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Within the mammalian immune system, natural killer (NK) cells contribute to the first line of defence against infectious agents and tumours. Their activity is regulated, in part, by cell surface NK cell receptors. NK receptors can be divided into two unrelated, but functionally analogous superfamilies based on the structure of their extracellular ligand-binding domains. Receptors belonging to the C-type lectin superfamily are predominantly encoded in the natural killer complex (NKC), while receptors belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily are predominantly encoded in the leukocyte receptor complex (LRC). Natural killer cell receptors are emerging as a rapidly evolving gene family which can display significant intra- and interspecific variation. To date, most studies have focused on eutherian mammals, with significantly less known about the evolution of these receptors in marsupials. Here, we describe the identification of 43 immunoglobulin domain-containing LRC genes in the genome of the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), the largest remaining marsupial carnivore and only the second marsupial species to be studied. We also identify orthologs of NKC genes KLRK1, CD69, CLEC4E, CLEC1B, CLEC1A and an ortholog of an opossum NKC receptor. Characterisation of these regions in a second, distantly related marsupial provides new insights into the dynamic evolutionary histories of these receptors in mammals. Understanding the functional role of these genes is also important for the development of therapeutic agents against Devil Facial Tumour Disease, a contagious cancer that threatens the Tasmanian devil with extinction.  相似文献   
Uni‐variate and multi‐variate statistical methods, based on data taken from dried specimens, were used to determine the morphological variance of Carex hostiana 3 Carex flava agg. hybrids and to establish their parents among members of the C. flava complex. The following hybrids were found: C. demissa 3 hostiana [C. 3 fulva], C. hostiana 3 lepidocarpa [C. ×leutzii] and C. flava 3 hostiana [C. 3 xanthocarpa]. The least variable traits, namely beak length, utricle length, ratio of beak length to the overall utricle length, female spike width, and width of the lowest bract, proved to be the most useful in delimiting the hybrids. Carex flava 3 hostiana specimens usually have long utricles and beaks, wide male and female spikes, as well as wide bracts and leaf blades. Carex hostiana 3 lepidocarpa specimens are characterized by relatively short beaks (with low ratio of beak length to the overall utricle length) and narrow bracts. Common features of C. demissa 3 hostiana specimens, on the other hand, are male spikes with long peduncles, usually longly parted female spikes and a long beak compared to the overall utricle length.  相似文献   
The changes in met-enkephalin and beta-endorphin contents in the pituitary in PTU-induced hypothyroidism were studied in the rat. After 2 weeks of PTU-treatment, both IR-met-enkephalin and IR-beta-endorphin contents in the pituitary were significantly reduced. Gel filtration chromatography followed by radioimmunoassay showed that the immunoactivities in the peaks of precursors, met-enkephalin, beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin were all lower in the pituitaries from the PTU-treated rats. In another experiment, some of the PTU-treated rats were injected daily with 500 micrograms T3/kg b.w. In the hypothyroid rats, IR-met-enkephalin and IR-beta-endorphin contents were decreased in both the anterior and neurointermediate lobes. Only the changes in the anterior lobe were reversed by T3 treatment. In conclusion, while the effects on the anterior lobe are probably due to a deficiency in thyroid hormones, the mechanism for the decrease of opioid peptide contents in the neurointermediate lobe is still unclear.  相似文献   
Although members of the Oxalidaceae family have been described as host plants of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Oxalis pes-caprae did not become colonized by Glomus mosseae. Extracts of Ox. pes-caprae root inhibited the germination of G. mosseae spores. However, the presence of G. mosseae in the rhizosphere of Ox. pes-caprae produced browning of the roots, which was interpreted as a hypersensitivity response of the plant to the presence of VA fungus.  相似文献   
Chan LL  Lo SC  Hodgkiss IJ 《Proteomics》2002,2(9):1169-1186
A comprehensive study to find the optimal sample preparation conditions for two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis of Prorocentrum triestinum, a model causative agent of harmful algal blooms (HABs) was carried out. The four major sample preparation steps for 2-DE: (a) cell disruption: i.e. sonication and homogenization with glass beads; (b) protein extraction : i.e. sequential and independent extraction procedures; (c) pre-electrophoretic treatment: these included (i) treatment with RNAase/DNAase or benzonase; (ii) ultracentrifugation to sediment large macromolecules such as DNA; (iii) desalting and concentration by ultrafiltration through a Microcon centrifugal filter device (MWCO: 3000 daltons); and (iv) desalting by a micro BioSpin chromatography column (MWCO: 6000 daltons); and (d) rehydration buffers, reducing agents and sample application in the first dimension isoelectric focussing were studied. Our results showed that sonication is easy to perform and resulted in a higher protein yield. Among the four extraction buffers, the urea containing buffers resulted in the extraction of the highest amount of protein while tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffers and trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone precipitation allowed detection of a higher number of protein species (i.e. protein spots). Desalting by BioSpin and ultrafiltration have improved