only provided the prey-to-predator conversion efficiency is subject to constraints.  相似文献   
Aggregates of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) have been demonstrated in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) and other neurodegenerative diseases; however, their role in disease pathogenesis is unclear. In this study, we investigated the presence of SOD aggregates in nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells and cell viability following: (i) transduction with replication-deficient recombinant adenoviruses (AdVs) expressing wild-type SOD (SODWT) or mutant SOD (SODMT, V148G or A4V); (ii) transfection of yellow fluorescent protein-tagged SODWT (SODWT-YFP) or SODMT (SODA4V-YFP, SODV148G-YFP). SOD aggregates were more prominent in cells following transduction of AdSODMT than AdSODWT and following treatment with H2O2, suggesting that mutant SOD leads to oxidation of cellular components. In addition, cells expressing SODMT-YFP yielded SOD aggregates that were significantly larger and more frequent than SOD aggregates in cells expressing SODWT-YFP. Proteasome inhibitors, but not cathepsin B inhibitors, increased aggregate formation but did not increase cell death. In addition, treatments that increased cell viability did not significantly decrease SOD aggregates. Taken together, our data demonstrate that there is no association between SOD aggregates and cell death in FALS.  相似文献   
Mutations in DNA accrue relentlessly, largely via stochastic processes. Random changes accumulate, eventually disabling genetic components which result in the formation of the cancer phenotype. Given the infrequency of measured nucleotide changes and the requirement for several mutations to occur in the same cell, it has been postulated that the rate of mutation must become elevated early in the course of evolution of the cancer. Recently, large scale sequencing of tumor DNA has sought to directly measure random mutations. We discuss the implications of these findings and the factors that must be considered in order for fruitful determination of whether a mutator phenotype is a necessary precursor for cancer.  相似文献   
We model a metapopulation of predator-prey patches using both spatially implicit or mean-field (MF) and spatially explicit (SE) approaches. We show that in the MF model there are parameter regimes for which prey cannot persist in the absence of predators, but can in their presence. In addition, there are parameter regimes for which prey may persist in isolation, but the presence of predators will increase prey patch density. Predators may thus enhance prey persistence and overall abundance. The key mechanism responsible for this effect is the occurrence of prey dispersal from patches that are occupied by both prey and predators. In addition, these patches should be either long-lived, such as that occurs when predators keep prey from overexploiting its local resource, or the presence of a predator on a patch should significantly enhance the prey dispersal out of that patch. In the SE approach these positive effects of predators on prey persistence and abundance occur for even larger parameter ranges than in the MF model. Prey dispersal from predator-prey patches may thus be important for persistence of both species as a community, independent of the modeling framework studied. Comparison of the MF and SE approaches shows that local dispersal constraints can have the edge over global dispersal for the persistence of the metapopulation in regimes where the two species have a beneficial effect on each other. In general, our model provides an example of feedback in multiple-species metapopulations that can make the implementation of conservation schemes based on single-species arguments very risky.  相似文献   
Mitotic compaction of chromatin was generated by treatment of cells with nocodazole. Alternatively, chromatin structure was altered by incubating cells in 500 mM NaCl. The irradiation response in the dose range of 1-10 Gy was measured by colony assay and by a modified fluorometric analysis of DNA unwinding (FADU) assay which measures the amount of undamaged DNA by EtBr fluorescence. Cell survival curves of irradiated CHO-K1 cells showed that treatment with nocodazole increases radiosensitivity as indicated by a decrease of the mean inactivation dose (D) from 4.446 to 4.376. Nocodazole treatment increased the initial radiation-induced DNA damage detected by the FADU assay from 7% to 13%. In repair-defective xrs1 cells, the same conditions increased the radiosensitivity from 1.209 to 0.7836 and the initial DNA damage from 43% to 57%. Alterations to chromatin structure by hypertonic medium increased radiosensitivity in CHO-K1 cells from of 4.446 to 3.092 and the initial DNA damage from 7% to 15%. In xrs1 cells these conditions caused radiosensitivity to decrease from 1.209 to 1.609 and the initial DNA damage to decrease from 43% to 36%. Disruption of chromatin structure by hypertonic treatment was found to be time-dependent. A threefold increase of exposure time to hypertonic medium from 40 to 120 min increased the initial DNA damage in CHO-K1 cells from 7% to 18% but decreased initial DNA damage in xrs1 cells from 43% to 21%. Perturbation of chromatin structure with hypertonic treatment has been shown to increase the radiosensitivity and the initial DNA damage in repair-competent CHO-K1 cells and decrease the radiosensitivity and DNA damage in repair-defective xrs1 cells. Hypertonic treatment thus abolishes differences in chromatin structure between cell lines and differences in initial DNA damage. Radiosensitivity and initial DNA damage are correlated ( r(2)=0.92; p=0.0026) and this correlation also holds when chromatin compaction is altered. The experiments demonstrate that initial DNA damage and chromatin structure are major determinants of radiosensitivity.  相似文献   
The recent development of mice doubly deficient for monoamine oxidase A and B (MAO-A/B, respectively) has raised questions about the impact of these mutations on cardiovascular function, in so far as these animals demonstrate increased tissue levels of the vasoactive amines serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and phenylethylamine. We recorded femoral arterial pressures and electrocardiograms in adult MAO-A/B-deficient mice during halothane-nitrous oxide anesthesia as well as 30 min postoperatively. During both anesthesia and recovery, systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures were 10-15 mmHg lower in MAO-A/B-deficient mice compared with normal controls (P < 0.01). Mutants also showed a greater baroreceptor-mediated reduction in heart rate in response to hypertension after intravenous pulses of phenylephrine or angiotensin II. Tachycardia elicited in response to hypotension after nitroprusside was greater in mutants than in controls. Heart rate responsiveness to changes in arterial pressure was abolished after administration of glycopyrrolate, with no differences in this phenomenon noted between genotypes. These data suggest that prevention of hypertension may occur in chronic states of catecholaminergic/indoleaminergic excess by increased gain of the baroreflex.  相似文献   
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