the 2-DE resolution of the water soluble fraction but have less effect on urea containing fractions. TCA/acetone precipitation was able to desalt all protein fractions independent of the extraction media, however extended exposure to this low pH medium has caused protein modification. Introduction of either DNase/RNase or benzonase treatment did not improve the discriminatory power of the 2-DE but this treatment did yield 2-DE with the clearest background. Proteolytic digestion was inhibited by addition of a protease inhibitor cocktail. Taken overall, a combination of sequential extraction and desalting by BioSpin chromatography for sample treatment before first dimension of 2-DE gave best results based on its simplicity and minimal protein loss. Finally, triscarboxyethylphosphine (TCEP) has performed well as a reducing agent in both the rehydration and equilibration buffers. The rehydration buffer found to be best in this study was 8.0 M urea, 2% 3-[(3-cholamidoprphyldimethylamino]-1-propanesulfonate, 4 mM TCEP and 1% immobilized pH gradient buffer. Subsequently, we applied this finding and performed 2-DE analysis on the soluble protein fractions extracted from light-starved cultured algal cells (nonblooming) and cultured cells grown under optimal conditions (blooming). 2-DE maps of these algal cultures were visibly different and many differentially expressed proteins were found.  相似文献   
In bacteria, double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair involves an exonuclease/helicase (exo/hel) and a short regulatory DNA sequence (Chi) that attenuates exonuclease activity and stimulates DNA repair. Despite their key role in cell survival, these DSB repair components show surprisingly little conservation. The best-studied exo/hel, RecBCD of Escherichia coli, is composed of three subunits. In contrast, RexAB of Lactococcus lactis and exo/hel enzymes of other low-guanine-plus-cytosine branch gram-positive bacteria contain two subunits. We report that RexAB functions via a novel mechanism compared to that of the RecBCD model. Two potential nuclease motifs are present in RexAB compared with a single nuclease in RecBCD. Site-specific mutagenesis of the RexA nuclease motif abolished all nuclease activity. In contrast, the RexB nuclease motif mutants displayed strongly reduced nuclease activity but maintained Chi recognition and had a Chi-stimulated hyperrecombination phenotype. The distinct phenotypes resulting from RexA or RexB nuclease inactivation lead us to suggest that each of the identified active nuclease sites in RexAB is involved in the degradation of one DNA strand. In RecBCD, the single RecB nuclease degrades both DNA strands and is presumably positioned by RecD. The presence of two nucleases would suggest that this RecD function is dispensable in RexAB.  相似文献   
A number of social insect species have recently been shown to have genetically influenced caste determination (GCD), challenging the conventional view that caste determination should be strictly environmental. To date, GCD has been found in phylogenetically isolated species; examples of GCD being present in multiple species of a genus are lacking. Through crossing experiments of neotenic (juvenile) reproductives, we have recently provided the first evidence for a royal versus worker GCD in the termite Reticulitermes speratus. To elucidate whether this system is more widespread, we performed crossing experiments using three additional Reticulitermes species. Offspring caste and sex ratios were found to be highly similar to those found previously in R. speratus, raising the possibility that GCD was present in an ancestral lineage of Reticulitermes, and subsequently maintained throughout several episodes of speciation.  相似文献   
Echinacea preparations were the top-selling herbal supplements or medicines in the past decade; however, there is still frequent misidentification or substitution of the Echinacea plant species in the commercial Echinacea products with not well chemically defined compositions in a specific preparation. In this report, a comparative metabolomics study, integrating supercritical fluid extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and data mining, demonstrates that the three most used medicinal Echinacea species, Echinacea purpurea, E. pallida, and E. angustifolia, can be easily classified by the distribution and relative content of metabolites. A mitogen-induced murine skin inflammation study suggested that alkamides were the active anti-inflammatory components present in Echinacea plants. Mixed alkamides and the major component, dodeca-2E,4E,8Z,10Z(E)-tetraenoic acid isobutylamides (8/9), were then isolated from E. purpurea root extracts for further bioactivity elucidation. In macrophages, the alkamides significantly inhibited cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) activity and the lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of COX-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase and specific cytokines or chemokines [i.e., TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-6, MCP-1, MIP-1β] but elevated heme oxygenase-1 protein expression. Cichoric acid, however, exhibited little or no effect. The results of high-performance liquid chromatography/electron spray ionization/mass spectrometry metabolite profiling of alkamides and phenolic compounds in E. purpurea roots showed that specific phytocompound (i.e., alkamides, cichoric acid and rutin) contents were subject to change under certain post-harvest or abiotic treatment. This study provides new insight in using the emerging metabolomics approach coupled with bioactivity assays for medicinal/nutritional plant species classification, quality control and the identification of novel botanical agents for inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   
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